Zither Emperor

Chapter 129: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


Oliveira nodded and said: "Except for some special races, most orcs are naturally afraid of fire. In previous battles, our fire mages also had the best attack effect. Do you estimate how much they have lost?" ?”

Sura shook her head and said: "The situation at that time was too chaotic to estimate the opponent's losses. However, according to my judgment, if they want to reintegrate all the troops, they have to wait for the fire to be completely extinguished. And the trees on the mountain are very It is tall, and the burning time will never be short. As long as it does not rain or snow, I am afraid that it will not be extinguished after a day or two."

Oliveira said worriedly: "Now I'm afraid that they will attack immediately before the whole army is completed. Konya City really has no defensive power. The city wall is no more than fifteen meters high. It is about the same height as ordinary behemoths. We only have three real giant dragons in total now. They are still underage, and if there are not enough dragons to meet Beamon giant beasts, it can only delay their footsteps at most."

Ye Yinzhu interjected, "Brother Oliveira, how long will it take for us to have reinforcements?"

Listen to Ye Yinzhu's question. Oliveira's face suddenly became even uglier. After seeing that other people were far away, he lowered his voice and said, "Messaging through magic. I reported the orc raid on Konya City to Grandpa, but Grandpa said that Sacred Heart City is under a lot of pressure now. Thor The orcs in the Hammer Fortress went crazy, and a large number of extremely fast wolf cavalry attacked the defense line around Sacred Heart City. It was extremely difficult to defend. He has already asked for reinforcements from the country. For the time being, he can only transfer my second brother The five hundred dragoons came to help, and he didn't know when the other reinforcements would arrive."

"What?" Ye Yinzhu whispered, "Then this is the case. Our side..."

There was a resolute look in Oliveira's eyes, a kind of subway blood that only soldiers can have, spontaneously, "No matter how you say it. As a soldier of the Milan Empire. As a future dragoon, I will never Back off. Even if it is a battle until one soldier dies, I will stand here with the dragoons. Delay the orcs for a minute, then the domestic preparations will be more adequate, Yinzhu. I have already thought about it, and you will wait Take the students from the academy to evacuate. Return to the academy as soon as possible. Now the war is out of control. Everyone is the elite of the academy and the future of the Milan Empire. There must be no loss!"

After listening to his words. Ye Yinzhu and Sura couldn't help being terrified. They both had a lot of respect for this fifth grade senior. Sura nodded. Said: "Perhaps, this is the best way."

"I'm not leaving." Ye Yinzhu shook his head, although his voice was calm, but his tone was extremely firm.

Oliveira frowned and said, "Yinzhu, now is not the time to be brave. You should know that you elite students will have a bright future. You must not give up here."

Ye Yinzhu smiled, his smile was pure. Also very mild. "I understand. But. I'm not going."

"You..." Oliveira's pupils shrank, and he suddenly realized. This young magician who once caught his own sword. It seems that there is a special temperament, which he has seen in his brother and grandfather.

Sura said anxiously: "Yinzhu, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

Ye Yinzhu glanced at Sura, "You go. Although I am not from the Milan Empire, I am a student of the Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts, and I have an obligation to protect this place. Besides, I am also a magician in the Milan Empire Army now. .”

Sura sighed softly, "Since you want to stay and risk your life, then I will accompany you."

Ye Yinzhu smiled and said, "I know you don't want to part with me. In fact, we may not have a chance to defend Konya City."

Oliveira was taken aback, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Ye Yinzhu said: "Brother Oliveira, have you forgotten the military theory you once told me? You said it. When dealing with equal opponents, try to show the enemy as weak as possible. But facing the enemy is far stronger than In normal times, we should try our best to show a strong side in front of the opponent. Our fire attack may not hurt the vitality of the orc army, but at least it can make them panic. We mistakenly think that we are prepared."

Oliveira patted his forehead vigorously, "Yes! Look at me, I usually have a good theory, but when it comes to critical moments, it is not as thorough as you think, Yin Zhu, it seems that you can become a Excellent general."

Sura asked suspiciously, "What charades are you two playing?"

Oliveira smiled and said: "It's not a riddle. Yinzhu means that. Let's scare the orcs first, so that they don't dare to act rashly, or even retreat. Unfortunately, the orcs are too persistent. They are not as suspicious as humans. Otherwise, , Maybe there is a real chance, but scare the other party. At least it can delay some time, and now I finally understand the meaning of the saying that time is life."

Ye Yinzhu's eyes revealed a thoughtful gaze. Suddenly said: "Brother Oliveira, if you can delay the orcs for a little longer, maybe we can really withstand the opponent's attack. However, the premise is that none of the magicians in our academy can retreat, and we need to listen I can command."

Oliveira was stunned and said: "You mean, you have a way to block the orc army with nearly a hundred behemoths? Magicians? We only have forty magicians. The strongest among them is only the young This is simply impossible. You can't even break through the defense of the Behemoth!"

Ye Yinzhu said seriously: "Magic is a profound knowledge. If someone told you that the Divine Music Department can win the freshman competition before this year's freshman competition, would you believe it? Brother Oliveira, please give me this If I have a chance, I'll give it a try."

Oliveira hesitated for a moment. He said decisively: "No, Yinzhu. It's not that I don't believe you. If all the magicians in Konya City belong to the army, I would definitely let you try it. But, you have to know. These students are not only excellent in themselves , Moreover. Almost every one of them has a strong background behind them. Even our Violet family may not be able to afford it, and there is even my sister among them. I am not afraid of death, but I cannot cause trouble for my family. It is a heavy responsibility that even my grandfather cannot bear."

"I will take this responsibility for you." A soft and calm voice sounded at this critical moment, but it was Xiangluan and Haiyang who walked over arm in arm. speak. It was the number one beauty of the Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts, Xiangluan. .

Oliveira looked at her in surprise. "you?"

Xiangluan's usual mischievous smile was gone. Nodding calmly, he said, "That's right. It's me. My full name is Xiangluan Berlusconi. My father's full name is Silvio Berlusconi. Could it be that Oliver Does senior pull think that I don't have the qualifications?" While talking, she already had an extra sign in her hand. Red and black light shines. The upper part of the brand is rectangular, and the lower part is in the shape of a cone. The upper part is inlaid with three metal strips each of red and black. The red one is extremely precious red gold. The black ground is bird gold, which is in the center of the whole brand. It is inlaid with brilliant diamonds in the shape of a shield, and in the middle is a cross carved from a whole piece of ruby. this badge. The material alone is appalling, not to mention the abundant elemental aura on it.

Ye Yinzhu didn't understand what Xiangluan's full name meant, but Sura at the side and Oliveira beside him were completely stunned. They all exclaimed in unison: "The Milan Red Cross coat of arms."

Haiyang beside Xiangluan yelled: "Olivia, why don't you show your respects when you see the Princess of the Empire?"

Only then did Oliveira react. With a plop, he knelt down on one knee, and said in a strange voice: "See Princess Xiangluan."

Berlusconi. The royal surname of the Milan Empire, Silvio Berlusconi, is the full name of the emperor of the Milan Empire.

Xiangluan nodded. Said: "Please, my knight. I heard what you said just now, and I am very pleased that Milan can have such an excellent strongman like you. Now. I order as the princess of the empire. From now on, without me No one is allowed to leave the city of Konya, all magicians. All are dispatched by Ye Yinzhu, including me."

Oliveira looked up in surprise. "No, Your Royal Highness, how can this be. You are actually here. Then, I can't let you stay. You must go. Even if you violate your order, as a member of the Violet family, I must protect you The safety of the royal family." He couldn't think of it. Among the Milan students who went on this expedition, there was an imperial princess.

When studying at the Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts, most of the children of nobles would conceal their identities. The royal family is even more so. Only in this way will it not reflect its own uniqueness. Restraining the royal family is the policy of the Milan Empire, and it is precisely because of the enlightenment of the royal family that the Milan Empire can become stronger and stronger and become the most powerful country in the Longzinus continent.

Xiangluan said angrily, "What? Do you dare to disobey my order?"

Oliveira said forcefully: "No. I dare not, but, according to the law of Milan, the princess has no right to govern the land, let alone command the army. I'm sorry Your Royal Highness. I cannot accept your order."

"You..." Xiangluan naturally knew that Oliveira was protecting herself, but deep down in her heart, she believed that Ye Yinzhu could create miracles again, "Oliviera, according to the law, I really cannot interfere in politics, but now It's an extraordinary period. Do you think you can withstand the attack of the giant Behemoth? I was on the mountain before. I saw Ye Yinzhu inflict heavy losses on the orc with his own strength. He can complete it once. Why can't there be a second What about the second time?"

Oliveira said solemnly: "The mountain is the key to his success. But in front of the city of Konya, there is an open plain. Your Royal Highness, time is running out. I will arrange for someone to take you away immediately."

"Olivia. You really don't obey my orders." Xiang Luan was angry. At this time, she was more majestic than usual.

"Your Highness, I'm sorry, but according to the laws of the empire, your order is invalid."

"So. What about my order?" A lazy voice sounded. Everyone turned their eyes towards the direction of the voice at the same time, and saw a tall and tall warrior covered in heavy armor and holding an epee walking over, it was obvious. He is a student of the Epee Warrior Department of Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts. He took off the helmet on the armor, and a face full of sunshine appeared in front of everyone.

Ye Yinzhu said in surprise: "Fisichella, it's you." The words just fell. He saw Fisichella's hand, and he didn't know when there was an extra badge. The Milan Red Cross coat of arms is exactly the same as Xiangluan.

"Yeah! Idol, isn't it just me? Elder sister, my brother came in time." Fisichella was still smiling as usual, as if she didn't know what worrying was.

Oliveira only felt a blur in front of her eyes. Nearly fainted to the ground. I secretly said in my heart. God! Why are you playing tricks on me like this. I can still stand a princess, why is even the prince here, you know, the emperor of the Milan Empire, Silvio Berlusconi only has a thousand and one daughters.

Ocean bowed slightly. Said: "I have seen His Royal Highness."

Fisichella laughed. Said: "Sister Haiyang. Don't be polite to me. I'm afraid that my sister will hit me."

Sura stood aside blankly, but Ye Yinzhu didn't react too much. He lived in the blue sky sea since he was a child, and he didn't have a strong sense of nobility. How about a princess? What about a prince? Aren't they all human

"Senior Xiangluan. So you are a princess! And Fisichella. I didn't expect you to be the younger brother of Senior Xiangluan, but. Why don't you look alike?" Ye Yinzhu asked curiously.

Fisichella smiled bitterly: "We are half-siblings! You didn't say that I am much uglier than my sister. I am already very happy, Senior Oliveira. According to the laws of the empire, as the number one of the empire As the heir, except for the presence of the emperor, I have the right to take over any army with a number of less than 100,000 at any time, anywhere, that's right."

Although Oliveira didn't want to admit it. But he still nodded and said helplessly, "Yes, Your Highness."

Fisichella said: "That's fine. I'm ordering you now. Follow the orders my sister issued before. How to fight is up to you."

Oliveira was very anxious, the trouble is too great now, if both the princess and the prince die here. The entire Violet family can't afford it either! "Your Highness, this can't be done..."

Fisichella said in a deep voice: "That's enough, senior Oliveira, you have to remember that the Berlusconi family has no cowards. I believe that my idol has the ability to stop the enemy. If I retreat here, Then. My Yumin will be slaughtered by orcs. This is something I never want to see. If my sister and I leave now, it will become the biggest stain in our lives. There is no time to lose now, General. Execute Your obligations, execution of orders, and all responsibilities. My sister and I will bear it, even if we die here. I promise, no one will embarrass the Violet family. I will pass the situation here to the rear through the magic communicator later, Express my attitude."

Seeing Fisichella and Xiangluan's resolute gazes, Oliveira knew. It's useless to say anything. Even if he wants to use force, it is impossible. With the Milan Red Cross coat of arms, all dragoons will only obey the orders of the royal family.

"Okay, Yinzhu, I'll take care of everything. I'll go outside and set up a formation, and I'll do everything I can to delay you. Unless you step on my dead body, no orcs will enter Konya City." Throwing this sentence talk. Oliveira left as fast as he could. Now he just wants to inform Maldini of the situation here as soon as possible. Even if Sacred Heart City falls, he must send troops to rescue Konya City!

Watching Oliveira go. Fisichella breathed a sigh of relief. Leaning over to Xiangluan, he laughed and said, "Sister, how's it going, I'm doing well."

Xiangluan snorted, and said: "You still behaved like a man today. Why don't you go quickly, don't tell me you don't have to join the war after you show your identity? Don't forget what you said just now."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness." Fisichella suddenly stood at attention. He gave a standard military salute to Xiangluan. Immediately ran away as if flying.

Seeing the back of him leaving, Xiangluan couldn't help laughing, "This kid! I didn't expect to be a little wise like my father when I was facing a difficult situation. It seems that he will be a good emperor in the future."

Ye Yinzhu sighed softly, and said: "Senior Xiangluan. Oh, no. Princess Xiangluan. I'm a bit late."

Xiangluan smiled slightly: "What are you regretting? Does our identity reduce your fighting spirit?"

Ye Yinzhu shook his head and said: "I just don't want to hurt everyone, but. Without your help, I would not be able to complete everything.".