Zisui Zhi Chen

Chapter 36: disturb


"My son."

As the candle flickered, Xin Yi suddenly raised his head. Only then did he realize that it was already dark, only he was left sitting on his seat in the hall, and Xiao Su Bingzhu stopped a few steps away.

While the candlelight was flickering, there were only a few thin pages left in the Fengzong under his finger. Xin Yi understood why Xiao Su was waiting here, closed Feng Zong and handed it over. He has already memorized most of the things in this Fengzong, and the last few pages are all complicated explanations, so there is no need to read them again.

Xiaosu accepted Fengzong and put him in his sleeve. He said to Xin Yi: "It's getting late, be careful when the son returns."

Xin Yi didn't move, and slowly left a word or two on the paper.


"The humble job is just to follow orders." Xiao Su smiled slightly, "The umbrella has been prepared under the corridor, please, my son."

Xin Yi leaned forward and saluted, but Xiao Suwei turned sideways to accept it. Xin Yi didn't force himself, put down his pen, got up and retreated. After he left, Xiao Su burned the paper with the word "thank you" on the case to ashes on the candle, and blew lightly, leaving nothing behind.

Xin Yi stepped out of the hall and stood on the porch. From here, jump over the long pavilion on the opposite side, and you will see the imperial palace. It was already dark at this time, and there were palace lanterns hanging from the eaves of the palace, swaying in the light snow, in Xin Yi's eyes, it was like staring round eyes, peeping around from a high place through the night. His straight back was a little stiff, and there was no smile on his face, but a kind of indifferent coldness.

It seemed that he was looking down at the huge palace, and it seemed that he was looking down on himself coldly.

Xin Yi let out a deep breath of cold air, and stepped down the steps.

As February passed and March began in Yangchun, Zhang Taiyan elected Hou Ke from the Imperial Academy to be the doctor of Zhongshu Province. He An often resigned from the political affairs office on the grounds of illness, the emperor should not. In April, the prince began to ask for the "Northern Shang Order", which meant to change Beiyang to be the place where Dayuan delivered goods. The Baijiuyi faction dissuaded them with the reason that Beiyang is an important place on the frontier. It was only Dayuan Chahetai who married Princess Dalan and paid tribute to her many times. A sense of might. At the beginning of May, the Beishang Order was implemented.

Since then, Beiyang Sanjin has become Beiyang Two Jin, and lost the Shangjin business place near Dayuan.

On the day when the Beishang Order was carried out, the crown prince met Xin Yi in the palace, he slowed down and looked at Xin Yi kindly.

"You child." The prince reprimanded lightly, "You've lost a lot of weight."

Xin Yi still had the book given by the emperor in his hand, his eyes were slightly bent, and he stopped to salute the prince. The prince approached, swept the book in his hand, and said with a smile: "The document of Beishang Ling? This order is submitted by this palace. If you have doubts, it is most appropriate to find this palace. You don't need to read this book." See Xin Yi smiled modestly, with deep meaning in his eyes, and said, "In just a few months, I am impressed."

Xin Yi showed shyness.

The prince took his hand, walked a few steps, and said: "Beiyang is your home, so I want to tell you about this order. The imperial court has considered this, for the sake of the country, the country, and the common people. If it is not of great benefit, How could the father be willing to take Shangjin. Do you understand?"

Xin Yi nodded, as if humbly receptive.

Prince Fang smiled again, raised his hand to let the servant behind fetch some sugar, handed it to Xin Yi, and said lovingly: "There are many etiquettes in the palace, and food and drink are strictly guarded. Uncle Tang privately gave it to you. Take it and eat it." Then he laughed and said, "If the Holy Majesty doesn't ask, you don't have to mention it, and I'm afraid I'll blame you for being childish."

Xin Yi was always submissive, and kept his posture until the prince walked away. The little eunuch at the side praised secretly, and said that although the prince Yi is dumb, he has a good temper, and he has to use all the etiquette before he is willing to move.

Xin Yi walked out of the palace gate, opened the sugar bag in his hand, and stuffed one into his mouth. Meng Chen said in surprise: "Your Majesty is so delicious."

Xin Yi smiled, bit the candy in his mouth with a bang, and said softly, "Eat, why don't you eat it."

It is said that the prince just said goodbye to Xin Yi and went to the study, where he met Bai Jiu. King Pingding and the emperor were sitting side by side, playing chess.

The prince saluted and said with a smile: "My son is ashamed, every time I see my father playing chess with King Pingding, I feel a little itchy."

The emperor came out of the cold moon, and the day became warmer. He also seems to be in a better mood. Wen Yan pointed at the prince with a smile, and said to Bai Jiu, "Look, he's still sore."

Bai Jiu made sure, looked at the prince with narrow eyes, and said: "The minister is a stinky chess basket. The prince is here, just to relieve the minister's difficulties."

The emperor laughed and said, "You have been playing chess for several years and haven't won. You have nothing to do today. The prince is here to play a few games for him."

"Your Majesty forgot again." Bai Jiu smiled and lifted the chess pieces, "The prince has been so busy with Bei Shang Ling recently that there is no one around, how can he be all right?"

The emperor smiled slightly, and asked the prince, "Is there really something wrong?"

The prince smiled, "It's all trivial."

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, "National affairs are the most important thing." Speaking of Beishang Ling, one must think of Beiyang's cutting of land. The emperor asked Baijiu, "Did Xin Yi say anything to you?"

Bai Jiu couldn't help laughing, "How can the prince say that? I see that he hasn't changed in recent days. I think someone has told him the importance." Then he turned to the prince, "It must be the prince who took the trouble to teach him."

"National affairs are the most important thing." The prince looked at him. "Xin Yi is a good boy"

"You're fast." The emperor turned his eyes, and said with a half-smile, "before I thought. Xin Yi has been with me for half a year, and he has a submissive and gentle temperament. Heavy."

"Who can think further than Your Majesty." Bai Jiu said, "Your Majesty, it's your turn."

The emperor returned his gaze. He and Bai Jiu sat cross-legged at the banquet, but let the prince stand below. Kang Fu looked at his nose and eyes without moving. I don't know if the emperor forgot to give the seat, or everyone forgot to remind.

Back home at night.

Xin Yi was teasing Chi Chi, Chi Chi has grown a lot now, but she is too fat, the kind that will roll over when teased. While teasing, she stretched out her arms behind and hugged him directly by the waist.

Bai Jiu bit his fingertip and said, "Prince, you bastard."

Xin Yi thought of the moment when the prince shook his hand today, so he knew what was going on with Bai Jiu.

"He can carry out the Beishang Order, so it's only natural for him to find me." Xin Yi narrowed his eyes after being bitten, and only smiled: "He even gave me candy."

"He will find someone." Bai Jiu said calmly, "I lost it."

Xin Yi let out an uh, "I ate..."

Bai Jiu bit him again, and Xin Yi laughed. Chichi looked up stupidly at his feet and rolled around, but no one paid attention to him.

"In a few days, His Majesty will call."

"Cut off the land to give the title." Xin Yi said: "Your Majesty is just doing this, presumably in order to beat the crown prince, so he didn't get close to him today. To appease me, he will definitely make more fuss about the false name. I just wonder why the crown prince Sudden opening of business in the northern border?"

"Because Chagatai is about to ascend the throne." Bai Jiu said lazily, "He has a good relationship with the prince. A good friend is about to ascend the throne, and the business in the northern border is considered as a congratulatory gift."

"Great." Xin Yi pondered, "But Cha Hetai is not a dog. I'm afraid he won't be able to feed him with a trade route to Tianjin."

"Da Lan may not be able to satisfy him. Arslen's days of riding a horse are not long. Chagatai will not let the lion die of old age under his control."

Xin Yi was silent for a moment, and said, "Will you definitely fight?"

Bai Jiu smiled, "Will he continue to kneel and pay tribute?"


What Dayuan can't bear is to bow his knees. They are ambitious and strong, and they have been fighting for everything since the days of chasing eagles. Kneeling in front of Dalan is already a disgrace to Dayuan. If Chagatai wants to surpass the prestige of the previous generation, he has to wash this brand with blood.

Xin Yi thought of something, "Who is Hou Ke? The teacher also highly respects this person."

"Zhang Taiyan's new student." Bai Jiu paused, "Xiao Fengchu."

"Master He's illness came on suddenly." Xin Yi frowned, "Master Zhang is eager to push another junior?"

"He Anchang asked himself to be sick and insisted on staying behind closed doors. Although there has been some improvement, his position in the emperor's heart is still not as good as before. Being able to push Zhang Taiyan to another younger generation at such a time shows that He Anchang has done something extraordinary. It's so serious that Zhang Taiyan, who regards him as an inheritance, can't tolerate it." Bai Jiu's tone was flat, "This Hou Ke, except for his family background, is said to be able to compete with He Anchang."

"I've never heard of it." Xin Yi touched his chin, "I thought I had been in the capital for a long time."

"This person was not outstanding in his actions before, and it's reasonable for you not to know. Zhang Taiyan previously only wanted this person to be He Anchang's right-hand man in the future, but now he has no choice but to introduce him instead."

"What's the matter, Mr. He?"

Bai Jiu smiled, "Only he knows this."

With the implementation of the Beishang Order, Shangjin’s Qiu family complied with the prince and opened the Dayuan trade road, which made the originally prosperous Shangjin business more enthusiastic. Ji Baiyue wrote to him many times, but got no response. It's just that within two months, Xiajin turned his face first.

Backed by Lijin and facing Dezhou directly, Xiajin was originally supported by the Beiyang commercial road under the Yanwang Mansion, but now Shangjin not only cuts off the road, but also blocks the lower road. There are many people from Xiajin in the Beiyang army, and if there is any disagreement, they have to make it clear with Shangjin. It's just that the Qiu family in Shangjin called themselves the Beiyang clan, and they turned against the Beiyang army assigned by the imperial court, and turned to the prince for grievances. The prince intended to turn the matter into a big one, and asked the enemy to open a few ways, but the enemy was unwilling, and even though he was ordered to open the way, he made trouble under his hands. Xiajin can't give up, only when the court treats himself as a beggar, he must ask for an explanation.

The two sides fought at the mouth of Lijin, and if Ji Baiyue hadn't stopped the fight in time, the situation might have deteriorated further.

This matter cannot be concealed, the emperor knew what was going on when he turned his head. Immediately blame the prince first.

"My son didn't notice, I begged my father to punish me." The prince knelt down in the hall, quickly admitted his mistake, and said: "Bei Shangling intends to do something for righteousness. My son originally sent people to Beiyang Sanjin to explain it in turn. At that time, Xiajin The guard Wu Yu kept saying that he would try to keep everything safe, so the son-in-law inspected him a little more leniently and pushed back the order."

"Issuing the decree is for the people, for a Beishang decree, how dare you give Shangjin such courage?" The emperor threw out the memorial, "The Qiu family has 80,000 Beiyang troops, and they can't hold down a Xiajin! He Qiu Mingyao has taken it all these years Have all the military funds been fed to the dogs?!"

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Zhongshu Counselor took a step forward, and said: "The crown prince is exhausted from running for the Northern Commander, and it is obvious that the prince is now rebelling first, and I think that everyone should be punished!"

"I think it's inappropriate." Tai Pu Siqing came out again, "Going to Tianjin to ask for a bite of food, if Qiu Mingyao was not too domineering, how could this matter happen? Chou Mingyao should be punished!"

These remarks are divided into factions, whether to protect the lower Tianjin or to protect the upper Tianjin, everyone stands clearly. The emperor on the top kept his face silent, while the one below stepped out again.

"I have a proposal."

Xin Yi fixed his eyes and saw that it was Hou Ke, the little phoenix who had gradually replaced He Anchang recently. This person is unhurried and confident.

"Hou Qing, but it doesn't matter."

"If you don't talk about the introduction of Beishang Ling, it is Beiyang Zhongzhong." Hou Ke smiled, "Although Shangjin has returned to the court, it has been under the control of Yan Wangfu for many years. This is Beiyang Zhongzhong Naturally, it must be handed over to the person who knows Beiyang best. Whether it is to pursue Shangjin or punish Xiajin, in my opinion, it is not as good as the prince himself."

Let Xin Yi go? Wouldn't it be letting the tiger go back to the mountain!

The crown prince smiled slowly and said: "Hou lord is new to the court. I don't know something. Although the son is modest, he really can't get involved in such dangerous things. I'm rude. I just say one thing. He can't say it. How can he control it?"

"It doesn't matter." Hou Ke turned to Xin Yi behind Zuo Kai, and said, "The son is the son, this is the royal honor given by His Majesty, who can go beyond Tianwei?"

There was a moment of silence in the hall, the emperor looked at Xin Yi and thought for a long time.

To let go or not to let go, that is a difficult question.