Zither Emperor

Chapter 148: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the third


In Anya's kindness, Ye Yinzhu returned to the Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts after dinner. He promised Anya that as soon as he got the official letter of appointment, he would immediately issue orders in the name of the lord of Konya City and future Qin City. Hand over the Zither City affairs to Anya.

The sky is clear today, and the stars and the moon at night are exceptionally clear. Walking on the gravel path of the campus, Ye Yinzhu suddenly felt that he seemed to have changed after arriving in Milan. I met so many people. Everything here seems to be constantly affecting him. But at this time, he felt a little homesick, his parents, his two grandfathers, and the blue sky and sea where he had lived for sixteen years.

"Master Viscount, if you don't hurry back to the dormitory, why are you hanging out by yourself?" Sura came out from nowhere. looked at him with a smile.

When Ye Yinzhu saw Sura, his homesickness suddenly faded. He suddenly found that Sura's smile seemed a little different from usual today. Although he was smiling, his eyes were cold.

"Sura, I went to Piaolanxuan, so I came back a bit late. What's wrong with you? You seem unhappy."

Sura snorted, "How dare I be unhappy! You are already the Viscount."

Ye Yinzhu said inexplicably: "Sura, what's wrong with you?" Sura turned around and left without saying anything. Ye Yinzhu hurried to catch up, "Sura, did I make you angry?"

Sura stopped in her tracks. Turning to look at him, he said, "You are getting more and more capable now, who would dare to be angry with you. Even the princess of the empire dares to moleste you. You are also the number one person in the mainland."

"Uh..., you are angry because of this! Listen to me, I really didn't mean it."

Amid Ye Yinzhu's apology, the two returned to the villa. As soon as he entered the door, Ye Yinzhu smelled a tangy aroma. On the table in the lobby of the small villa, there were six plates of fragrant dishes, but it seemed a little cold.

Ye Yinzhu only felt that his heart and eyes were hot at the same time, Sura was waiting outside for him to come back! And the meal is ready.

"Sura, how did you cook so many delicious places today?"

Sura said angrily: "The rewards of the Milan Empire have been distributed. I wanted to make some people eat better when I had money, but now it seems unnecessary. I'll throw it away." She said. He went to get the plate. No, it's a pity to throw it away, it smells so good! The food made by Sura is the best. "


"Of course, I swear."

Sura gave him a blank look, "Whoever wants you to swear, eat it quickly." While talking, he picked up the chopsticks himself. In order to wait for Ye Yinzhu to come back. Not only did he cook the meal, but he never ate it himself.

I haven't digested the food I ate at Piaolanxuan before. He ate another big meal, yet Sura could not see it. Although the food is delicious, but the stomach is always limited...

"Yinzhu, you have to be careful in the future, don't have too much contact with girls, otherwise today's situation may happen again." Sura looked at Ye Yinzhu with a slight frown.

"I will pay attention. Sura, am I stupid?" There was a trace of bitterness in Ye Yinzhu's eyes.

Sura shook her head, and said softly: "No, of course you are not stupid. You are even the smartest person I have ever met. Could it be that a fool can learn from Oliveira's narration in such a short period of time? Are there so many things? It’s just that you had too few opportunities to contact the outside world. These will gradually get better. You also blame yourself too much.”

Ye Yinzhu nodded, and said: "Yes, I will definitely get better and better. Sura, I have decided not to take the courses of the Divine Music Department for the time being, but to go to the library to read books."

Sura asked in surprise, "Reading?"

Ye Yinzhu recounted what Silvio said to him today, and after hearing what he said, Sura couldn't help frowning, "What is His Majesty the Emperor going to do? You are just a little earth yellow magician, Even if he made a great contribution this time, there is no need for him to treat you so well! What's more, you just molested his daughter just now. No, there must be something weird about it."

Ye Yinzhu said disapprovingly: "No! I think Uncle Silvio is a nice person. Are you thinking too much?"

There was a gleam in Sura's eyes. "Perhaps. However, the emperor's mind is not something ordinary people can understand."

Ye Yinzhu said: "Sura, don't you want me to go to the palace to read?"

Sura shook her head and said: "No. Silvio is right. Reading more books is the best way for you to integrate into society as soon as possible. You just go, just be careful. But you don't take classes in the Divine Music Department, Be sure to tell your director Nina first, it can be seen that she values you very much."

I heard Sura mention Nina. Ye Yinzhu suddenly thought of something, "Yes, I really want to go to see Grandma Nina."

Sura asked in surprise, "Now? Is it too late?"

Ye Yinzhu said: "I want to go to the palace to read a book tomorrow, so I'll go to see Grandma Nina now. I'll be back in a while, you rest first." After speaking, he reluctantly ate the last bit of food in his rice bowl and left the dormitory .

Hearing the sound of Ye Yinzhu closing the door, Sura sighed softly, and said to herself: "Sylvio is worthy of being one of the most outstanding emperors in the history of the Milan Empire. He has started to win over Yinzhu now. This point , he is much stronger than the dead old man. But, Yin Zhu, is this good or bad for you?"

Nina's residence is also a villa. Ye Yinzhu has been here before, and her villa is bigger than the students'. There is also a small garden planted with various flowers in front of the villa, which is very chic.

"Grandma Nina. Are you home?"

"The door is not closed, come in by yourself." Nina's calm voice came from the room.

Ye Yinzhu walked into the villa, and saw Nina coming down from upstairs, "Grandma Nina, I'm back." There was a kind light in Nina's eyes, and she smiled slightly: "Sit down." Lord Viscount. "

Ye Yinzhu said awkwardly: "Don't hurt me."

Nina snorted, and said: "It's considered that you have a conscience, you will come to see me first when you come back. You don't need to talk about what happened to you this time, I already know it. Yes, you will fight for us with Shenyin." It saved me a lot of face and brought me a lot of trouble. The happiest thing in the academy now is that there are many magicians who want to specialize in divine music. Dean Ferguson has approached me many times."

Ye Yinzhu said: "Grandma Nina, I don't want to go to class for now, is that okay?"

Nina was taken aback, and said, "No class? Are you complacent? It's true, you have a high level of attainment in the piano. But, you have to know that as a divine musician, you can only improve if you keep practicing."

Ye Yinzhu hurriedly said: "It's not like this,..." At that moment, he said that he planned to spend a lot of time in the library. After listening to his explanation, Nina's complexion looked better.

"In that case, you go. However, it's only for this semester. From the next semester, you should come back to give me lessons honestly. At the same time, you can't miss your piano music. Daily practice is essential."

"I will. Grandma Nina, I have found my space ring." Found it? "Nina didn't understand Ye Yinzhu's meaning for a while.

With a flash of light, a letter floated out from Ye Yinzhu's space ring, landed on his hand, and handed it to Nina.

Nina's body froze suddenly. There were few words on the envelope, and it read: From Nina, signed with a vigorous and powerful signature——Qin Shang.

Her hands trembled uncontrollably, and Nina slowly took the letter into her hand, what a familiar font! It is him, it is his belief. Carefully open the envelope. As if she was afraid that the envelope would be damaged a little, she took out the letter with only one page from inside the envelope. As if she wanted to put all her eyes into it, Nina's body and mind were all still because of this letter, watching quietly, her breathing seemed a little short. Because of the fluctuation of mental power, the magic elements around her body became a little disordered.

It was such a short letter that Nina actually read it for half an hour.

"Bastard, Qin Shang, you old bastard." Nina cursed suddenly, which startled Ye Yinzhu. Grandma Nina, why are you scolding Grandpa Qin? "Ye Yinzhu asked in surprise.

Nina looked at Ye Yinzhu unsteadily, "I scold him lightly, if he is here, I wish I could beat him to death. Leave you to me, he didn't even say hello. Bastard, bastard. She cursed, but her eye circles were already red, she was doing something completely different from the anger in her mouth, and carefully put away the letter.

"Yinzhu, have you read this letter?" Nina asked suddenly.

Ye Yinzhu shook his head and said, "This is what Grandpa Qin gave you. How can I see it?"

Nina said: "That's good. You go back first. Just read the book as you want."

"Oh." Nina's mood was so unstable. Ye Yinzhu didn't dare to stay any longer, so he hurried away.

Looking at the back of Yinzhu leaving, Nina said bitterly: "Qin Shang, you old bastard. One day, I will settle the score with you. Do you want your apprentice to be a teacher in the Shenyin Department? I don't, I just want him to be a student. Hmph, Yinzhu is the pride of our Divine Music Department."

From the next day, the students who had returned from the autumn defense battle resumed their normal lives, with only one exception. That is Ye Yinzhu, the focus of the academy. He didn't go to the Divine Music Department to take classes anymore, and he left the academy early in the morning every day, and didn't come back until very late. Only a handful of people know what he is doing. .