Zither Emperor

Chapter 137: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


The two golden behemoths ran away at the same time, with only one purpose. That is to destroy Ye Yinzhu, who brought them a catastrophic blow.

Boom one by one. It seemed that the entire Brenner Mountains trembled violently, and the ground began to tremble violently. The ground in front of Diss completely exploded in a semi-arc shape, no matter whether the ground was mud or rock. He was completely blown away by his berserk power. The powerful explosive force extended towards Konya city at an astonishing speed. Huge arc-shaped shock wave, mixed with a lot of mud and rocks. It made the ground in front of Konya look like it had been plowed. The huge impact force is extremely terrifying.

Roar one by one. In mid-air, the eighth-level earth dragon Rhubarb let out a deep roar. Without the zither sound of "Longxiang Exercise", its fear had completely disappeared, and it rushed towards the ground in an instant under the urging of Okafor.

As a blue-level fighter, a gold star dragon rider with an eighth-level dragon. Now Okafor has two options. One is to intercept Perkins rushing towards the top of the city, and the other is to resist the shock wave of the Golden Beamon Hell rushing towards the 500 lost dragon cavalry and Konya city.

I don't know if he forgot that there are still princesses and princes in the city because all five hundred falcons and dragons had their wings broken. It was also because he only had his brother Oliveira, whose virgin son was in danger, in his eyes at this time. Okafor did not choose to rescue the city leader. Instead, it urged the earth dragon to rush towards the ground.

The color of the ability of a wise monster is not limited by the level of the rainbow. Rather, according to the particularity of their own abilities, the huge earth-type dragon suddenly burst out a large amount of yellow light and spread the ground with a low roar. In front of the five hundred dragoons who had already been stunned, a solid earth wall ten meters high and three meters thick was erected. It happened to meet the hell shock wave.

Who will win when the absolute power of the golden Beamon collides with the earth magic of the earth dragon? If the golden behemoth is at its best. An eighth-level earth-type giant dragon can never be its opponent, what a pity. The destructive power of the two-stage dragon explosion that he faced before was too strong, and even the hundred-inch sharp claws in Diss' hands were broken. Physical strength is greatly consumed. Although it was an attack in rage. But when the hell shock wave collided with the earth wall, the absolute power did not play a breakthrough role.

An arc-shaped circle of dust and smoke erupted in front of Konya City. soar into the air. Straight into the sky, the dragoons were ashamed. The weaker ones had already been knocked back and fell, and the hell shock wave had been blocked after all.

Okafor's seven-meter khaki dragon gun. Rhubarb rushed forward with all its strength, and headed towards the golden Bimendis.

At the same time that Venus Dragoons charged Okafor towards the Golden Bimondis, another Golden Bimon Perkins also leaped towards the city of Konya. And now there are only two people who are fully awake in the city of Konya, Sura and Prince Fisichella of the Milan Empire.

Seeing that incomparably huge golden figure rushing towards him, at this moment. Fisichella fully demonstrated his royal aura as the prince of the empire, the first heir. The usual giggles had long since disappeared, and he took a step forward. He used his tall body to stop Ye Yinzhu and Sura, held the broad heavy sword with both hands, let out a loud shout, and a green grudge slashed directly at Perkins.

Clang, the deafening sound of gold and iron clanging exploded. The generous epee slashed on Perkins' huge body, and sparks shot out. The Golden Retriever's defensive power on Golden Behemoth is really terrifying. For a level 9 Warcraft, green-level battle qi is no different from itching. Perkins' body didn't even vibrate. Fisichella was already blown away. It smashed through a low wall above Konya City and flew directly into the city.

Perkins did not know Fisichella's identity. Otherwise, he might change the direction of attack. At this time, in his blood-red fierce eyes. Only Ye Yinzhu, who was dressed in white, was gradually getting rid of the pain with the help of the spiritual guardian.

Roar one by one. Perkins' huge right fist. Roaring like a tornado, he went straight to Ye Yinzhu.

Sura's lightning-like figure blocked Ye Yinzhu's body in an instant, and the eternal substitute puppet had already been activated. Physical attack immunity made his body pass through Perkins' tyrannical right fist directly, and his toes borrowed strength from his arm. In an instant, he came to Perkins. The black angel sighed, took two black lightning bolts and stabbed at Perkins' eyes.

In the midst of sub-crisis, Sura was very sober. she knows. Even an angel sighing close to the artifact level. It is also impossible to break through the gold Bimont defense. His grudge is only green level. Only by attacking Perkins' eyes can he change his attack on Ye Yinzhu.

Unfortunately, Sura still underestimated Golden Behemoth's hatred for Ye Yinzhu, and Perkins relied on his tyrannical body. He didn't dodge at all. Seeing the angel sighing and piercing towards his fierce eyes, he closed his eyes violently. But his right fist still hit Ye Yinzhu without stopping.

Dangdang two crisp sounds. Sura also experienced the incomparably strong defensive power of Golden Behemoth, even his eyelids blocked his angelic sigh of green-level grudge, and the huge counter-shock force sent Sura's physically immune body far away. In mid-air, Sura screamed heart-piercingly. One side of the body fell towards the city. He looked at Perkins' right fist with Ye Yinzhu's upper body. The heavy bombardment hit Ye Yinzhu.

Boom one by one, a strange light shines from the wrist wheel on Ye Yinzhu's wrist. crucial moment. Life Guardian Absolute Defense burst out suddenly. Forcibly blocked Perkins' attack, saving his life from imminent destruction.

Ye Yinzhu's spiritual imprint just returned to his body. is recovering rapidly. Sudden violent shock, the body was forced to fall sideways by Perkins' powerful force. My mind was in chaos, and I fell into a coma. at this time. It was the moment when his body was most vulnerable, the defense guarded by the moon god could never stop Golden Behemoth, and the absolute defense guarded by life had also been used.

Perkins groaned in pain. Raising her incomparably strong arms and raging at the top of the city, Sura's two blades were not completely useless. Angel's Sigh has a 200% bonus effect on physical defense, plus its own curse power, his relatively fragile eyelids are almost unable to defend, and the eyeballs are slightly injured. He temporarily lost his eyesight, and he didn't know if he had destroyed Ye Yinzhu, in a rage. I just want to destroy everything in front of me as quickly as possible.

The city wall of Konya City was baptized like a violent storm, and Perkins opened a big hole in the city wall with just a few punches, which shows how powerful the destructive power of the behemoth Behemoth is. And how lucky Ye Yinzhu and others were to resist the main force of the Beamon looting army before. .

Another punch came out. The numbness in Perkins' eyes gradually disappeared. Vision is recovering quickly. He saw it dimly. Ye Yinzhu's white figure seemed to be on the edge of the broken city wall that he had destroyed. Even half of the body is suspended at the edge.

"Go to hell." The fist, like a heavy hammer, went straight to the unconscious Ye Yinzhu.

All happened very quickly. When Okafor and Diss collided, Perkins here had already thrown his last punch at Ye Yinzhu.

Oliveira had already reacted from the dust at this time. Only then did he realize that there were still princesses and princes in the city! But the second brother had already collided violently with the golden mandis. He could only watch Perkins punch Ye Yinzhu. Even if he summoned his water dragon now, it was too late, although he was extremely shocked by Ye Yinzhu's approach and the effect it produced. But also have to admit. Ye Yinzhu blocked the looting army almost by integrating everything available in Konya City with his own strength. The victory of the war already belonged to them, and they saw that this divine musician, who could become a genius, was about to perish in the hands of Golden Behemoth. He couldn't help closing his eyes in pain, but it was precisely because he closed his eyes at this time that he missed the most exciting scene.

Purple light, a purple light distorted like snake electricity. Appeared without warning in the space between Ye Yinzhu and Perkins.

A strange scene appeared, and Perkins' huge fist slid aside in the strangely unfolded space.

In that purple space. An incomparably huge purple giant sword was born out of nowhere. Without fancy, he slapped Perkins horizontally, and his huge body flew out.

Roar one by one. As if he had taken a stimulant, Diss slapped the earth-type dragon Rhubarb and Okafor into the air with a slap. His huge fierce eyes fell completely on the head of Konya City, and the handle, which was more than ten meters long, shone. With a huge long sword of purple crystal color, the rage and anger in his eyes disappeared almost at the same time. The golden hair on his body trembled like waves. His eyes were full of excitement and ecstasy, "Amethyst was born, it was Amethyst who was born."

In the cracked purple gap, the purple giant sword turned into a strong purple light and disappeared. A tall and burly body walked out of the purple space. I couldn't see his appearance clearly, his whole body was covered by a layer of purple light and shadow, the strong purple light was even more dazzling and bright than the sun's light. He bent down and picked up Ye Yinzhu on the top of the city. He said to himself: "You fool. Why don't you always call me in times of danger? Is the contract of equal life between us just a display? You have no confidence in me, if it weren't for the newly acquired Amethyst The giant sword can help me break through the space and send me over when the contract discovers your crisis and location. I'm afraid you are really going to die."

If Ye Yinzhu is still awake at this time. He will definitely recognize the owner of this familiar voice, Zi.

Slowly raise your head. Purple's eyes fell on Perkins who had already got up. In an instant, the purple light on his body suddenly became stronger.

Perkins did not attack again. His eyesight had fully recovered at this time, and the golden hair on his body fluctuated violently like Diss, and he stuttered: "You, you are..." Zi waved his right hand, and the amethyst giant sword appeared again. Pointing to the sky, the cold and forceful voice only uttered two words. "Amethyst one by one"

Perkins was completely dazed, "Amethyst. It's really Amethyst." He no longer had killing intent or fighting intent in his eyes, and subconsciously took a few steps back, looking at Diss on the other side of the battlefield.

Only a special jerky sound can be uttered from the purple mouth, it seems to be a special language. And in the audience. Only two golden Behemoths can understand. Facing Zi and the amethyst giant sword. Both ends are more than twenty meters tall. The golden Beamon, which is stronger than the defense of the fortress, gradually backed away while nodding repeatedly. When they backed up to the behemoths that had been seriously injured and fell to the ground before, they bowed slowly towards the purple ground, their huge eyes What was revealed in it turned out to be fear and respect.

There was a flash of light. Ten rings appeared before them. A silver light flickered. Collecting more than 80 behemoths injured on the ground into the space ring, the two golden behemoths looked at each other. At the same time growled. It doesn't matter that there are not many warriors of the three clans of orcs left. Jump up with the fastest speed. Heading towards the extreme northern wilderness, the towering mountains in front of them are like walking on flat ground. After a while, it has disappeared.

Zimu sent the two golden Bimons away, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked down at Ye Yinzhu in his arms. Slowly put him on the top of the wall, his figure flashed, turned into a purple light and disappeared into Ye Yinzhu's body.

It's over, this battle is finally over, everything happened so fast in the end, almost no one saw clearly what happened on the top of the city, Diss' hell shock wave collided with the earth wall and brought up a lot of dust, most of them The dragoons were all shocked, and some people who were awake also focused their energy on dodging the falling stones and mud from the air. They just saw the purple light flickering on the top of the city. At the same time, Okafor and his giant dragons were driven back by the golden Beamondis. With some special sounds, the golden beamon had disappeared at the same time as their tribe. Only the mess in front of Konya city and the ruins at the top of the city remained.

Okafor and his dragon threw a fistful, and when they got up. Everything was over, Okafor supported his body with his dragon gun, wrapped in the thick smell of blood in front of Konya city. He murmured to himself: "It's over, it's over, it's all over for the eagle, falcon and dragon. How can I explain this to grandpa!"

The Falcon Dragon is in the Dragoon Legion of the entire Milan Empire. Status definitely counts. Among other things, the two functions of reconnaissance and sneak attack alone are incomparable to any other arms, although the Eagle Falcon Dragon is only a fifth-level monster. But its value was originally higher than that of Maginot Iron Dragon and Erikmin Dragon.

"Second brother." Oliveira ran to Okafor's side, and the two brothers were a little absent-minded at this time.

Okafor's gaze suddenly became sharp. "Third brother. What's going on? Why, why did our dragon trainer suddenly go crazy?"

Oliveira smiled wryly and said, "I don't know either. I'm afraid it has something to do with our magicians. Yin Zhu united all the magicians to release a magic of the divine music department. Later, Dragon Training went crazy."

Okafor roared angrily: "I'm not here. You are the commander in chief here. How could you let a magician act like this? Do you know that? That's a thousand tamed dragons, including five hundred falcon dragons. Even if The entire country of Ryuzakinus. I am afraid that there will not be so many falcon dragons."

Oliveira lowered his head, he hadn't woken up from the shocking battle before. From the beginning to the end, none of their five hundred dragoons made a move. This shocking battle was completely a contest between magicians and opponents.

"Second brother, calm down. Although our losses are heavy, the losses of the orcs are not small. Moreover, this is not a place where I can make decisions. Prince Fisichella and Princess Xiangluan are both in the city, and there is a red cross in Milan. Coat of arms. I can only carry out their orders."

"Ah! The princess and the prince are here. It's broken, I forgot, hurry up. Let's go to the city." Okafor no longer cared about those dragon trainers. Only then did he wake up. My most important task this time is to save these two most important members of the royal family. He watched Diss attack his younger brother and the dragoons in the air before. His brain rushed down as soon as it got hot. Only then did he think of the adverse consequences of protecting the princess and prince.

The two brothers of the Violet family did not dare to neglect. Use the fastest speed to come to the city of Konya, which is full of woes.

It has to be said that the students of Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts are very lucky. Those magicians whose mental power was borrowed by Ye Yinzhu were all behind him before, and after Perkins attacked Ye Yinzhu, the destruction of the dungeon was near Ye Yinzhu's body and in front of him, so there was no It affected those comatose magicians. Although they were ashamed by Dust Wu, they were just comatose. Soon, Oliveira found Xiangluan among the unconscious magicians, "The princess is here."

Okafor said in a deep voice, "Where is the prince? Where did His Highness go?"

Oliveira smiled wryly, "Hurry up and send someone to look for him, I hope he's in the city."

Okafor immediately issued orders. at the same time. His eyes fell on the most obvious magician on the top of the city. A faint white light shone on the guardian of the moon god, protecting Ye Yinzhu who had passed out. His face looked a little pale, but he was very calm. The pain between words has completely disappeared.

"He was the one who destroyed our dragon trainer?" Okafor stared fiercely at Ye Yinzhu with unsteady breath.

Oliveira nodded.

Okafor clenched his fists. The dark blue dou qi light fluctuated unsteadily around his body, and his eyes flickered fiercely. Thinking of the demise of the falcon dragon and the giant dragon he was riding almost blew himself up in "Longxiang Exercise". He was full of hatred for the magician who caused the terrifying dragon explosion.

"Second brother, no." Oliveira is very familiar with his hot-tempered second brother. He and his eldest brother Oss are very impulsive people. Once their temper comes up, they will be completely reckless.

Okafor said angrily: "No? Oliveira, don't you know that the Falcon Dragon is not only the pride of the empire, but also the pride of our Violet family? Many of the 500 Falcon Dragoons are members of our family , How much did Grandpa spend cultivating them... rf? Those eagle dragons are worth everything. Adding the dragoons and their equipment, they will be priceless treasures in any country. But this bastard actually killed the eagle dragon. You hide Open, I want to kill him, now here are all our people. Go back and report that he was killed by orcs, no one will hold him accountable. I want to avenge the dead brothers."

"You'd better not move. Otherwise, I don't guarantee that your sister can continue to live." A cold and cruel voice sounded faintly. It immediately attracted the attention of the Okafor brothers. Being able to touch two blue-level fighters without being discovered is enough to prove the strength of the opponent.

The Okafor brothers saw Sura holding Roland in their arms. The angel in the right hand sighed and was clinging to the aorta in Roland's neck, with a cold light in his eyes. That cold killing intent seemed to turn into a real killer at any moment.

Oliveira hurriedly said: "Sura, don't be impulsive, my elder brother is just short of breath, we won't do anything to Yinzhu."

Sura smiled. His smile was full of coldness and disdain. He said lightly: "The mighty Venus Dragoon General of the Milan Empire. He was just a nasty villain who would attack his own people. What were you doing when you were facing the army of orcs? Your original mission was to guard the city of Konya, but you From the point of view of the imperial military law, what should be the crime for leaving without an order? When the orcs with tens of thousands of troops came to the city of Konya. Where were you? Yes, Ye Yinzhu killed a thousand However, he resisted nearly a hundred behemoths and tens of thousands of orcs in the interior including two golden behemoths. He also wiped out his opponents, changing positions, let alone a thousand dragons. In my opinion, even if you are given 10,000 dragoons, you will definitely not be able to do it."

"You..." Okafor's face was flushed red by Sura, but he couldn't say any rebuttal words.

Sura snorted coldly. "What am I? Okafor, you must first understand one thing. Ye Yinzhu is not only not a sinner of the empire in this battle, but a hero. A real hero. Oliveira. Let me ask you. Konya What is behind the city?"

Oliveira replied subconsciously: "It's the plain of Puglia."

Sura said coldly: "If the main army of tens of thousands of orcs enters the Puglia Plain under the leadership of Beamon, what will the Milan Empire get?"

Oliveira was at a loss for words, and fear appeared in his eyes. He was familiar with the military law and the internal terrain of the Milan Empire, of course he knew what it meant, and his whole body was drenched in cold sweat. Completely speechless.

Su La continued: "Training dragons and dragoons are certainly precious. However, you should be very clear about which one is more important than the safety of the Puglia plain. What's more, the exchange for these thousand dragon training is nearly a hundred dragon cavalry. Meng Meng was seriously injured and at least four of the main force of the orcs died. If you don’t know how to settle accounts, go back and ask Marshal Maldini. Is Ye Yinzhu a hero or a sinner.”

The reappearance of Zi resolved the crisis of Yinzhu. How can Sura give Yinzhu a satisfactory explanation after the crisis is resolved? Please read the story of Sura in the next episode. .