Zither Emperor

Chapter 141: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


Just as Ye Yinzhu and the others were heading from Konya City to Sacred Heart City. The continent of Longzinus, which had been quiet for many years, suddenly became lively because of a war. It was not the orcs of Thor's Hammer that raided the Milan Empire. After all, this was a routine war on the border and would not have any impact on the interior of the mainland. This suddenly appeared and affected the entire continent, and it came from a war between two countries. Moreover, these two countries still belong to the same faction.

The northern part of Ryuzakinus has always been centered on the Milan Empire, including the three allies of Ascoli, Foro and Palermo. And in the south. But it is the world of the Landias Empire, the same as the Milan Empire. Landias also has three allies, namely the Kingdom of Poli, the Kingdom of Popon and the Kingdom of Arcadia. The forces of the two major groups face each other across Falan, precisely because of Falan's constraints. Only then did there not always be too much conflict between them.

In terms of overall strength. Naturally, the four northern countries headed by Milan are much stronger. But at the same time, there is a huge threat of the extreme northern wilderness in the north, so that even if the Milan Empire intends to invade the south, it will not be able to divide too many troops, and Falan is a detached place that no one is willing to offend. That's why the Longzinus continent has been peaceful for a hundred years.

At the same time when the Milan Empire began to deal with the looting from the extreme northern wilderness in late autumn, there were discordant voices in the south of the mainland. The two major kingdoms of the Landias Empire, Popon and Arcadia, unexpectedly launched a war. war.

But the instigator of this incident happened to be Ye Yinzhu.

When Ye Yinzhu left Bikonghai and passed through the city of Luna, the capital of Arcadia, he met the provocative Popang magician who was a stranger to the outside world. Use the sound blade to make a surprise attack in the face of tremendous pressure from the opponent. Killed several magicians of the Popang Kingdom, including a blue-level one. Afterwards he just walked away. But it brought a lot of trouble to the Kingdom of Arcadia.

In the most powerful country on the mainland like the Milan Empire, magicians are extremely precious. Not to mention a second-rate kingdom like Popang, who suddenly received news of the disappearance of the magician. Their first reaction was to put pressure on the Kingdom of Arcadia. Naturally, the Arcadia Kingdom will not admit anything, or in other words, the Arcadia royal family does not know where those Popang magicians have gone. Seeing that his strength far exceeds Arcadia. Forcibly demand compensation from the Kingdom of Arcadia. In their minds, they could use this opportunity to extract a lot of benefits from the Kingdom of Arcadia. If it weren't for the reasons of the Landias Empire and Falan, Popang, who was eyeing Arcadia, would have already taken Arkadia. Cadia became its own territory.

but. It was beyond the expectations of Bomo Kingdom. This time, the attitude of the royal family of the King of Arcadia turned out to be very tough. They did not admit that the magician Popon disappeared in Luna City at all, and the relationship between the two countries reached a freezing point in an instant.

Naturally, the Popang Kingdom would not just let it go. With the Landias Empire declaring non-interference, it dispatched 100,000 troops. Soldiers crush the borders of Arcadia.

Phil City, an important border town of the Kingdom of Arcadia.

With Arcadia's national power, even if it is all the power of the whole country. It was barely enough to get together 80,000 soldiers. As for the quality of the soldiers, the Acadians were always lazy by nature, so naturally they couldn't compare with the Bomo Kingdom. Among the 80,000 troops, there was not even a single dragoon brigade. But their opponents were the elite of the Bomo Kingdom, including two dragon cavalry brigades. The powerful opponents of the 20,000-thousand-thousand heavy cavalry corps even have a hundred magicians of various departments in the army of the Bomo Kingdom, most of whom are from the fire department.

The walls of the city of Phil. The generals of the Arcadia military looked solemnly at the Bo Pang army stationed thirty miles away, and their hearts were heavy. They understood that since Popon had sent troops here. It is no longer a simple matter of compensation. Once the army is defeated, the consequences will be disastrous. These Arcadian generals haven't fought a war in many years, and most of them are wondering why the Arcadian royal family is so tough this time. This is simply a war that is impossible to win!

yesterday. Popang's army has arrived outside the city of Phil, after a day of repairing. From the top of the city early this morning, they could clearly see that they were mobilizing a large number of troops. It seems that a general attack on Phil City is about to be launched.

"Master Qin Shang, what should we do now?" Solskjaer, Marshal of the Arcadia Kingdom, panicked and asked the old magician beside him.

Qin Shang smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry. Read on. Marshal Solskjaer, please order all the cavalry under your command to be ready to attack at any time. Since His Majesty the King has made me the supreme commander of this war, I will never let He's disappointed."

"Okay. Follow your instructions. However, Master Qin Shang, I think it's better for us to stand firm now. The enemy's heavy cavalry is too large. Once we start fighting in the same area, our soldiers may not be able to resist it!"

Looking at Solskjaer's panicked appearance and fat belly, Qin Shang showed a trace of disdain in his eyes, and said lightly: "Marshal Solskjaer, first of all you have to understand. As a soldier, when facing the enemy You must be full of courage to face death as home. And you are the commander of the entire army. If you are afraid of fighting, how can we win this war? Now, please Marshal to carry out my orders. Make arrangements immediately."

Although Solskjaer has always been arrogant, he did not dare to disrespect the old magician in front of him at this time. Especially when seeing the magic badge on his chest. Knowing that the old man in front of him was his real hope, he hurriedly agreed to go down to the city.

Qin Shang sighed softly. "If you count on the generals of the Kingdom of Arcadia, there is no need to fight this war."

"Fortunately, we didn't count on them, did we?" By Qin Shang's side. Face vicissitudes. A head of gray and white long hair hangs over his shoulders. The old man full of vicissitudes and unyielding arrogance said coldly.

Qin Shang smiled slightly. Said: "Old man, I know you look down on soldiers like them. It's a pity. There is no room for us to play now. If you can. I believe you can become the best marshal."

Ye Li glanced at Qin Shang. He lowered his voice and said, "I hope this war will be the prelude to the rise of our Eastern Dragon Eight Sects."

A bright light flashed in Qin Shang's eyes, "We will definitely. What we have to do is to pave the way for young people. I believe that when Yinzhu's generation becomes the backbone of the Eastern Dragon Eight Sects. Our dreamland It will be realized."

Ye Lidi turned his eyes to the city, "They are coming, you prepare, I will go." As soon as the words fell, his body had turned into a faint purple phantom and disappeared. Watching the army of the Bomo Kingdom gradually approaching the city. A faint purple glow full of murderous intent flashed across Qin Shang's eyes.

The Bomo Kingdom is in charge of commanding the entire army this time, and it is the Kingdom Marshal Yishili Lei. One thing that the Bomo Kingdom and the Milan Empire are the same is that they also have two marshals. One is guarding the border with the Kingdom of Flora. After all, these two kingdoms belong to different camps. Little friction is unavoidable, and the other one is Yi Shililei, who commands an army of 100,000.

Although the mainland has been peaceful for many years. But it is still impossible to take the position of marshal without having experienced war. But the Marshal Yishili Lei in front of him is unique. Graduated from the Popon Military Academy. Not been involved in any wars. But he still took the position of marshal at the age of forty-five. There is only one reason. His younger sister is the current Queen of the Bomor Kingdom.

This time I heard that we are going to fight Arcadia. Yishi Lilei, who had always been criticized by the courtiers, immediately seized the opportunity to ask for a fight. He also knows that he is not capable enough. But this time it was facing the weakest country like Arcadia. Even if you don't command, you can win. As long as you can seize this opportunity to kill Arcadia's army, let's see who can say that he is a crony marshal.

"Suppress me with the whole army. I want to fight the Arcadia pig in this city of Phil." Isley Lei held up the gleaming golden knight sword in his hand. Although this guy doesn't have much ability, it has to be said that he looks very handsome. It was not at all obvious that he was a middle-aged man in his forties. Coupled with a golden helmet, armor and scarlet jersey. It is also quite a bit of the marshal's majesty.

A staff officer said beside Ishililei: "Master Marshal. Although we have scouted the surrounding area and there is no ambush. But this time Arcadia dared to be an enemy of our Popon. It is something to rely on. Isn't it Don't rush forward with the whole army. Feint attack first. It's better to test the opponent's strength."

Yishi Lilei glanced at the combat staff officer contemptuously. "If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense in front of me. There is a saying in the art of war, and those who are good at fighting should be reconnaissance first. This time we will fight. Although the enemy is weak, our reconnaissance is very good. According to the report of the spies, the opponent only has an army of 80,000 pieced together. Ah Cadia's soldiers have always been known for their laziness in combat, let alone our 100,000-strong army. Even if there are only 10,000 heavy cavalry, I am sure to tear them into pieces. Destroy all the defenses of Arcadia, and let them know what will happen if they offend our Bourbon Kingdom. The whole army advances, with the heavy cavalry guarding the dragoons in the center. The dragoons are responsible for protecting the magicians, and the light cavalry fly on both wings. The infantry is in the rear."

The combat staff officer couldn't help frowning as he looked at the tall city wall of Phil City in the distance. On the surface, Easley Ray seems to have done the right thing. After all, he graduated from a military academy. Whether it is the formation of troops or the early reconnaissance, they are still relatively in place.

The combat staff officer couldn't help frowning as he looked at the tall city wall of Phil City in the distance. On the face of it. Yi Shili Lei seems to be doing the right thing, after all, he graduated from a military academy. Whether it is the formation of troops or the early reconnaissance, they are still relatively in place. But for some reason, this staff officer named Xiao Se always felt that there was something wrong with the Arcadians he was facing, and he couldn't figure it out the most. That's why Arcadia dared to be so tough with the Bomo Kingdom even though Arcadia was weak. Unfortunately, he was just a staff officer. Ishley Ray, who was dazzled by the imminent victory, didn't care about it. An army of 100,000 marched mightily towards the city of Phil.

All the magicians of the Bomo Kingdom are preparing their magic on the specially built chariots. Facing Arcadia, which is barren of magicians, Ishley Lei firmly believes that his own magicians will definitely be able to bring magic to the opponent. Hit hard. Even blasted open the city wall directly.

Just like what Easley Ray imagined. The defenders gathered in the city of Phil in the Kingdom of Arcadia did not dare to attack at all. The city gates are closed. Yishi Lilei looked proudly at the top of the city. He seems to have seen himself breaking through this important city on the frontier of Arcadia. The scene of the Arcadia royal family kneeling at their feet.

At this moment, Yishili Lei suddenly found out. Although there were many Arcadia soldiers in Phil City, only one of them really caught his attention. A pure white magic robe, and long silver-white hair. Under the sunlight, it even exudes a holy breath. The tall figure, in the center of the entire city wall, he doesn't need to do anything, just standing there, people have to pay attention.

"Magician? Such an old magician?" Isley Lei was a little annoyed, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Even if the opponent has a small number of magicians, it is impossible to resist the hundreds of fire spells with the highest blue level and the lowest yellow level brought by him.

Immediately afterwards, Ishili Lei saw it. The white-robed sorcerer on the top of the wall took out a qin from somewhere. Because the distance is too far. He couldn't see Qin's appearance clearly, but. At the moment when the piano sounded, Yi Shililei's brain had fallen into a blank.

Qin Shang's eyes were as clear as an abyss. But the extremely clear black eyes instantly shone brightly, and the index finger flicked the seven strings in the air. There was a humming sound. The voiceless sound is deep and vigorous, with a lingering aftertaste. in an instant. The air seemed to freeze, and a dazzling purple light shot out from between his brows, rendering the whole person into a purple light ball. As the first and only purple-level divine music master and great magician of the divine music department on the mainland, Qin Shang started his performance.

"Purple, how could it be purple?" Yishi Lilei had completely lost his previous demeanor. cried out in horror. He completely forgot, as a marshal. His emotions will directly affect his army.

The purple rank represents the peak existence of the entire continent. Except for Milan and Landias, the other six kingdoms even have a purple rank powerhouse. It is definitely their greatest pride. Yishili Lei never thought that Arcadia actually had a purple-level powerhouse and a magician, and his heart trembled completely. Even if you are surrounded by powerful fighters. It also couldn't relieve the panic in his heart.

Seeing Zi Ji, he was not the only one who panicked. Panic spread quickly in the army of the Bomo Kingdom like a plague. What does the purple rank represent? That is definitely a destructive force! Any strong purple rank. It is possible to reverse the relationship between victory and defeat in the war. Like the two empires of Landias and Milan, although they were separated by Falan and could not fight, they fought openly and secretly with each other. It is carried out by relying on the breakthrough of the strong. .

The sound of the piano was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, and the army of the Bomo Kingdom naturally didn't know it. At this time, Phil City was on top. A huge sound amplification circle is behind Qin Shang, for today's battle. Arcadia has been preparing for a long time. Just like Ye Yinzhu fought the orcs in Konya City. It has the same effect. It's just that Qin Shang doesn't need to borrow mental power, he is a real purple-level powerhouse. Moreover, although the fighters around him are weak, their strengths are much stronger than when Ye Yinzhu faced the orcs. Although Bo Pang's army has 100,000 people, they are not as good as the four orcs led by nearly a hundred Beamon giant beasts. Compared with the Legion, the difference is unreasonable.

"Quickly, all mages attack. Attack that person in the city, and you can't let his magic come out." At the critical moment, the combat staff officer named Xiao Se beside Ishililei could no longer care about Yuezu. He drank anxiously.

And at this moment, there was a loud bang. A group of dazzling purple light suddenly shot up from the ground. And the place where he rushed out happened to be the hundred fire magicians guarded by the dragon cavalry brigade of the Bomo Kingdom.

Tall and tall. Old face. Slender arms. A long sword that shone with purple light. Fully showing his identity, he is a fighter. What is a purple-level fighter? It's a great master. It is the strength that the Purple Star Dragon Knight must have.

Ye Li is not a purple star dragon rider. Because he has no dragons, however. This in no way affects his strength as a great master.

What is the result of being approached by a warrior? As a purple-level powerhouse, Ye Li will never let the magicians in front of him have any chance to release monsters. As for instant magic, it is not possible for him at all. If there is any effect, the secret of his ability to suddenly rush out of the ground is actually very simple. Before the arrival of the army of the Bomo Kingdom, a not-too-complicated tunnel has been dug in front of Phil City. With Ye Li's strength, even in the underground The location of the dragoons can also be clearly judged by the sound of the parallel movement. Dragoons guard the core. Naturally, it was the target of his raid.

When Ye Li rushed up from below, several magicians were already smashed to pieces by his tyrannical bamboo grudge. next moment. He floats in midair like a giant hedgehog. Countless sharp purple lights shot out,

A puff of blood mist, in the center of the 100,000 troops of the Bomo Kingdom, rendered a blossoming and beautiful flower. Among the hundreds of fire masters, there was only one under the attack of the bamboo battle energy that burst out in an instant, and it was killed instantly.

Died under the sneak attack of a purple-level war master. It is not wrong for them to be considered dead.

Ye Li let out a long laugh. As if he wanted to express all the suffocation accumulated in his heart for decades, he was not afraid of the madly rushing Bo Pang army, and floated up like a purple bamboo leaf, sharp and sharp but not stopping for a moment. Bring up a string of purple phantoms. Go out in the direction of Phil city.

Purple-grade bamboo grudge, shuttling among the 100,000 troops. Invincible. Even the dragoons couldn't block Ye Li for a moment without being able to fully capture his figure.

Xiao Se was completely stunned. This is the first time he has seen how terrifying the strong are on the battlefield. He murmured to himself: "Taking the life of a mage in an army of 100,000 is like picking something out of a bag. Is this the strength of a great master?" At this moment. He finally understood why the Kingdom of Arcadia suddenly became tough. If a purple-level great magister is not enough to give them confidence, but if they add a purple-level great master. That is definitely full of confidence.

Just when Xiao Se was sluggish and Yi Shililei was panicked and didn't know what to do, Qin Shang's piano music shone in circles of purple halo. Has begun to play its due role.

Far more profound piano magic than Ye Yinzhu. He was facing an enemy that was far inferior to Ye Yinzhu's. The result of this war. It was doomed at the moment when those hundreds of fire methods were instantly killed by Ye Li.

When Ye Yinzhu and other students from the Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts were escorted down to the Sacred Heart City by the brigade, this year's autumn defense battle was completely over. After the orcs went through a frantic assault. Suddenly the whole army retreated, and all the retreats were extremely solid. In Thor's Hammer, which is known as the number one fortress on the mainland, it's not that Maldini didn't want to take advantage of the situation to attack. But one is that Thor's Hammer is too strong, and because of lack of preparation, this battle with the orcs can be said to have hurt one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-damages, especially the five hundred eagles and dragons that were killed by Maldini. The army was annihilated, and the blow to the Milan Imperial Army was equally huge. A truce is for both sides. All are the best choices.

Sacred Heart City. Handsome account.

"That's how things are. Except for the two golden Behemoths who somehow took away all the behemoths. The 40,000 legions of the other orcs were wiped out, and our dragon trainer..." Speaking of this, Oliveira couldn't help lowering her head sadly.

There are many people in the handsome tent at this time. Prince Fisichella and Princess Xiangluan were at the top, and Maldini sat at the bottom and quietly listened to the report of his third grandson Oliveira. More than 20 generals above the legion level of the Milan Empire and dragon knights above the silver star are all present, of course. There is also the hero of the Battle of Konya, Ye Yinzhu, a first-year student of the Shenyin Department of the Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Art.

Listening to his grandson's report, Maldini's expression didn't change. but. His right hand had already grabbed into the hard wooden chair but he didn't realize it.

Can he not feel bad? The falcon dragoons can be said to be the absolute elite trained by him. It has played a pivotal role countless times on the battlefield. It can be said that every Falcon Dragoon is a hero of the Milan Empire, and even has at least the noble title of knight. And this time. completely annihilated. Not even one survived.

The Battle of Konya City. From any angle. The Milan Empire has won great victories, annihilating the opponent's four main armies, and more importantly, destroying the opponent's strategic intentions. Maldini naturally guessed the intention of the orc marauding army to force through the Brenner Mountains. He also deeply understands what victory in this battle means to the Thousand Milan Empire.

but. In any case, from the point of view of his personal feelings, he is unwilling to accept this fact. He would rather not have annihilated the opponent's four main armies than hope that the Falcon Dragoons would suffer a slight loss!

Maldini's face changed from cloudy to cloudy. The air in the commander's tent seemed to freeze, and the generals who were familiar with him knew that their marshal was about to lose his temper.

Xiangluan also felt that the atmosphere was not right, forced a smile, and said: "Marshal Maldini. Although our loss is not small this time, the loss of the orcs is even greater. It is a good idea to exchange the remaining 40,000 elites for the opponent. A big victory! When I go back, I will definitely ask my father for the merits of the dead soldiers, and pay a lot of money for compensation."

Maldini stood up slowly. The strength of the Purple Star Dragoon made the aura emanating from his body solidify like a substance. Turn around and face Fisichella and Xiangluan. He bowed and said: "As Your Highness said. We have won a big victory this time. It can be said that this is the biggest victory since the confrontation with the orcs of Thor's Hammer. The most important thing is to smash the opponent's sneak attack. As the real commander of this war, Ye Yinzhu has made great contributions to the conspiracy in the Pulia Plain. Although he is a student of the Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts, he is only a trainee magician in the army, but he has made such great achievements. The ministry will report the facts according to the facts. His Majesty will appoint a reward."

After hearing Maldini's words, Xiangluan and Fisichella breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. For the Jagged Marshal, frankly. They all had some fear in their hearts. If Maldini must hold Ye Yinzhu accountable for the crime of killing thousands of Dragon Trainers and Falcon Dragoons, then he will be in trouble, and he will suffer from foreign military orders. Maldini is famous for ruling the army with iron and blood. In case he kills Ye Yinzhu in a rage. Xiangluan and Fisichella didn't even have a place to reason. After all, the Violet family holds a pivotal position in the Milan Empire. Emperor Silvio will also respect his opinion. Maldini, who has illustrious military exploits, will never be punished for being a magician.

Ye Yinzhu felt the somewhat discordant atmosphere in the handsome tent. Just feel a little inexplicable. But he never thought that Maldini would be bad for him, and he heard the old marshal say that he had made great contributions. He couldn't help saying shyly: "Old Ma. Oh, no, Marshal Maldini. In fact, I didn't do anything. If it wasn't for everyone's help, I wouldn't be able to produce such good results with my own strength."

The eldest grandson of the Violet family beside him. Silver Star Dragoon General Austin sneered. "It's a good thing you didn't do anything. Otherwise, wouldn't you have to lose the entire Dragoon Legion?"

"Shut up." Maldini yelled loudly, causing Austin's whole body to tremble. The huge oppressive force on his grandfather made him feel suffocated for a while.

There was a cold light in Maldini's eyes, and he said to Ye Yinzhu: "You are very good, you are indeed the person Miss Anya valued. With such a huge gap between the enemy and the enemy, defeating the enemy by miracles, whether it is wit, bravery or your special magic , can be regarded as the leader of the younger generation, but you sacrificed the most important falcon dragoon cavalry in the empire, and your fault is not small. Even though you have done a great job, I will report it according to the facts, and your Majesty will decide." Xiang Luan and Fei Si There was nothing wrong with Chela's understanding of the Marshal. If it wasn't for Ye Yinzhu this time, I'm afraid the end would be miserable. It was because of Anya that Maldini could forcibly suppress the anger in his heart.

"I didn't think about any merits or demerits, I just didn't want to see orcs hurt my friends and classmates. Marshal Maldini, I don't think I have any faults, Brother Oliveira said. On the battlefield, as long as you can get To win, you must do everything you can. Just use any means!"

"Yinzhu..." Ye Yinzhu's unintentional words frightened Oliveira on the side. He couldn't understand his grandfather's temper very well, but he suddenly became the instigator. He didn't dare to bear the anger from his grandfather.

Sure enough, Maldini's eyes immediately turned to Oliveira, and he said sarcastically: "Oh. So, Oliveira also has a lot of credit? Not bad. Not bad. Finally, our Violet family has produced a soldier who knows the art of war." General, you all have merit, merit!" At this point. His voice suddenly turned into a roar. "Austin, Okafor. Come out."

Brother Austin looked at each other. Step forward at the same time. Straighten your chest.

Maldini walked up to Okafor slowly, "What was the order I gave you at the beginning?" Okafor, though, panicked. But he still said: "You ordered me to lead a thousand dragoons to protect the students of the Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts and garrison Konya City."

Maldini said in a deep voice: "What about you? Why did you go to the Dragoon Legion? When I found out, you were already on the battlefield on the Sacred Heart City. And you, Austin, As the eldest brother, not only did you not stop Okafor, you actually sneaked back to the Dragoon Legion with him. It is your mistakes that led to the emptiness of Konya City."

"Grandpa, we..." Austin was about to explain, but was interrupted by Maldini.

"Shut up. You should call me Marshal. Pass my order. Brothers Austin and Okafor leave their posts without permission. This has caused losses to our army. Immediately, they will be deprived of their titles of Dragoon Generals. Detain the imperial capital for trial. Take them down."

No one dared to intercede when Maldini was furious. Among the people present, Ye Yinzhu was the only one who was not afraid of Maldini, but he would not intercede either. Because he thought that Maldini was doing the right thing, and Brother Austin had indeed left his post without authorization.

Four strong soldiers were immediately accounted for. Pressing Austin, the Okafor brothers left the tent. Although the two were strong, they never dared to resist.

In fact, although Maldini was in a rage, he was still selfish. If it is other generals who neglect their duties. He had been killed directly by him long ago, so he still needs to be escorted back to the imperial capital for trial

"Your Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness, the Sacred Heart City is the border of the empire. It is not a place for the two of you to stay for a long time. I will immediately send someone to escort the two of you and Milan's students back to the imperial capital. By the way, I will also take those two evils back, O Rivera, take your two highnesses and Ye Yinzhu down to rest."

Oliveira secretly breathed a sigh of relief, not even daring to look at grandpa again. Hastily agreed.

In addition to the commander, Fisichella let out a long breath, "Marshal Maldini seems very angry."

Oliveira smiled wryly and said, "When grandpa gets angry, the consequences will be serious. Big brother and second brother are out of luck this time."

Fisichella patted him on the shoulder. Said: "Don't worry. Senior, father will not really punish the Violet family. After all, the two dragon riders also want to go to battle to kill the enemy. It was me instead. I'm afraid I made the same choice."

Oliveira nodded, turned to Ye Yinzhu and said, "Yinzhu, you almost killed me just now! I really don't know if teaching you the art of war is right or wrong."

Ye Yinzhu said in a daze, "I hurt you, is there any?"

Seeing his unaffected simplicity, Oliveira couldn't say anything else. With a helpless sigh, he said: "Forget it. It's all over, but you really amazed me. I never thought that you can use such a special method to defeat the enemy. Everyone's opinion of Shen Yinshi is very high." It's wrong, whoever said you are weak, I think. The divine music master is probably the most powerful magician.".

Xiangluan and Fisichella nodded approvingly. in their eyes. Ye Yinzhu is just a Huang-level divine music teacher, but he decided the victory of the whole war. From this point of view, who can say that a Shenyin master is tasteless

Same as in the academy, Ye Yinzhu was still arranged to share a room with Sura, once he entered the door. Sura, who was waiting anxiously, greeted her. "How about it, Yinzhu, Maldini didn't make things difficult for you."

Ye Yinzhu was taken aback. Said: "No! Why did he make things difficult for me."

Sura breathed a sigh of relief. Said: "That's good. That Eagle Falcon Dragon is extremely important to the Qianmilian Empire. This time, it was all lost. I'm afraid that Maldini will deal with you because he can't accept it. You should rest first. Has your body recovered?"

Ye Yinzhu walked to his bed and sat down, smiled and said: "It's okay. My mental strength recovered very quickly. Although it was a bit dangerous this time, those chaotic emotions almost made my mental imprint impossible to recover. But after recovery. I But I feel that my mental strength seems to have improved a lot."

"Improvement in mental power? Is it possible to fight?" Sura asked in surprise.

Ye Yinzhu shook his head and said: "I don't know either. It feels like the mental power itself is like a pond. Maybe it's because we borrowed everyone's spiritual power to expand the pond. Although the mental power has recovered almost .But it’s not enough to fill the pond. It’s because of this that I feel like I’ve improved.”

Sura smiled and said, "You! Don't take risks next time. What a magician needs most is caution. All kinds of magic elements are actually very dangerous. Once they are not used properly, there will be a crisis that is difficult to control. Come on, Wipe your face." While talking, he handed a warm towel into Ye Yinzhu's hand.

Ye Yinzhu froze for a moment, the towel was very soft and had a fresh fragrance on it. He wiped his face and said, "Sura, since you came out of Konya, you seem to be different."

Sura looked at him with a smile, and said, "Is there? Why don't I think so?"

Ye Yinzhu said with a smile: "Before, you wouldn't be so considerate to me!"

There was a strange light in Sura's eyes. Subconsciously glanced at the silver ring in his hand. "Didn't you already pay my whole life's wages? I've collected everything, so naturally I should treat you better."