Zither Emperor

Chapter 131: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


The magician opened the bag and looked, and was stunned. The bag was full of the purest top-grade space-type magic crystals, each of which was in a hexagonal shape, shining with a strong silver light, and contained extremely rich space-type magic. element,

"My God! It's empty silver stone. As long as I have one, I can complete a sound reinforcement circle. It's enough to last for a month," the eyes of space magicians are full of stars. After all, which magician would not like this kind of magic circle? What about the best spar? Although the spar cannot replace the magic power of the magician, the magic power in the spar can be triggered by magic. Make your own magical power even greater, this is the purest top-grade empty silver stone. Each piece of land is worth thousands of gold coins! There is still a price but no market situation,

Xiangluan smiled and said: "All for you. Use them all, the stronger the magic power of the spar is, the better the effect of your amplifying magic circle will be."

"Of course. But it seems so wasteful,"

Xiangluan said: "Don't save me, just do as I say,"

The space magician immediately held the pile of empty silver stones. Excitedly started his formation arrangement,

Ye Yinzhu looked at Chang Hao, "Is it really so difficult to amplify the magic circle? I don't need to amplify the magic elements. As long as it can make the spiritual power more concentrated, it's fine,"

Chang Hao thought for a while and said: "I can try it. This requires a force field in the spiritual field. If Her Royal Highness still has as many empty silver stones as before. I'm 70% sure,"

"Can you complete the spiritual field force field?" Another senior space magician asked disdainfully,

Chang Hao glanced at him. Said: "Why not? I am a branch of the space system, but my magic power is not enough to support the magic circle of this field, so I need empty silver stones."

Xiangluan said: "It's no problem, as long as you can do it, even if there is only a 10% chance. We can try it," he said. She gave Chang Hao the same bag of empty silver stones,

Chang Hao chuckled. He gestured to Ye Yinzhu. Immediately began to act, and belonged to the eight sects of Donglong. He had vaguely guessed what Ye Yinzhu was going to do. It's just that I can't be sure what he did exactly.

The magicians on the field are very smart. It is not easy to become a magician without a smart and flexible mind. Therefore, Chang Hao was not the only one who guessed Ye Yinzhu's intentions,

Roland frowned and said, "Ye Yinzhu. Don't you want to use the magic of your divine music department to fight against the orcs?"

Ye Yinzhu glanced at her and said, "Why not?"

Roland curled his lips and said, "Does the magic of your divine music department have offensive power?"

Ye Yinzhu smiled slightly, "Who said that without attack power, you can't solve the problem? I just ask you one thing. Among all the departments of the Ministry of Magic, at the same level, which department's magic attack range can exceed Divine Musician?"

"This..." Roland was speechless for a moment. Divine music magic. As long as the sound can be heard, the magic will have an effect. Judging from the casting distance, it is indeed the strongest of all magic departments.

Xiangluan clapped her hands and said: "Okay, just listen to Yinzhu's instructions, but Yinzhu, you have the magic power of the Huang rank. Even if there are two magic circles to gather spiritual power and amplify sound, I'm afraid..."

Ye Yinzhu nodded and said: "Of course I can't do it alone, but I'm not alone. Each of you is a part of my magic,"

Konya city. This small city, which has been quiet for an unknown number of years, is finally about to usher in its glorious battle. From this day on, the name Ye Yinxiu will be imprinted forever in the history of Konya City.

Diss was standing at the foot of the mountain. At this moment, his lungs were about to explode. A whole half a day has passed. The orc army had managed to climb over the last mountain and assembled at the foot of the mountain. At this time, all the land losses caused by the wildfire and rolling logs had also been collected.

"Damn. Are these bastards just paper? How come so many people died. There are still so many who have lost their combat effectiveness," Diss growled angrily. Not to mention the leader of the tiger, leopard and ape troops. Even the behemoth Behemoth beside him remained silent. Everyone knows how terrible the consequences of offending Diss are, and his nickname among Behemoths is Golden Burst. However, he seems to have forgotten. His punch on the top of the mountain caused eighty violent behemoths to roll from the top of the mountain Author: Wildcat in the Wind 2008-3-100:25 Reply to this statement Directly crush the number to death. Much more land than the log has killed,

Perkins was also very angry, but he was a little more rational than Diss, so it was no wonder that their emotions were so unstable. This time, in addition to the behemoth Behemoth, it brought an army of 40,000. A quarter of them died in a fire. This does not include the loss of combat effectiveness. There are very few orcs of the three tribes who are intact now, and most of the orc warriors still have a burnt smell on their bodies. The arrogance and arrogance have long since disappeared. One by one in disgrace. As for military capacity, don't even mention it.

□□□Brother. The Milanese from Konya have come out," Perkins coldly reminded Diss,

Diston's red eyes looked towards the direction of Konya city. The city wall over there is even much shorter than his body. The gate of the city was opened wide, amidst the rumbling noise. The familiar and disgusting breath rushed out of Konya City with heavy footsteps,

Perkins growled. "It's the dragoons. The Milanese really have been prepared. It seems that Emerson's bullshit strategy is a trap. I will tear him up when I go back," the main opponent of the Beamon Legion is the dragoons. He couldn't be more familiar with it, just like Beamon is the ace of the orcs. Dragoons are also the trump cards of human beings. The appearance of dragoons in such a small place as Konya City naturally has a great impact on their hearts.

That's right, it was the dragoons who rushed out of Konya at this time, and the only one in front of them was wearing blue heavy full-body armor. Sitting on the back of a huge Maginot iron dragon, holding a seven-meter dragon gun, the whole body is up and down. Released an extremely sturdy breath, behind him. A total of 560 dragoons lined up in battle formation. The Maginot Dragoons are in the centre. Erikmin dragoons on either side,

What made Diss particularly angry was that these dragoons were arranged in the most arrogant line formation. Without any depth, five hundred and sixty people lined up in front of the battle formation, almost completely blocking the walls of Konya City,

Diss squeezed his fist hard. "They are courting death," just as they were about to rush out. His heavy shoulders were grabbed by Perkins,

"Brother, you can't attack now," Perkins said coldly.

Diss roared: "Why? Are these bastards in Milan just to laugh at our current state?"

Perkins said: "Brother, calm down. Can't you see it? This is a trap of the Milanese. There are mountains around here, and they can't say anything in the city. If they are ambushed. Even if We are not afraid. These troops will also be here, "

Diss snorted. "We shouldn't have brought them here. We, Beamon, are enough. These soldiers are nothing but rubbish,"

Perkins said: "Wait first. Let the brothers take a rest. At least it won't be too late to rush until they recover a little bit of strength. Brother. Don't you feel that there is a magical atmosphere in this small town? Not weak. Moreover. When we rushed to the top of the mountain before, I also felt the disgusting breath of the silver dragon,"

Diss' blood-red pupils shrank a little, he was not afraid of humans. Not afraid of dragoons, however, even the golden Beamon. Be cautious when facing real dragons, after all. The biggest advantage of giant dragons over Behemoths is their flying ability, especially magic dragons like silver dragons, as long as they cast magic down at a certain height. Golden Behemoth has nothing to do with it, even the mighty Behemoth. And absolutely unwilling to be the target of the Dragon Clan's magic practice,

Oliveira held up the dragon spear in his hand. All the dragoons uttered a roaring cry at the same time. At this time, he hid his face under the helmet, secretly thought in his heart with a smile on his face, it seems that Ye Yinzhu's fire attack effect is very good. The morale of the orc army was not only low. And the number is less than expected. It's a pity that I don't have an army in my hands. otherwise. The army took advantage of this moment to attack. Even if the Behemoth Behemoth can't be dealt with, most of the orcs who are worse can be killed.

boom-. Under the command of Oliveira. All the dragoons took a step forward at the same time, and their movements were uniform. A low rumbling that makes the earth tremble,

Milan Imperial Dragoons, as the Imperial Ace. It can be said that it is armed to the teeth. Every dragoon, including the equipment of the giant dragon, is made up of tens of thousands of gold coins, and the giant dragon is like a knight. Wearing armor, the Maginot Dragon is covered with heavy armor, cast from the finest goblin iron. Cover your whole body. Do it on the shoulders and the top of the head. They all have solid steel thorns up to one meter long, and Eric Minlong's body is also covered with light armor. Although the defense is poor. But they used their mobility to the limit, and the armor of the dragoons was as thick as three inches. Every dragoon has at least a grudge level above the orange level, and has the noble title of knight. The heavy dragon guns in their hands are five meters and seven meters respectively. Maginot Iron Dragon Knight is a seven-meter heavy dragon gun, Erikmin Dragon Knight is a five-meter heavy dragon gun,

Such a cavalry team, once charged, can only be described as unstoppable, as the mainland military strategist once said. The 500 dragoons can be calculated according to the legion. And it is equivalent to the heavy cavalry regiment. It can be seen that the strength of the number one arm of mankind,

Of course, if these dragoons are compared with the orcs on the opposite side. They look small, even if the ape-man, tiger-man, and leopard-man are negligible, they are only Behemoth. Already possessing strength several times beyond theirs, the evaluation of this kind of powerful orc who is invincible on the ground is very simple. Ten people make an army, and more than a hundred are invincible. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it also fully demonstrates how powerful the Behemoth Behemoth is.