Zither Emperor

Chapter 140: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


The new book "Douluo Dalu" has been released, everyone is welcome to collect it first, and the update will officially start on December 20. ISBN: 1115277


Sura said sadly: "Yinzhu, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. But, since you've already given me so many things, can you give me one more thing, the last one. I want this ring. You have all the things in it. Take it away, give me the ring." While speaking, he pointed to the silver ring on Ye Yinzhu's hand.

Ye Yinzhu said in surprise: "It's not that I'm reluctant, but it was given to me by Grandpa Qin. I..."

Su La almost begged: "I don't need the function of its space ring, nor anything inside, I just want this ring."

Ye Yinzhu hesitated for a moment, looked at Sura's persistent eyes and said helplessly: "Okay, I really can't do anything with you. Fortunately, you are my long-term meal ticket, and I am really reluctant to give it to someone else. The spiritual imprint is unlocked, and you can use it directly in the future." While speaking, he activated some of his recovered mental power, and after transferring the magic item in the silver ring to the blue space ring, Then he handed the silver ring to Sura.

"Help me put it on my ring finger." Su La stretched out his right hand.

Ye Yinzhu didn't doubt him, and subconsciously took the ring up. Just when he was about to take back his hand, Su La suddenly turned her wrist and held his hand. ordered something.

When she retracted her hand to look at it, Ye Yinzhu found that what Surasai gave him was a silver coin, a silver coin that looked a little special. The silver coin should originally depict the pattern of the magic hexagram, which is common in the mainland. But this silver coin looks a little worn out, the pattern on it has become very blurred, and even the whole silver coin is a little black, without any luster.

"Sura, why are you giving me the money?" Ye Yinzhu asked suspiciously.

Sura was looking at the silver ring in his hand. At this moment, his eyes were full of satisfaction, "Yinzhu, thank you. Even if we exchange gifts with each other, you have given me too many things, so I will give it back to you." You. As for this silver coin, let me tell you a story, okay?" The feeling of relief made him feel relaxed all over his body, fool, this is an exchange token! Do you know that this silver coin is important to me

Ye Yinzhu nodded and said, "Is it related to you?"

Su La didn't answer, walked up to Ye Yinzhu, and sat down next to him, "There was a woman who made a living by picking up junk. One day, she sold some of the scrap metal she picked up and was walking home. On the way, when she passed a deserted alley, a gangster suddenly jumped out from the corner of the alley. The gangster held a knife in his hand. He pressed the knife against the woman's chest and ordered her to Handed over all the money on her body. The woman was frightened and stood there motionless. The gangster began to search, and he found a worn-out cloth bag from the woman's pocket, which contained money. The gangster took the cloth bag Turned around and left. At this moment, the woman came to her senses, rushed forward and snatched the cloth bag. The gangster pointed a knife at the woman, gesturing to stab her and threatened her to let go. But the woman held the bag tightly with both hands. The money bag was never let go. The woman desperately protected the bag while calling for help. The sound of the cry for help alarmed the residents in the alley, and people rushed to catch the criminals together.

The crowd escorted the gangsters and led the women into the nearby city guard lock, and a city guard received them. During interrogation, the gangster confessed to the robbery. And the woman stood there trembling, with cold sweat on her face.

The city guard comforted her: "You don't have to be afraid."

The woman replied, "It hurts so much, he broke my finger."

Speaking of raising her right hand, people realized that the index finger of her right hand was drooping limply.

I would rather have my fingers broken than let go of the purse, which shows the number and weight of the purse. The city guard then opened the cloth bag containing the money. All the people present were stunned. There was only no more, no less, one silver coin in the bag. Many people thought that for one silver coin, one broke his finger, and It's really not worth it for criminals.

The city guard was at a loss: what kind of power was supporting this woman, so that she could not give up this mere silver coin despite the severe pain of breaking her finger? …

After the woman underwent simple treatment, she left alone. She went to a fruit stand and picked the fruits very carefully. She used one silver coin to buy a pear, an apple, an orange, a banana, a sugar cane, a strawberry... She picked one of each fruit from the fruit stand until she spent a silver coin worth a dollar. No points left. People who knew her previous experience were very surprised. Could it be that the silver coin that was saved by sacrificing a finger was actually to buy some fruit to taste

The woman carried a bag of fruit and went straight out of the city to a cemetery in the suburbs. She went to a secluded place where there was a new tomb. The woman stood in front of the new tomb for a long time, with a gratified smile on her face. Then she leaned the bag against the tombstone and murmured to herself: "Son, Mom is sorry for you. Mom is incapable of curing your illness, and let you die early when you were just eight years old. Do you remember? When you were about to leave, your mother asked you what your greatest wish was, and you said: I have never eaten a whole fruit, it would be great if I could eat a good one. Mom is ashamed of you, even your last I can’t even satisfy my wish. In order to treat you, my family has no money to buy a piece of fruit. But, my child, until yesterday, my mother finally paid off all the debts I borrowed for your treatment. Plus today’s income There is only one silver coin left, child, mom can buy fruit now, you see, there are oranges, pears, apples, and bananas... all of them are good. They are all good fruits bought by mom for you , not rotten at all, mom carefully selected one by one, you eat, child, you taste... "

Speaking of this, Sura was already in tears. Ye Yinzhu looked at the somewhat damaged silver coin in his hand, and he suddenly felt that the weight of this silver coin was so heavy.

Su La continued: "That woman is my mother, and the eight-year-old boy who died is my twin brother. That day, I was always with my mother. I hate, I hate myself why I don't have the strength to protect my mother, no Money helped my younger brother to heal his illness. From that day on, I fell in love with money. I swear, I must let my mother live a good life. That day was also the first time I stole. The silver coin in your hand was spent by my mother It took countless hard work to earn the silver coin to buy fruit for my brother. If my mother knew that I was stealing things, she would be very angry and very angry, but I would never let the money she earned so hard fall into the hands of others. From that year on , I will keep this silver coin on myself, and always use it to remind me that this is my mother's love."

"Then what happened later? Where's your mother?" Ye Yinzhu asked.

Sura's eyes were full of sadness, "I worked very hard, I tried hard to become stronger, and I practiced desperately every day. I went out to steal some money and came back, and I had to find ways to prevent my mother from suspecting it. But my mother was really hard. She worked hard when I was thirteen. At the age of 18, she died from overwork. Although I went crazy and stole money to treat her illness, she still died. Before she died, my mother told me who my father was. It was him, If it wasn't for his bastard, my mother would not have become like this. I swear at my mother's grave that one day, I will take back what belongs to me and avenge my mother and brother."

Holding Sura's shoulder, Ye Yinzhu choked up and said: "Sura, don't cry. No matter what time I will stand by your side, your business is mine. But this silver coin is really too precious. I… "

Su La raised her head abruptly, and said with tears in her eyes: "Don't tell me you can't take it. I made a decision when I got it back. If one day, there is someone who treats me as well as my mother treats me, I will Give him this silver coin. And you are the one."

Ye Yinzhu looked at the silver coin in his hand again. At this moment, in his heart, the weight of this silver coin has been infinitely sublimated. It is no longer a silver coin, but Sura's trust and affection for him. This silver coin is precious.

"Okay, I'll accept it. I will definitely keep it well." Ye Yinzhu didn't put the silver coin into the interspatial ring, but put it in his bosom for personal storage.

Sura wiped away the tears on her face, "It's been several years, every time I think of them, I still can't help but cry, Yin Zhu, am I too fragile?"

Ye Yinzhu wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "How could it be? Didn't I cry with you too? Sura, who is your father? Between him and your mother..."...

Sura's face changed slightly, "He is a great nobleman. Back then, my mother was just his maid, but she was raped by him the night before she was about to leave his mansion to prepare for a new life. Mother left with sadness and humiliation. I went there, but after a few months, I found out that I have my brother and I. Don’t ask me who he is, I won’t tell you, I must solve my own affairs.”

"Yinzhu, Sura, we are leaving. Have you packed up?" Xiangluan's voice came from outside.

Ye Yinzhu and Sura looked at each other, and then restrained their emotions. Sura hugged Ye Yinzhu's dead wood Longyin Qin from the side and handed it to him, saying: "Your piano is not broken, but the strings are broken."

During the final playing that day, Ye Yinzhu was close to losing control of his spirit, and finally failed to fully control the music, causing the sound waves to lose control and the strings of the dead wood and dragons broke. You know, those are seven dragon tendons! It is not so easy to rewind.

Ye Yinzhu put away the dead wood Longyin Qin with some helplessness, and said: "We can only find a way later. Let's go out."

Sura hid his emotions well, and when they walked out of the room, the sadness on his face had completely disappeared.

The reinforcements sent from Sacred Heart City included 10,000 heavy armored cavalry and 30,000 infantry, which can be described as a strong lineup, and they were all ready to go outside Konya at this time. The five hundred dragoons who lost their mounts had only one task, and that was to guard the princess and the prince.

As soon as Ye Yinzhu appeared, the whole team suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at him differently. The eyes of the dragoons were either fearful or angry, but most of the students of the Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts were in admiration. After all, these noble children are not very important to the death of Dragon Training. At least Ye Yinzhu helped them save their lives.

"Idol, get in the car." Fisichella greeted Ye Yinzhu.

Ye Yinzhu said helplessly: "Your Highness, can you stop calling me that?"

Fisichella smiled and said, "I don't want to, but I can't help it! Idol, you are really amazing. Get in the car first and then talk."

Ye Yinzhu and Sura got into the carriage together, but this time the number of people in the carriage was much smaller, naturally because of the identities of Xiangluan and Fisichella. There are only three people in the carriage, Xiangluan, Haiyang and Fisichella, plus Ye Yinzhu and Sura. There is more than enough room in this luxurious carriage.

"Idol, you can say that you deserve the greatest credit for defeating the enemy this time. Our side only lost a thousand tamed dragons and five hundred falcon dragoons this time. And even if the opponent doesn't count the seriously injured Beamon, it is enough The main army of nearly 40,000 was wiped out by us. In my opinion, you don’t need to go to school this time when you go back, and you can directly become a court magician.”

Xiangluan raised her hand and knocked on Fisichella's head, "What nonsense. Yinzhu is still young, so naturally he still has to go to school. However, I am looking forward to how the emperor will reward him this time?"

While rubbing his head, Fisichella murmured to himself in a low voice: "With your good words, can the reward be worse?"

