Zither Emperor

Chapter 122: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Yin is the second


Xiangluan said suspiciously: "But dragons are very sensitive to breath, especially real giant dragons. Could it even misidentify its gender? Sura, are you also a master of both magic and martial arts? Otherwise, how can you summon it? ?”

Sura shook her head and said, "No, I'm not a double cultivator of magic and martial arts. Good boy, you haven't come out for activities for a long time, and sleeping all the time is not good for your health. If you continue like this, you will not be a silver dragon, but a silver dragon." pig."

Hearing him say the word Yinzhu, Xiangluan and Haiyang couldn't help laughing at the same time. Only then did Sura realize that the word Yinzhu and Yinzhu are homophonic, and immediately looked at Ye Yinzhu in embarrassment. Also looking at him helplessly, the two of them exchanged eyes, and Sura's eyes that were cold because of the killing before were quietly warmed up.

It turned out that after the small silver coin was hatched, it became a big problem for Ye Yinzhu and Sura. First of all, its growth needs to absorb a lot of energy, and secondly, how to bring it around is Sura's biggest problem. After all, it is so small that it can't fly yet, so Sura doesn't worry about letting it go outside. In desperation, the two could only keep it in the dormitory. But the problem reappeared, this little guy is too good to eat. In just one day, they secretly ate all the food of Sura and Ye Yinzhu. Moreover, he also blatantly occupied Sura's bed.

Originally, Ye Yinzhu wanted Sura to sleep with him temporarily, but Sura refused to agree with anything. Just when they were in trouble, they suddenly discovered the secret of the piece of Nilin that Anya gave along with the small silver coin. It turned out that the reverse scale was not only the evidence left by Xiao Yinbi's parents, but at the same time, his parents injected a large amount of their own energy into the reverse scale before they died. Yinlong is a magic dragon. After Ye Yinzhu discovered a large number of magic elements in Nilin, they tried to induce these magic elements. Before leaving the Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts, they succeeded, but unfortunately, the huge magic element can only be absorbed by silver coins, and in the process of absorption, it will be directly integrated into Nilin, and only maintain the spirit with Sura connect. In this way, the problem of the two of them was easily solved, not only did they not have to worry about food for the small silver coin, but they could also carry it with them.

Ye Yinzhu said to Xiangluan and Haiyang: "Sula has a silver dragon, please keep it a secret, okay?"

Haiyang nodded, and Xiangluan said enviously: "Your students in this year are really amazing. There are already several people who own a giant dragon. Sura even has a noble silver dragon. Sura, can you Can't tell me, how did your silver dragon come from?"

Sura glanced at Ye Yinzhu and said, "A gift from a friend."

"Ah! A gift from a friend? Why is a friend so generous. If anyone can give me a silver dragon, maybe I will marry him." Xiangluan's eyes never left the fat body of the silver coin, the silver dragon's Cute and noble, has always been her favorite. Carefully walked to the silver coin and knelt down, gently stroking its head.

The beauty's lethality is indeed powerful. Not only did the little silver coin not resist, but he let go of the front paws holding Sura, and leaned into Xiangluan's arms with a look of enjoyment, blatantly eating tofu . The teasing Xiangluan couldn't help letting out a series of silver bell-like laughter.

Sura scolded the little pervert, and said to Xiangluan: "But you are late, if it had been earlier, maybe that guy really gave you the silver dragon."

Xiangluan looked up at Sura, her eyes showed hope, "Can you introduce me to your generous friend?"

Sura said indifferently: "No need to introduce, you already know him, far away in the sky, close in front of you, isn't it him?" He pointed to Ye Yinzhu beside him.

"You gave it?" Not only Xiangluan was surprised, but even Haiyang looked at Ye Yinzhu with surprised eyes.

Ye Yinzhu scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "I got it by chance too. I have no use for myself, so I gave it to Sura."

"Why don't I have such good luck. Yinzhu, I'm jealous."

Ye Yinzhu really couldn't stand Xiangluan's resentful eyes, and hurriedly said: "Next time I have a chance, I will give it to you too."

Xiangluan smiled and said: "You said this, don't count your words at that time. If you also give me a silver dragon, maybe I will really marry you."

"This..." The hot feeling all over the body reappeared.

"What? You think I'm not good enough for you?" Xiangluan stood up and looked at Ye Yinzhu dissatisfied.

"No, it's not." Ye Yinzhu shook his head hastily.

Xiangluan laughed suddenly, "Little fool, looking at you like that, you blushed so hard that you were about to bleed. Don't be so nervous, I'm just kidding you."

Only then did Ye Yinzhu heave a sigh of relief. He found that facing Xiangluan was even more difficult to resist than facing Nesta's blood soul gun and Ma Liang's paintbrush.

Xiangluan didn't seem to let him go, walked to Yinzhu and said with a low smile, "Of course, you don't have a chance. I swore when I was young that when I grow up, I will marry a hero, a real My hero. If one day you can really become the top powerhouse in the mainland, maybe I will really marry you."

"Silver coins, let's go." Sura couldn't stand it any longer, ignored Ye Yinzhu, and walked towards the opposite mountain with the silver coins. After this period of time, the little silver coin has absorbed energy in the reverse scale, and its body has grown a lot. Although it can't fly yet, it is no problem to jump. He jumped onto Sura's shoulder, flapped his wings to reduce his weight, and let Sura take it forward quickly.

"Senior sister, let's go too." Ye Yinzhu took the initiative to hold Xiangluan's hand this time, and then tightened Haiyang's little hand, which had never been let go, urging his fighting spirit to float up, chasing Sura and the silver coin Climb towards the opposite mountain peak.

The beasts in the mountain forest didn't seem to see them, they just ran away in all directions down the mountain in a panic, getting closer and closer to the peak, when suddenly, with an icy air blowing, the strong smell of blood made people shudder, Both Xiangluan and Haiyang subconsciously clenched Ye Yinzhu's hand. And the uneasiness in Ye Yinzhu's heart became more obvious.

Soon they came to the top of the mountain, and Sura was already here, hiding beside a big tree and looking down the mountain on the other side. At this time, his eyes were full of horror. Following his gaze, Ye Yinzhu saw a scene that he will never forget.

Hundreds of tall creatures are quickly coming towards the top of the mountain. They are all over 2.5 meters tall, covered with gray-white hair, with extremely thick limbs, and their faces are similar to humans, but they are much more ferocious. Most of them were stained with blood, and while moving quickly towards the top of the mountain, they excitedly hunted and killed wild beasts. Their hunting method was much bloodier than Sula's before, and they used their thick upper limbs to tear the beasts alive. This is also the reason why the smell of blood is so strong.

Sura said in a deep voice, "It's the ape-man among the orcs."