
Chapter 2: Fate (2)


Opening the door curtain, the warm breath of the charcoal fire rushed towards the face, making the frozen Lin Xin shiver uncontrollably.

Mrs. Zhao had a cloth scarf tied on her head to protect her from the wind, and she propped her face with one hand in a state of desperation. Today she didn't paint her eyebrows, so the two broken marks between her eyebrows were exposed.

I remember that when the master came to look for him, the first thing he said was, "This Mrs. Zhao must be a vicious woman." gone.

After so many years, seeing Mrs. Zhao's broken eyebrows again, I felt a bit of kindness.

"Leave it alone." Mrs. Zhao raised her chin, not in the mood to pay attention to Lin Xin, and continued to talk about the Shen family with her husband.

"Ma'am, this tea...is going to be cold..." Lin Xin stammered, seemingly eager, but he couldn't express clearly because of his young age.

"Hurry up and drink it while it's hot, this is Chixingcao." Zhao Wanhu smelled the faint smell of urine and urged his wife to drink it quickly.

Only then did Mrs. Zhao remember the precious medicinal ingredients she had let the medicine hut decoct, she picked it up and drank it down, breathed a sigh of relief, and rubbed her forehead, "It's really much better."

Lin Xin glanced at Mrs. Zhao, who was in good health, and lowered her head again.

I don't know when the Shen family will come, but Zhao Wanhu discussed with his wife to postpone the burial of the eldest son.

"It's already the third day, and it's going to be seven more pushes!" Mrs. Zhao gritted her crooked teeth, and said angrily, "Tell them to come earlier!"

The funeral was held the day before yesterday, and it should be buried today, but because the eldest young master died so strangely, the Zhao family had to delay for a day to find clues, and now because of the Shen family, they have to postpone it.

"Nonsense! Mr. Huan Xinghai, can I persuade you?" Zhao Wanhu was a little annoyed by his wife's unreasonable troubles.

The Zhao family is a hereditary ten thousand households, under the rule of Duke Xuan of the Northern Territory. There are thousands of households in Shiyi, who are eligible to collect taxes and rents, but have no power to govern officials. In the final analysis, he was just a subject of the Shen family. Where is the reason for the vassal to order the master

Huanxinghai is where the Shen family is located, the center of the entire Northern Territory.

It's cold in the north, and it's only mid-September now, and it's snowing already. Earth dragons are lit in the pavilions of Huanxinghai, and even the small pavilions near the water are as warm as spring. The attendants and family generals who came and went were all dressed in thin clothes, except for the young man sitting on the waterside pavilion watching the snow, wrapped in a layer of fox fur.

The guard in dark clothes, carrying a bowl of soup, quickly walked up to the young man, knelt down on one knee, and said in a low voice, "My lord, it's time to take the medicine."

The young man looked away from the snow-falling scenery of the thousand mountains, but did not take the medicine bowl, "Is there any news about Zhu Xingli?"

"Zhu's family is also missing. Someone saw him go to the Western Regions a year ago, and they stopped hearing from him after that." The guard held the medicine steadily, and said each word in a calm tone.

"Western Regions..." Shen Lou slowly pursed his light-colored thin lips, "Let's check again."

"Yes!" The guard got up and took two steps before remembering that he was still holding the medicine bowl in his hand, "My lord, this medicine..."

"fall down."

A purple-clothed maid stood outside the waterside pavilion. Seeing the guard bring out the medicine intact, she immediately raised her hips, "How did you promise me when you went in just now? Did you take a sip of the medicine?"

The guard blushed, "The prince said he was down, so I..." subconsciously obeyed his orders and walked out.

"Look at how promising you are." The maid in purple curled her lips, took the medicine bowl, and spoke loudly, but she didn't dare to go in to persuade her again, so she could only scold the guard again to vent her anger.

After searching for so long, there is still no progress.

Shen Lou stood up, holding the low railing of the water pavilion with one hand, the snow fell on the back of Leng Bai's hand, and slowly turned into drops of water. The cold touch can hardly calm the anxiety in my heart.

When he met Lin Xin in his previous life, that person was already an invincible Marquis of the Deer, and he rarely mentioned his childhood past, only once when he was drunk. When he was young, his family was changed, and he fled all the way to the bodyguard's home with the bodyguard, and acted as his son for many years.

"They all bullied me, why didn't you take me away?" the drunk-eyed Hou Luhou asked with a half-crying smile while clutching his skirt.

At that time, I just felt inexplicable, but now I think about it, but it is painful. The drunk Lin Xin should have regarded him as his dead father, begging his father to take him away as he did when he was in despair when he was a child.

He had to find Lin Xin as soon as possible, but Yongguo had a vast territory, and there were as many small families as the sands of the Ganges River, and he didn't know his childhood name, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. We can only find Lin Xin's master Zhu Xingli first. However, Zhu Xingli was erratic, and he was no easier to find than Lin Xin himself.

"Your Majesty," the purple-clothed maid came over with a servant behind her, "The Duke is looking for you."

The lord of the Northern Territory, Shen Qirui, the Duke of the Xuan Kingdom of this generation, sat on the throne with a golden knife, and when he saw the eldest son enter the door, he handed over the letter in his hand.

"Weishui Zhao family?" Shen Lou glanced at it, it was just an ordinary funeral letter, the young master of the Zhao family died suddenly, died young, and was buried soon.

"This son of the Zhao family died strangely. Zhao Wanhu wants to ask the people from Huanxinghai to help find the murderer." Dong Shechuan, a retainer next to him, explained.

Hearing "died strangely", Shen Lou asked one more question: "How strange?"

"According to the people who reported the funeral, the elder young master's death was horrific. He was clearly a person who had just died, but his body had already rotted. At the soul sacrifice ceremony, the three souls and seven souls were all unresponsive..."

Shen Lou's hand holding the letter suddenly tightened.

"Mr. Dong, what you said is too scary." The maid in purple rubbed her arms.

Dong Shichuan's speech was a bit like a storyteller, with unnecessary intonations, which made people's hair stand on end.

"What's the name of the young man you recommended to me the day before yesterday?" Shen Qirui asked his son, "Tell him to go with Shichuan." As ten thousand households, the Weishui Zhao family should be taken seriously.

"No, I'll go in person." Shen Lou said decisively.

The spiritual body other than the physical body is divided into soul and soul. The soul can be separated from the body, but the soul cannot be separated. Even if the body dies, it is impossible for the soul to lose its response.

Lin Xin, who stood in Mrs. Zhao's room and listened to the couple accusing each other, thought the same way. This Young Master Zhao died at the wrong time, and the way he died was too weird. He had to go and see the corpse to confirm how this world was different from the world in his previous life.

"Postponed the burial, who will watch the spirit tonight?" Madam Zhao felt a headache again, because the eldest young master Zhao died under the age of fifteen, and the funeral cannot be a big one, so only a close relative can watch the spirit at night. The second young master was guarding the house for the first two nights, but yesterday was too tiring, so Madam Zhao went to guard it herself, and fell ill after only one night.

"Tell the second son to go." Zhao Wanhu sighed and asked someone to inform the second young master. Unexpectedly, the person who sent the message went and came back, saying that the second young master could not be found.

Now the husband and wife panicked, there were only two sons, one had just died, and the other couldn't have another accident, so they immediately asked the guard Yu Jian to look for them. After half an hour, Xie Tianhe's body and the unconscious Second Young Master were finally found in a secluded place in the back mountain.

"My son, what's the matter?" Mrs. Zhao held her youngest son tightly in her arms and checked him up and down.

"Xie Tianhe held the second young master's sword in his hand, and the young master held a broken sword in his hand and his face was covered with blood..." The guard described the scene he saw.

Zhao Wanhu immediately asked someone to investigate the back mountain, infused spiritual power to his son, and asked a doctor to consult him. It was a mess. In the end, the doctor came to the conclusion that the second young master was fainted by fright. Coupled with the broken sword in his hand and the blood on his face, no matter how you look at it, it looks like two people are playing around, Xie Tianhe snatched the second young master's sword, the second young master accidentally killed him, and he fainted from the splash of blood past.

Although some things don't make sense, there is no one else in the back mountain except for some mortal slaves. The second young master is just a little scratched and it's not a big deal. Mrs. Zhao immediately asked to suppress this matter, "Xie Tianhe died of a mistake in his own practice. It has nothing to do with the second young master, have you heard?"

Retainers are immortals and cannot be killed at will.

The second young master was carried back to his room, and the matter was left alone, but there was no one to keep watch at night.

At a loss, Zhao Wanhu turned his head and saw his timid nephew standing in the corner, "Xin'er, you go to watch for your elder brother tonight."

"Shouling?" Lin Xin opened his eyes like a young deer, and looked at his uncle beggingly, "I, I'm afraid..."

"Slap!" Madam Zhao, who was upset, slapped her across the face, "Little bastard, why are you afraid of guarding your cousin's spirit?"

A slap was slapped on the face, and Lin Xin immediately shed tears, and he responded aggrievedly.

Zhao Wanhu looked at him, frowned slightly, and told the housekeeper to change Lin Xin into decent clothes, in case the Shen family came over early in the morning, it would be embarrassing to see the guard looking like a little beggar.

Lin Xin changed into a plain cotton robe, tied a thin hemp rope on his forehead, and was dragged to the mourning hall to kneel when he was holding the lamp.

There was no one in the mourning hall, and there was a ghostly atmosphere. Young Master Zhao was lying in the coffin that had not been nailed up, with a yellow talisman on his face. Apparently the Zhao family was a little scared of the young master who couldn't summon the soul, so they posted a talisman on it.

Lin Xinwo had a sound sleep on the futon, and did not get up until the moon was in the sky. Breaking a white candle casually, he struggled to climb onto the coffin with his short legs, and sat on the edge of the coffin to look at First Young Master Zhao.

"Tsk, Zhao Shiyao, why did you die so early? Who am I going to seek revenge for my broken arm?" Lin Xin said, and he lifted the yellow paper on the young master's face, poked it with his hand, and it was sticky. The touch made Lin Xin feel a chill.

Bringing the candlelight closer, the shape of the "face" can no longer be seen on that not-so-handsome face.

After death, the soul returns to the sky and the soul enters the earth. The soul is the god and the soul is the form. This person rotted so fast, Po must be gone.

The author has something to say: Note: Hundred households, thousand households, and ten thousand households refer to the Guanneihou system of the Spring and Autumn Period and Qin and Han Dynasties

small theater:

Young Master Zhao: Come on, there is a surprise when you uncover it!

Xinxin: Get out!