Zither Emperor

Chapter 161: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the fourth


Speaking of this, Sura couldn't help but blushed slightly. He knew Ye Yinzhu much better than Li Sha, so naturally he wouldn't believe what he made up, otherwise he wouldn't have helped him cover up anything.

Ye Yinzhu said helplessly: "Sura, I don't want to lie to you, but it's better that you don't know some things, so as not to cause trouble. I can only say that most of the explanations to Li Shadi before are true. As for I don't know why you are sleeping in my arms! Do you think it's warmer beside me, so you leaned in?"

Sura glared at Ye Yinzhu. He kicked him violently, "Go to hell."

Yinzhu laughed, turned sideways, his figure flickered, and fled from a fork to the Shenyin Department. Seeing his leaving figure, Sura's face couldn't help turning redder. She held her hot face with both hands, and said to herself: "He, he won't really take advantage of me. This scoundrel, the more It's getting worse."

Ye Yinzhu's heart is not as calm as it seems on the surface. Silver dragons and black dragons have appeared one after another, and the targets are all him. He knows very well that with his own strength, he is far from being able to fight against these powerful ninth-level upper dragons. The Dragon Yinqin is still in good condition, and it will not have any effect on these dragons whose strength is too far apart. The black dragon Ye Xingxu was killed by Zi, and they won't get any news for the time being. Now I just hope that within ten days the Black Dragon Clan will not send any more people.

While thinking, he had already arrived at the classroom of the Divine Music Department. Since the beginning of school, he has not studied here for a few days, once he entered the door. He was immediately focused on him in surprise.

At this time, the class has not yet started, Xueling smiled, and said: "Yo, the famous person of our divine music department, the lord of Zither City will also come to class! Rare, really rare." Ye Yinzhu made a big show in Zither City The news of Shenwei repelling the orcs has already spread throughout the academy. It has become a classic example of using limited strength to maximize the effect. Naturally, everyone knew that he was awarded the land seal.

There are only eleven students in the first grade of the entire Shenyin Department. At this time, these eleven girls have a total of twenty-two eyes, which are completely focused on Ye Yinzhu alone. It feels uncomfortable like a thorn in the back. .

Ye Yinzhu stuck out his tongue at Xueling, quickly ran to his seat and sat down, then heaved a sigh of relief, and whispered to his deskmate Lan Xi, "What class is today?"

When Lan Xi heard Ye Yinzhu ask her, she blushed inexplicably, and replied in a low voice: "It was supposed to be a rhythm knowledge class. But the teacher just announced suddenly. Because of special circumstances, all teachers have to go to a meeting, so Let’s change it to self-study. Let’s discuss music magic with each other.”

"Oh." Hearing what Lan Xi said, Ye Yinzhu couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. Although he no longer needed to study music theory, he was still very interested in different musical instruments. So he listened very carefully when he was in class for a few days.

Xueling sitting in the front turned her head and said to Ye Yinzhu: "Yinzhu, why don't you give us a lesson? Why is everyone's magic level similar, but your zither magic is so strong? You can even lead We have always been compared to the tasteless music department and became the champion of the freshman competition

"Me? I can't." Ye Yinxiu said with some embarrassment. Although his ambition has grown a bit, he is still somewhat shy, especially in front of so many girls.

Xueling's temper has always been straightforward. Leaving his seat, he quickly ran to Ye Yinzhu and pulled him up, "Why not. The teachers of our Divine Music Department, including Director Nina, are full of praise for you. They all say that your strength is enough I am now a teacher of the Divine Music Department. Although the musical instruments we all learn are not the same, the music theory is the same. Don’t tell me you cherish your broom and don’t want to teach us?"

Ye Yinzhu looked at Xue Ling, and at Lan Xi who looked hopeful beside him, a strange thought suddenly came to his mind. From the present point of view. Although he has already reached the third level of Jiandan Qinxin. It is equivalent to a green-level high-level great magician, but even if he uses the ability of the artifact-level guqin, it is impossible to really threaten opponents whose level is much higher than himself. However, solo is not the only form of expression of the instrument. Qin Shang once taught him. If you want the divine musician to truly flourish, then. Ensemble is king! It's a pity that Guqin is not suitable for playing with other instruments. but. Now the students around are all divine musicians, even if their strengths are uneven. But what would be the effect if it could be played well with some powerful pieces in an ensemble? To know. Some ancient tunes are interlinked among various musical instruments, and can be played with anything.

While he was thinking about it, Xueling had already pushed him onto the podium, seeing Ye Yinzhu's silly look, Xueling couldn't help but chuckled, and said, "Okay, Teacher Ye Yinzhu, we're going to teach us now." .”

Hearing Xueling's crisp voice, Ye Yinzhu woke up from his thoughts, looked at the girls helplessly, and said, "Then what do you want to hear?"

Xueling smiled and said: "Of course I want to hear it. Why is your qin music so powerful compared to our other instruments? I asked Lan Xi, although she also plays the guqin, but when she played the same qin piece, she couldn't hear it." It is far from your shocking effect, why is that?"

Fortunately, there were only a dozen first-year students in the Shenyin Department. After a short period of discomfort, Ye Yinzhu has gradually relaxed. After all, he had seen thousands of troops before, smiled slightly, and said, "Actually, this question is easy to answer. Divine musicians who use any musical instrument are actually the same. What I said is the same, at least for everyone. The purpose is the same. That is to infect others with your own music, but although it is easy to say, it is much more difficult to achieve. The simplest reason why your music is not as contagious as mine is that You haven't practiced enough."

Xue Ling was stunned, "Not enough practice? Why? For us, we can practice a piece of music for at most a month to become very familiar. How could it not be enough?"

Ye Yinzhu shook his head and said: "The one month you said is just to learn the melody of the music. That is just the surface of the music, not the essence. Do you want to know why my music is more contagious than yours? ?It's not because my mental strength is much stronger than yours, but mainly because of my understanding of the music. My teacher once taught me that if you want to play a piano piece well, you must first achieve harmony with your heart. The heart and the strings are in harmony. When the heartstrings and the strings vibrate at the same frequency, you can say that you have learned this piece of music. But this is only the beginning. If you want to play a piece of music well, you must understand this piece of music The emotions. Let your emotions fully integrate into its emotions when playing, so that you can bring out the essence of the music. Only in this way can the divine musician improve his spiritual power better and faster." .

What Ye Yinzhu said is exactly the secret of Qin Zong's piano repairing. In fact, this is not a secret. It is easy to say, but it is even more difficult to do it. It took sixteen years for Ye Yinzhu to be such a genius. When he broke through Chiziqin's heart, he fully achieved the point where his heart and the soul of the piano were in harmony. As for Qin Zong's ordinary divine music masters, such as his teacher Qin Shang, it is necessary to break through the heart of the sword and the heart of the piano, and only when it reaches the heart of the Ziwei Qin can it be considered a breakthrough. This is also the reason why Qin Shang had to let Ye Yinzhu practice Chiziqin Xin. Chi Ziqin's heart-to-heart advantage established his invincible foundation among magicians of the same level.

After hearing Ye Yinzhu's words, the girls were all lost in thought, and Xueling murmured to herself: "To play music, you must understand the connotation of the music, so that your spirit can fully integrate into the music. Is it in the soul and emotions? This is the first time I have heard such a statement."

Ye Yinzhu continued: "Only by doing this, can one be regarded as a qualified divine music teacher. Other departments say that our divine music department is useless because there are almost no real divine musicians in our divine music department." division."

Lan Xi stood up suddenly, she looked at Ye Yinzhu with a gaze, exactly like a student looking at her teacher, with respect and longing in her clear eyes, "Then how long will it take us to realize every moment?" What is the true meaning of a piece of music?"

"This..." Ye Yinzhu was in a bit of trouble. These girls were all about the same age as him, they were already sixteen or seventeen years old, but among them, none of them even reached the orange level. If you want to understand the true meaning of the soul of the music, it is almost impossible to do it in a lifetime. But how can he say such words

Seeing that Ye Yinzhu was in a bit of a dilemma, Lan Xi hurriedly changed her question, "Or, how long did it take you to reach this level?"

Ye Yinzhu heaved a sigh of relief. Said: "I heard from the teacher that since I was full moon, he has been playing the piano by my side every day, using the sound of the piano to subtly affect my feeling of rhythm. It laid the best foundation for me. When I was three years old, he began to really teach Give me the art of playing the piano. I am sixteen years old this year. In the past ten years, or before I came to the academy, I spent almost every day with the piano except for eating and sleeping. And I have achieved the complete integration of my heart and the piano. The ability to enter different states of different songs at will is a breakthrough after the battle with Nesta in the Freshman Contest."

The eyes of the girls froze, sixteen years, that's a full sixteen years! I have grown up with the sound of the qin since I was born, and I spend every day with the qin except for eating and sleeping. What kind of concept is this

A slightly older female student asked, "Then you don't have a childhood?".