Zither Emperor

Chapter 127: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


Silver coins raised their heads high, with a haughty look, staggering up the tree pile. Faint magical elements began to fluctuate around its body, and the round silver scales on its body began to emit a faint light. As a full-line magic dragon, even in its infancy, its magic is absolutely comprehensive, and fire is naturally one of them.

Ye Yinzhu saw that the leopard man below was already approaching the halfway up the mountain, Xiang Sura nodded and said, "Let the silver coins be prepared, and we will start when they climb a little higher." The former him, he never Know what the military is. Although Chi Ziqin Xin lost a lot of other knowledge by practicing Chi Zi Qin Xin, since he entered the mainland and came to Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts, he is like a huge sponge, constantly absorbing everything that can be learned around him. Facing an army of tens of thousands of orcs, even though there are only four of them now, Ye Yinzhu can still remain calm. This made the three people around him admire secretly. It is precisely because of Ye Yinzhu's calmness that they can maintain a relatively stable state of mind.

The air seemed to be heavy. At this moment, for the four of Ye Yinzhu, every minute passed so long. The palms of Haiyang and Xiangluan were already covered with sweat, Sura looked down the mountain for a while, and then looked at the quiet Ye Yinzhu beside her, her heartbeat became rapid and disordered.

In fact, Ye Yinzhu was also very nervous, but relatively speaking, he was more able to control his emotions. When he was a child in the process of repairing the piano, Qin Shang used various methods to interfere with him for a while, and specially asked him to practice The ability to play the piano in the constant harassment also enables Ye Yinzhu to have the perseverance behind the innocence he is now.

One minute passed, ten minutes passed. The leopard army was less than 300 meters away from the top of the mountain, and at this time a large number of orc troops had already gone up the mountain, and even the last behemoths started to move.

"Set fire." Ye Yinzhu snorted.

Sura immediately wanted to convey a message to the silver coin, and an orange halo was quietly released from the silver coin. It turned out to be an orange-level magic that resisted flames. The icy air was suddenly injected with scorching heat, and the trees piled up by Ye Yinzhu immediately began to burn.

The little silver coin flapped its wings and jumped down, and immediately ran to another pile of trees. At this time, Ye Yinzhu also started to move quickly.

With a hard push, the log that had just ignited flew straight down, bringing the sound of howling winds. The wind took advantage of the fire, and the giant tree immediately burned. The dry weather became the most favorable guarantee for fire attack. The trees on the steep slope were indeed a big obstacle as Ye Yinzhu imagined. When the rolling log fell and hit these trees, it would immediately scatter and splash. Although the falling speed was slower, it would also kill people The area has expanded a lot.

The sudden change caught the climbing Leopards by surprise, and screamed loudly for a while, dozens of Leopards rushing to the front had already been hit by the rolling logs, and there were a large number of troops behind them! Under the chain effect of dominoes, the fire log played an unexpected effect on the steep slope.

The angry roar of the tiger man, the screams of the leopard man, and the sharp whistling of the ape man resounded one after another, and for a while, the entire steep slope became lively. Individually powerful orcs don't pay attention to any formation at all. When they encounter a sudden attack at this time, they naturally have no way to deal with it. Facing the unknown enemy and the ruthless flames, the looting army suddenly fell into chaos.

Of course Ye Yinzhu didn't care to look at these things. At this time, he integrated the silver coins and cooperated quickly. The silver coins ignited a pile of logs, and he immediately pushed the logs down and dodged. With the protection of the moon god on his body, he didn't have to be afraid of the flames on the logs. .

When more than ten piles of logs flew down, the magic power of the little silver dragon had already bottomed out, and he returned to Sura's embrace tiredly, and went to rest in the special space inside Nilin. At this time, the effect of the rolling wood has been fully exerted.

When Ye Yinzhu chooses rolling logs, he always chooses the thickest trees. The existence of the Brenner Mountains can be traced back to many years ago, and the place close to the extreme north is inaccessible, and the trees grow extremely tall. It wasn't for Ye Yinzhu's astonishing power, and it was impossible to gather so many big trees in a short period of time.

The huge log burned and fell, becoming a disaster for the orcs. At this time, the entire steep slope has become a hell of flames. It is not only the trees pushed down by Ye Yinzhu that are burning, but also the trees on the steep slope and all the dry trees. The plants also began to burn under the action of the log, and the billowing smoke continued to rise, and there were fire heads everywhere. The hair on the orcs was extremely flammable. At this time, not only did they not show their attack power, but they became their biggest weapon. burden.

These mentally retarded orcs couldn't care less about going to the top of the mountain anymore. Under the action of the flames and the rolling logs, panic spread and they fled in all directions. After all, orcs are not real human beings. Once the primitive animal nature in their hearts is aroused, then even the best commander cannot fully command them.

Diss and Perkins are very depressed now. As the commanders of this orc raid, they originally thought that this was a good job and they would not encounter any obstacles at all. But the situation in front of them was no longer within their control.

"Bastard, don't back up, charge me up. No enemy can stop the advance of the orc." Diss grabbed an ape-man running down the mountain, and stretched his thick arms outward, which was considered tall compared to humans. The ape-man, like a doll in the hands of Golden Beimendes, was instantly torn into pieces, causing a rain of blood.

The blood stimulated the Behemoths behind Diss to become fierce. For a while, as long as there were orcs who dared to run down the mountain, they would be instantly destroyed by them.

"Brother, this is not the way. It's better to let them tear it off first." Perkins grabbed Diss' shoulders to prevent him from continuing to kill. It is also Golden Beamon, and his wisdom is higher than Diss.

Diss snorted angrily, "Bastard, step back. Beamon obeys the order and follow me up the mountain. I want to see who dares to block Beamon's progress." rushed out. The huge body approaching 20 meters did not appear clumsy at all. His feet stomped heavily on the ground, leaving two deep footprints. His body had jumped tens of meters and onto the steep slope. A huge rolling log poured down from the steep slope, and Diss didn't even dodge, roaring, and rushed up abruptly.

Boom—, Diss' body continued to rush upwards, but the log had already turned into pieces. Flames may be a disaster for other orcs, but for Behemoths, they have no effect, and the hair on their bodies will not burn at all.

This time, the plundering army sent by Thunder God orc King Guti is the elite among the elite, with the two golden behemoths of Diss and Perkins as the principal and deputy commanders, four silver behemoths, eighty berserk behemoths, and ape-man 20,000, 10,000 each for Leopards and Tigers. They are all powerful arms among the orcs. .