Zisui Zhi Chen

Chapter 53: Mind


Ao Yun's scimitar collided with Arslen's scimitar first, and the sound exploded. Ao Yun yelled loudly, and at this moment, his sturdy arm exploded with terrifying strength, even pressing Arslen's scimitar back.

Immediately afterwards, Xin Yi's Tiandao jumped out from behind Ao Yun's horse, and went straight to the back of Arslen's neck. Arslen's dagger in the back turned over and was caught in the middle by Ao Yun and Xin Yi.

To capture the thief, capture the king first, and kill Arslen. Even if a few of them cannot repel the heavy troops, the Beiyang army from Shangjin will catch up later.

But this is the Lion King.

Ao Yun's back was in a hurry, and he was the first to be forced to withdraw the knife. Xin Yi got on Arslen's horse, and the way of heaven was blocked by Arslen's dagger. He fell down the moment Ao Yun retracted the knife, and sure enough, the cold knife behind him swept across his head. As soon as Arslen's dagger was turned over, it was about to be stabbed down. Xin Yi brushed his head and tightened the saddle with one hand. His whole body fell over and his feet stepped on Arslen's shoulders. on the king's shoulders.

Ao Yun could not help but whistle.

Arslen slid his shoulders, and the scimitar hooked towards Xin Yi's calf. Xin Yi pressed the top of the Lion King's head and jumped up to avoid it. However, he jumped forward, pressed the back of the lion king's head with one hand, and scratched the back of the lion king's neck with the blade in the other hand.

Arslen blocked Xin Yi's saber with his hands, but was pushed by the weight of his forward leap, and his whole body tended to get off the horse. Xin Yi took advantage of the situation and jumped down, Ao Yuntan gave him a hand, and he used his strength to get onto Ao Yun's horse.

"You should be faster." Ao Yun licked the blood on the back of his hand, "But it was a beautiful job."

"I hope you can be faster next time." Xin Yi dodged the knife and let it swing towards Ao Yun, who was blocked by Ao Yun.

Chiye stepped on the corpse and ran alongside Ao Yun's horse. Xin Yi immediately jumped back onto Chiye's back, leaned over and rubbed Chiye's head like a reward.

"Why do we continue to do things with them?" Ao Yun shouted.

"What do you think?" Xin Yi pulled out the blade, and the person whose chest was pierced fell down.

He and Ao Yun looked at each other, and cursed at the same time: "Fucking run!"

Fuck it!

They are not even strong enough, so why should they fight Alslen head-on

The two took the lead and rushed to the front. The wind slammed into their faces, but Ao Yun didn't stop his mouth. He yelled in the wind: "What a shame! We are running away!" Xin Yi still hasn't answered. , I heard him continue: "But it's exciting enough!"

Arslen had already mounted his horse again, and this time he did not intend to let either of them go. Countless cavalry chased after them vigorously, and the two of them were chased by the lion and ran wildly all the way.

Turning over a slightly higher ground ahead, Xin Yi suddenly saw another team in the snowy field.

who is it

Chi Ye charged straight forward, while Xin Yi faced the pair of teams straight. As he ran closer and closer, he saw the person in front of him at a glance.

The snow-white cloak pressed her body, her narrow eyes streamed light, and even her smile was three points bright and seven points cold.

I can't stop my chest pounding! Xin Yi's throat seemed to be tightened, he opened his mouth to shout, but nothing came out.

Bai Jiu's horse suddenly moved.

He rushed forward, and the Beiyang army behind him drew their swords and rushed forward. The snowy field was open, screaming and colliding, the Beiyang army and the cavalry of Alsleng clashed on the snow. The two sides collided head-on for a long time, and Xin Yi also rushed straight to Bai Jiu.

But Bai Jiu's horse brushed past him.

"Jing Yuan—"

Xin Yi's voice was still in the air, his back sank, and the passerby turned on his horse. The cloak was pressed against his shoulders, and the cold smell surrounded his whole body. Bai Jiu's equally cold hand wrapped around his hand holding Tiandao, and Chi Ye immediately turned his head when he pinched between his legs.

The strength of Tiandao's slash was very strong, because Xin Yi knew how much strength he used.

Before the counterattack was approaching, a long arrow pierced the wind from behind and aimed at Arslen's door. He raised his knife to block it, but the scimitar made a sharp scraping sound.

Ji Baiyue stood on the high snow behind.

The strong wind blew away his hair on his forehead, and his posture of drawing the bow remained motionless. The old scar on the exposed brow bone, he stared at the same old knife scar on Arslen's shoulder, and smiled slowly on his delicate face.

He silently read a word to the Lion King.

Let the Lion King rein in his horse, his eyes were heavy, he moved from his face to Xin Yi who was fighting, and landed on the Heavenly Dao.

Those who will break Canaan in the future.

It must be my Beiyang Xin family son.

The man who yelled these words died in front of Canaan Mountain, standing still standing one step away. It made Dayuan flustered, Wanze was afraid of the situation, and Canaan was shaken. Like an oath or a curse, it fell on the hearts of the people from Arslen and Dayuan, as well as the chests of the people from Beiyang and Dalan.

Even if he becomes dust now, his prestige will be lost.

Also unforgettable.

Arslen withdrew his horse suddenly, he stepped back and stared at Xin Yi. Dayuan's heavy troops followed suit, as if they had no choice but to retreat under the fierce attack of the Beiyang Army, or as if they had made another decision and just waited for the right time.

"I'm waiting in Canaan." Arslen raised his fist above his head and shouted, "I'm waiting in Canaan Mountain. If you can't come, I will come again. The Yang army can't break Canaan Mountain, and one day we will be on the bank of the Chang River!"

Dayuan was retreating crazily, this should have been a good time to pursue the victory, but Chiye also stopped. No matter whether it was King Pingding or King Yan, no one issued a pursuit order.

"Why didn't you catch up?" Ao Yun rode his horse to Chiye's side, brushed past Bai Jiu's face first, and then asked Xin Yi.

"I'm afraid we can't do it today." Xin Yi said calmly: "The Beiyang army didn't bring more food, and they will be injured if they are in a hurry. In the future, they will be in the Dayuan world. If they fall into siege, they will collapse."

"Then let him go back to Canaan Mountain like this?"

"I'm afraid it won't work either." He hid his left hand in his sleeve calmly, Xin Yi smiled at Ao Yun, "The Begging Yan Department is still behind, let him retreat too easily, and the Begging Yan Department will also suffer."

Ao Yun wanted to say something, but he met the man's eyes.

Eyes that are narrow and long like a snake, even if you smile, it is cold, even if you look good, it is dangerous. Ao Yun stopped speaking, stepped back vigilantly, and left Xin Yi's side.

"Go back." Bai Jiu whispered in Xin Yi's ear, "King Yan."

Wu Yu wept with joy when he saw Xin Yi. He dragged Xin Yi's thigh, crying in front of Bai Jiu's eyes, and then wiped all his hands on King Yan's trousers, trying to make King Ping Ding understand that he was a bit stupid to be loyal. Xin Ming also hugged Xin Yi's other leg, although he didn't cry, he was still staring.

Xin Yi pushed Wu Yu with the scabbard, pulled out his messy leg, and felt sick when he saw the snot on it, "Oh my god, these are not my pants."

Wu Yu immediately rolled away and said timidly, "Could it be King Pingding's?"

"..." Xin Yi, "Go to hell, Wu Yu."

Wu Yu happily ran out to kill himself.

Xin Yi hugged Xin Ming, "Go and stare at him, tell him not to go crazy." Xin Ming hugged his neck and did not let go, Xin Yi said: "Go, I'm not going out of town today."

Xin Ming reluctantly slid down.

After the person ran away, Xin Yi's shoulders were heavy, and someone pressed on his shoulders from behind, wrapped around him, and held his hands.

Xin Yi clenched his fist slightly, subconsciously dodging with his left hand, and was caught upright. Xin Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he stammered, "My lord."

Bai Jiu's fingertips lingered on the back of his hand, sliding gently.

Xin Yi was concentrating on his left hand, feeling a little nervous. He wasn't afraid that Bai Jiu would find out that he had lost his little finger on his left hand, but he had a certain degree of confidence and didn't want to break the confidence he had built up.

The confidence to stand side by side with Bai Jiu.

Bai Jiu called Xin Yi softly on his cheek, Xin Yi turned his head, Bai Jiu pressed on his lips, and kissed him bit by bit. Xin Yi also used his strength to respond slowly.

It's like I haven't kissed in a long time.

The hands were clasped together at some point, Xin Yi's lips were pushed away, and the clear water poured in from the tip of his tongue. Xin Yi suddenly felt that this moment was very precious, as if he had been walking in the ice and snow for too long and finally found his own warmth. He responded a little fiercely, even clenched Bai Jiu's hand tightly, ignoring the crippled left hand.

That night in Dayuan was terrifying.

If he died in the heavy cavalry, if he died in the snow, if he died in the Qiyan Department. This person is never his anymore, with this warmth and this beating heart.

Bai Jiu suddenly hugged him tightly, speaking like a reunion between life and death. Xin Yi was even sweating due to the rising body temperature, he reluctantly put his hands on Bai Jiu's shoulder, pressed against Bai Jiu's forehead, and looked close to Bai Jiu.

"Jing Yuan." Xin Yi leaned against him and said in a low voice, "I killed many people, I'm not your rabbit anymore."

Bai Jiu didn't laugh because of this thoughtless remark, he said seriously: "I know."

"I met Arslen, but I did not reach Mount Canaan."

Bai Jiu said slowly, "I know."

"I'm so embarrassed, I'm looking for the cooperation of the Begging Yan Department."

"I know."

Xin Yi said, "I want to go home."

Bai Jiu rubbed his thumb on his cheek and said in a low voice, "Then we'll go home."

Of course Xin Yi will not go home now, because he has not finished his work. Dayuan and Tang Wang, he didn't solve any of them. Arslen's retreat could not be so easy. At dawn tomorrow morning, he would continue to mount his horse, carry food, and wade through the snow again in the cold wind, completely blocking Dayuan on that side.

That side of Mount Canaan.

He slept soundly that night, and Bai Jiu's gentle pat made him relax into a deep sleep again. Bai Jiu squeezed Xin Yi's hand, rubbed his fingertips back and forth on Xin Yi's fingers, looked at his left hand that lost its little finger, without smiling.

There was a blizzard night of the year.

Bai Jiu swears when he is not Bai Jiu.

Let Xin Yi live.

I will never be sad.

The man in the middle of the night held up his hand and pecked lightly on his lips. He didn't say anything, but he seemed to have said everything.