
Chapter 68: Wolf Extermination (5)


In ancient times, lovesickness, green grass and red beans were stuffed with poems, but now they are stuffed with grass like weaving.

Shen Lou looked at the green grass everywhere, and sighed slowly. Originally, he planned to persuade his father to abdicate after recovering his soul, but now that his father wants to discipline him, he might not hand over his authority for a while. Many things have to be rearranged, so I have to discuss with Xinxin...

"Brother, how did you offend Dad?" Shen Yingying stabbed her brother's spine with a mulberry arc bow. Before going out, Shen Qirui said that Shen Lou would not be allowed to go home before the new year, and he didn't know where the atmosphere came from.

"Children don't ask about adults' matters." Shen Lou said perfunctorily, not intending to talk too much with his sister.

"I'm half a year older than Lin Xin! Why do you tell him everything?" Shen Yingying was unhappy, and rode her horse to block her brother's way.

Just as they were making noise, a sword light suddenly flashed across the sky, and a monk in a dark green brocade robe roared over with his sword, and the abundant spiritual power brought up a strong wind, cutting off a layer of grass. As soon as he landed, he was immediately surrounded by guards, "Who is here?"

"Mr. Cutting the Deer, go down to Yuan Ah Rensan, and ask to see your son." The green-clothed monk put away his sword and reported his name very politely. The peacock feathers on the hem of his clothes showed a colorful halo under the sunlight of the early morning sun.

Hearing Yuan Ah, Shen Lou got off his horse immediately and motioned for Basan to come over, "What's the matter?" The people in Beijing are full of troubles, even though they knew that Lin Xin could deal with those people with ease, he still couldn't help worrying that something might go wrong.

"Hou Ye ordered his subordinates to bring a letter over, and please sign it personally." Ren San took out the sealed letter and handed it to Shen Lou respectfully.

There were two pieces of paper in the letter, which were indeed in Lin Xin's handwriting.

[The spring is approaching, and the capital of Yongdu is surprised by the fine work, and is arrested and investigated by the newly established Yamen Cutting Deer Division. It is extremely important to get a blueprint for severe torture and interrogation, so I will send it to the prince for reference. It is about Guozuo, Wang Jun must keep it in mind and apply what he has learned.]

Shen Lou frowned at the seemingly self-evident statement. Could it be that they found out where the ashes were buried, or found a topographic map of the North Desert? Immediately turned to the second one to check.

On the snow-white rice paper, an extremely delicate picture was outlined with a thin Langhao brush. Shen Lou glanced at it, then closed it immediately, avoiding Shen Qiuting who came over curiously, "You continue to patrol, if you meet a barbarian, you don't need to kill him, I will come as soon as I go."

Then, he got on his horse and returned to the camp three times with the blade, saying that he would reply to Lord Hou.

Back in the tent, Shen Lou took out the blueprint again, and looked at the two entangled men on the paper with the look of looking at the important documents of the military aircraft.

I don't know where Lin Xin drew the picture of Longyang. Two people who are obviously men are connected with each other in a very strange posture. The taller man pressed the slender boy against the wall, the boy's legs were wrapped around the man's waist, and the man held the boy's buttocks.

The boy didn't have a straight face, but the man was clearly drawn, it was Shen Lou's face. Yu Yuan and Yang Gu's swords were thrown aside, Yang Gu stood alone without the scabbard, and Yu Yuan was stuck in Yang Gu's scabbard.

Feeling thirsty for a while, Shen Lou folded the painting in a precious and precious way, took a big sip of cold tea, "Does Hou Ye have anything else to say?"

Blade San didn't know what was written in the letter. Seeing Shen Shizi's serious expression, he thought about it carefully and said: "No more."

Shen Lou nodded slightly, picked up a pen and wrote a reply letter.

[I have already remembered it in my heart, I will meet Lord Hou in the future, thank you very much.]

The word "heavy" is well written through the back of the paper.

Not all of what was said in the letter were lies. Lin Xin had indeed set up a deer cutting department to deal with the annual tribute. These few days he was so busy that he couldn't keep his feet on the ground, and he was still thinking about molesting Shen Lou.

Lin Xin took the letter brought back by Ben San, immediately opened it, read it three times, and couldn't help showing a foolish smile.

Zhu Xingli, who was sitting on the side drawing a formation, saw it and couldn't help but hit him with melon seeds, "Nothing."

Just as he was talking, another Fuchi Ahengo who had been dispatched also came back. Lin Xin took the melon seeds off his head, put them in his mouth and cracked them open, "Did you accept the things?"

Ren Wu scratched his head: "The Duke's complexion is very bad, he refused to accept him, so his subordinates were put in the yard."

Lin Xin raised his eyebrows noncommittally. He gave Shen Qirui a step down, and the man was screwed up.

"One more thing," Blade Five hesitated, and whispered, "Wen Shilan, the wolf-slaying general of Beimo, went to Huanxinghai to compete swords with Duke Xuan. The Duke has already agreed."

"What did you say?" Lin Xin stood up abruptly, "Wen Shilan!"

Wen Shilan's sword competition should take place four years later, how could it suddenly be earlier

Over there, Zhu Xingli, who was hanging around while drinking, also looked serious, "How about the sword competition? Do you learn from each other, or go to the sword competition stage?"

"It is said that it is going to the sword competition stage. Huan Xinghai blocked the news and did not allow the message to be sent to the prince, and the subordinates also overheard it."

"You, together with Ren San, go to Shen Lou immediately, and tell him what you just said." Lin Xin picked up Yanggu and Tungou, "Master, I'm going to Huanxinghai."

Although he has nothing against Shen Qirui, but that man is Shen Lou's father, he can't just watch Shen Qirui die at the hands of Wen Shilan.

"I'll go too." Zhu Xingli burned the formation he had just drawn with a flick of his fingers, jumped on the spring mark and flew out.

The two hurried to Huanxinghai, but the sword competition had already begun.

On the surface of Huanxinghai Lake, which has melted from ice and snow, there are nine stone-carved lotus leaves standing gracefully. This place was classified as a temporary sword competition stage, where two current masters were fighting among the stone leaves. The vast spiritual power set off layer after layer of monstrous waves on the lake, and it was impossible to look down on the situation.

"The knife that Wen Shilan used is called Zhanlang. It weighs one hundred and eighty-three catties and is inlaid with seven deer glass. Its spiritual power is rare in the world. Even the Duke of the country cannot resist it." Dong Shichuan was expressing emotion with his ups and downs in the tone of a storyteller.

"Mr. Dong, please don't say a few words." Zishu's head was full of anger, and he turned around in a hurry. The son kept her at home just to let her send news in time if there was anything to do. The Duke of the country forbade them to talk about such a big matter as the sword competition, and even asked Dong Shichuan to watch her.

"How long has it been?" Lin Xin walked over with his hands behind his back, and asked with a cold expression.

"It's been more than two hours," Zishu was surprised when he saw Lin Xin, and then he was very happy, "Master Hou! Can you..."

"I've already sent someone to take the message." Lin Xin waved his hand, signaling Zi Shu not to speak, and stared at the center of the water curtain.

Wen Shilan was born tall, a head taller than Shen Qirui, with broad shoulders and ape arms. Zhanlang, which weighs nearly two hundred catties, is like a wooden sword and bamboo knife in his hands, flexible and light enough to carve radish flowers. Every move was as fast as lightning, and when it hit Shen Qirui's sword, there was a thunderous sound.

Shen Qirui's swordsmanship is in the same line as Shen Lou's. The seemingly simple and direct sword moves are actually ever-changing and elusive.

If the master fights, nothing can go wrong. When the two meet each other, they forget everything around them, and they rise to a state of selflessness, with only each other in their eyes.

On the surface of the wolf-slaying knife, five of the seven deer glass lights up, and the spiritual power is like a dragon crossing the river, and the mist aroused by the lake is drawn into the shape of lotus petals.

"The seven deer glasses on Zhanlang cannot be fully illuminated. No matter how wide the spiritual vein is, there is a limit. Seven is the limit. If all seven deer glasses are bright, gods can block and kill gods and Buddhas, but Wen Shilan's The spiritual vein will be destroyed immediately, and he will die in an explosion." Dong Shichuan couldn't help but speak again, his eyes were full of fanaticism.

Those cultivating immortals all worship the strong. They are located in the Northern Territory, and they can often hear the legend about Wen Shilan, and seeing her today really lives up to their reputation.

"Boom—" The water wave turned three feet high, and the winner was already divided before he could clearly see what happened.

Shen Qirui stood on a stone leaf, his knees suddenly softened, and he used the spirit sword to encourage support so that he did not fall completely, "It was Shen who lost."

Lin Xin clenched the Yanggu sword in his hand, and stared at it without blinking. In her previous life, Shen Qirui also lost to Wen Shilan by one move, but Wen Shilan had no intention of stopping at all and killed Shen Qirui directly.

However, this time Wen Shilan did not raise the knife again, looked at Shen Qirui fixedly, and said, "You are very good."

Wen Shilan is a pure-blood barbarian with a straight nose, deep eye sockets and blue eyes. The resolute outline is like an ax and a knife, with sharp edges and corners.

Shen Qirui had a very happy match this time, after coughing up a mouthful of blood, Lang smiled and wanted to fist-fight Wen Shilan. Suddenly, something glowing with white light called, and he subconsciously picked it up with his hand.

"Don't touch it!" Lin Xin yelled loudly and rushed over, unable to stop it. The talisman melted in his hand and disappeared instantly, leaving an eyeball-like imprint on his palm. The blood all over his body froze in an instant, devouring spirits! That is devouring!

Wen Shilan had already fled with the sword, and Lin Xin only had time to shout "Spirit Devouring" to his master before chasing Wen Shilan away.

He galloped with all his strength and flew dozens of miles in an instant. After bypassing a snow mountain, Wen Shilan suddenly disappeared.

Lin Xin stood in mid-air, holding the swallowing hook in his hand, and looked around Ling Ran.

"Little brat, what are you doing with me?"

The spiritual power of fearing dragons and snakes struck from behind, Lin Xin immediately drew away the Yanggu sword, his body fell suddenly, barely avoided the knife, and then turned around quickly. Using a swallowing hook instead of Yanggu to make a flying sword, Yanggu began to absorb soul power quickly.

"Soul power!" Wen Shilan saw through Lin Xin's tricks at a glance, and did not give him a chance to absorb his soul. "Dangdangdang" was a quick slash eighteen times in a row.

Lin Xin had no time to absorb the soul, so he could only concentrate on dismantling it. In the end, Wen Shilan stuck the blade with a knife. The two used their spiritual energy and competed in mid-air.

The Yingying light spots escaped again, seizing every opportunity to absorb the soul.

Wen Shilan didn't care this time, pressing down on Lin Xin's sword with a mighty force, her beast-like eyes gazing at the still immature boy's face, "Are you... Lin Xin?"

"It's me!" Lin Xin sneered, thinking that his name had already been spread all over Beimo, the son of the saint and the Han, the great witch obviously wanted to arrest him, I wonder if he was going to be used as a sacrifice to heaven.

Hearing this, Wen Shilan's face changed slightly, and she pushed him away suddenly, "Don't let me see you again!" After saying that, a talisman popped out to him.

Lin Xin turned over in shock, and poked the talisman paper with the tip of his sword, it was not a spirit devourer. After a false alarm, she looked up again, and Wen Shilan had disappeared without a trace.

Although Shen Qirui did not die on the spot, he was not much better after being devoured. How can I explain to Shen Lou? Lin Xin returned to Huanxinghai dejectedly, and saw Shen Qirui still lying on the stone lotus leaf, Zhu Xingli stripped his upper body and tied him up like a hedgehog.

"Master, what are you doing?" Lin Xin resisted the urge to pull Zhu Xingli away, and stared at his fingers wrapped in spiritual power, "Don't touch them, the spirit devouring will contagious."

"I know, you stand far away." Zhu Xingli responded, and the movements of his hands were not slow, and he pricked a few more needles.

Shen Qirui's big hole was sealed, and he couldn't move, he could only stare blankly. The small bead, visible to the naked eye, moves under the skin and crawls along the meridian to the dantian, like a living thing. "What is this? My spirit veins..."

"A kind of witchcraft in Beimo. Since it is going to the dantian, it can damage the spiritual roots. If you can't control it, you will explode and die after a while. After the explosion, this thing will spread to the surrounding people." Based on his own research over the past few days and the situation he saw now, Zhu Xingli immediately deduced the working method of the Devourer.

Lin Xin's eyes were complex. Master is really too smart. In his previous life, he would have guessed it at the moment of being devoured and begged for death decisively.

"Then kill me." Shen Qirui said calmly.

When a group of retainers and attendants heard this, Qiqi's expressions changed. Zi Shu burst into tears even more anxiously, "No way! The prince hasn't come back yet!"

"It's a bit early for the funeral, wait a little longer." Zhu Xingli waved his hand, signaling to everyone not to cry.

After a few more stitches, the thing's swimming slowed down significantly. Mr. Dong was very excited, but Lin Xin's expression was still serious.

When Shen Lou was hit by a ghost, he used the method of sealing the acupoint with a golden needle to stabilize the thing. He knows it, and the master is definitely better at it, so it's no problem to seal the devouring spirit in twos and threes. It's just that he couldn't keep Shen Lou's life, so he could only trade his life for his own, sucking the devourer away by himself.

"Master, is there a way?" Lin Xin asked in a low voice.

"No." Zhu Xingli rubbed his chin. He had just been playing with the spirit devourer for a short time, and he hadn't figured out why. Before everyone started howling again, he said again, "With me here, I can't die. .”

Lin Xin peeked at Master's expression, and was surprised to see the strong interest in the drooping phoenix eyes, and couldn't help but jump in his heart. Since he still has the heart to play, it means that Shen Qirui's life is really safe.

Shen Lou rushed back full of evil spirits, and found that his father had been devoured, and was silent for a long time.

"Qing Que, I'm sorry." Lin Xin grabbed his sleeve and whispered.

Shen Lou put away the coldness in his eyes, turned to look at Lin Xin, "How can I blame you? I was careless."

No one expected that Wen Shilan would do it so many years in advance, and even brought out the spirit devourer. Having been entangled with Wen Shilan for so many years, he knew very well that that person actually disdained or even hated ghost devouring, so why did he use this evil thing himself

Shen Qirui, who was lying on the bed and couldn't move his hands and feet, saw the two people who were "earning each other" and became angry, "Qingque, come here."

The author has something to say: Small theater:

Father Shen: I don't admit it, how can such an excellent goose be gay!

Lou Lou: Three points are destined, seven points depend on hard work

Father Shen: Bah, our family doesn't have this gene, where did it come from

Xinxin: Hello, I am the sky

Father Shen: Isn't your name Xin

Xinxin: My name is Ashin, I am from Mayday

Father Shen: ...