Zither Emperor

Chapter 128: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


The fire on the mountain was huge, and the ape-man, tiger-man, and leopard-man were all running away in a panic. Goldmandis and Perkins drove up the mountain while dispersing their men. At this time, the eyes of every Behemoth beast were filled with endless anger. Once they reach the top of the mountain, even if the dragon is there, they will tear their opponents to pieces.

Finally, Diss took the lead to step up to the top of the mountain. As a proud ninth-level monster, he was not afraid of any ambush from the opponent at all. However, when he actually climbed here, his angry heart was about to explode.

At this time, the enemy facing the ultimate ground-invincible unit of the Ryuzakinus continent turned out to be the air. Yes, there is nothing on the top of the mountain but the cold air. There were only cut stumps left, empty, not to mention people, not even an ant.

"Bastard." Diss' eyes were red, and he roared crazily, bent down suddenly, and bombarded the ground with a heavy fist.

Perkins moved very quickly. Seeing Diss go crazy, he immediately jumped up from the ground. The four silver Behemoths also responded well, and immediately flew back down the mountain. Compared with Diss' anger, the fire on the mountain is nothing but floating clouds. The violent behemoths are not so lucky. Under the coercion of the ninth-level golden Behemoth, let alone disobeying Diss' orders, he couldn't run even if he wanted to.

How big is the 20-meter-high golden Beamon fist? The diameter was more than 1.5 meters, such a huge fist, under Diss' full-strength bombardment, his entire arm was completely inserted into the ground, and the extreme strength made his crazy punch without making any sound. And at the next moment, with Diss' location as the center, the entire mountain top exploded.


Except for rare ores, most of the mountains in the Brenner Mountains are composed of extremely hard granite. But at this moment, the top of this mountain was sliced off thirty meters in height by Golden Behemoth's berserk punch. Countless broken stones splashed out like cannonballs, and the eighty berserk Behemoths, without exception, were blown away by the irresistible aftermath of the huge force and rolled down the mountain. What's funny is that when their huge bodies rolled down, their lethality was even stronger than those rolling logs that Ye Yinzhu made. At least, Behemoth's huge weight and solid body are by no means comparable to the Rolling Log.

The dust gradually dissipated, and the golden light shone in the center of the rage. He stood up straight again, and the almost crazy punch reduced the anger in Diss' heart by a bit, and the red light in his eyes gradually faded away.

Perkins came up from the bottom of the mountain in disgrace. He was accompanied by four silver behemoths. They laughed and said, "Boss, you are still so violent. Look, that is the city of Konya." Then, he raised his thick arms and pointed down the mountain.

Diss looked down the mountain with his golden eyes like real ones, his bones cracked like diamonds, and he said coldly: "Then, this city is ready to bear my wrath. Send me an order to enter the city of Konya, Not one left."

Perkins shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and put his arms around Diss' back, which was as wide as a city wall. "Boss, who do you want me to pass on the order to? Now we are the commander in chief." While talking, he He also stretched out the thumb of the other hand and pointed behind him.

"Uh..." Only then did Diess realize that besides himself and Perkins, the only subordinates around him were the four silver-headed Beamon. Even the violent Behemoth of his own family has reached the bottom of the mountain at this time, of course, he rolled down.

"Damn it, organize the army first." Diss growled.

A few silver Behemoths hurried to sort out the looting legion after being baptized by the fire attack.

Perkins said: "Boss, the situation is not good! The people of Milan seem to know that we are coming to sneak attack. Otherwise, they would not be ready to fire and wait for us. What should we do now?"

Diss snorted angrily, "So what if we are prepared? Could it be that they can stop our advance? I don't believe that the Milanese have enough troops here to stop us."

Perkins said: "Guti expects a lot from us, so it's better to be careful. Let's fix it up when everyone is ready. I think our army is in a mess just now."

Diss said disdainfully: "Those low-level orcs are really useless. They are afraid of fire by nature. They are unlucky. I will listen to you. Let the Milanese in Konya live a little longer."

When Diss and Perkins were discussing here, Ye Yinzhu and the others had already returned to Konya City. The effect of the fire attack was much better than they imagined. Seeing a large number of orcs struggling in the fire, the four dared not stay, and immediately went down the mountain. This is why the Behemoth giants could only see an empty piece.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Ye Yinzhu saw the fully armed dragoon squadron. Oliveira was wearing a water-blue heavy armor and holding a seven-meter dark blue dragon gun, and was commanding the dragoons. Okafor is not here, as the future Silver Star Dragoon with the giant dragon, he is duty bound.

"Yinzhu, you are back. What's the matter with the thick smoke over there?" Oliveira was indeed from the Violet family. After receiving the news from Sura, he reacted immediately, and the entire city of Konya was already in motion.

Ye Yinzhu said: "The mountain over there is relatively steep. We took advantage of the opportunity before the orcs came up and cut down some trees. After lighting the fire, we used the fire attack you mentioned. The effect is not bad. The orcs should attack again in a while. Don't come."

Xiangluan smiled and said: "Yes! The effect is very good, the half of the mountain is on fire, the sky is dry and the things are dry, I am afraid the loss of the orcs is not small."

Oliveira's eyes lit up, and he patted Ye Yinzhu's shoulder vigorously, "Brother, good job. You are indeed the freshman champion of our Milan School of Magic and Martial arts. The most important thing for us now is to buy time. You can give me the details Tell me how many orcs are there?" While speaking, he pulled Ye Yinzhu aside.

Ye Yinzhu said: "I don't know how many people there are. I was only concerned with cutting down trees. What is certain is that those armies are definitely not something we can resist." After finishing speaking, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

Sura said: "Let me tell you. I am an assassin, and I am good at reconnaissance."

The assassin is the best spy, Oliveira naturally knew this, and immediately turned his attention to him.

Sura pondered and said: "According to my observation, there are four races in the legion sent by the orcs, all of which are good at climbing. They are ape-man, tiger-man, leopard-man and Behemoth. Among them, the behemoth lineup is Very powerful. Judging from the reflective condition of their hair and their body shapes, I can be sure that there is at least one golden Beamon in this behemoth behemoth army. The number of silver Beamon is unknown, and the violent Beamon will not be lower than Seventy heads."

Hearing what Sura said here, Oliveira couldn't help but take a breath. No other troops are needed. Even these behemoths can easily raze the current city of Konya to the ground. "Go on, what about the equipment of the other orc legions?"

Sura said: "The number of ape-men is the largest, about 15,000 to 20,000. The number of tiger-men and leopard-men is slightly less. However, our fire attack just now was very successful, and it didn't matter if they were thrown into chaos. Both the fire and the fire have caused considerable damage to the orcs."

The bookshelf is open.