Zhuge Kong Ming and the Outsider

Chapter 2421: Juan Jiutian Dao is me! (season finale)


The false world is filled with all kinds of violent energy, which was spilled out when Kong Ming and Sheng Hun Vajra attacked each other before. Now it is all accumulated in the false world, and it is too late to spread out.

For these violent energies, they just want to find an outlet to vent, so they are not controlled by Kong Ming and Holy Mixed King Kong. But what is surprising is that just when the Holy Hun King Kong made a sneak attack on Kong Ming, the escaping energy suddenly condensed and erected an invisible energy wall directly in front of Kong Ming. King Kong's sneak attack was blocked!

These escaping energies are completely uncontrollable. How could it be possible for Kong Ming to actively help Kong Ming block the sneak attack of Holy Hun King Kong? Isn't this a bit too weird

And the only one who can control these emanating energies in the false world is the Chaos Heavenly Way. After all, the Chaos Heavenly Ways at this time have spread all over the false world. Since these radiated energies are ownerless, then the Chaos Heavenly Ways can control them. It couldn't be easier to control.

But why does Chaos Heaven control the emanating energy at this time to help Kong Ming block a blow

At this time, in Kong Ming's soul consciousness, Chaos Heavenly Dao and Purple Lightning are still confronting each other, but it is not necessarily true that they are hostile, because the two seem to be testing each other to make each other better. For some familiarity.

What is the relationship between Chaos Heaven and Purple Lightning? If there wasn't a huge secret hidden in this, I believe it would never be like this, right

In fact, Kong Ming had no idea what kind of existence purple lightning was. The only thing Kong Ming was sure of was that without the existence of purple lightning, he would not have a chance to be reborn.

Kong Ming has even been doubting the special features of his physique, such as the yin and yang fish pattern in his Dantian, the whole system of spiritual bodies that can continuously evolve, the "cloud body wind body" that automatically improves his realm, and the constantly awakening starry body. Power... Everything like this is like a gift from purple lightning!

After all, the original owner of the body possessed by Kong Ming's soul was just an ordinary young man on Tianyuan Continent, and his mind was even damaged by drugs. But the final change was that after this ordinary boy was struck by purple lightning and became Kong Ming's new body after rebirth, an unprecedented evil talent was born!

If all of this was not affected by purple lightning, how could it be possible

And now that Purple Lightning and Chaos Heaven have begun to confront each other, it is even more proven how extraordinary Purple Lightning is!

In fact, it's no wonder that Kong Ming doesn't know much about purple lightning. When his soul met purple lightning and was carried by purple lightning to travel through various planes, Kong Ming's knowledge was not extensive at first, and his knowledge of the universe was not very extensive. It stayed at a very superficial level, but as he traveled through more and more planes, Kong Ming finally understood that the world was vast, which was far beyond his imagination. This also made Kong Ming's state of mind clear. Great progress, able to quickly adapt to life in another world after rebirth.

But what is the unusual origin of such a mysterious purple lightning bolt

Kong Ming didn't know much about it until now, but if he really wants to study the root cause in detail, this purple lightning can even be said to be related to the origin of chaos!

When chaos was first born, it was completely born in nothingness, so the entire chaos was gradually built from scratch.

For Chaos, the first law born in Chaos is the prototype of Chaos Heaven! The first batch of lives born are innate creatures! But speaking of this purple lightning, it was the first ray of light when chaos first emerged!

The power of light represents new life, and the first innate light, which was born when chaos first emerged, can be said to be ranked before all innate things. It can even be said that there is innate light before chaos. Pass!

The purple lightning, or this innate light, represents the beginning of chaos and is the source of everything. Without this innate light to split the chaos, it can even be said that the chaotic world cannot be formed.

Why has Chaos Heaven been unable to give birth to its own consciousness? The reason is that the Chaos Heavenly Dao has not been able to integrate the innate light, which is equivalent to the lack of the most important power heart. This makes the Chaos Heavenly Dao can only act in ignorance and instinct. No matter how perfect the laws of Heavenly Dao are, it will still be unable to awaken. self conscious.

And why didn't the innate light merge with the chaotic heaven? The reason is that the innate light has already formed a realm on its own since its birth, which is probably called the realm of chaos. This world is a world controlled by innate light. It is outside the twelve realms of chaos. It has been floating in chaos, but it has never had a fixed place. Even the chaotic heaven cannot sense it. It is quite So a parallel space parallel to chaos!

The formation of such a chaotic world is equivalent to a means for the innate light to protect itself. Even if the innate light really wants to merge with the chaotic heaven to give birth to consciousness, this consciousness should be dominated by the innate light. Otherwise, so what Is it consistent with the precious status of innate light, the beginning of all things in chaos

The Chaos Realm was very small from the very beginning, with only room for a ray of innate light. However, as Chaos continued to evolve, the Chaos Realm also gradually expanded. As for the method of expanding the Chaos Realm, it is to absorb all the remaining realms and residual energy from the birth and death of the Chaos Realm into the Chaos Realm, and use this to form a new hodgepodge-like world!

For countless years, there have been countless realms that have arisen and perished in the chaos, and their number cannot be counted at all. When these remaining realms and remaining energy are all concentrated in the chaotic realm, as the accumulation becomes deeper and deeper, the entire chaotic realm Nature will become more and more perfect.

However, just as there is only the Heavenly Dao of Chaos in the chaos and lacks the heart of innate light, in the world of chaos, there is only the heart of innate light but lacks the body of the heavenly law of chaos, so that whether it is chaos or the world of chaos, , neither can truly give birth to self-awareness, and are always like two parallel worlds that can never intersect.

If we want to change this situation, we must give Chaos and the Chaos World a chance to come into contact, which is equivalent to building a communication bridge between the two!

In the end, the innate light chose Kong Ming's soul and used Kong Ming's soul as a cover to break through the barrier and enter the real chaos. It could also use Kong Ming's body to find out what the current chaos is. If If there is a real chance to integrate the chaotic heaven, then the consciousness of the master will be dominated by the innate light, so as to truly control everything!

Since the formation of the Chaos Realm is the aggregation of countless fragments of realms and residual energy, the energy from the Chaos Realm can be said to be all-encompassing. This is also the type of energy that Kong Ming's body can control as his strength increases. More and more reasons followed. Equivalent to the innate light's continuous improvement with Kong Ming's realm, its sealed energy is gradually released, and the light blooms brighter and brighter!

In less than a hundred years, Kong Ming was able to stand in such a position. In addition to Kong Ming's qualifications being extremely evil, the innate light also helped Kong Ming a lot!

Saint Hun King Kong was extremely happy because he was reborn from a desperate situation and evolved an innate spirit body. However, in fact, from the beginning, Kong Ming became a genuine innate body because of the innate light contained in his body. Reached the top of all races in the realm!

If the Chaos Heavenly Dao never showed up, but allowed Kong Ming and Holy Mixed King Kong to fight, it is estimated that it would be difficult to determine a winner in a short time. But now that the situation has turned into both sides trying to refine the Chaos Heavenly Way, the advantage will all fall on Kong Ming's side. Not to mention that Kong Ming's state of controlling ten realms at the same time has far surpassed that of the Holy Mixed King Kong. Just the special relationship between the innate light and the chaotic heaven makes it easier for Kong Ming to have some special "connections" with the chaotic heaven. .

Holy Mixed King Kong suffered a big loss when he tried to refine the Chaos Heavenly Dao. He lost a soul clone for no reason. This made him have another idea and planned to sneak attack Kong Ming to disrupt his chance to refine the Chaos Heavenly Dao. Who knew that the Chaos Heavenly Dao wanted to protect him? Living with the innate light, he instinctively drove the energy in the false world to block the blow for Kong Ming.

Such a change fell into the eyes of Saint Hun King Kong, and he was naturally shocked. From the perspective of Saint Hun Jingang, if Kong Ming had not succeeded in refining chaos and heaven, how could he have used such a method to block his sneak attack? Doesn’t this mean that Kong Ming is about to become the controller of chaos

After realizing this, Holy Mixed King Kong even thought of escaping, because if Kong Ming really wanted to become the master of chaos, then he would not be his opponent in any case, and he might not even be able to escape. There was no chance of escape.

However, seeing Kong Ming keeping his eyes closed, Saint Hun King Kong knew that Kong Ming was not considered a real success, so did he really want to escape like this

Holy Hun King Kong was suddenly full of evil. If he could not seize this last opportunity to take action, he would have to be a lost dog in front of Kong Ming in the future. This was something Holy Hun King Kong could never allow. Therefore, Holy Mixed King Kong once again used all its energy, intending to stimulate the emanating energy in the false world in one fell swoop, and create a big explosion. Even if it did not kill Kong Ming, it would definitely interrupt his pace of refining the chaos of heaven. .

As for if such a huge amount of energy in the false world exploded all at once, what kind of consequences would it cause? Is there any confidence that Holy Hun King Kong can save his life? He couldn't care less about it now.

It's just that although the idea of the Holy Mixed King Kong is good, all the energy in the false world has been controlled by the chaotic heaven. How can the Holy Mixed King Kong be easily detonated? Now Chaos Heavenly Dao only wants to fuse the innate light, and to Chaos Heavenly Dao, the actions of Holy Chaos Heavenly Dao are like a mantis mantis trying to use its own strength as a chariot, and it is not worthy of Chaos Heavenly Dao's attention at all.

Unknowingly, all the energy emanating from the false world solidified. Even if Saint Hun Vajra wanted to use all the energy in his body, he could not escape from the body, let alone detonate the energy in the false world. .

At this moment, Holy Mixed King Kong was like falling into an ice cave. He couldn't tell whether such a method came from Kong Ming or because of the influence of chaotic heaven. If Kong Ming really had such a method, wouldn't it mean that his majestic Holy Hunking King Kong was just a lamb to be slaughtered in front of Kong Ming

As for Kong Ming at this time, there was no special change, but there was another change in his soul consciousness.

I don’t know if it was because the Chaos Heavenly Dao controlled the radiated energy to imprison the Holy Mixed King Kong, which caused the distraction. The innate light that had been at odds with the Chaos Heavenly Dao suddenly struck towards the Chaos Heavenly Dao. It was obvious that he planned to strike first!

For the innate light and chaotic heaven, they feel that they are familiar with each other out of instinct, and they are truly complete only after they are integrated together. However, even if they really want to merge, there is still a question of who is the master and who is second. For the Innate Light and the Chaos Heaven, they are fighting for control. As for the fusion, there is no problem at all. This is completely a certainty.

The Innate Light suddenly took action, which showed that it had great confidence in gaining control. Since it came to Chaos with Kong Ming's soul, the Innate Light has been waiting for such an opportunity!

As long as Kong Ming continues to grow stronger, are you still afraid that Chaos Heaven will not appear in front of Kong Ming? When the time comes to seize the opportunity to merge with Chaos Heaven and gain control, then the Chaos World can also merge with Chaos. Only in this way will it be a truly complete world, and Chaos will become different from before!

Only after a true controller is born like this, can chaos last forever, and the innate light will not only become the beginning of chaos, but also the end of chaos! Only in this way can it be considered true perfection!

But for Chaos Heavenly Dao, even if there is no self-consciousness, it is impossible for the innate light to easily take control. Therefore, as the innate light comes quickly, Chaos Heavenly Dao also reacts in an instant. It was as if a thick fog had billowed up in the sea of Kong Ming's soul consciousness, instantly drowning the innate light. Even if Kong Ming used his soul to observe, he could not see the slightest movement of the innate light in the thick fog.

Such thick fog should be considered to be formed after the chaos of heaven transformed, right? Being able to have such a change in Kong Ming's soul and consciousness shows how extraordinary the chaotic heaven is. Even with Kong Ming's strong will, it cannot affect the chaos of heaven. At this time, Kong Ming's soul and consciousness seem to have no control over Kong Ming. Same.

In fact, whether it is innate light or chaotic heaven, the changes in Kong Ming's soul consciousness are affected by invisible will and do not represent real energy. However, this kind of stimulation of will is the most dangerous. , once one of them is not controlled well, Kong Ming's soul consciousness will be damaged, which may very well lead to total loss of intelligence and turn him into a real idiot.

Only at this time did Kong Ming realize how daring his previous attempt to refine the Heavenly Way of Chaos and actively introduce the Heavenly Way of Chaos into his soul consciousness was. Because the power of Chaos Heaven is simply not something Kong Ming can resist, which also makes the outcome this time likely to be playing with fire and burning yourself!

But no matter what the final result will be, Kong Ming is not discouraged at this time. Even if the innate light and chaotic heaven are not something he can control or contend with, he has always gritted his teeth. , his will was not shaken at all, and he tried to use the power of his soul to control the scope of the confrontation between the innate light and the chaotic heaven, so as not to really damage his own intelligence.

If possible, Kong Ming will still not give up his attempt to refine the chaotic heaven!

Such a comparison shows that the firmness of Kong Ming's Taoist heart is far superior to that of Saint Hun Vajra!

It's just that no matter how firm Kong Ming's Taoist heart is, he still can't do things that are beyond his ability!

For example, this time, Kong Ming wanted to control the scope of influence of the innate light and the chaotic heaven. However, as soon as his spiritual consciousness came into contact with the thick fog transformed by the chaotic heaven, he instantly lost all perception and fell into an extremely extreme state. In a confused state.

At this moment, there seemed to be countless fragment-like memories pouring into Kong Ming's sea of consciousness. If Kong Ming's sea of consciousness was not wide enough, his sea of consciousness might even disappear in the blink of an eye. I was overwhelmed by the huge amount of information!

Fortunately, Kong Ming is not an ordinary person after all. After surviving the initial period of discomfort, he was finally able to grit his teeth and incorporate such a huge amount of information into his sea of consciousness, thus making it a part of his memory.

It has to be said that Kong Ming’s move is completely an appalling attempt, because each memory is equivalent to the entire experience of an intelligent creature surviving for a lifetime. After pouring into Kong Ming’s soul consciousness sea, although it shows a grain of light It looks like something, but there are so many of them that they are beyond description. How can it be easy to digest and understand all these memories

It can be said that in just a short moment, Kong Ming had to go through thousands of generations of hardships. What kind of strong heart can he bear? What's more, the process of integrating these memories of thousands of generations and eons will continue and will not be completed in a short time.

Under the impact of such a huge amount of information, who can guarantee that their intelligence will not be confused by it? Even if he is a monster like Kong Ming, can he withstand such a test

In fact, this endless amount of information was brought to Kong Ming by the innate light and the chaotic heaven. When they merged, they both wanted to compete for control, but there was never a result in the stalemate. The power of will spread out bit by bit, turning into countless various thoughts, and then bit by bit absorbed and disappeared in Kong Ming's soul consciousness.

In this process, Kong Ming does not know how many reincarnations he has been in. If he cannot keep his original intention unchanged in such an experience, his self-awareness will eventually dissipate and he will be unable to distinguish which memory is the real him. , thus losing his original intention, and can only become a walking corpse without intelligence. And such walking corpses can be the best bodies for both the innate light and the chaotic heaven, so they will not give Kong Ming any help at this time.

But for Kong Ming, is such a crisis an opportunity

Receiving such a large amount of information in just an instant can refine and improve Kong Ming's state of mind in a way that no other cultivation method can. It can even be said that this process is equivalent to Kong Ming refining the chaotic way of heaven bit by bit!

Even the innate light has become a kind of "nutrition" to strengthen Kong Ming at this time. Originally, the innate light relied on the cover of Kong Ming's soul to sneak into the chaos without anyone noticing, and then waited for Kong Ming to slowly Slowly become stronger.

During this period, the innate light helped Kong Ming and greatly improved Kong Ming's physique. It usually stayed hidden in Kong Ming's sea of soul consciousness and did not interact with anything in the chaos.

Otherwise, before Kong Ming has truly grown up, once the innate light really alarms the chaotic heaven, then under the crushing force of the chaotic heaven, the innate light will have no power to fight back. Only like now, when Kong Ming has some capital to compete with Chaos Heaven, can the innate light dare to openly expose itself and actively compete with Chaos Heaven for dominance!

Now all the disputes and confrontations occur within Kong Ming's soul consciousness sea. When the dispute first started, Kong Ming's soul was undoubtedly the weakest. If it weren't for the innate light and the chaos of heaven, they were fighting each other for control. , it is extremely simple for any one of them to devour Kong Ming's soul.

Perhaps in the eyes of the innate light and chaotic heaven, Kong Ming is just a body that carries their consciousness. As long as they fight for a winner and take advantage of the situation to devour Kong Ming's soul, will there be any trouble? Can't

For Kong Ming, isn't it an honor to be able to become the body that carries the entire chaotic consciousness? Is it possible that he still wants to resist

In fact, Kong Ming did not think about resisting, because his real purpose was to turn against the foreigners and hope to become the true controller of chaos after refining the heavenly law of chaos!

Countless huge amounts of information rushed into Kong Ming's sea of consciousness. As long as it failed to burst Kong Ming's sea of consciousness, it would gradually be refined by Kong Ming, thereby gradually improving Kong Ming's mental state and realm.

It can be said that this change in the entire Divine Soul Consciousness Sea incorporates countless laws and heavenly laws. Before the competition has a clear result, it is enough to affect the operation of the entire chaotic laws!

Within the false world, except for some changes in Kong Ming's soul consciousness sea, everything has completely stopped. Before the operation of the law can get on the right track, everything will be imprisoned, without time and space. There are no changes, and there is no abnormal movement, as if everything has fallen into absolute stillness.

Moreover, this change in which everything has stopped has seeped out of the false world, further affecting the entire chaos!

Under such a change, even a being like the Holy Hun King Kong has lost all perception. As for the final result, we can only see who has the control.

In the sea of consciousness of Kong Ming's soul, what currently occupies the dominant position is naturally the innate light and the chaotic heaven, while Kong Ming's soul is soy sauce, it can even be said to be a candle in the wind, and may be exploded at any time. Thus completely losing his intelligence.

But even in this situation, Kong Ming gritted his teeth and persevered. He finally withstood the impact of the huge amount of information, and the Sea of Soul Consciousness took the opportunity to become stronger and stronger.

As Kong Ming's soul consciousness grows stronger and stronger, he is no longer a soy sauce character, but has the ability to stand on the three pillars of innate light and chaotic heaven!

At the beginning, the battle between the innate light and the chaotic heaven was like a fight between gods, and Kong Ming was like an ant who was affected by the disaster, unable to resist at all. However, as the ants become more and more powerful, and the consumption of "fighting between gods" increases, the balance of strength has changed very obviously. Kong Ming is now able to participate in this "fight".

However, the more critical moments came to this, Kong Ming became more and more calm. He did not expose himself all of a sudden just because he had the ability to compete with the innate light and chaotic heaven, but continued to hide. Without moving, he absorbs and digests the huge amount of information, making his soul consciousness continue to strengthen.

On the other hand, innate light and chaotic heaven are still fighting fiercely, and the struggle for control has been fruitless. The consumption will naturally increase, and it is not impossible that Kong Ming will eventually counterattack.

Anyway, all the laws of the outside world have stopped, and there is no concept of the passage of time in the sea of divine soul consciousness. Kong Ming can totally afford it!

As the situation continues to develop like this, the balance of victory and defeat can be said to be gradually moving closer to Kong Ming, but Kong Ming still lurks and waits for the best opportunity.

For the entire chaos, no one knows how much time has passed since all the laws have come to a standstill. Now, the battle in the sea of Kong Ming's soul consciousness finally shows signs of coming to an end.

The innate light and the chaotic heaven have been at a stalemate. No one can suppress the other, and naturally no one can take control. However, in their constant disputes, the power of will is consumed more and more, and After Kong Ming absorbed such a huge amount of information, it was equivalent to weakening them and strengthening Kong Ming. So at the last moment, it was finally Kong Ming's turn to show off his power!

The sea of consciousness that had always been calm and calm suddenly set off huge waves. If Kong Ming's soul space was regarded as a piece of heaven and earth, then the huge wave at this moment would be enough to swallow up the entire world!

The chaotic heaven turned into a thick fog, which has been entangled with the innate light. However, as the huge waves swept past, both the thick fog and the innate light wrapped in the thick fog were all submerged by the huge waves. Yu was swallowed into Kong Ming's sea of consciousness.

When Kong Ming's Soul Consciousness Sea was still relatively weak, even if the innate light was hidden in the Consciousness Sea, Kong Ming had nothing to do with it, let alone refining it, even sensing its existence. Less than.

But at this moment, under the ebb and flow of one thing and the other, the most powerful thing now is Kong Ming's sea of soul consciousness, let alone the innate light. Even if it is accompanied by the chaos of heaven, now that it has been involved in the sea of soul consciousness, How could it be so easy to let them escape

At this time, Kong Ming obviously wanted to do something with all his strength, not only trapping the innate light and chaotic heaven in the sea of consciousness, but also forcibly refining them!

As a result, the amount of information Kong Ming received at this moment was even greater than before. Fortunately, Kong Ming's soul consciousness has gone through a round of growth and is fully able to withstand such an impact and even absorb it. The refining speed can get faster and faster.

If this situation continues, the only one who can control everything in the end is Kong Ming!

Neither the innate light nor the chaotic heaven has given birth to self-awareness. They rely more on instinct to act. But at this time, even if they only rely on instinct, they can detect the danger coming. Naturally, they are not willing to be killed by Kong Ming like this. Refining was struggling desperately in Kong Ming's soul consciousness.

It's a pity that the balance of power between the two sides has been completely reversed. No matter how hard the innate light and the chaotic heaven try, and how big the storm is in the sea of spiritual consciousness, they still can't break out of the sea of spiritual consciousness. They can only be firmly held by Kong Ming. Suppressed in the depths of the sea of consciousness.

In this way, it is only a matter of time that the innate light and the chaotic heaven are refined by Kong Ming.

The innate light broke through the world with the help of Kong Ming's soul, and the Chaos Heavenly Dao wanted to control Kong Ming's body to become the Heavenly Dao body. They all just relied on their instincts to take a fancy to Kong Ming's extraordinary qualities, and planned to use Kong Ming as a handy tool. However, the evil nature of Kong Ming definitely exceeded the imagination of the innate light and chaotic heaven. He was actually able to turn the tables and start refining the innate light and chaotic heaven to become his power!

In the dark, everything has its own destiny. Since Kong Ming's God-given title is "Chaos", when the time comes, he is destined to become the controller of Chaos and take charge of the entire Chaos!

No matter how hard the innate light and chaotic heaven struggled, they could not change the destined outcome, so unknowingly, the innate light and chaotic heaven were completely refined by Kong Ming and integrated into Kong Ming's soul consciousness sea!

At this time, Kong Ming's soul consciousness sea is undoubtedly the strongest in the history of chaos, and it can truly tolerate everything! Kong Ming, who had achieved this, stood still at this time, seeming to be digesting this harvest.

After refining the innate light and chaotic heaven, Kong Ming is a true controller of chaos. However, it is the first time to control this truly omnipotent power. For Kong Ming, he also needs time to adapt.

A moment later, as Kong Ming's thoughts moved, his will instantly covered the entire chaos, and all the power of laws began to operate normally again.

The only one who is still imprisoned and unable to move is the Holy Hun King Kong!

This former strongest man in the Twelve Realms of Chaos had been suppressing Kong Ming's existence for a long time with his powerful strength. After Kong Ming became the controller of Chaos, he became not worth mentioning. Kong Ming was able to completely imprison Holy Hun King Kong with just a movement of his mind, and the so-called false world was reduced to a small space that could just accommodate Holy Hun King Kong's 10,000-foot golden body.

As a result, the majestic Holy Vajra will be permanently imprisoned in such a false world, and will no longer have the slightest sense of everything in the outside world. Unless Kong Ming is willing to release him, otherwise he will have nothing to do with the clay carving wood. Plastic makes no difference.

In addition, even the power that Holy Mixed King Kong once controlled, including all the realms of heaven that he had refined, were all extracted from his body by Kong Ming and returned to chaos.

At this point, Holy Hun King Kong was not only imprisoned, but also lost the power he was proud of, and it counted for nothing.

But for the current Kong Ming, dealing with the Holy Mixed King Kong is just something he does casually, and it is not a problem at all. The only thing worthy of his serious investment is to evolve a real chaotic world!

Why has Chaos Heaven never been able to give birth to self-awareness? Because it lacks the innate light that is the beginning of all things, it is equal to the incomplete way of heaven. How can it have self-awareness

As for the innate light, although it has opened up the world of chaos, it cannot represent the real chaos after all. If it cannot control the chaotic heavenly way, then the innate light will hardly be able to do anything.

It can be said that only after the innate light and the chaos of heaven are integrated can it be truly complete and can it be possible to form a true self-consciousness that represents chaos. Both are indispensable!

Now, everything is focused on Kong Ming, and only in this way can he truly control everything!

The entire chaos is not limited to the number of twelve realms. It is just because the chaos of heaven has always been incomplete, which means that the number of realms that can exist at the same time cannot exceed twelve, because no matter how many realms there are, If it is too much, it will exceed the ability of Chaos Heavenly Dao.

Now that Kong Ming has become the real controller of chaos, the chaos world has begun to merge with chaos, and the remaining worlds and remaining energy that were originally gathered in the chaos world have all been integrated into chaos, and the power of various laws has followed. Starting to evolve, it can be said that as soon as Kong Ming thought about it, thousands of realms were evolving and reborn, and the boundless chaos was no longer filled by the chaotic void, but was filled by realms one after another. They are connected in series to form a real chaotic world!

Only such a big world can be called the real universe, and this is like real chaos! Compared with the previous chaos that only had endless chaotic void, it has countless times more vitality!

I believe that such a big world should be the true face of chaos. After Kong Ming became the master of chaos, he naturally wanted to make everything go on the right track.

Integrated with chaos, not only the world of chaos, but also Kong Ming's inner world was released, forming a brand new realm. If we must find a core realm in the chaotic world, then the realm transformed into the inner world of Kong Ming will undoubtedly be worthy of its name.

Such a huge chaotic world is under Kong Ming's control, but if he still has regrets in his heart, it can only be the old relationship between Shu and Han!

The star where China is located originally belonged to a broken realm, but now it is forming a new realm as it merges into chaos.

In order to make up for the regret in his heart, Kong Ming immediately put a trace of his thoughts into the new realm where Huaxia was located.

For humans living on the planet where China is located, the realm of realm evolution is too high-end. They cannot feel it at all. They are just developing and changing according to their own inherent historical development laws. At this time, China has long gone through the history of the Three Kingdoms' struggle for hegemony, and the Shu Han has also become a symbol in history. It can only look for the glory it once had in the pile of old papers.

After making such a discovery, Kong Ming let out a long sigh, and with the slightest movement of his fingers, the history of the planet where China was located immediately began to flow backwards, and he instantly returned to that night of Jingxing in Wuzhangyuan!

For Kong Ming now, manipulating the time of a certain star is just a matter of a thought. It can be said to be either good or bad, as he pleases. Letting China's time flow back to that specific night is just to make history go in a completely different direction!

The trace of thought that Kong Ming used turned into Zhuge Kongming's true body in Nuan Xing. So how could there be any reason for Nuan Xing's life-extending method to fail

Not only that, but the souls of those Shu Han heroes who have passed away can also be reborn in the world. They can work together with Kong Ming to rebuild the glory of the Han Dynasty, insert the dragon flag of the Han Dynasty into every inch of China, and let the common oaths of the past Become reality!

At this point in his life, he no longer has any regrets, and Kong Ming's state of mind has become perfect. He is finally in line with the state of a master of chaos. The next thing Kong Ming is concerned about will be how each realm develops smoothly so that such a chaotic world can exist forever.

In the chaos, countless realms are evolving and improving, representing the new life of one realm after another, making the whole chaos full of vitality. This is enough to show that having a chaos controller and not having a chaos controller are different for chaos. Two completely different situations, and only this scene where all things are full of vitality can represent the meaning of the existence of chaos!

Kong Ming, who became the master of chaos, took back his "law, heaven and earth" body and appeared at the border of chaos in an instant.

For those who control chaos, the so-called boundless chaos actually has its limits. It's just that your ability has not reached this level, so it seems boundless.

Just a pond, to an ant, isn't it boundless

Kong Ming glanced outside the realm and saw nothingness all around, as vast as nothing existed!

So outside of this chaos, is there a broader space? And does chaos really exist alone in this world

At this moment, Kong Ming couldn't help but feel something in his heart. Even if he stood at the level of a realm controller, it didn't necessarily mean he was at the top. Maybe there was a broader world waiting for him to explore? … …

Today, this story finally comes to an end. When I typed the last character, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The full text is more than 6 million words. This is a super long novel that I have never written before. I never imagined that I could persevere. It seems that human potential is really endless. It just depends on how much strength you use to squeeze it!

It's such a long story. If I want to tell it perfectly, I have limited abilities. You really can't do it even if you kill me!

Precisely because the article is too long, it is inevitable that sometimes I write the front part and forget the last step, and dig a hole but forget to fill it in. There are countless such bugs, and I feel very ashamed for this. In the end, I can only comfort myself. After all, I have finished the main story. Can I say these three words "finale" with confidence

Well, even if you are really dissatisfied with a lot of things, please look at my honest face and forgive me!

Kong Ming's story is over, and it's time to conceive of the next story. I should meet with you every once in a while. After all, you have to save some drafts before the new book goes online, right

I can’t say how well the new story will be written, but it will definitely become another interesting journey.

I don’t dare to boast about other places in Haikou, but my character is absolutely guaranteed. As long as it is a signed work, it will be guaranteed to be completed and there will be no pitfalls!

Therefore, I hope that when the new story is launched, friends can continue to support it. I would like to thank you in advance!

(End of chapter)

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