Zither Emperor

Chapter 111: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Yin is the second


Anya said painfully: "The elf forest is so beautiful, it hasn't changed, but the elves have lost themselves. They have completely become my sister's tools. My sister was angry, and she launched a challenge to her sister. Even if you don't find your mother to die Because of the reason, she also wants to take back the elf forest from her sister. Only in this way can the elves restore their original peaceful and harmonious life.

They were also at the seventh level of the purple level, and they fought for three days and three nights. The strength of the younger sister was still weaker than that of the older sister. Under the protection of the Seed of Life, they escaped with their lives. With unwillingness and pain, he returned to the human world. Although she lost this time, she also figured out a lot of things. Originally, like her, the elder sister who only mastered the water element in the natural elements actually possessed the power of the dark element. The sister's evil and violence are by no means originally possessed by elves. At this time, my sister already understood everything. However, the truth is so helpless, because even if she knows who turned her sister into this, who is behind the scenes, she has no power to revenge. She can only endure, wait, and practice hard, hoping that one day she can become stronger. "

"Who is it? Who destroyed the elves." Ye Yinzhu's clear eyes were full of anger, showing murderous intent for the first time.

Anya smiled, her smile was so stern, "I can enslave my sister and impart the dark element to my sister who is already at the purple level. Only one person can do it on this continent of Longzinus. Because only he can cultivate the dark element To such a state. That is the master of Falan Seven Towers of Dark Tower."

"Falan Seven Towers." Ye Yinzhu exclaimed.

"Yes, that's him. Besides him, who else has such strength?" Anya's tenderness was gone, and all that was left was deep resentment.

For a long time, Ye Yinzhu only had a vague impression of Falan Seven Towers. After hearing Anya's story, in his pure heart, the image of Falan Seven Towers suddenly deviated from the center track, tilting like a dark side.

"You must have guessed it. The sister in the story is An Qi who came to me today, and I am that sister. It's sad! Even though I already have the strength of the eighth purple level, I still can't compete with her Power. Not to mention the Tower of Darkness behind her. I am almost certain that the death of my mother is also related to the owner of the Tower of Darkness. At that time, my mother was only 800 years old!" At this point, Anya was already crying.

"Sister Anya, don't cry, I will avenge you in the future." Ye Yinzhu said firmly.

Anya just smiled lightly, but didn't say anything. Her revenge at the eighth purple level is far away. Although Ye Yinzhu's piano sound is peculiar, it is still too far behind. However, she did not expect that when she really walked up to the Tower of Darkness one day, she would be following behind this innocent young man who was carrying him on his back.

Suddenly, Anya's face changed slightly, and she said in a low voice: "Yinzhu, hurry up, let's go west first and make a detour. I don't want to be seen by people in Milan."

"Oh." Ye Yinzhu agreed, changed direction and galloped west.

Just as they left for a few breaths, a group of hundreds of dragoons galloped past amidst the loud rumble, and the one rushing to the front was none other than Austin, the Silver Star Dragoon General and Violet Family.

Because of the detour, when Ye Yinzhu returned to Milan City with Anya on his back, the sun was setting and the autumn air in the evening was very cool.

"Yinzhu, let me down." Anya patted Ye Yinzhu on the shoulder. After resting during this period of time on the road, her physical strength and energy have recovered a little. Even she herself was a little surprised why she could recover so quickly, but after thinking about it, it should have something to do with the piano piece that Ye Yinzhu played before.

"Sister Anya, I may not be able to come to work for a while." Ye Yinzhu said.

"Why? Because of An Qi? I will never let her do the same thing again."

"No, of course not. The Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts will organize students to participate in the upcoming autumn defense battle, and I may be selected."

Hearing what he said, Anya's face changed a lot, "So it's like this. Yinzhu, your piano sound is really amazing. Oh, by the way, my sister said last time that she would give you a monster, and this time it just happened to be fulfilled." .Let's go." Then, without waiting for Ye Yinzhu's answer, he took his hand and flew up. The strength of the eighth purple level is indeed terrifying. Although the short-term recovery did not allow her to regain the ability to fly, she pulled Ye Yinzhu to find a path with fewer people and galloped faster than when Ye Yinzhu carried her on her back before. Much sooner.

"Yinzhu." Sura watched Ye Yinzhu and Anya come back together in surprise, and immediately pounced on him, holding Ye Yinzhu's Haiyue Qinghuiqin in his hand.

Returning the piano to Ye Yinzhu first, Sura grabbed Yinzhu's arm with both hands and looked at it non-stop. Her face looked a little pale, and she seemed very tired.

Anya smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, he's fine. You two come with me." While talking, she let go of Ye Yinzhu's hand without knowing where she was going.

Ever since Ye Yinzhu was taken away by An Qi, Sura tried her best to catch up with her, but how could her speed compare with Sister Anya? In just a few blinks, he was thrown away without any suspense. Su La searched around frantically, until she found the outside of the city, but there was still no clue. In desperation, he could only go back to Piaolanxuan to wait, and prayed that Ye Yinzhu was okay.

To Ye Yinzhu's surprise, when they walked into Piaolanxuan, the waiters didn't ask any more questions, they just simply greeted Anya.

Anya led the two of them all the way to the third floor. This was the first time Ye Yinzhu and Sura came here.

The third floor of Piaolanxuan is very empty, there is not even a room, and it is only blocked by veils. Led by Anya, the three of them walked through the veil and followed a path to a strange place.

Piaolanxuan was built with the ancient tree as the center, and this path, or a small bridge, leads to the huge canopy of the ancient tree. Because of the dense canopy, it is impossible to see from below.

Walking into the canopy, there are thick branches and leaves all around. Not only is the air fresh here, but it also has surging vitality. At the end of the small bridge is the trunk of a giant tree, and there is no road ahead.

"Open, the door of life." Anya whispered. The rough tree trunk in front of her suddenly lit up with a pale green light, and a special portal quietly opened. Surprised, Ye Yinzhu and Sura followed Anya into the wonderful world of tree trunks.

The place inside is not big, nor too strange, just a room, about 30 square meters, this is Anya's real residence. Simple wooden beds, wooden tables, and some special things are placed around. What surprised Ye Yinzhu the most was the strong natural atmosphere here, as if every breath would make his body more comfortable. Especially the wood-attributed bamboo fighting energy in the body, stimulated by this complementary natural breath, runs on its own, greedily absorbing it. .