
Chapter 24: impermanence (2)


The southern region is hot, and the early summer is already unbearably hot. There are towering ancient trees everywhere in Yi Nian Palace, but it is still cool.

Zhu Xingli put on his crimson mullet, and put on the same clothes for Lin Xin. The Zhu family is so extravagant, if they dress poorly, they may be kicked out by the servants. Shen Lou also changed into his black silver patterned gown, and tied his hair with a black ribbon with long silver tassels.

Junior brother Jian Zhong, who had nothing to do with this trip, stayed in Yanqiu to look after the house.

"Why does it rain in this house?" Lin Xin pointed to a three-storey palace in amazement. On a sunny day with bright sunshine, the dense waterfalls of water continuously fell from the eaves, which could be smelled from afar. Cool steam.

"That's Qingliang Hall." Zhu Xingli walked in front, the eight-faced and exquisite deer glass beads on his forehead were shining like stars. The servants and guards I met along the way bowed and saluted, and when they passed by, I straightened up and continued to do my own thing.

The so-called Qingliang Hall is to lift the mountain spring water to the top of the house with ingenuity, and then drop it down along the eaves to relieve the heat and cool down. No matter how hot it is outside, there will always be a cool breeze blowing in the cool hall, so you can sleep under a quilt.

Lin Xin naturally knew that in his previous life, there was also such a Qingliang Palace in his fiefdom. It's just located in the north and is not commonly used.

"Qing Que, how do you think the water got up there?" Lin Xin leaned on Shen Lou's shoulder and whispered to him.

The tips of Shen Lou's ears were reddish, "Lu Glass Water Wheel."

The power of ordinary waterwheels is not enough to provide so much water. The Zhu family installed deer glass on the waterwheels to supply water quickly and steadily. Only the Zhu family can do this kind of entertainment with deer glass.

"Hey, hey!" A few strong men passed by carrying a big iron cage, and a monk in crimson led a monk in blue to walk in front, walking in a hurry.

"Dachun, why are you going?" Zhu Xingli called to stop the monk.

"Second son," the monk named Dachun stopped and bowed to Zhu Xingli, "Wang Tinghou sent his retainers here, and his subordinates are about to take someone to see the Patriarch."

The blue-clothed cultivator raised his hand to salute Zhu Xingli, with a polite smile on his face, but a somewhat disrespectful look in his eyes. This second son of the Zhu family is a well-known gangster in the four realms. He was kicked out of the house by Jiang Guogong and dared not return for several years.

The world of cultivating immortals respects strength, so there is nothing to be afraid of a person like Zhu Xingli even if he is born tall.

"You guys go first, go first." As if not seeing the other party's expression, Zhu Xingli waved his hand with a smile, signaling them to go to the balcony first, while he honestly pulled his apprentice and Shen Shizi, who was pretending to be integrated with the ancient wood, out of the way .

Seeing Zhu Xingli's behavior, the retainer of Marquis Wangting felt that he had guessed right, the second child of the Zhu family was indeed not welcomed by the Patriarch. Slightly nodding his head, he followed the red-clothed monk called "Dachun" up the white jade steps of Qingliang Hall.

"The Spring Water Sword of the Three Swords Stacked." Shen Lou saw the two swords on the waist of the monk in red, and explained to Lin Xin in a low voice, his eyes resting on his face calmly.

"I know, Zhu Jiangchun." Lin Xin curled his lips, disliking the three brothers who always had trouble with him.

Shen Lou withdrew his gaze and said no more.

Qingliang Hall is high, with long jade steps.

Lin Xin was like a butterfly with flea legs, waving the crimson crocodile, bouncing up the jade steps behind Master. Pass through the water curtain and step into the Qingliang Hall. The main hall is also lit with glazed lamps and incense during the day. A golden nanmu couch is placed in the center, and behind it is a large window with almost floor-to-ceiling bead curtains.

A man in a bright red silk dress was reclined on the couch, his phoenix eyes were lightly closed, as if he was taking a nap. On the forehead, three deer glass beads the size of rice grains fell between the eyebrows in the shape of maple leaves, shining brightly against the light of the glass lamp. This person is the head of the Zhu family, Duke Jiang Zhu Yangai.

"Marquis Wangting's second son is about to tie his hair, and he wants to ask the Duke to forge a sword for our young master."

When Lin Xin and the others walked in, they heard the voice of the monk in blue just now. The huge iron cage was placed in the main hall, and the black cloth covering it was lifted, and a black leopard was groaning at the iron fence, and its sharp claws scraped against the iron railing, making a piercing sound.

Chunshui swordsman Zhu Jiangchun stood aside respectfully, not daring to show his air.

"This is a black leopard caught a few days ago. It is quite spiritual. Lord Hou hopes to refine this leopard into the young master's sword to increase its spirituality." The blue-clothed monk was still eloquent.

The reason why Zhu Yangai became Dayong's top refiner was because the spirit sword he refined had a certain chance of giving birth to spirituality. It is said that it was because he refined the flesh and soul of some monsters into the sword.

The phoenix eyes slowly opened, "Who are you talking about?"

"Wangtinghou, the emperor has just appointed Liehou." Zhu Jiangchun quickly explained in a low voice, and presented a letter from Wangtinghou.

Zhu Yangai didn't reach out to pick it up, but glanced at it and said, "What kind of thing is he?"

The blue-clothed monk's smile froze on his face, and Zhu Yangai picked up a pen and wrote a vigorous and powerful word "roll" on the back of the letter.

The retainers of one of the princes were thrown out of Qingliang Hall just like that.

Zhu Jiangchun was sweating on his forehead, bowed to confess his crime, gave Zhu Xingli a look of "seeking good luck", and then obediently withdrew.

Zhu Xingli swallowed his saliva, and pulled the two children forward, "Hey, brother."

Zhu Yangai and Zhu Xingli are seven points similar in appearance, but his eye tails are raised, which makes him look fierce and difficult to get close to. When the phoenix eyes opened, the domineering aura was like a gust of wind crossing the lake and suddenly created waves, whistling and sweeping across the entire hall.

"You still know to come back?" Zhu Yangai looked coldly at his younger brother who hadn't returned home for a long time.

"My uncle has a bad temper." Lin Xin whispered to Shen Lou.

"En." Shen Lou nodded slightly, Jiang Guogong has a bad temper and is extremely difficult to get along with, this is something that everyone in the world knows, and there is nothing unusual about it. He would see Zhu Yangai almost every year, and he had long been used to it.

The atmosphere in the hall was very tense, and the black panther in the cage didn't dare to roar anymore, and lay down in the cage and watched carefully with its ears closed.

At this moment, a kitten with dark clouds and snow jumped down from the Duobao Pavilion, stepped on Zhu Yangai's head and walked over. The kitten stood on him and yawned, stretched long, and pawed on the spot again, pulling apart the expensive crimson silk.

"My nephew has met Uncle Zhu Shi and Mrs. Jing." Shen Lou stepped forward, bowed his hands to Zhu Yangai, and then bowed lightly to the cat.

"My nephew has seen Uncle Master and Mrs. Jing." Lin Xin followed suit, and secretly winked at the kitten.

Mrs. Jing is Zhu Yangai's favorite pet, a cat that walks on dark clouds and snow, perhaps because it has been rolling around in the deer glass all year round, it is smarter than ordinary cats. But no matter what, it was still a cat, and it was a cat with worse temper than Zhu Yangai. Zhu Yan changed the name to Mrs. Jing, and asked everyone to treat it according to the etiquette of the Duke's wife.

"Xiaolou is here," Zhu Yangai sat up, put the cat on her lap, and wanted to touch its fur, but the cat slapped its paw hard, "Your father said that you should follow Yi Xiao to treat illnesses, I advise you Don't be confused, he's fine, he really sent you to..." Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened.

Madam Jing jumped down from Zhu Yangai's arms, ran directly to Lin Xin's feet, and looked around him. Lin Xin stretched out his hand and tentatively touched the cat's head, and the irritable Mrs. Jing actually gave him the touch.

"Xin'er, isn't it?" Zhu Yangai's expression seemed to soften, she beckoned Lin Xin to go over, and looked at the cat following Lin Xin, her sharp phoenix eyes were full of tenderness, "Madam likes you very much."

"Thank you Madam for your kindness." Lin Xin deserved it very simply.

There was a smile in Zhu Yangai's eyes, and he glanced at his younger brother, "I haven't seen you for a few years, but your apprentice is getting more and more aggressive."

"Hey, that's it." Zhu Xingli rubbed his brother's couch, and handed over the brocade bundle he was carrying, "I caught a gu eagle the day before yesterday, take a look."

Hearing the Gu Diao, Zhu Yan became interested, opened the bag and picked up the bird's claws and beak to check, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"It's not that Xin'er is about to turn fifteen, you said we are elders, do we have to get him a sword?" Zhu Xingli said with a smile.

Zhu Yangai was noncommittal, and looked up at Lin Xin who was still playing with Mrs. Jing, "What sword do you want?"

In the past few years, Zhu Yangai has seldom forged swords, the most recent one is the "Yu Yuan Sunset" in Shen Lou's hand. The reason was that he felt that casting swords was boring, so he devoted himself to studying the ancient relics and wanted to make the legendary magic weapon of the fairy gate.

Although Lin Xin was his nephew, if Lin Xin's answer dissatisfied him, he would not be able to forge this sword.

Lin Xin looked up at his master who was winking at him, then at Shen Lou who was expressionless, and knelt down lightly, "Nephew is bold, and wants to ask for a sword that can store soul power."

"What?" Zhu Xingli was taken aback.

Shen Lou's hands hidden in his sleeves were clenched suddenly.

Zhu Yangai was a little surprised, "Soul power? You mean the power of the soul? Your own, or someone else's?"

"The power of others," Lin Xin lowered his eyes, looking at the looming Suzaku pattern on the floor tiles, "The power of the soul can be extracted to replace Luli's spiritual power, but it cannot be preserved. My nephew is delusional, maybe the master can make a way to preserve it." A spirit sword of soul power."

Anyone who listened to these words would think that Lin Xin was talking nonsense, but as a top-notch craftsman and formation master, Zhu Yangai immediately understood what Lin Xin was talking about.

The way to control the soul is sorcery; trying to extract the soul power for your own use is simply outrageous!

"This kid..." Zhu Xing took a step away, in case his elder brother got violent and wanted to hit someone, he had to block for Xin'er.

"Uncle Shi, Ashin is just playing for a while, don't take it seriously." Shen Lou stepped forward and stood in front of Lin Xin.

Zhu Yangai stood up, walked two steps on the spot with her hands behind her back, raised her eyes and stared at Lin Xin with cold eyes, and when Zhu Xingli and Shen Lou tensed up to protect the calf, she said to herself: " Soul power, instead of Luli... Interesting, interesting!"

The author has something to say: Small theater:

Lou Lou: Did your uncle have an affair with that cat

Xinxin: How do you see it

Lou Lou: That cat is called Mrs. Jing

Xinxin: Mrs. Kejing is a tomcat

Lou Lou: Can male cats have legs? Look at this ancient book "Shenmu can't scratch"

Xinxin: What do you think of this kind of book? gay in gay

Lou Lou: …