Zisui Zhi Chen

Chapter 41: rebellion



With his hands behind his pillow, Xin Yi was lying on the haystack basking in the sun. Hearing the voice calling him, he only stretched out his hand and shook it in the air, indicating that he was there. His hand was still wrapped in gauze, and it was dangling in the air.

"The tiger is yelling to eat." Meng Chen patted the grass clippings on his robe, and said: "You should also change your medicine."

Xin Yi turned over and jumped down, shaking off the debris on his shoulders, and walked back together with Meng Chen.

Rouhui's horses are raised in this pasture, and several dogs run loose. Seeing that Xin Yi was about to leave, he immediately clinged to him affectionately, and they crowded around him waiting to be fed.

"Greedy!" Meng Chen patted one of the heads and said, "If you want to eat meat, go out and borrow it yourself."

The dog stuck out its tongue, not knowing if it understood, but kept wagging its tail.

Meng Chen laughed angrily, "My eyes are crowded with the prince, just waiting for the rabbit meat." Then he said to Xin Yi: "Let's leave in two days, they should be honest."

Xin Yi also laughed, "It's time to practice hard, even Chiye didn't stop me last night." He leaned over and scratched one of his chins, "Take a good look." Chiye is now free to run, this Several dogs refused to lean against it, let alone stop it.

Speaking of rabbit meat, Xu Qingniang really roasted rabbit meat this afternoon. Xin Yi and Meng Chen went into the hospital looking for clues, Xu Hu hadn't returned from inspection yet, Xu Qingniang was ready and waiting.

"Master and Brother Meng will use it first." The bell on Xu Qingniang's waist swayed, she was saved by Xin Yi, and she even changed the way she ate. "Huzi doesn't know when he'll be back yet. I warmed a portion for him and put it on the stove. You guys eat first."

Xin Yi and Meng Chen were not too polite, they had long been coveted by the barbecue. The three chatted a little more during the meal, and Xu Hu came back after a while. Everyone ate together, nothing happened at noon, Xin Yi changed his medicine, and just got bored and sleepy in the room.

Rouhui can't stay for a few more days, the capital has already sent people to urge him, Xin Yi decided to leave the day after tomorrow, from Rouhui to Lijin, Yan Wang's mansion will not be seen, and he will directly pass through Dezhou to return to Kyoto. Beiyang and Shanyin are separated by a long distance, he has no reason to go around in a big circle, so he can only give up this time.

He only said that when he was drowsy, Xu Hu suddenly knocked on the door, which made Xin Yi have a headache. As soon as he opened the door, Xu Hu said anxiously: "Master, that man is dead!"

Xin Yi's sleepy face changed, and he said to go and have a look.

Those who kidnapped Xu Qingniang that day only left the head man alive, and the rest disappeared completely. But when this person entered the opponent's hands, he still held on to his strength, and he didn't say a word, and he didn't explain a word.

He was just returning to the prison in Rou, and Xin Yi had already been carried out by then. Meng Chen squatted down and lifted the cloth, squeezed the man's chin to look at it, and said to Xin Yi in a deep voice, "He bit his tongue and killed himself."

"Either sooner or later." Xin Yi frowned, "Who was guarding last night?"

Xu Hu said: "I was guarding the door. No one came in, and no one even passed on the message. I was still a little energetic this morning. I came back after lunch and found that he was dead."

Xin Yi's eyelids started to twitch, somehow feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't detect what was wrong. Something like a premonition floated up and down in his chest, and he felt that something was going to happen.

"Uncle Meng." He turned around abruptly, "Prepare water, let's go now!"

Meng Chen was taken aback, and followed. Xu Hu also chased after him, saying, "Your Majesty, you want to go back to the capital?"

"The capital is useless." Xin Yi quickly walked out of the prison and said, "Let's go to Lijin first."

Chiye will come out when he whistles, and Xu Qingniang has prepared water and food for him. Even though he didn't know why he had to leave immediately, Meng Chen didn't question him at all.

Xin Yi hurried to Lijin, horse riding non-stop on the road, the uneasiness in his chest seemed to be his own fault.

People in Dayuan died.

Why die at this time? If it wasn't for the instruction after being imprisoned, it would have been the letter long ago. Dayuan is going to die without proof, so wipe yourself clean at this ordinary time, unless you are afraid of being involved in something and let Kyoto notice it early. Chagatai just married the princess and became Da Lan's son-in-law, and it hasn't been over for a year, why is he in such a hurry

Who is intimidating.

Or does someone want to take the first step, so he has to move the chess pieces

Chiye ran all night. In the morning, the two of them took a rest and started running again. It was not until the afternoon of the next day that I arrived in Lijin.

When Xin Yi saw Ji Baiyue, he first asked, "What's happening in Jiangtang recently?"

Ji Baiyue was slightly surprised, "Where is King Tang? Autumn is coming soon, and he has to monitor the harvest of the granary. Recently, he heard that last year's embankment burst made this year's harvest not as good as in previous years, so he bought three shipments of grain from Xu Hang."

Xu Hang

The explosion at the annual meeting suddenly played back in front of my eyes.

Xin Yi said: "No matter how good Xu Hang's harvest is, it can't fill the warehouse in Jiangtang. Where does Yan Jueshu get his grain from?" hang business.

"Wu Yu only sells grain to him." Ji Baiyue saw that Xin Yi's expression was wrong, and he was afraid that he hated Wu Yu's dirty business in private. The imperial court will not give subsidies, so it can only be sold, and some money can be distributed to the subordinates."

"Is Yan Jueshu doing business with Shangjin?"

"Do it." Ji Baiyue frowned, "Although this man was born in the Imperial Academy and was an official in the court, he handles all kinds of businesses, even official salt."

Yan Jueshu, Jiangtang, Shangjin, Dayuan.

A line with a clear relationship can be seen by simply drawing it on the map. Yan Jueshu took advantage of the needs of the prince Tang Wang Chagatai to resell the goods in the three parties in Zhongyun. He not only used money to open up Shangjin business roads for the prince, but also secretly communicated with the Tang king gunpowder business. Finally, he was able to borrow business roads from Dayuan make a profit. He collected surplus grain from various places at a high price and hoarded it into the warehouse, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, and he was afraid that if the three parties were in chaos, he would still be able to make tens of millions more in military grain and armaments!

Using money to mess up the world, and using money to drive the world, this person is simply terrifying and terrifying.

Xin Yi held his teacup in silence for a few moments, his anxiety became more and more intense, and he almost blurted out what Tang Wang had said!

However, at this moment, the news delivered quickly from outside exceeded Xin Yi's expectations.

It was getting dark, and the messenger knelt on the ground and said in a loud voice.

"My son, general, Dezhou Sun Bai has been rehabilitated!"

The scar on Ji Baiyue's brow bone moved, and he asked in astonishment, "Sun Baiping?"

Sun Baiping dares to rebel!

Dezhou is located in Xiajin, a poor and open space, and the land is small and the people are few. Sun Baiping is a timid person, and he dare not even fart when he goes to Beijing to stand in the crowd on weekdays. He dares to oppose? How could he oppose it! There are only 10,000 soldiers in the Dezhou government, and Xiajin can crush him to death in the cradle, how dare he rebel

Are people instigating or persecuting

Jiang Tang and Xu Hang were like fishbone in the throat, and Kade Xinyi couldn't stop, he spent all his time in these two places, but now he was told that it was Dezhou. His taste right now is simply subtle, but the tense strings are a little tighter. He even began to speculate whether this was Tang Wang's former bed, or Yan Jueshu's hiding place

"Prince Pingding still has two words for the son!" The people on the ground raised their heads with burning eyes, "The son can return to the capital immediately, and His Highness will wait for the son to return home in Beijing. The son can also stay in Beiyang, and immediately gather the three Tianjin Beiyang The army is waiting for you, and the conferment will arrive in two days!"

Ji Baiyue stood up abruptly, "Conferred the title..." He looked at Xin Yi and said, "King Yan!"

This name is like a fire, burning from the chest, and the trembling of tightness spreads to the fingertips. Xin Yi clenched his lips, remembering Bai Jiu's hand on his shoulder, telling himself over and over again.

Can't get dizzy.

Can't rush.

"This is the beginning." The voice in the ear is still in a trance, "You can walk back step by step."

"Deploy troops to Sanjin." Just a few moments. Xin Yi looked up again, and said in a flat voice, "Assemble the Beiyang Army."

This is just the beginning, the road has already appeared among the clouds and mountains. He originally thought that he would never be able to step on it, until Bai Jiu helped him up, allowing him to choose a flat road, or a thorny and dangerous road. No matter what day it was, the man was waiting for him to come home.

King Ping is dead, but there are still people alive.

Xin Yi took a step and stepped firmly on the steps.

The sky is dark and the stars are faint.

"I've chosen."

He murmured in a low voice, not knowing who he was speaking to.

Huoliao jumped up to the fingertips, Bai Jiu seemed unconscious. The newly arrived letter turned into ashes, he twirled the dust on his fingertips, and casually said to Elder Qu beside him: "Just use sweet potatoes at night."

Qu Lao smiled and said, "You've been using it for several days."

Bai Jiu wiped his fingers on the handkerchief, smiled, "That's it."

Qu Lao smiled and said, "Our son is also good at this."

"He's still growing, why doesn't he like to eat." Bai Jiu leaned on the soft bed, casually flipping through the files Xin Yi had read before, "But I like him like this, I'll give him whatever he wants." Veteran Qu just burned After cleaning up all the dust, the adults suddenly changed the conversation, saying: "Sun Baiping's granddaughter is married well."

Qu Lao smiled, "Isn't it, Master Yan's nineteenth house is the number one."

"The nineteenth room." Bai Jiu turned the page, and saw the words "nonsense" carefully written on the bottom of the dossier by their family's senior son. He immediately laughed out loud, and said, "Yan Jueshu is indeed too nonsense."

He wants both wealth and power in the world.

Too greedy, even dogs can't see it.

When wild dogs are extremely hungry, they dare to grab anything. If you want to clean it up, unless you beat it hard, it will turn around and run away. But if you don't hit hard, you will have to be bitten by it.

Yan Jueshu dreamed that several vicious dogs were chasing him and biting him to death. When he woke up, the soft tent was fragrant, and the warm and fragrant soft jade that could still touch him was lying beside him. He sat up, the man with loose hair was still very young.

He has a bewildering face, and if he were a little thinner, he would be a charming girl. It's just that this girl's preferences are not quite right, and the room is full of golden colors. He likes gold, and only gold.

Even wives and concubines have to be as plump as ingots to catch his eyes.

The nineteenth concubine on one side was sleeping soundly, and he was ignored for a long time after waking up. The disgusting look of the dog salivating was still in his head, his chest was congested, and he couldn't sleep, so he pushed away the person beside him, got out of bed, put on his clothes and poured water to drink.

Sleep how to do.

Count the money.

Yan Jueshu took out the money box he kept in this room, opened it full of money, and threw gold, silver and copper in a pile, he didn't dislike any of them. Just holding the box and counting vigorously. He is very good at bookkeeping and counting, and he rarely makes mistakes. He can remember the account book just by looking at it, even if he is short of a copper, he will know it.

But he likes counting one by one like this, and he never tires of doing it.

There is only one strange thing, that is, such a person who loves gold is not a piece of gold, but a piece of agate, which is mottled and worthless. He would be happy holding the agate while counting the money.

They kept losing like this until dawn, when outsiders wrote to say that Master Qingping Xie Jingsheng sent someone to send him a gift. He asked someone to bring him up to have a look, but before he drank the tea, he saw a servant running over with a big, ferocious dog.

The lingering prestige of last night's dream was still there, he shook his hand, and the tea burned his hand. On one side, people were cleaning and yelling to wipe, but he smiled coldly, pushed away the concubine who was in the way, and fixed the dog.

Does Bai Jiu think that a dog can scare him? Not to mention the Beiyang dog Jingdu dog, even the one on the dragon chair, he is also a drowning dog!

"Send three more shipments to Jiangtang." Yan Jueshu wiped his red-hot hands, and said with a sneer, "Yes."