Zither Emperor

Chapter 134: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


□□Ye Yinzhu's hands and eight fingers moved simultaneously, a string of cold and chilling piano sounds drifted out from his fingers, every single note, at this time, was as touching as a dragon's deep sob , spread magnificently throughout the audience.

Concentrating the spiritual power of forty magicians, a qualitative change finally occurred at this moment, the deep yellow disappeared, replaced by a layer of faint purple light, unfortunately, the magicians around Ye Yinzhu now have a lot of mental power output, It is already impossible to feel the changes of Ye Yinzhu, otherwise they will be surprised to find the magic of the yellow rank jumping from the purple rank, yes, it is the purple rank, which symbolizes the most powerful purple rank in the mainland.

Ye Yinzhu suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, and two bright purple lights shot out from the black eyes, but at this time, his eyes no longer had the clarity and elegance of the past. It turned out to be the cold killing light,

Sura was terrified, Fisichella was terrified, they were all terrified by Ye Yinzhu's huge killing intent,

Qin Zong Xiuqin is divided into three grades, the 27th grade is the same as the 27th grade of the rainbow grade. After entering the purple grade, Qin Zong's mana is no different from that of the rainbow grade. For example, they are Chizi Qinxin, Jiandan Qinxin and Ziwei Qinxin. At this time, after concentrating the huge spiritual power of forty magicians, Ye Yinzhu instantly changed qualitatively, from Jiandan Qinxin directly into the In the realm of Ziwei Qinxin, Ziwei Qinxin has another title, that is - Killing Qinxin.

Up and down the city, anyone who is still awake will be stunned by the scene in front of them. Ye Yinzhu, who is surrounded by purple light, seems to have become the core of the world at this moment. The orcs forgot to attack, and the dragon knight felt panic. At that time, listening to the piano sound that gradually became more urgent and gradually released cold and murderous intent, they seemed to have forgotten the enemy facing them,

Perkins took a breath, "Purple-ranked great magister, the pinnacle of human beings."

Diss roared, "What are you waiting for, give it to me, do you wait for his magic to finish before charging?" Amidst his roar, the orc looting army finally moved, but, except for the Behemoth, the ape-man The speed of the warriors of the three races of the Tiger, Leopard, and Leopard has obviously become much slower, because they feel the heavy pressure in the air, the coercion of the dragon,

At this time, Ye Yinzhu's spirit was no longer completely controlled by himself, and he directly transformed into the state of Ziwei Qinxin, which made him unable to control his own Qinxin. The huge killing intent that filled the world flashed in his black eyes, and his hands clasped The finger has turned into a phantom on the withered wood dragon chant,

The coldness in the sound of the piano seems to have completely disappeared at this moment, and the only thing left is chill.

Fisichella glanced at Ye Yinzhu, barely suppressed the fear in his heart, concentrated all his fighting spirit, and shouted almost hoarsely: "Milano belongs, abandon the dragon and retreat," and Ye Yinzhu shouted this sentence. Yinzhu gave him the task.

His first shout made the dragoons wake up from the pressure of the piano sound, and the second shout made everyone hear clearly. At this time, the dragoons, who are the strongest human arms, suddenly felt that they were The ground mount dragons seem to be undergoing huge changes, their bodies are actually expanding, yes, they are expanding, and the aura that disappeared before reappears, but it is many times thicker than normal, and it is low. The roar is like the prelude to the storm

The orc army has rushed over, and the three tribes of orcs on the two wings are attacking the dragoons at the same time. The behemoth is taking heavy steps, advancing like a meat grinder. Oliveira has even seen the golden ratio Blindfolded by the intense bloodthirsty light in the eyes,

Abandon the dragon? Doesn't that mean giving up resistance? The orcs have already arrived. At this moment, Oliveira showed the sobriety of his future famous general. Reminiscent of what Ye Yinzhu told him before he left, he reacted in the shortest time and shouted, " The dragon cavalry obeyed the order, gave up the dragon, and withdrew," flying up with a dragon spear in his hand, he was the first to escape from his own dragon.

If the words of the prince still make the dragoons hesitate, then they will never disobey the order of the commander at this time. The dragoons flew down from the dragon in the shortest possible time and retreated towards the Konya city, but what made them feel weird was that their giant dragon was still standing there without moving at all.

The weapons of the Leopards are their own sharp claws and fast speed. Except for the pathfinding, the apes use huge maces, and the powerful Tigers use even more exaggerated heavy hammers. While retreating, the dragons lined up at both ends of the line formation, and the orcs had already made contact with them.

Boom—a tiger man swung his heavy hammer and slammed it heavily on the back of an Eric Minlong. Judging from his stature, the tiger man did not suffer at all against Eric Minlong. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□

However, something that surprised the orcs happened. After bearing such a heavy hammer, the Erikminlong was not injured as badly as imagined. Turned to the tiger man,

What the tiger saw was a pair of blood-red dragon eyes, with streaks of black filaments in the blood-red. This was his first feeling, and also the last feeling in his life, because the next moment, his The strong body has been torn into pieces by this Erikminlong,

The dragon trainers went crazy. The five hundred and sixty dragon trainers all went crazy at this moment. The orcs who rushed to the front saw that the eyes of these dragon trainers turned blood red at some point. In an instant, the dragon trainers broke out at the same time, rushing frantically towards the orc in front of them,

As one of the powerful armies of the orcs, the tiger people used to be able to compete with dragon taming without knights, but at this time, they are as fragile as paper in front of taming dragons. The Rikmin Dragon was still the Maginot Iron Dragon, and at the moment of the riot, its attack, defense, and speed were more than tripled at the same time, rushing into the orc camp completely crazily.

No one thought that it was supposed to be the one-sided slaughter of the orcs to destroy the dragoons, but after the knights left the dragon training, it was completely reversed. Five hundred and sixty dragons were crazily training the dragon, like five hundred and sixty sharp knives , inserted fiercely into the orc marauding army,

The chilling sound of the piano is still echoing in the Brenner Mountains. The purple light on Ye Yinzhu's body is kept at the level of Ziwei's heart, exuding a icy brilliance. The blood mist scattered on the battlefield seems to be the accompaniment of the piano music. . .

"Long Xiang Cao" is one of the nine famous songs of Qin Zong, the effect: dragon explosion,

This song "Long Xiang Cao" also has another name, it is called the song of destroying the dragon. Only withered wood dragons singing the qin can truly display the power of this piano. At the eighth level, all creatures with dragon blood will produce effects. Who would have thought that the song Ye Yinxiu had prepared for a long time was not aimed at the enemy, but at one's own side

Diss blasted a Maginot Iron Dragon flying in front of him with a punch. The sudden change caught him and Perkins by surprise. It's as useless as soft tofu, but at this moment, his hard punch was just to blow a Maginot iron dragon into the air, not to kill it. One hundred and sixty dragon trainers have been completely inserted into the army camp of the orcs.

"Crazy, these bastards are crazy, kill them for me," Diss growled angrily, to hide his panic at this time, the change of taming the dragon was the first time he encountered it in many years of participating in the war, this Or how to train a dragon? In terms of attack power in an instant, these tamed dragons can even be compared with real giant dragons.

Boom—a roar that made the earth and the orc looting legion tremble suddenly. Amidst the violent roar, the body of an Erikmin dragon exploded instantly, and the blood turned into blood arrows. His scales and bones were shattering. Every moment has become the most terrifying lethal weapon. With this Erikmin dragon as the center of the explosion, within a radius of 30 meters, all the orcs who besieged it were pierced by the dragon scales and keel bones that were too powerful to resist. , One after another, the orc corpses that were beaten into sieves slowly fell to the ground, creating a clearing in the battlefield.

The explosion of this Erikmin dragon was just the prelude to the slaughter. Along with the hell-like sound of the piano, there were roars one after another, accompanied by the explosion of the dragon's body, and pieces of surging blood were plundered by the orcs. Lights up in the legion, like harvesting wheat, except for the behemoth Behemoth, the number of the remaining three orc legions has dropped sharply,

The lethality of the Maginot Iron Dragon self-detonation is much greater than that of Eric Minlong. They have thick armor. At the moment of explosion, these armors also become terrifying lethal weapons along with their huge bodies. Not to mention the ape-man, tiger-man and leopard-man, even if the violent Beamon exploded himself when he encountered the Maginot Iron Dragon, he was also bombarded and flew out backwards, covered with scars,

"Not good, Iron Barrel Formation," Perkins roared frantically, and blasted several tamed dragons into the air one after another. Under his command, the Behemoth Behemoth no longer went to rescue the other three races of orcs nearby, and completely concentrated on them. At the same time, relying on its own incomparably strong defense power to shrink into a ball, the berserk Behemoth on the periphery instantly became berserk, and only then did it withstand the terrifying lethality of the dragon explosion.

The dragon slaying song "Long Xiang Cao", relying on the release of the dead wood dragon chanting the qin, resonates with the spirit of dragon taming, just like the most terrifying stimulant that makes all the blood and vitality of the dragon body boil in an instant. According to The strength of the dragon is different, and the time it lasts in the melody is also different, but as long as there is no control beyond the melody, then there is only one final result, the dragon explodes. .