Zither Emperor

Chapter 114: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Yin is the second


"Actually,..." Su La suddenly wanted to say something agitated, but she didn't say it when it came to her lips.

"Actually what?" Ye Yinzhu looked at him curiously.

"Nothing, I'm going to cook."

The freshman contest of the Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts has been successfully concluded, and the schedule of the new semester of the entire academy is also on track. While most of the students were in class, the teachers of various departments also began busy screening and recommendation work. After three days of selection, and finally Dean Ferguson's confirmation, the candidates for Milan's autumn defense battle have been preliminarily determined.

Anyone who can enter this list can be said to be the talents that the Milan Academy of Magic and Martial arts is going to focus on training, and among them are mainly local students of the Milan Empire. After all, as the Imperial Royal Academy, the Milan royal family does not want to train outstanding talents for other countries.

The list quickly confirmed the various departments. A total of 100 students participated in this autumn defense battle, including 60 fighters and 40 rare magicians in the army. In order to ensure the safety of the students, most of the soldiers were from heavy Sword Warrior and Heavy Cavalry were selected because they have the strongest defense. The magician side is more scattered, and each department of the Ministry of Magic has students selected. But whether it is a warrior or a magician, most of the students participating in this experience are senior students. Only a small number of particularly outstanding junior students can participate.

There are three places in the Divine Music Department, Ye Yinzhu, Haiyang and Xiangluan. Originally, there was no Haiyang in the quota, but I don't know what method Haiyang used, so he was added. According to her explanation to Ye Yinzhu, she hoped to receive his treatment all the time. After all, this battle will probably last until winter.

In addition to Ye Yinzhu, the first-year students from the Ministry of Magic also participated in this operation, including Yue Ming from the dark magic department, Chang Hao from the space department, Ma Liang from the summoning department, Carlo from the light department, Frode from the spiritual department, and Roland from the wind department. . They are all the heads of departments who have performed outstandingly in this year's freshman competition. As expected, Sura became one of the sixty warriors as he said.

"Teacher, are you looking for me?" Ye Yinzhu pushed open the door of Ferguson's office and walked in.

"Come on, Yinzhu, sit down." Ferguson looked at him with a smile on his face, and pointed to the chair next to him. "You will be leaving in a few days. I took you in as an apprentice, but I have never taught you anything. Recently, I discussed some issues about divine musicians with Director Nina of your department. Look at some classics on the cultivation of divine musicians. I don’t have much to teach you for the time being, this notebook is the characteristics of spiritual magic manipulation that I have recorded over the years, you can take it and read it, it will be helpful to you.” Said Then, he took out a thick notebook from his space ring and handed it to Ye Yinzhu.

Ye Yinzhu took it over and saw that there were only three large characters of Ferguson on the cover of the note.

"thank you."

"Divine Musician belongs to the branch of spiritual magicians. Although you are a divine musician as your main occupation, if you can integrate the control of your own mana with spiritual magic, I think your piano music will become even more powerful. This is the direction of your future development."

"I will take a closer look." Ye Yinzhu said seriously.

Ferguson smiled and said: "In order not to affect the unified deployment of the army in this autumn defense battle, the academy will not send teachers to follow. Everything you do must follow the command of the army commander. Oliveira, the fifth-grade academy of the Department of Heavy Cavalry Leading. In fact, the students participated in the war just to let you better understand the war scene and have more experience. There will be no dangerous tasks for you to perform, you just need to be careful. Go, I believe you will be able to survive the war I learned a lot from it. But I want to remind you that once you encounter danger, your own safety is the most important thing. After all, you are just students, not real soldiers."

"Teacher, how long will this war last?" Ye Yinzhu asked. In his mind, he didn't have much concept of war, and the enemy he was facing was orcs. Subconsciously, because of what Zi once said, his sense of orcs is not bad.

Ferguson said: "Generally speaking, the orcs' food robbing will last for one or two months, and they will retreat before winter comes. The same battle will be staged every year, and the reason why our Milan Empire army is the best in the mainland is because One of the important reasons is the baptism of constant battles with orcs. This is completely incomparable to those southern countries. Yinzhu, I remember that you are an Acadian, yes.".

Ye Yinzhu nodded.

Ferguson hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Acadia is the weakest kingdom on the continent. As my student, if you wish, you can formally join the Milan Empire, or even your whole family."

Ye Yinzhu looked at him in surprise, "Join Milan? I can't make the decision. I will ask Grandpa later and get back to you."

Ferguson smiled slightly. He was not in a hurry. In his heart, Arcadia was not even as good as a city in Milan. He believed that the powerful Milan Empire would definitely be able to absorb such a rare talent as Ye Yinzhu. "You go .Go back and get ready."

The recruitment order of the Milan Empire was officially issued on the second day. One hundred students from the Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts were organized into a mixed team. Sacred Heart City facing the fortress. And leading them to the front line together was a big shot from the Milan Empire.

That is one of the two marshals of the Milan Empire, the Purple Star Dragon Rider with the title of the Shield of Milan, and the head of the Violet Family, Materacchi.

For the Milan Empire, the autumn defense battle was mainly to protect the territory from being looted by orcs, and it was mainly defense. Among the two marshals of the empire, Materac is good at defense, so it is most appropriate for him to preside over it.

Early in the morning, Ye Yinzhu and other selected students came to the central practice field to wait. The Dragoon Brigade, which is about to go to the front line, will pick them up here and set off together.

The magicians all looked indifferent, all wearing their own magic robes, looking very relaxed. Most of those who can come to Milan to study have a good family background. Behind a powerful magician, a lot of wealth resources are needed. Therefore, almost every magician participating in this autumn defense battle has their own space ring. They may have a lot of belongings, but they are naturally invisible on the surface. The fighters were not so lucky, and many of them carried a lot of things on their backs. They are not as calm as the magician, but look excited, looking forward to being able to set foot on the battlefield. Madmen like Nesta are not rare in the martial arts department.

Soldiers are all going to the battlefield, while magicians are the most important objects of protection in war, which is one of the main reasons for the difference in mentality between the two.

"Yinzhu, we will fight side by side this time." Ma Liang stood beside Ye Yinzhu and smiled.

Ye Yinzhu said: "Ma Liang, have you participated in any war?"
