Zither Emperor

Chapter 146: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


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Silvio said in a deep voice, "Are you really unwilling to kneel to me?"

Ye Yinzhu nodded firmly. The teachings of the two grandfathers are the creed in his heart. He didn't learn much before leaving Bikonghai, but he firmly remembered every point he learned.

Xiangluan secretly said that it was broken, and cursed herself secretly. Before entering the palace, she actually forgot to teach Ye Yinzhu some necessary etiquette.

Silvio nodded slowly, and his gaze towards Ye Yinzhu became more and more fierce, and the menacing aura gave people a feeling of being out of breath. However, Ye Yinzhu just looked at him calmly. He said, his eyes were clear without waves, and there was no trace of panic or anxiety.

"Father, Yinzhu is not very experienced in the world, he doesn't understand many things. Please forgive him for being rude." Xiangluan said eagerly.

Fisichella also hurriedly said: "Father, thanks to Yinzhu this time, otherwise we might not be able to come back. You..."

"Enough. Who told you to speak?" Silvio's voice was as cold as ice and snow.

Just when everyone thought that the great emperor was about to explode, the frost on Silvio's face suddenly melted, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "The Milan Empire has always been very clear about rewards and punishments. It must be punished. Ye Yinxiu made great contributions in the battle of Konya City. He is an imperial hero. There is no doubt about this. However, he also caused a large loss of elite imperial falcon dragoons and molested the princess in the palace of Milan. Such a fault should have been severely punished, but thinking of his merits outweighs his faults, all faults and credits are offset, and no punishment will be given.”

Listening to what Emperor Silvio said here, Xiangluan and Fisichella were relieved.

Silvio turned to Ye Yinzhu and said: "Your credit has been offset by your faults. But the emperor still wants to reward you. Zhuo Ling, Ye Yinxiu resisted the orcs and defended the country. Specially granted the nationality of the Milan Empire, It can coexist with its original Arcadia nationality. It can be granted the title of Viscount. As for the fief... "

Hearing the word fiefdom, Ye Yinzhu paid attention, and his gaze towards Silvio couldn't help moving slightly.

"You have made too many mistakes, and you still need to practice. I originally wanted to give you a fertile land, but it seems too early now. I will give you the city of Konya where you fought. The Brenner Mountains are yours. Temperance. Of course, I hope you will not give up your studies at the Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts because of this."

"Father, this is not fair." Xiangluan protested. Konya City has a total population of only 20,000, and the Brenner Mountains are completely inaccessible, and there are no special products. The terrain is steep, and it is close to the extreme northern wilderness. And barrenness is synonymous there. After the previous battle, even the city walls were destroyed a lot. Such a small city is really hard to be rewarded. Any viscount in the Milan Empire has more territory than Ye Yinzhu. There is more land.

Silvio said in a deep voice: "Presumptuous. Come, take the princess down. Retire."

Both Xiangluan and Fisichella were taken away. Oliveira received an order from Seedorf, which was naturally about the punishment of his two elder brothers. Emperor Silvio had already issued an order before they returned. .Although the Okafor and Austin brothers left their posts without permission, they did not make a big mistake. They were eager to fight for the country and were given a lighter punishment. Each was fined half a year's salary.

The three people who came with Ye Yinzhu all left, and when he came, he was in a carriage again. With the departure of the civil and military officials, he couldn't help being a little dazed, what should he do? Ma Liang said that the territory that Donglong Bazong longed for already has. Is this a reward? In fact, at this time, he felt more in his heart, but it was the collision and hug with Xiangluan before. The scene at that time kept reverberating in his heart, and with his Qin Xin cultivation, he felt a little uncontrollable.

"Ye Yinzhu, Your Majesty, please." A thin guard came to Ye Yinxiu's side at some point.

"Ask me?" Ye Yinzhu woke up.

The imperial guard didn't say anything, turned around and left. Ye Yinzhu didn't know what he should do, so he simply followed.

The Imperial Palace of Milan is like a maze. Even if Ye Yinzhu has a good memory, after going through several very similar palaces and gardens one after another, he is still a little confused.

The guard brought Ye Yinzhu to a side hall and made a gesture of invitation, "Your Majesty is waiting for you inside."

Ye Yinzhu pushed the door and entered. The first thing he smelled was the smell of ink. He was surprised to find that this is a study room, or it should be regarded as a library. The huge room does not know how big it is. Rows of bookshelves from bottom to top are full of books in simple style. The smell of ink is obviously emanating from these books.

"Ye Yinzhu, come here." The soft voice pulled Ye Yinzhu back from observing the books. He walked in the direction where the voice came from. After passing through several bookshelves, he found The person who spoke was none other than Silvio Huangdi.

Silvio changed into casual clothes, and the sense of grace and luxury has been reduced a lot, but the affinity has been strengthened imperceptibly. Although the light golden robe can't make him more handsome, it feels more like Yeyinzhu's first impression Uncle Ling's family.

"Hello, Your Majesty." Ye Yinxiu nodded to Silvio.

Silvio was flipping through a book, and smiled: "You boy, you really give me a headache! I really want to punish you."

Ye Yinzhu frowned slightly, and said, "Because I won't kneel to you?"

Silvio shook his head and said: "No, it's because you blasphemed my daughter. You must know that I only have Xiangluan as a favorite. Your behavior in the hall today made her lose face. Don't you Don't you think you were wrong?"

Ye Yinzhu scratched his head, "I was wrong. But I really didn't hit her on purpose. I was looking at you at the time. I didn't notice her stop."

"Oh? Are you looking at me? What are you looking at me for?" Silvio asked with interest.

Ye Yinzhu said: "Because I don't think Xiangluan and Fisichella are very similar to you, but you are their father."

Silvio's face changed. If another person said such things, he would have ordered him to kill him. This is a serious crime of doubting the blood of the royal family. At this moment, he just gave a wry smile and said: "That's because They are more like mothers. That's why they don't look like me. Do you think I'm just because of these?"

Ye Yinzhu said: "The other thing is that I think you are more friendly, and you are not the same as the emperor I imagined."

Silvio smiled lightly and said: "Ye Yinzhu, I asked you to come here to hear your opinion on divine music masters. Maybe you don't know yet, Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts because of your performance on the battlefield this time There has been an uproar in the performance. The status of the Divine Music Department has been greatly improved. Now many magicians are doubting the weak words of the Divine Music Master."

Ye Yinzhu said calmly: "I have never thought that divine music masters are worthless! I think that since any profession exists, it has its own meaning, and every profession can succeed. But you must work hard. Grandpa Qin taught I told you that if a divine musician wants to become powerful, first of all, he must like music. Everyone's talent is different. Talent is the most important thing, followed by hard work."

Silvio said: "So, you worked very hard?"

Ye Yinzhu said: "I haven't compared it, and I don't know if I count as hard work. But Grandpa Qin said that I am a genius at learning the piano."

Silvio smiled, "Your Grandpa Qin, isn't his name Qin Shang?"

Ye Yinzhu looked at him in surprise, "How do you know? You know my Grandpa Qin?"

Silvio sighed, and said: "I'm afraid there are not many people on the mainland who don't know about you, Grandpa Qin. In just one month, two divine musicians suddenly appeared on the mainland of Longzaki Nusi. And You are from Arcadia again, it seems that my guess is not wrong."

Ye Yinzhu didn't know, so he said: "I don't understand what you mean."

Silvio smiled slightly and said: "Simply speaking, although your performance in the first battle in Konya City was amazing, it was still a bit behind your Grandpa Qin. The weakest kingdom, in a battle with the Bopang Kingdom not long ago, even wiped out the opponent's 100,000 troops, including more than 60,000 prisoners. This caused the Bopang Kingdom to lose a large number of elites and magicians. And to do this, It is your Grandpa Qin. And what he does is just play piano music on the top of the city. Divine Musician has even become synonymous with war magicians. You only need the assistance of sound amplification magic, and the attack range of Divine Musician It is unbelievable that you can reach the terrifying level of enveloping an army of 100,000, and your grandpa Qin is a purple-ranked great magister."

Ye Yinzhu was surprised and said: "The Kingdom of Arcadia is at war? My grandfather Qin also participated? What about the result? What happened afterwards?"

Silvio said: "Don't worry, your grandfather Qin will be fine. Although there is a big gap between Arcadia's strength and Popang's, it is because of your grandfather that Popon is now in Landias. Under the mediation of the empire, I thought I was unlucky. Your grandpa Qin didn’t even return the captives. It’s a pity that Arcadia is too far away from Milan, otherwise, I really want to see your grandpa. .”

Hearing that Qin Shang was fine, Ye Yinzhu couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief.

Silvio suddenly said: "Yinzhu, you are classmates with Xiangluan and Fisichella, so I will call you like that. From your point of view, is Arcadia or Milan better?"

Ye Yinzhu said without hesitation: "Milan is good. Although it's a bit cold here, it's much better than Arcadia in every way."

Silvio smiled, this time from the bottom of his heart, "If you were given a choice, would you like to stay in Milan?"

Ye Yinzhu hesitated for a moment, and said, "I don't know either. It depends on where my family is staying."

Silvio nodded and said: "In the future, you can ask your family members, the gate of the Milan Empire will always be open to your family. At the same time, you can also tell your grandfather Qin what Arcadia gave him. , the Milan Empire is willing to give three times."