
Chapter 8: Enemy (4)


Lin Xin looked at Shen Yingying's soft and boneless hands, and felt creepy.

"He's not even ten years old, is he? What's the use of having a squire who is younger than you, why not give it to me!" Shen Yingying stared at Lin Xin intently, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

This eldest lady is not an ordinary woman, as her attendant, his small body probably won't last for three days, Lin Xin looked at Shen Lou aggrievedly, and whispered: "It's useful, Xin wants to warm the prince's bed."



The room was silent, and a needle could be heard.

Huang Shiwei, who hadn't wiped off the dew on his head, looked at Shizi in shock, and then turned to look at Zishu. Zishu rescued Lin Xin from the eldest lady's grasp with a pale face, "Ashin, that's not called warming the bed, don't talk nonsense."

Shen Lou deeply felt that he had badly taught the child, and his face was a little bad, so he gave Shen Yingying a scolding and forbade her to go to the Western Regions.

"Why don't you let me go! I'm going!" Shen Yingying slapped the tall pear wood pier at hand, with a crisp "click", the whole stool was torn apart and shattered all over the floor.

"Shen Yingying."

Hearing her elder brother calling her by name and surname, her tone was not so harsh, but Miss Shen visibly flinched, stared at Lin Xin with her neck straightened, and snorted softly, "If you don't go, don't go, who cares!"

After all, he left angrily.

Lin Xin sighed softly, and really wanted to give up the quota to Moguishan to Shen Yingying, but he didn't know how to say it. At this time in his previous life, he didn't know about the Zhong family. He only remembered that Zhao Jian ran away with him in his arms, and was intercepted and killed three times by unknown white-clothed monks.

"I'm not going to Mogui Mountain anymore, let the miss go." Lin Xin tried to reason with Shen Lou.

"Mo Guishan is not the same as our Huanxinghai, the western capital is Xianyang at the foot of the mountain, so it's fun!" Zishu came over with a bowl of soup and coaxed him with a smile.

Lin Xin sniffled his nose, and smelled the smell of "breaking evil". Po'e and Chixingcao have similar effects, both are elixir for nourishing the soul, but they are much more expensive than Chixingcao, and they don't have the disgusting smell of urine like Chixingcao.

Shen Lou was flipping through the letters in the sandalwood box, turning a blind eye to Zi Shu's arrival.

Zishu looked at the crown prince who treated her like air, stomped his feet angrily, poured out some of the overfilled soup, and handed it to Lin Xin, "Go, let the crown prince take the medicine."

Lin Xin took the soup bowl, walked unsteadily to Shen Lou's side, tilted his head to look at him, and took a sip secretly. Po'e, Guiling, and Sanwencao, there are still tastes that are not clear, and they can cure everything, not just to replenish the soul. What happened to this man's body

Shen Lou put down the letter dumbfounded, how dare this little greedy cat eat anything, even secretly drink medicine! "tasty?"

"Bitter," Lin Xin wrinkled his nose, "but my mother said that good medicine tastes bitter."

Leading by example, not to set bad rules for children, Shen Lou took the medicine bowl and drank it down.

Lin Xin took the empty medicine bowl and was very pleased. Judging by Zishu's appearance, this elder son probably didn't take his medicine properly. Shen Qingque should be only twelve years old now, and it is the time when he is rebellious, so he has to touch his hair.

Zi Shu walked away with an empty bowl contentedly, and Shen Lou picked up the letter again to read it.

Every time someone from Mo Guishan came, they would bring a letter from the brothers of the Zhong family, most of which were Zhong Youyu's ramblings, and the taciturn Zhong Wumo would at most add a sentence at the end. The latest one was to invite him to climb Mogui Mountain and shoot wild geese on the Double Ninth Festival, and it didn't mention the century-old wine at all. But this time, the messenger came empty-handed...

After closing the box, Shen Lou got up and took Lin Xin to see his father, and set off immediately.

The wind and snow that fell for several days stopped for a while, and the slender maple trees were all wilted and became bare. The hundred-year-old maple tree was unscathed, still full of prosperity, and slowly shedding its leaves.

"I can't go." Lin Xin hugged the old maple tree and refused to leave.


"I..." I can't tell Shen Lou that I am Lin Zhenghan's son, and the Zhong family has always wanted to arrest him. The most likely thing Shen Lou could do was to hand himself over to the emperor. Lin Xin was a little worried, "I'm wearing the clothes of the crown prince, if someone sees me, they will beat me to death."

Shen Lou was stunned for a moment, only to realize that Lin Xin was wearing the clothes he had when he was a child. The attendants have a detached status in the Shen family, they are actually equivalent to disciples, but they each have their own objects of attachment. The Shen family treated them as the same family, and there was absolutely no danger of being beaten to death if they wore the prince's clothes.

Touching that little head with some distress, "It's okay, don't leave my side after you go out, no one will bully you."

Lin Xin was reluctantly taken by Shen Lou to Qiongjin, the residence of Duke Xuan.

Shen Qirui was tall and tall, walking to the near side would give people a heavy sense of oppression, his cold gaze swept over Lin Xin, and he suddenly let out a "huh".

The pulse wrist was suddenly grabbed by a big hand, Lin Xin subconsciously wanted to draw the knife, touched Kong Kong's waist and squeezed it hard, only then did he resist the urge to break Shen Qirui's wrist with his backhand.

"Extensive spiritual veins and high aptitude, where did this kid come from?" Shen Qirui looked at Lin Xin with the eyes of a high-end spiritual sword.

"The Zhao family's child, whose parents have died, Zhao Wanhu and his wife treated him harshly..." Shen Lou explained Lin Xinming's superficial identity.

"Reckless waste, what a wasteful waste!" Shen Qirui squeezed Lin Xin's slender wrist, very angry.

Lin Xin put on an innocent face.

Shen Qirui took out a piece of deer glass the size of a pigeon egg from his sleeve and gave it to him, "From now on, it will be the Shen family, if you practice hard, you will become a great weapon in the future."

Holding the crystal-clear deer glass in his hand, Lin Xin reluctantly followed the prince into the carriage.

"Father rewarded you, put it away." Shen Lou had an inexplicable smile in his eyes.

"What is this?" This deer glass was polished, smooth and edgeless, it was used by a wealthy family like the Shen family for children to play with, and it was very different from the ones that monks usually put on their swords. As a child who has never seen the world, Lin Xin can't act very knowledgeable.

"Deer glass." Shen Lou also took out two from his sleeve, gave them to Lin Xin, and explained the origin of the deer glass to him along the way.

The ancient magic of immortality was lost, and the family of cultivators relied on talismans and treasures to survive. Suddenly, they chased the deer into the mountains one day, and got the spirit stone, which was as bright as glass, so it was named Luli.

The appearance of Luli made the immortal way flourish again, and the immortal who was almost reduced to a charlatan was able to ride the sword and ride the wind again.

The Western Regions are not as cold as the Northern Regions. The autumn is crisp and the geese fly south.

Mogui Mountain is indeed a mountain, the Zhong family lives on the mountain, and the capital of the Western Regions is just below the mountain. Huanxinghai is still a certain distance from the northern capital, but Mogui Mountain is closely connected with the western capital, and it is extremely lively.

At the foot of the mountain there were crowds of people, and chariots and horses full of gold, silver, money and food blocked the mountain gate.

"Forgive me, my lord, it coincides with the autumn tribute. Thousands of households and thousands of households in the territory are all there, so it's a bit crowded." The messenger apologized repeatedly, and Yu Jian went to report. Knowing that Duke Xuan was coming, a group of white-clothed monks appeared immediately and drove the delivery carriages to the side of the road to make way for the Shen family.

Dukes and Marquises pay tribute to the emperor once a year, and the rules for collecting tribute from vassals vary from region to region. The Northern Region receives Xia Gong and Sui Gong twice, while the Western Region receives the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and now it is autumn tribute.

Zhong Suifeng, who was also wearing a white robe with wide sleeves and white tiger fur on his collar, ran out to greet Shen's family in a state of desperation.

"Brother retreated, I was a little flustered at the moment, please forgive me." Zhong Suifeng had a good-natured face, and he spoke slowly. This face is kind at best, but cowardly at worst.

"Why are you here too?" Zhong Youyu, who followed his uncle out to greet the guests, saw Shen Lou, instead of being surprised, there was suppressed anger on his face. Beside Zhong Wumo was expressionless, looking very haggard.

Standing behind Shen Lou, Lin Xin narrowed his eyes slightly. Aren't these two brothers and Shen Lou too good to wear a pair of pants? Why did she look like a dead father when she saw Shen Lou!

He remembered that nothing major happened to the Zhong family in his previous life, and it wasn't until he crushed Zhong Changye's soul that the Zhong family began to decline.

The author has something to say: Small theater:

Father Shen: From now on, Lin Xin will be a member of the Shen family

Loulou: (⊙v⊙)

Father Shen: What are you laughing at

Lou Lou: It’s okay, I just feel that the paper burned in front of your spiritual seat in the previous life was not in vain

Father Shen: What did you say? (╰_╯)#

Xinxin:? ?