Zisui Zhi Chen

Chapter 59: Fanwai Beiyang Xinjia (4)


A person will experience the pain of cutting flesh and bones, mostly because he has lost the person who went hand in hand in his life and expected to stay with him until the end. No matter what role this person is, when he is endowed with such a meaning, he is the meat that cannot be missing, the bone that cannot be removed. However, people are always difficult.

Even if it’s just a small wish sometimes.

will be ruthlessly dissected.

But after this time, how should we face the next time, the next time, the next time, until it's my turn

Xin Jing felt that the desperation would end only when there was no meat or bone that could be cut away, until he was broken into pieces that could not be joined again.

Autumn is here.

Xin Li sat on the fence, biting the grass core, watching the grasshoppers jumping around in the grass. This is the only leisure he has left for fun now, other than that, he is bored in the barracks.

When the wind moved against his head, he bent his head sensitively, and the spear with grass clippings swished past his head.

It is a "famous" gun.

Sure enough, Xiao Yan popped her head from behind and glanced at him. He also glanced lazily at Xiao Yan, raised his hand to part her hair hanging around her ears, and shaves lightly on her cheek along the way.

His "unnamed" gun is at his side. Xiao Yan put the famous on the side of the unknown, and the two silver spears were neatly aligned, except for the weight, they were exactly the same.

"Anonymous, the beginning of heaven and earth; famous, the mother of all things ③", the names of these two silver guns were given by his second brother, as if to dismiss him casually, but at that time Xin Li thought it was cool.

"There will be no military affairs after the patrol tomorrow, so go to the horse race?" Xiao Yan smiled very sweetly, which made Xin Li feel much better.

He was holding a grass core in his mouth, but said the irrelevant words in a brazen and flat manner, "I want to kiss you."

Xiao Yan was originally sitting at the side, her cheeks flushed, and she kicked his calf, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"No nonsense." Xin Li took the grass core, moved closer, and laughed, "I really want to kiss you."

He looks cute, he is very obedient and handsome, he always smiles brightly and innocently, always like a big boy. But now he is obviously smiling, but the depths of his eyes are lonely and peaceful, without half the brilliance of the demon king in the past.

No one mentioned the lost siblings, but everyone changed.

"Okay." Xiao Yan also smiled, "Hurry up."

Xin Li approached gently, tilted his head slightly, quickly tapped on the beautiful lips, and then backed away, even blushing a little.

A guy like him who has a reputation as a bastard and has been rampant until now, but he is as clean as water when he treats the girl he likes.

Xiao Yan pursed her lips slightly, and the two sat on the fence and smiled at each other. At this moment, the red sun was about to sink, and under the orange light and shadow, they looked extremely beautiful.

Ji Baiyue noticed that Xin Jing's horse had stopped, "The work team has..." He suddenly stopped speaking.

Xin Jing was looking at the beautiful picture.

After only a moment, he rode his horse again, "What is the work team?"

"The work team will hand over the progress of Rou's return to the defensive wall." Already at the entrance of the tent, Ji Baiyue followed Xin Jing until he entered the tent, and then said: "Dayuan cavalry frequents, and the original guess is that the battle in early spring will only I'm afraid we'll mention winter. We've been here for nearly half a year, and the capital is coming." He paused and spoke quickly, "Prince Ping will bring the Shanyin Army to meet the enemy with our army."

King Ping and Shanyin were like knives hitting Xin Jing's bottom line. But he just nodded, indicating that he understood. Ji Baiyue withdrew and sighed outside the tent.

Six months ago, Xin Jing would still be lying in the coffin where Xin Jing was buried, revealing his sorrow and joy, but now standing here, he has become as indestructible as an iron plate.

Indestructible and daunting.

This autumn passed extremely quickly, probably because he didn't go out to play around anymore, Xin Li, the devil king of the world, felt a little bored and a little lonely. Because he realized that at this age, he should stand up as a human being, support his father, and be like a pillar with his elder brother.

After all, he no longer has the protection of his second brother.

Mother is also sick, and has been sick since Xin Jing passed away. But the woman with a weak appearance is biting her breath so far, unwilling to vent her weakness to those jackals and tigers who are spying on her husband's son's life. If one day she wants to step into hell, she can only end up in a desperate situation, and she will settle it by herself.

Although Xin Li didn't mention a single word.

But he hated King Ping to death, Kyoto to death, and even the grandfather on the throne to death. He hated it until he tossed and couldn't sleep at night, looking at the frosty window, thinking of these people falling one by one before his eyes.

Give me my second brother back.

When Xin Li was insomnia, she would only silently read this sentence. He no longer bullied Xin Yi, he taught Xin Yi how to ride a horse, patiently taught Xin Yi to learn calligraphy, like a big brother, he completely changed his appearance overnight.

Someone patted his shoulder, Xin Li glanced wearily, it was Meng Chen.

"Shangjin people." Meng Chen nodded with his chin not far away, "I always feel uneasy."

"Qiu Deyao." Xin Li read the name headed by Shangjin, tapped the bottom of the unnamed gun lightly with his toes, flipped the spear into his palm, and said, "Shangjin Shangjin, without Beiyang, I'll see where he can go." He said thinly He smiled coldly, "If he dares to fight back on the battlefield, I will kill him immediately."

"Ah Li." Meng Chen frowned slightly, he didn't know such a hostile smile, "You are too murderous, this is not a good thing."

"In the battle between soldiers and horses, how can we gain a foothold if we don't kill people?" Xin Li rubbed his eyes, yawned and walked back dragging his gun, "I heard that King Ping is coming." With a half smile, he said, "Brother Meng, I really want to kill him."

Meng Chen was dumbfounded, watching him lift the curtain and enter, feeling uneasy.

Now that the war is approaching, King Ping is like a life-saving talisman in front of the imperial decree of the capital. Even though everyone in Beiyang wants his life, no one can do it at this moment.

When the weather was getting colder and the grass and leaves were turning yellow, the Dayuan cavalry rushed in from the east side of the wild mountain for a sneak attack. Xin Li asked for his life, raised his gun and rushed to the front with his men. The murderous intent of blocking and killing the Buddha with the Buddha made the sneak attack defeated, but he didn't turn around and turn around, but drove straight forward and followed closely.

The wild mountains have become dry.

After Xin Li chased to the wild mountain, the Beiyang army he brought with him was only a thousand men left. Although his murderous aura grew, his head was not congealed by the murderous aura. Going forward is the territory of Dayuan. With the people left by him, it is not enough to make things happen.

He turned around.

But because of their hot pursuit for the past few days, the Shanyin army has already arrived in Rouhui. Now Rouhui City is mixed with Beiyang and Shanyin, Shangjin Qiu Deyao is vacillating, it is no longer a safe place. If Xin Li had been more cautious in the past, left eyeliner in Rouhui, or brought Meng Chen with him, maybe things would have turned around.

But he didn't.

Xin Li returned to Rouhui, and Xu Hu escorted him into the city. The odd number of Shanyin Army in the city is about 10,000, which is incomparable with the 60,000 Beiyang Army in the city. Xin Li hated Shanyin to the point where just listening to his name made him feel murderous. In order to appease himself and avoid trouble, he had to return to the Lijin defense line after three days of rectification in Rouhui.

However, in the early morning of this day, Dayuan heavy rider came. Tens of thousands of those heavily armored war horses surrounded Rouhui, and if they sensed any loopholes, they would rush in overwhelmingly.

Xin Li couldn't leave at this time.

Xu Hu left the city wall to defend, and Xin Li led people out of the city to fight. When reorganizing the team, besides the Beiyang Army, there were also a small number of Shanyin Army. The reinforcement of the city wall took a lot of Beiyang Army. Xin Li didn't have time to wait, so he left the city directly.

Xin Li can be promoted to general, and his most glorious achievement in just one year is the surprise attack. With his extremely keen sense of smell, he can distinguish the truth of an ambush, and with his gifted judgment, he can see through the enemy's omissions. If he goes on like this for a long time and complements Xin Jing's calm and solid style of defense in the attack, even if he can't become the commander of one side because of his murderous spirit in the future, he can still become a titan in the border.

Xin Li led Qingqi, which was superior in mobility, flexibility and speed. He led his troops straight ahead, and suddenly split into two when they met Da Yuan's heavy cavalry. The light cavalry brushed past both sides quickly, double-winged, allowing the heavy cavalry to stop the process of protruding forward.

Xin Li turned his silver spear across the border, and the blood spattered the back of his hand and armor. He threw a heavy rider off the horse, and when he leaned over, he had already rolled from his horse onto the back of the heavily armored horse.

Xu Hu saw that he raised a hand behind his back, and immediately ordered: "Strengthen the crossbow and shoot!"

The sound of the heavy crossbow pulling the crossbow machine between the soft wall stacks is numb, and in just a moment, the short and sharp crossbow arrows burst out, rushing towards the Dayuan heavy cavalry surrounded by the middle.

Every strong crossbowman is a master. They are eagle eyes that have been tempered and honed, and they have arm strength that is unmatched by ordinary people. They are the Beiyang core brought out by Ji Baiyue. Every arrow will not be wasted, it will graze the edge of the helmet and go straight to the forehead of Dayuan soldier.

Xin Li reaped the fish that slipped through the net in this rain of arrows. He did not spare any of the enemy soldiers, his expression was cold, and the sharpness of the tip of the spear was rubbed cruelly in the blood.

That's how it ends, Dae-won people are outrageously stupid.

On horseback, Xin Li took out the weed core he had brought down from the wild mountain, but just as he was about to bite it between his lips, the wind of arrows came from behind. The silver gun whirled around suddenly, knocking off the arrow that was aimed at his back with a bang.

He was heavy, inevitably looking back with some shock.

There are densely packed crossbows on the back of the wall, behind which everyone swears allegiance to Beiyang. Who shot the arrow

Is it a coincidence, or is it deliberate

But it's not just over like that, Dayuan's rear began to shoot at him frantically. Xin Li didn't even have a chance to adjust his horse and turn around. The Dayuan heavy cavalry that had collapsed in all directions gathered tightly to surround him, with machetes protruding in all directions, and Xin Li blocked him.

Even if he could block the scimitar, he couldn't block the long arrow. Maybe he can dodge the long arrows facing him, but how can he dodge the cold arrows from his own people behind him

It's sharp in every direction.

Heavy horses on both sides of the scimitar attacked, suppressing his silver spear, and the long arrow directly in front of Da Yuan rushed straight into his chest, piercing Xin Li through the chest.

He should have moved.

But his hands were nailed to the nameless gun by the crossbow arrows coming from behind, making him unable to take it off, unable to move, he could only watch the long arrow rushing and piercing his chest.

Blood gushed out of his mouth, one by one, and he couldn't swallow it down.

Blood clogged his throat, and his opened mouth was full of words, heroic words, and endless wailing.

But I couldn't say a word.

At the moment when he fell off his horse, Xin Li thought happily and regretfully.

Embarrassed, fortunately she didn't follow.

The Beiyang wolf flag on the ground was instantly stained with blood, and the wolf's head was red and black, hanging heavily on the grass, like a young man who fell on the flag.

The sky was dim and bright, and the fine snow slowly drifted away.

Another year of winter.

Xin Li, the third son of King Yan of Beiyang, died in battle in the early winter of Hong Xing's 51st year.

Beiyang's wolf flag was fluttering in the snow, half of its corner was broken, and the wolf head on the painting lost its roaring tongue, so it could only stare coldly at it.

Looking at the tens of thousands of miles of Beiyang in this winter, the hearts of the guards here are chilled.

it's too cold.