
Chapter 27: impermanence (5)


Junior brother had an accident, but he didn't tell his master, this kind of behavior, in the eyes of others, was like Lin Xin intentionally cutting his body.

Shen Lou stared at him for a moment, then agreed straight away, "Okay, don't tell Master, I'll call someone from the Shen family."

The southern region is farthest from the northern region, and the Shen family is out of reach. Shen Lou can mobilize limited manpower, and at this moment Huang Ge has gone to investigate the matter of the gu carvings, so he is not around.

"Young Master Lin, where are you going?" Zhu Jiangchun was taking the other two brothers—Zhu Jiangxia and Zhu Jiangqiu—to the martial arts field for morning lessons. Seeing Lin Xin walking in a hurry, he asked one more question.

"I want to go back to Yanqiu. None of you are allowed to disturb my master." Lin Xin said cruelly while holding the pet fish.

"Touch the fish! But what happened to Master Jian?" Zhu Jiangchun saw the small sword in Lin Xin's hand.

Zi Shu ran over quickly, "Your Majesty, it will take another hour to send people over, just wait..."

"It's too late, I'll go by myself." Lin Xin waved his hand, took out the small sword and was about to leave. If it was really the group of vicious people in his previous life, he couldn't delay for a moment.

"Mr. Lin, let's go with you." Zhu Jiangchun said, his two younger brothers also offered their spirit swords one after another, Zhu Jiangxia, who was grumpy, pouted, "Let's go, we don't need to be serious about our Zhu family's affairs. The people at home take care of it."

The three brothers who spoke badly, would ridicule Lin Xin every time they saw him in their previous life, and most of the time they would fight. This is the first time Lin Xin heard them put themselves in the scope of "our Zhu family".

"Then I will thank you three." Lin Xin cupped his hands in thanks, the three sword-folding masters were considered top-notch masters in the Zhu family, so it would be great to have their help.

Shen Lou hugged Lin Xin and jumped onto Yu Yuan's sword, "You are not yet fifteen, you can't control the sword yet."

"I can, as early as when I was twelve years old." Lin Xin looked around and whispered, "Your soul is damaged, let me come to Yujian."

"It's okay." Shen Lou hugged him tightly, the spirit sword rushed out like a shooting star chasing the sun, "I'm used to it already."

Thick smoke was billowing, and the scene was devastated. It was the Yanqiu that everyone saw in mid-air at this moment.

This place was originally a treasure land of geomantic omen, with red flowers, willows, green grass and green grass all over the sky. The intruders were trapped by the formation of vegetation, trees, mountains and rocks, so they simply set fire to the mountain. The jujube trees that Lin Xin climbed one by one were all turned into charred rocks, and the houses collapsed.

This scene was exactly the same as what he saw in his previous life. Lin Xin's eyes were red, he jumped off the flying sword, and turned to run towards the back mountain.

"Ah Xin," Shen Lou motioned for everyone to follow, while he quickly caught up with Lin Xin and grabbed him, "Where are you going?"

"There is a small road in the back mountain." Lin Xin looked at him puzzled.

Shen Lou was helpless. They were a group of six, which was considered a small team. According to Lin Xin, they ran away without saying a word, and dispersed after a while, "Since we can burn the mountain, there must be a large number of people inside. Let's take the path behind the mountain. Everyone Hold your breath, and make no noise."

"Okay." Zishu naturally responded to the son's words, and the three Diejian brothers unconsciously obeyed, and only realized after they answered that they were being directed by the young man from the Shen family who was not yet as weak as the crown, and they couldn't help exchanging annoyance. stare.

Yanqiu has a gentle slope on the front and a steep slope on the back. There is only a small path hidden in the crevice of the stone.

"There is a formation on the road, you follow me." Lin Xin took Shen Lou's hand.

Shen Lou nodded, telling the people behind to follow in their footsteps and not miss a single step.

Sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, and sometimes to go around the bushes outside the road. Only the three masters and apprentices know this way, and those guards and servants don't know about it. Even if someone enters by mistake, they will not be able to get out of the formation on this road, and will soon alarm the owner of the villa.

A group of people climbed to the top of the mountain, crouched behind the rocks, and looked at the dead and silent villa.

"What does it smell like? Is this a latrine?" Zhu Jiangxia pushed aside the weeds at hand, revealing a head with wide eyes, half-open mouth, looking at him with blood on his face, "Wow!"

Zhu Jiangqiu next to him hurriedly covered his mouth, looked down, and couldn't help gasping.

Under the high rock where they lay prone, there were dozens of corpses piled up, guards in scarlet clothes and servants in brown clothes. Lin Xin leaned on the stone wall with one hand and jumped down. He turned over a corpse in coarse clothes. His dark face was still a little immature. It was a farmer who delivered vegetables to Yanqiu every morning.

"His father left early, and there are only his mother and eight-year-old sister at home, and they make a living by delivering food to others." Lin Xin raised his hand and closed his eyes for the terrified boy, who didn't know his mule was pulling vegetables. Did you run away

Shen Lou frowned, lightly touched the courtyard wall with his toes, and leaned over the top of the wall to look inward. People walked by the courtyard wall from time to time, all of them were wearing plain white clothes, carrying long swords, covering their faces, walking like wolves, "Do you know these people?"

The clothes looked like the Zhong family's, but the Zhong family used short swords, which were a bit shorter than the Shen family's sabre, so they couldn't be carried on their backs.

"Isn't it Zhong's family?" When he rushed back that year, everyone was smashed into meat by the big formation set up by the master, leaving only a few white clothes and rags.

"Plausible, not true." Shen Lou shook his head.

Lin Xin was short of breath.

The man in white noticed something was wrong, turned his face suddenly, jumped up to the wall in two or three, and squatted to look left and right. There is nothing outside the wall, mosquitoes and flies are buzzing on the pile of dead people, but there is nothing. Return to the courtyard and continue patrolling.

Shen Lou pulled Lin Xin out of the corner and made a gesture towards Zi Shu. Zishu tied up the cuffs of his purple robe, tied up his long hair, and rushed out like a hawk, hiding in the shadow of the eaves and ridges.

"Zishu practiced the concealment technique." Shen Lou explained to Lin Xin in a low voice. The so-called concealment technique does not really disappear out of thin air, but hides the figure through the shadow of the house, and at the same time restrains the breath so that it is difficult to detect. It is a skill that scouts in the Northern Territory will practice.

After half an hour, Zishu came running back, "There are twenty-three men in white clothes in the villa, there seems to be a leader, but his subordinates have not seen clearly; Mr. Jian is locked in the west wing, and he is safe, there are two The guards are guarded by men in white clothes. They are immortals and speak Donghu dialect."

"Donghu language?" Shen Lou frowned, "Does everyone speak Donghu language?"

Donghu language is the language of the northern desert barbarians, also known as the northern desert language, which is a common language used by the northern desert barbarians who have been fighting with the northern regions all year round.

"This subordinate is not sure, but he heard a few words that were all barbaric." Zi Shu reported the truth.

How could this be so...

Lin Xin frowned. He had heard from Jian Zhong that one of the people who attacked Yanqiu was a nine-foot-tall man who seemed to be a barbarian warrior, and the rest spoke Chinese. Why are there so many barbarians this time

When Shen Lou heard that it was a barbarian, he also frowned. Beimo is far away from here, what are they doing here in Yanqiu

"Twenty or so people, we're probably invincible." Zhu Jiangchun said.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a bunch of barbarians." Zhu Jiangxia didn't take it seriously. Most of the immortals in Dayong looked down on the barbarians of the Northern Desert, thinking their cultivation methods were too vulgar.

Zhu Jiangqiu didn't speak, and he just followed what the two elder brothers said.

"There is a large formation set up by Master in the southwest of the courtyard, I will go and check it." Lin Xin put down these words and walked away. Shen Lou didn't have time to stop him, so he had to let the others stand by and chase Lin Xin by himself.

There is a bamboo forest in the southwest, where the rain is abundant, and the bamboo grows very luxuriantly. Lin Xin leaned on the top of the wall, stretched the small sword in, and some fluorescent light floated up from the wall, which was the soul power of the person standing under the wall.

"Clatter—" A masked man in white was urinating at the edge of the bamboo grove. Lin Xin unconsciously drained the soul power from his body. After urinating, he shook and felt dizzy.

Before he could stand still, a thin, short sword reached his neck, cutting his throat cleanly. Lin Xin caught the fallen body of the man in white, gently placed it on the ground, and jumped into the bamboo forest.

Shen Lou watched Lin Xin's incomparably skillful killing techniques, and followed him silently.

There were fallen leaves everywhere in the bamboo forest. Lin Xin found a place based on his memory, and quickly peeled away the dead branches, revealing the lines made of cinnabar and paraffin. This was drawn by Zhu Xingli based on the lore formation in the fragments of ancient books. Because the ancient scrolls were incomplete, he added many places by himself, so I don't know if they can be used.

At that time, the meat and mud all over Yanqiu was probably caused by this big formation. No matter who these people are, today, they will still be shredded into pieces!

Lin Xin checked several positions one after another, pinched his fingers and quickly calculated, "Dry three times, Kun six breaks; shake the bowl, cover the bowl; leave the center empty, and the ridge is full; push up the gap, and sun down breaks."

"The threshold is wrong." Lin Xin knelt on one knee and traced the incomparably complicated lines repeatedly with one finger, and finally found the omission. Without cinnabar, I bit my index finger and painted it with blood.

Shen Lou failed to hand out his finger, paused for a moment in mid-air, and then diverted back to Yu Yuan's sword hilt.

"Give me three pieces of deer glass." Lin Xin stretched out his hand without looking back.

Shen Lou took out three yuan and gave it to him, and it was quickly placed on the formation. The moment Lu Li entered the battle, it was as if a giant beast was suddenly awakened, the cinnabar was bright red, the spiritual power was flowing, and the dead bamboo leaves on the ground moved automatically without wind.

"Let's go." Lin Xin grabbed Shen Lou and quickly exited the bamboo forest. This dear friend who deserted to pee will soon have a companion come looking for him, so it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

"Will this large formation trap them?" Shen Lou confirmed to Lin Xin.

"No," Lin Xin looked up at him, his deep blue eyes were silent, "I will kill them."

Shen Lou glanced at the pile of corpses in the grass, the boy who delivered the food was facing the sun, "Okay."

Unexpectedly, Shen Lou would agree so quickly, Lin Xin looked at him suspiciously, "Don't you think I'm cruel?"

"It's what they deserve." Shen Lou shook his head, called everyone over, and drew the approximate location of the yard with a branch on the ground, "Zishu is used as bait, and the three of you are on the periphery, driving the barbarians to the bamboo forest..."

Clear and clear division of labor maximizes the usefulness of each person.

"Everything will not start until Xinxin and I rescue the weight." After an appointment, everyone lay down in the dry grass and waited for the dark.

The author has something to say:


"Dry three consecutive, kun six breaks; shake the bowl, gen cover the bowl; leave the middle empty, the ridge is full; dug up the gap, sun down the break" quoted from Song Zhuxi's "Bagua Quxiang"