Zither Emperor

Chapter 168: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the fourth


Ye Yinzhu didn't know how long he had slept. When he woke up, his ears were filled with the whistling wind.

It was very cold around, and he couldn't help shivering when he woke up. Fortunately, the battle energy in his body had recovered to 70%, and he was protecting his body by itself.

Under the stimulation of the cold, he gradually woke up, and everything in front of him was no longer blurred. He was shocked to find that his body was moving forward rapidly, or in the air. Not only was the wind blowing across him , and clouds. He was passing through the white clouds that looked like cotton candy with cold moisture, and the sun in the sky seemed to be much closer, and the sunlight became more dazzling.

Under the body are round scales, shining dazzling silver light under the sunlight, and the familiar breath in the soul has already told him who it is.

"You're awake." Li Sha's cold voice sounded.

"Are you going to take me to Silver Dragon City?" Ye Yinzhu's memory also naturally recovered as the sensation recovered.

"What do you think? Now that you're awake, sit tight, I'm going to speed up."

Before Ye Yinzhu could react, a strong momentum rushed towards him. Fortunately, he reacted fairly quickly, his legs tightly clamped Li Sha's broad dragon's back, and his hands grabbed the scales, so he didn't get thrown off .

The whistling of the wind became louder. More white clouds caressed his body. What Ye Yinzhu can do now is to press his body tightly on Li Sha's back, and stimulate his own bamboo fighting spirit Protect your body so that it will not be taken advantage of by the cold.

"Lisha. How long have we been out?" He doesn't need to worry about Haiyang's side. After nearly perfect treatment, Haiyang only needs to rest, and he will wake up in a short time. With Bisi and Zizhu Shenzhen The huge life force stimulation not only completely disappeared the corrosion curse on her body, but also completely remodeled her body, and she will only become healthier in the future.

"It's been a whole day." Li Sha replied simply.

"Then how long will it take for us to reach Silver Dragon City?"

"Hurry up. Why are you talking so much nonsense? If you talk any more, I'll throw you down and let you go by yourself." This is the first time Li killed a hunchback, and he was very reluctant. He always wanted to bring Ye Yinzhu back as soon as possible. Reasons to comfort herself. But for some reason, when she hunched over Ye Yinzhu, she didn't feel the disgust that she thought she would have. During the whole day of flying, she kept observing Ye Yinzhu's physical condition. Flying steadily, lest he fall off his back.

Ye Yinzhu didn't argue. If he was on the ground, he would at least have confidence in his mind, but now he is in the air. Arguing with Li Sha will only cause trouble for himself.

With the continuation of the flight and the continuous improvement of Ye Yinzhu's own condition, he gradually got used to the feeling of the wind sweeping the body. Bored, he couldn't help observing the body of Lisha.

As a silver dragon, Lisha's body is indeed much more beautiful than the black dragon. It is about 16 to 7 meters long. It is a full third smaller than the black dragon Ye Xingxu, but every piece of her body The dragon scales are so well-proportioned, the huge dragon wings stretch out to both sides of the body, the width is about the same as her body length. The dragon's head is raised, and above the head is a silver single horn about one meter long, which spreads from the dragon's neck to the tail. A string of silver ground dragon fins. At this time, your position is between the two dragon fins.

Around her huge body, there is always a layer of purple light, and the purple light contains the breath of wind. The instant acceleration before is caused by the effect of these huge wind elements. Obviously, the flight of the silver dragon does not rely solely on the dragon wings And body. As a famous magic dragon, magic assistance is naturally indispensable.

I don’t know how Zi is doing now. Last time he overdrawn his strength. It will take a long time to recover. It’s a pity that Lisha is not his real signing partner Warcraft. Otherwise, there is such a dragon that can fly. Where to go It's all more convenient.

It was quiet for a while. Ye Yinzhu couldn't help asking: "Li Sha, there are many dragon riders on the mainland, like Marshal Seedorf. Could it be that they are also like me when they ride dragons? Do you want to bend down to avoid being blown down by the wind?"

Li Sha snorted disdainfully, and said: "That can only prove that you are weak. Do you think our giant dragons just sign contracts with humans casually? Minor dragons are better, they can grow up with you humans, and the contract is relatively It's easy. Adult dragons like us don't have enough strength, so don't even think about it. Boiling-Teng + literature collection dragon riders naturally don't need to sign a contract with our ninth-level dragons like you, at least they must have a purple level Naturally, this wind power will not have any effect on them. Moreover, after signing the contract, the dragon riders will build a set of dragon saddles for themselves, so that they can combine themselves with the giant dragon and better exert the strength of both parties. "

Ye Yinzhu suddenly said: "No wonder the number of dragon riders is so small, and they can't cooperate with the dragon without enough strength."

"It's good that you know. So, even though you have my soul attached, don't call me in the future, I won't help you. You are far from qualified."

Ye Yinzhu was silent, because Li Sha was flying on his own body, he couldn't see the expression on his face at this time, what he showed was stubbornness.

"Grandpa Qin, why do I have to practice piano and fight every day?"

"Because on our continent, strength is the source of everything. Without enough strength, it is impossible for you to do what you want to do. If you don't have enough strength, you can only be belittled and humiliated by others."

At that time, Ye Yinzhu didn't fully understand Qin Shang's words, but at this moment, he finally realized the deep meaning. For the first time in his life, he had a strong desire for strength. He lowered his head and looked at Li Sha With that huge body, I secretly swear in my heart. One day, I will conquer Lisha with my real strength and let her be my summoned monster.

Did I say it too much? Feeling Ye Yinzhu's silence, Li Sha couldn't bear it, but the arrogance of the Dragon Clan prevented her from changing the atmosphere between the two. In the middle, Li Sha accelerated again, heading towards the Silver Dragon Valley with the fastest flight.

The so-called speed before the killing, actually flew at high speed for a full half a day, and when the sun was setting, they finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

The flapping of the dragon's wings slowed down, and Li Sha flew obliquely downward in a gliding posture, "We are here."

In the past half a day, Ye Yinzhu's fighting spirit and mental strength have almost recovered, and he looked down. He saw a somewhat weird valley appearing obliquely in front of them. According to the direction of Li Sha's gliding, this is obviously where they were going. The destination is Silver Dragon City.

It turns out that Silver Dragon City is not a real city like the human region, but a valley. Indeed, the valley is more suitable for the survival of these powerful dragons. After a brief surprise, Ye Yinzhu sat up straight on his back, carefully Observe everything in Silver Dragon City in front of you.

Because Li Sha has already slowed down and glides, the current wind force does not have much effect on Ye Yinzhu. The valley in front of him is a bit weird. It is completely different from the scene he saw in the Brenner Mountains. The Brenner Mountains It is full of undulating mountains, and most of them have an altitude of more than a thousand meters. Although the valley in front of us is also very high, its own shape is very strange. It is said that it is a valley, but it is more like a huge well. The whole valley is surrounded by sharp cliffs. The height of these cliffs generally exceeds 2,000 meters. On the inside of the valley, there are gentle hills sloping downwards. The more striking contrast is , because the outer cliff is too steep, almost no grass grows, while the inner gentle slope grows a large number of plants. Unfortunately, in winter, most of the plants are in a state of withering. If you don't look down from a high altitude, it is difficult to find this wonderful scene.

Silver Dragon City, this is Silver Dragon City! Ye Yinzhu thought to himself. The terrain of Silver Dragon City is so strange. If there is no ability to fly, I am afraid that the best warriors will not be able to climb the 2000-meter cliff. It really is a natural danger. But for the Dragon Clan, such a natural danger It should only be used to block humans and low-level creatures. It doesn't make much sense for the flying dragons themselves.

Around the valley of Silver Dragon City, there are large tracts of primeval forest, and Silver Dragon City is the core of this primeval forest, which can be described as unique. There is also a large lake not far from Silver Dragon City. From a bird's eye view, it looks like a The huge ice blue crystal, even in mid-air, Yinzhu can feel its clarity and transparency.

The scenery under their feet gradually passed by, and the huge dragon wings from Lisha gradually converged, and they had directly entered the range of the valley.

"Who is this! Sister Lisha, come back and pull me." A pleasantly surprised voice sounded, and a huge silver dragon rose from below, winning it up.

Ye Yinzhu looked intently, and saw that the silver dragon was a circle bigger than Li Sha, and the magic fluctuations on his body were extremely strong, and there was a faint purple light swirling around the silver dragon scales. There was a passionate sound from his mouth The earth dragon groaned, and the magical elements of various systems in the air trembled almost simultaneously.

"Green, can't you keep your voice down? Besides, you and I are not related by blood, please don't call me sister in the future." Li Sha didn't seem to have a good relationship with the silver dragon in front of him. It was a bit colder at Yinzhu.

"Sister Lisha, you are back, I am notifying everyone! What you said just now really made me so sad!"

Although Ye Yinzhu didn't know what the expression of the silver dragon was like, he could also see that the silver dragon named Green in front of him was covered with flattering clothes. He couldn't help laughing inwardly. It's not that different from humans...