Zither Emperor

Chapter 126: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


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He is very clear that the current Konya City is not optimistic. The main force of the orcs is attacking, let alone the tens of thousands of troops. How to put it, the longer the time is delayed, the better the defense of Konya City will be. Therefore, Ye Yinzhu is now on the top of the mountain, preparing to delay for some time.

Xiangluan and Haiyang stood far away. Ye Yinzhu originally asked them to go first, but Xiangluan said that without Ye Yinzhu's fighting spirit, they would not be able to go fast even if they left first, so it is better to wait for him to leave together.

What Ye Yinzhu has to do is very simple. The mountain closest to Konya City is relatively gentle on the side close to Konya City, while the side that the orcs are about to climb is much steeper. There are many towering trees on the mountain on the side of the gentle slope. Given the height of this mountain of a thousand meters, if a tree falls, the lethality is still amazing.

Although there was only one person, Ye Yinzhu showed amazing speed and almost berserk strength at this time. At least Haiyang and Xiangluan on one side were dumbfounded.

The three-foot-long Bisi spreads out, and under the infusion of bamboo fighting spirit, no matter how thick the big tree is, as long as it is surrounded by Bisi and under Yeyinzhu, the big tree can be strangled immediately, and the incision is smooth. Like being instantly unfolded by a sharp blade. Then Ye Yinzhu piled up the big trees on the top of the mountain with his powerful strength. In just a short while, the top of the mountain has been piled up.

"Is he still human? Doesn't he know how tired he is?" Xiangluan murmured. Both she and Haiyang are magicians, and they are still weak divine musicians. At this time, they can't help at all and can only watch.

Haiyang took a deep breath of the cold air, "I'm afraid Yinzhu's strength is stronger than ordinary orcs. You see, he didn't use fighting energy except when he was cutting big trees."

Xiangluan giggled, leaned close to Haiyang and said in a low voice, "Yes! He is very strong."

Haiyang Qiao blushed, glared at her, and said, "What time is it, you still want to do something bad."

Xiangluan pretended to be wronged, "I just said that he is strong, why do you think bad things, I think it's because your mind is unhealthy. Haiyang, I didn't expect you to be in love."

Haiyang thumped her lightly, and said, "Stop making trouble. Now you should think more about how to get through the crisis in front of you. I didn't expect the orcs to launch an attack from the most unlikely place. If you let them pass Konya city, I'm afraid..."

Xiangluan's brows became a little more sad, and she sighed: "I hope this side can delay for a little longer. I don't know if my father can dispatch troops in time. It seems that the orcs are not simply grabbing food this time. If they attack with all their strength, The defenders in Sacred Heart City may not care about us."

Haiyang's expression changed: "If that's the case, I'm afraid it will be over. It will take at least 20 days to travel from Milan City to Northern Xinjiang. Even if it is a pure cavalry, it is impossible to come here without ten days. But let alone ten days. God, I'm afraid we may not be able to keep it for ten hours!"

Xiangluan sighed, and said: "We can only resign ourselves to fate. Fortunately, men like them will support the sky falling." She pointed to Ye Yinzhu who was still busy.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Yinzhu returned to the side of the second daughter. At this time, the top of the mountain was covered with thick trunks, and these giant trees still had branches, like a thick barrier. It's just that Ye Yinzhu didn't feel happy at this time.

"Yinzhu, what's going on down here? Have those orcs come up?" Xiangluan asked.

Ye Yinzhu shook his head and said: "Not yet. They seem to be concentrating their forces in the valley, perhaps because we killed those ape-men on the mountain before. The orcs seem to be more cautious."

Xiangluan said: "Then when shall we leave?"

Ye Yinzhu said: "Wait for the orcs to go up the mountain. I hope these big trees can bring them a little loss. The trees on our gentle slope are relatively dense. Although there are many fewer trees on the steep slope they are about to come up, it can also play a certain role." I'm afraid these logs won't have much effect. It would be great if there was fire. It's almost winter now, and the weather is dry, so it's best for fire attack. Yesterday I heard Brother Oliveira talk about fire attack What about battle examples. Unfortunately, none of us are fire magicians."

"Who said there is no fire?" A sudden voice caught the attention of the three of them. When I turned around to look, it turned out that Sura had returned. .

Sura's face was a little pale, her chest was heaving violently, she was panting heavily, and there was an unconcealable tiredness on her face. The little silver dragon sat comfortably on her shoulders, and its plump body was still so cute, and it used its front paws to scratch Sura's head from time to time.

"Sura, why are you back?" Ye Yinzhu asked in surprise.

Sura walked up to Ye Yinzhu and sat down on the ground, "I have already told Oliveira the news, and then I was afraid that you would be in danger, so I came back to meet you, who knew that I would go all the way to the top of the mountain. Yinzhu, you Are you going to use the log against the orcs?"

Ye Yinzhu nodded and said: "There is a steep slope over there, easy to defend and difficult to attack. I just want to delay the speed of the orcs as much as possible. It also allows Brother Oliveira to have more preparation time. He listened to this What about the situation?"

Sura smiled wryly and said, "What else can I say? We only have 500 dragoons in total, and the students and classmates only have 600 fighting strength. The original 500 defenders of Konya City are almost negligible. Now he has used The magic communication notified Sacred Heart City. I don’t know how Sacred Heart City will reply, but he returned immediately after passing the news to him.”

"Thank you, Sura." Ye Yinzhu's eyes were filled with emotion.

Sura curled her lips and said, "Thank you? Have you forgotten how you told me?"

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help showing a knowing smile. At this moment, Ye Yinzhu suddenly found that the orcs at the foot of the mountain had already started to move, and hurriedly greeted the four of them.

The four came to the rolling log and looked down the mountain. They saw a large number of orcs entering the ravine from the opposite mountain, and the orc soldiers who had gathered in the ravine had already started to move towards their mountain, which was the last barrier of Konya city. come climbing.

At this time, the one rushing to the front was no longer the ape-man, but the smaller but faster leopard-man. There are countless numbers, and the leopard people are coming towards the top of the mountain at an astonishing speed. After the leopard man came the tiger man and the ape man. The most eye-catching behemoths did not move, and seemed to be directing other orcs up the mountain.

Sura glanced at Ye Yinzhu, "What should we do now?"

Ye Yinzhu said: "Just now when you said there was fire, did you mean silver coins?"

Sura nodded and said: "Although the silver coin is still small, it can at least emit red-level fire magic. Although it is not enough to attack the enemy, there is no problem with burning things. The trees are very dry now."

Ye Yinzhu said decisively: "Okay, let's try with fire attack. No matter whether it succeeds or not, we will return to Konya City immediately after getting these logs down."

Sura let the silver coin jump off her shoulder, patted it on the head, "Is it up to you?"
