Zisui Zhi Chen

Chapter 43: Xianglan


Sun Baiping climbed the city and looked outside, and he could see the lights of Beiyang camp flickering in the distance. He silently chewed on his pipe, hunched over in the heavy snow, not knowing what he was thinking. Behind him was a little kid, about five or six years old, wrapped in furs into a small ball, tiptoeing to the wall, and following along.

Sun Baiping tapped the boy's head with his pipe, and murmured, "What are you looking at?"

The little boy groaned, with hands that were red from the cold, leaning his arms against the wall, and poking his head into the heavy snow. A pair of eyes are black and bright, and he is not afraid at all. He said: "Look at the Beiyang Army." Then he tilted his head to look at Sun Baiping, "What are you looking at?"

Sun Baiping smacked his lips, "I'll take a look at the Beiyang Army too." Then he knocked on Tong Zaizi again, "Climb so carefully and fall, no one can save you if you fall into eight pieces."

"Have you ever fallen?" The little brat persisted, "Is it really eight petals?"

Sun Baiping breathed out in the snow, "Let me tell you, if you fall into the hands of King Yan." He pointed to the Beiyang Army. "It's the man who leads the soldiers in this battalion, just shut up and pretend to be dumb."

"Why are you pretending to be dumb?"

"Because pretending to be dumb can save lives." Sun Baiping stretched out his head to look at the crossbow set aside, then retracted, and said, "Did you hear that?"

The boy nodded, seeing that he was about to go down, he quickly slid down the wall to follow. The snow below can pile up to the crook of the cub's legs, and it will fall down as he walks. When Sun Baiping fell down, he turned around and dragged him out by the back collar, and let him follow. So again and again, just don't hug him.

One big and one small were staggering silently in the snow, and the people in the sheds to the west were all Xianglan people who refused to cooperate. A kid climbed onto the scaffolding, showing a pair of eyes, saw Sun Baiping, and let out a yell.

Sun Baiping didn't seem to be able to hear, the boy stopped to look away, and asked Sun Baiping, "Why is he poohing you?"

Sun Baiping copied his hands, he had a somewhat wretched look, and such a copy made people hate him even more. He said: "You haven't eaten enough, who knows." Then he stopped the boy who was going to go, and said: "What are you doing?"

"Be reasonable." The boy looked up at him, "Didn't you give them food?"

"They don't eat what I give." Sun Baiping bent down as if to hug him, but took his hand back halfway for some reason, and said, "You don't understand." When the little boy raised his head, his eyes were huge and black It's terrible, so that people with evil intentions can't face it squarely. Sun Baiping felt that he was not such a person, but he still couldn't stand him looking at it like this, so he held his hand and said, "This has nothing to do with you, don't worry about it."

The little boy caught the point and asked, "What is a careless heart?"

Sun Baiping led him one foot deep and one foot shallow, and said, "It's because I ate too many radishes."

The little boy nodded and made a note of it. After walking a few steps, he remembered the boy just now. He looked back and saw that the boy was still staring at them bitterly, and said, "Still staring at you."

Sun Baiping hummed, and said, "I killed his parents."

"Why did you kill his parents?"

"Who knows." Sun Baiping clicked his tongue: "This road is really difficult."

"Don't kill people." The brat staggered after him, and dragged him to reason, "Don't kill people."

Sun Baiping leaned over to slap the snow off his legs, and sighed, "I don't care about that. I don't care about anything I say." Someone walked over there, and Sun Baiping squinted his eyes and pushed the boy aside. Pushing, said: "Go back to the house, there are chestnuts in the house, eat it yourself."

The little boy still wanted to talk to him, but seeing his lazy expression, knowing that this man's words were a decision, he withdrew his hand, stepped up the steps and ran away.

"Slow down." Sun Baiping scolded him from behind, "Beware of slipping!"

"Master Sun." The man had already approached, followed his gaze to look up the steps, and said, "Master Ling is so cute."

"It's luck that I didn't grow up like me." Sun Baiping took out his pipe, put it in his mouth, and said, "What's the matter, Mr. Liang?"

"Say goodbye to Mrs. Sun." Liang Qing pulled up the hood, "The prince told me to go back, and I will be the master here."

"What's the matter, my lord?" Sun Baiping puffed his pipe, "Don't you mean Xianglan?"

"Yan Wang has already come out of the capital, and Xianglan can't survive this winter any longer, so it's pointless to keep it." Liang Qing smiled, with cold eyes, "Is it okay to leave it to Mr. Sun?"

"Isn't it just telling me to lead this city to death?" Sun Baiping also smiled, "What a big deal."

Liang Qing nodded slightly to him, "Then, leave Mrs. Sun alone." The man turned around and left without waiting for him to reply. The heavy snow blinded his eyes, and his back showed a little arrogance.

Sun Baiping kept watching him go with a pipe in his mouth, and when he was about to disappear, Sun Baiping suddenly sighed and said: "Although I have no virtuous name, I am not a hero, but in the end I still want to taste the taste of being loyal to the emperor and serving the country. Son, what do you think about this, I can't control myself."

Liang Qing looked back suddenly, "What do you want?"

Sun Baiping pointed at the sky with his pipe, "Keep your virtue."

The guards around suddenly turned their heads back, pointed their knives at Liang Qing, and surrounded him tightly.

"Sun Baiping." Liang Qing's complexion gradually darkened. "You killed a lot of people along the way, and you still want to use this last time to clear your name?"

Sun Baiping numbly bit his pipe again, "My lord told me to rebel, and I rebelled. But from Dezhou, Mr. Liang's words are more persuasive than mine. He killed a lot of people, and he will be divided among Mr. Liang's head no matter what. The first half, right? The lord wants me to stick to Xianglan and hold back the Beiyang army, so that King Pingding can leave the capital. I thought about it, and I did as I did. The lord wants to rule the country deliberately, and I'm the one to cover it up. But now I want to massacre the city in order to cover it up, so I can't do it any longer."

"Why." Liang Qing sarcastically said, "Are you going to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately? Even if you don't kill anyone today, the king of Hades will let you go? Don't forget that the city of Po Sao, King Ping, burned for three days."

"That can't be done." Sun Baiping smiled, "I died alone, and I deserved it. In the future, when King Yan pacifies Jiangtang, maybe I can still get a name after death."

"Prince Yan?" Liang Qing smiled angrily, "A dumb person can catch your eyes, the prince treats you well."

"It's not thin." Sun Baiping said flatly, "Kill my wife, children, and mother, and hold me in the palm of your hand. Mr. Liang took pains to cover it up here, but I'm not a fool. I can't read what the family letter from my wife and children looks like." ? The prince wants me to saddle up for him, and he will take care of my worries in the rear. With such deep love and righteousness, how can you be a human being if you don’t report it?”

Liang Qingling shook her sleeves, "I'm afraid it won't be as you wish."

The sound of friction resounded softly in the heavy snow, sparks flew from the battlements, and the smell of hot oil and gunpowder filled the city.

"Since you don't leave, I'll give you a ride!"

The Xianglan city wall exploded first, Xin Yi suddenly lifted the curtain, and walked outside a few steps, watching the flames burst out in the heavy snow, it was deafening.

"Why did it blow up?" Meng Chen also ran out, and said, "I'm afraid Wu Yu has only arrived at the foot of Foshan at this time, and it's not yet the time when the fish is dead and the net is broken, why did he blow it up by himself?"

Half of the city wall had collapsed, but the explosions continued. Judging from this appearance, gunpowder was buried both above and below the city. But the Beiyang army hadn't attacked the city yet, so why did he blow it up

Xin Yi whistled to call Chiye, got on his horse, and said, "Go and see."

There are changes in Xianglan City.

When Xin Yi arrived at Xianglan City, the high walls accumulated over the past few days had collapsed, and even the city gate was gone. Before Chiye stepped in, the soaring choking smell mixed with the smell of scalding human flesh hit his mouth and nose. Xin Yi was startled, and saw traces of scalding oil from the place down the city wall. There is a fire burning in the distance, and there are crying and crying. Xin Yi entered with his horse, and the long shed in the fire was nailed to death with wooden boards, and the exposed hands were struggling, and the wailing sound became more terrifying as they got closer.

The gunpowder exploded the hot oil on the top of the city, and the oil was poured from the top down, poured into the long shed that could not be escaped, and the smell of scalding flesh was disgusting.

"Extinguish the fire in Kaifeng!" Meng Chen raised his voice, "My lord orders, save people first!"

But how could it be too late, even though the heavy snow was flying around, the scalding continued in the wailing. Even if the hands of the Beiyang Army broke the seal, what they pulled out were only the dripping limbs of dead people. Meng Chen shouted loudly, lifted the wreck beside the shed, and smashed it on the wooden board in a few steps. Xin Yi then reached in, grabbed a rolling person and dragged him out.

Hot oil was poured on the man's legs and feet, and the hot skin wrinkled.

Xin Yi was unusually calm, he said: "Take out those who are still alive, and let those who can't survive be happy. Search the other corners of the city, and solve them on the spot if there is gunpowder. Uncle Meng led people in and found the granary and the secret passage to the outside world." , don’t chase inside. Finally.” He said coldly, “Find Sun Baiping!”

In the chaos, Sun Baiping was still alive, but he lost his two legs. His pipe was blown off the steps, breaking the stem. He climbed up the steps, reached for his pipe, and tapped hard on the porch post.

I don't know how many times I knocked, a head popped out of the corridor, and the little boy looked at him.

Sun Baiping threw away his pipe, took a few breaths to slow himself down, and said, "Come here"

The little boy ran over like flying.

Sun Baiping pinched the boy's face vigorously, which made his face covered with blood. The old man laughed as if his throat was leaking, he gasped a few more times, and said in a hoarse voice, "Did you see the face of that ugly grandson clearly?"

The little boy tightened his face and nodded vigorously.

"Then you remember clearly." He pressed the little boy's head to his cheek, and rubbed it vigorously, "You remember clearly." Then for some reason, tears fell down and rubbed the boy's face with blood , he sobbed: "Fucking hero! I still, I killed someone!" He hugged the little brat's head, crying like a child: "Damn bastard! I didn't keep anything!"

The little boy bit his lip and let him hold him. He said, "Follow that person. Do you know?"

The cub nodded.

Sun Baiping didn't answer, and said fiercely: "Who are you following?"

"King Yan." The little brat finally cried out of fright, choked up his nose and said, "Follow King Yan."

"Okay, okay." Sun Baiping closed his eyes and swallowed his saliva, pushed him away, and said, "Go away."

The little boy wiped his eyes and fell down crying. Sun Baiping yelled, "Get lost! Don't be an eyesore to me!" He yelled and lay on the ground. Blood dripped down his sleeves and leaked down his hands. He pressed his head to the ground, his tears were blurred, and he didn't dare to look back at the place where the wailing sounded.

The little brat kowtowed to him beside him, he whimpered and pushed the brat again, saying: Why are you kneeling for me! No one of you can kneel! You, ha, you. "He laughed while crying: "You are not my son, why do you kneel to me. "

The kid didn't call him daddy, he just kept kowtowing.

Sun Baiping was slumped in the snow, thinking in a daze. What should I do? There is nothing worth talking about in his life. He is wretched and timid, so he relies on the little bit of Texas to show off his power and prestige. He knew the day he stepped out of Texas that this matter could not get around him, nor would he be spared.

But what to do.

He was afraid of the king of Tang, the crown prince, Yan Jueshu, and even Wu Yu, who had a terrible mouth in Xiajin. There are tigers on all sides, what can he do

The two most daring things he has done in his life are today. One is to scold Tang Wang, and the other is to save this little boy's life.

Before the person arrives, extreme joy turns into sorrow.

The little boy kept crying for an unknown amount of time, but when Meng Chen came to find him, Sun Baiping was already completely cold. He picked up the little brat, saw that he was crying so hard that he was about to choke his breath, and hurriedly carried him on his back.

"Drag it out." He frowned and looked at Sun Baiping, "This person has caused a disaster to the whole city and cannot be tolerated."

When Sun Baiping's body was carried out, many of the Beiyang soldiers who were rushing to rescue him along the way spat. Even Xin Yi glanced back, indifferent.

Xianglan City was finally broken, but instead of being breached, it was broken by gunpowder. Wu Yu found a secret passage under Foshan, and the other end was in Xianglan City. Unexpectedly, there was not enough grain in the granary, someone should have expected it and removed it first.

Few of the 10,000 soldiers of the Dezhou Prefecture were alive, but the other 40,000 or so soldiers that Sun Baiping had swelled up when he entered Yuanji and Xianglan disappeared.

Before Xin Yi had time to catch his breath, at the same time that Xianglan City was broken, Dayuan soldiers attacked Rou and returned.

Xu Hu refused to give an inch, Xin Yi insisted on staying behind, and Xiajin's troops finally came in handy, and Ji Baiyue immediately sent reinforcements back.

It was not yet dawn, and the snow had not stopped.

Tiandao was chilling on Xin Yi's waist, and his expression showed that he was neither happy for Beiyang's reunion, nor happy for King Yan's handsome appearance. Because he smelled another bloody storm in the smell of burning flesh.

After five years.

Dayuan has made a comeback. This time, who should die in front of Mount Canaan