Zither Emperor

Chapter 135: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


Five hundred and sixty dragon taming dragons exploded, and five hundred and sixty violent roars shook the Brenner Mountains. As dragon cavalry dragon taming, none of them was stronger than the sixth level, at the purple level. However, under the effect of "Longxiang Exercise" released through the magic of sound amplification, none of them survived.

In front of the city of Konya, at this moment, it has turned into a sea of blood, into a hell of blood, tens of thousands of lives disappeared in that short period of time, and the dragoons under the city were all killed in front of their eyes. This bloody scene was petrified, and many people's bodies were even trembling uncontrollably.

On the top of the city, the magicians have lost consciousness due to the overdraft of their spiritual power, but their last spiritual power is still transmitted to Ye Yinzhu's spiritual brand through the silver threads. The five hundred defenders had already been stunned by the music played by Ye Yinzhu's Ziwei Qinxin. Even though "Longxiang Exercise" was only aimed at the dragon clan, how can the huge spiritual power shock these ordinary people? can resist,

The number of orcs from the three races that survived the dragon explosion was less than one-third of the original number, and the number of those who still had combat power was less than one-tenth.

The Beamon Legion once again demonstrated their strength. In the final crazy impact of the dragon explosion, they were not fatally injured except for the wounds on the outer berserk Beamon. Dozens of berserk Behemoths had already lost their ability to fight because they had withstood the extremely severe impact of the dragon explosion.

Oliveira looked at the scene in front of him with a pale face, and murmured to himself: "Ye Yinxiu, you are too ruthless, that's five hundred and sixty taming dragons!" At this moment, he finally understood Why did Ye Yinzhu ask him if Victory would use any means before he left the city

The dragoons held their dragon spears and looked at the bloody battlefield in front of them with tears in their eyes. As a dragoon, each of them had a deep relationship with their own dragon, but at this time, their dragon training had already passed. There were no bones left. In their eyes, the innocent young magician in white clothes and black hair seemed to have become a symbol of the devil.

A strong smell of blood spread on the hell-like battlefield outside Konya City, limbs and arms were broken, and internal organs were churning in blood, which was sent into the entire Brenner Mountains amidst the howling cold north wind.

Even the warriors of the three tribes of orcs who were not destroyed in the dragon explosion lost all their courage and fighting spirit at this time. Some of them even forgot that the enemy was right in front of them, and ran directly to the direction of the dragoons, and were pierced by heavy dragon spears.

Forty thousand troops! That's an army of 40,000! Although the entire army was not completely wiped out, after the dragon explosion, they had completely lost their fighting ability, and even the last will to fight had been stimulated by the hell-like scene in front of them.

Just as the behemoths straightened their bodies, the shock in their hearts was gradually replaced by mad anger, and when they cast their bloodthirsty and resentful eyes on the city of Konya, the loud and clear dragon chant suddenly came from a distant direction. Come, from a distance, I saw a black cloud in the mid-air, heading towards the city of Konya rapidly. The leader was a huge khaki-colored dragon, and behind the khaki-colored dragon was a body-length At about four meters, with a wingspan of five meters, the dragon-headed and eagle-bodied creatures, with sharp eyes, shiny metallic blade wings, and sharp claws under their abdomens, fully demonstrated their powerful lethality.

"It's the second brother who came with the falcon dragon," Oliveira yelled in surprise, but his heart sank immediately, because Ye Yinzhu's song "Long Xiang Cao" was far from over.

When Maldini received the magic message from Konya City, it was also the time when the Sacred Heart City was under the most violent attack. He would be destroyed by the orcs, and he didn't have the idea of rushing to help immediately. After all, based on the time calculation, even if he immediately dispatched the fastest Eric Minlong to help, it would be too late, not to mention the composition of the orc raiding army is so powerful.

However, when Oliveira summoned him for the second time, Maldini panicked. He could ignore his grandson, but he couldn't ignore the fact that the crown prince of the empire was in Konya! Emperor Silvio has only two children, and these two children are in the precarious Konya city at this time. Once there is danger, it is definitely not something he can take care of. Therefore, at the first time , He forcibly selected 500 Falcon Dragons from his army, led by his second grandson Venus Dragoon General Okafor, and rushed to Konya City at the fastest speed.

Whether it is the Dragoon Legion of the Milan Empire or the Dragoon Legion of the Landias Empire, there are some special dragon cavalry units. The most proud taming dragon of the Milan Empire is their Falcon Dragon Brigade, the Falcon Dragon Brigade The number is only 500, and it is the only flying dragon training unit on the Longzinus continent. Its combat effectiveness is extremely powerful. During the war, they performed extraordinary feats for the Milan Empire and created immortal feats. Even in the face of Behemoth beasts, they can entangle with the cooperation of Dragon Knights by virtue of their flexibility. Falcon Dragon Knights The ground requirements are higher than ordinary dragon knights, they must reach the middle level of yellow rank or above, and then pass various assessments before they can join.

Of course, Maldini didn't expect these falcon dragons to defeat the orc looting army. All one hundred students were taken away. As for Konya City, he could only temporarily give up and wait for the arrival of reinforcements from the mainland before finding a way to deal with it.

At a distance of 500 kilometers, Okafor's earth-type dragon led the Falcon Dragon, and they arrived in just over an hour. From a distance, they heard the thunderous roar, Just when Okafor was wondering why the Falcon Dragon Brigade he led was restless, they had already arrived at the sky above the plain in front of Konya City,

Okafor, who has blue-level strength, has very good eyesight. From a distance, he has already seen the ground covered by a large area of bright red, and the harsh, chilling piano sound is not in his direction, so, He and the Falcon Dragon Legion who were in the air could only hear some aftertaste. .

The giant earth dragon roared uneasily, struggling to escape from this place, Okafor was shocked. After signing a contract with this giant dragon, this was the first time it wanted to disobey his order.

"Rhubarb, what's wrong with you?" Okafor asked in surprise,

At this moment, Oliveira in front of Konya City shouted loudly with the loudest voice he could reach: "Second brother, get out of here quickly, don't fall down,"

The tragedy of the explosion of five hundred and sixty dragon trainers has made Oliveira understand many things. Although he is still not sure what the effect of Ye Yinzhu's piano music is, it must be related to dragons. Under the action of the magic and the huge ice, the direction of the piano sound was mainly toward the front of Konya City, and Oliveira suddenly thought, if the Falcon Dragon landed under the leadership of Okafor, would it be affected by that song? The influence of the music

The purple light surrounding Ye Yinzhu's body has reached the strongest level at this time, and even entered the second level of Ziwei Qinxin, and the magicians who passed the spiritual power to him through the silver thread were all trapped at this time because of excessive consumption. He fell into a coma, and his "Longxiang Exercise" also reached a surging peak under the influence of the last mental power.

The effect of the amplifying circle arranged entirely with empty silver stones is really good, but Xiangluan probably didn't expect that it is precisely because the amplifying effect is so good that at this time, the influence of "Long Xiang Cao" has filled the air.

Oliveira's strength has reached the elementary blue level, and he sent his shout into the sky through the method of constricting his voice, so that Okafor heard it immediately. Although he didn't know why, he was convinced that My brother would not lie to him, just when he was about to lead the Falcon Dragon knights to retreat for a while, the warriors on the Falcon Dragon's back were shocked to find that their Falcon Dragon was no longer under control, and their breathing became more and more heavy , the speed of flapping the wings became slower and slower,

"Not good," Okafor whispered, his earth dragon Rhubarb has reached the eighth level, because the sound of the piano is too scattered, it has not been fatally affected at this time, as an intelligent monster, it feels strongly Crisis, forcibly took Okafor to fly in another direction,

The first falcon dragon fell, its huge body, under the action of gravity, brought the tall knight behind it, and fell towards the ground like a meteor chasing the moon.

Pulled by the aura, in the berserk state, the Falcon Dragon saw the tall Behemoth at a glance. The dragon and Behemoth are natural enemies. It used its last wit to spread its wings and adjust the angle, and moved towards the Behemoth. The place rushed over,

The concentration of Behemoth giants was the best defense against the dragon train and dragon explosion on the ground before, but now, they have become the most obvious target on the ground, the target of the falcon dragon falling.

With the first one, there will be a second one. The five hundred eagles and falcon dragons falling like meteorites have become the most terrifying bombs, bombs that even the Behemoth Behemoth cannot bear, thousands of meters high, thousands of catties The weight dropped instantly, coupled with the explosive force generated when the dragon exploded, what a terrifying scene it would be? .