Zither Emperor

Chapter 172: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the fourth


Ye Yinzhu's qin music, without using mental power, even the master Qin Shang of the generation was very impressed. With the heart of Chi Ziqin, he came from childhood cultivation, in this world. No one's music can be as pure as his piano sound, just after listening to a piece of music, Xing Can fell in love with Ye Yinzhu's performance. Even the dragon's favorite thing to do is to sleep. It was no longer able to attract him. In the past three days, he really listened to a lot of piano music.

The north wind howled outside the dragon's lair. Plus the cave is deep. Ye Yinzhu didn't use his mental power. Therefore, his piano sound will not be spread to the outside world. Perhaps because of the stimulation of lack of strength, Ye Yinzhu has been playing the piano for a long time these days, and he is more devoted.

Spring Leiqin. Under the flick of Ye Yinzhu's hands and eight fingers, a soothing "Green Water" is being played. Curly piano sound. Softly filled the dragon's lair.

Xingcan, who was listening intently, suddenly had his eyes lit up. "Yinzhu, don't play it now, the Great Elder sent me a magic message to take you there."

Buzz one by one. The seven strings moved together, and Ye Yinzhu's hand stopped. With a dark sigh in my heart, what should come still came. Slowly Luoxi with both hands, erasing the aftertaste of the piano sound, "Then let's go."

Xing Can walked up to Ye Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, your qin music is really nice, I hope the Great Elder will not harm you. It's a pity. I'm just the most ordinary dragon in Silver Dragon City. I can't help you with anything."

Looking at Xingcan's sad eyes, Ye Yinzhu smiled slightly, "Don't be like this. Brother Xingcan, I may not be in trouble! Although my piano music may affect you Silver Dragon Clan in the future, it is also of value for use. .”

"I hope so." The purple light flickered. The viscous magic element enveloped the bodies of Ye Yinzhu and Xingcan, the next moment. They have appeared again in the dragon lair of Silver Dragon King Howard.

Xingcan's status in Silver Dragon City is quite special, he is the servant of the Dragon King. Among the Silver Dragon Clan, only he is allowed to use the space to transfer in and out of the dragon lair of the Silver Dragon King Howard. Listen to the orders of the Silver Dragon King, other people. Even several other Dragon Clan elders can't do this. otherwise. With the control of the magic element by the Silver Dragon King, when anyone else is shifting in space. They will all be directly locked in a different space by him, and they will never be able to return.

There were not as few people in Howard's Dragon Cave as last time, this time. There are five silver dragons waiting for Ye Yinzhu's arrival in the dragon cave.

The five silver dragons all appeared in the Dragon Cave as their bodies. Howard the Silver Dragon King was still in his central position, Li Sha's body prostrated beside him. And in the other three directions. They each have a huge silver dragon. Although it can't be compared with Howard, the difference is not too big.

As soon as Xing Can and Ye Yinzhu appeared. The eyes of the five silver dragons immediately focused on them. Xingcan stepped forward to salute and stepped aside, while Ye Yinzhu remained the same as last time. Standing directly in front of Howard.

The main body appeared, and Howard's voice became old again. "Ye Yinzhu. How are you doing in Silver Dragon City these days?"

Ye Yinzhu said lightly: "There is nothing good or bad. To put it bluntly, I am your guest. To put it bluntly, I am just a prisoner here."

Howard laughed. Not paying attention to the sarcasm in Ye Yinzhu's words, Li Sha, who was beside him, lowered his head. No one saw her icy dragon eyes. A hint of worry was showing.

Howard said: "For the sake of the Dragon Clan, we have to bring you here. Please forgive me for making such a bad decision. We have discussed it in the past three days. Judging from your situation, it is a big threat to the future of our Dragon Clan. , Of course. If you are willing to use it for us, you can naturally help us."

Ye Yinzhu raised his head and said, "Then how did you decide my fate?"

Howard said: "Ye Yinzhu, I think you also know that our Dragon Clan is not very peaceful. Both the Black Dragon Clan and the Golden Dragon Clan are threatening the status of our Silver Dragon Clan. There are often frictions between our seven dragon cities. , although in terms of numbers, we have one more dragon city. But in terms of overall strength, it is slightly inferior to them. I have discussed it carefully with the other three elders. If in the near future, your zither magic level can reach purple Level or above. For us, it will be of great help. I also heard from Xiao Lisha that your piano magic is amazing. Therefore, we still recognize your ability...


Ye Yinzhu said: "So, Silver Dragon City wants me to obey your orders. Do you want to cooperate with you?"

Howard shook his head. Said: "No, the matter is not that simple. First of all, you have to understand that the friction between our seven dragon cities is an internal matter of the dragon clan. No dragon city can rely on external forces. Otherwise, it will cause all the dragon clan to attack Of."

Ye Yinzhu was stunned, according to Silver Dragon King Howard. Even if I agreed to cooperate with them, it would be meaningless.

Howard continued: "So, although our Silver Dragon City needs your cooperation, it's not that easy. Now you have two ways to go. One is to remove your threat to the Dragon Clan. Of course, you Don't worry, as a silver dragon, we will not easily kill you. However, your zither magic ability must be removed. If you choose this one, I need to destroy the ability in your spiritual imprint to make you an ordinary person , and. Your playing finger must be amputated."

in an instant. Howard's words set off a huge wave in Ye Yinzhu's heart. Looked up. He looked at the extremely tall Silver Dragon King in front of him with scorching eyes, he was not afraid. It's hatred. Ye Yinzhu seldom has hatred in his heart, but now this kind of negative emotion is completely filled in his heart.

For leaving his life, Howard seems to be giving alms. In the mouth of this Silver Dragon King. Destroy your own zither magic, abolish your eight fingers, and make yourself a useless person. It seems to be the most tolerant. Does he know how much effort he has put in to have the power he has now? Since he was born before the full moon. He himself grew up in the sound of the piano. For sixteen years, the piano has already become the most important part of his life. If Howard said that this road is death. Ye Yinzhu would not be so angry. But at this moment, the most negative emotion in his heart had been completely aroused.

calm. be calm. Ye Yinzhu kept telling himself. This is Silver Dragon City. At least for now, I must not show anything. It is said in the book that ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Why can the Silver Dragon King say this to himself like alms? It's because their silver dragons have absolute strength. in their eyes. There is no difference between myself and ants.

"What about the other way?" Ye Yinzhu's voice was trembling just after saying these few words. That was an act of extreme anger. But in the eyes of the silver dragons, he seemed to be afraid. Just as Ye Yinzhu imagined. In the eyes of Silver Dragon King Howard. He is just a chip that may be used against the Black Dragon Clan in the future, even if the chip is disobedient in the future and wants to kill him. It's just as simple as pinching an ant to death, but. But the Silver Dragon King didn't know. Today's conversation with Ye Yinzhu was the worst decision in his life for more than ten thousand years.

Howard said: "Another way. You meet the standard of being able to cooperate with us. In this case, you can be regarded as a part of Silver Dragon City. Not only can you help us when you have enough strength. You can also be like Seedorf If you become the spokesperson of our Silver Dragon City in the human world, you will be respected by humans, and Silver Dragon City will also become your most solid backing."

Ye Yinzhu smiled. It was a gentle and elegant smile, when Howard said this. Ye Yinzhu's mentality has undergone a qualitative change, or a change from a boy to a man. Everything that is true has been hidden in the deepest part of his heart. What is revealed on the surface is only what he wants others to see.

"So generous? I'm afraid it's not so easy to get."

Howard laughed, "Yes, you are very smart, you have to give if you want to get it. To cooperate with the Silver Dragon Clan, you must first prove yourself."...

Ye Yinzhu pretended to be curious and asked: "How to prove it?"

Howard said: "Our silver dragon is the most noble place among dragons except the great sacred dragon. Therefore, when signing the Warcraft partner, our requirements are also the most demanding. Although you can no longer sign the contract, you have Xiao Lisha's soul attachment. After discussion, we decided that if you can fulfill the requirements of signing a contract with Yinlong like Seedorf did, we will admit that you have the ability to cooperate."

Ye Yinzhu nodded. Said: "Then, please explain in detail. Or, what are the requirements for signing a contract with Yinlong

Silver Dragon King Howard said: "I want to sign a contract with the Silver Dragon Clan. There is only one requirement, and that is to become a member of the Silver Dragon Clan. In your human words, it is to become a foreign dragon clan."

Ye Yinzhu was really surprised this time. It was the first time he had heard the title "Foreign Dragon Clan?"

Howard nodded with his huge dragon head. Said: "That's right, it's the foreign dragon clan. Only in this way can you get the recognition of the dragon clan. Even if you participate in the battle between the dragon clan, no one can say no. Let me explain one thing first. If you choose this If you fail in the process, the result will only be death, even if you are lucky and can come out alive, but because you already know the secret of the Dragon Clan. We can only You kill,, so. I'll give you a fair choice. Now you can choose."

Fair? He actually said to give himself a fair choice, Ye Yinzhu wanted to laugh out loud. Is this fair? Power thinks it is fair.

Alien dragons. Judging from this title alone, it is attractive enough, but the clever Ye Yinzhu is very clear. Want to become a foreign dragon. Definitely not an easy thing to do. The dangers to be encountered must be great. At least it is also a narrow escape situation, however. If he took this path, then he would become a useless person in this Silver Dragon City, and sixteen years of hard work would be in vain. Grandpa, Grandpa Qin, father, mother. All expectations will come to naught, does he still have a choice? At least for now, no.

"I choose to become a foreign dragon." Without too much hesitation, Ye Yinzhu calmly made his choice.

"Ah!" Li Sha exclaimed in a low voice. When he looked up at Ye Yinzhu, the dragon's eyes were full of complex light.

Howard smiled slightly, "Okay, you are indeed a courageous human being. Since you have made such a choice, then there is no chance of regretting it. Now I can tell you what is a foreign dragon, as the name suggests. After becoming a foreign dragon, you are A member of the dragon clan. And it is a member of our real giant dragon. And has the majesty above the ordinary dragon clan, can be equal to our last three dragon clans, and also has the power to sign a contract with the giant dragon. Of course, you The contract can no longer be signed."

Ye Yinzhu said: "Please tell me the process directly. What should I do to become a foreign dragon?"

Howard said: "You need to go to a place, the sacred place of all our dragons, right there. We call it the Dragon Domain."

"Dragon Domain?" Ye Yinzhu looked at the Silver Dragon King in front of him suspiciously.

"I can't tell you the location of the Longyu now. I will let Li Sha send you there. But, after you get there, you can only rely on your own strength. As long as you can pass the test there, then you will naturally be able to go from there. You can get what you want there. The Dragon Realm is extremely dangerous, and if you don't do anything serious, you will be buried in it. There, you must not only rely on your own strength, but also be cautious. As long as you can get the approval of the Dragon Realm , you become a foreign dragon, as your guide dragon. You will get part of the ability of the silver dragon."...

Speaking of this, Howard paused, "Originally, I never thought that humans could pass the test of the Dragon Realm, but last time, Seedorf showed me the power of your humans. With his unremitting efforts, he powerfully Strength and perseverance have successfully been recognized by Longyu. Signed a contract with Asius. Became the first silver dragon dragon rider in history. I hope you can become the second one like him. Siduo and his wife have an advantage, because our silver dragon is a magic dragon, so after Siduofu became a foreign dragon.

Obtaining part of the silver dragon's ability is not of much benefit to him. But you are different, you are a magician. Obtaining some of the silver dragon's abilities will definitely be of great help to you. Even I'm not entirely sure what you're getting, all of this. You can only find out by yourself. "

Taking a deep breath, Ye Yinzhu said: "I understand, what I need to think about now is not what I want to get, what I need is to pass the test of Longyu, yes, but what exactly is the test of Longyu?"

Silver Dragon King Howard was silent for a while. Said: "I've said it before, it's recognition, being recognized by Longyu, as for how to be recognized. I can't tell you, everything can only depend on yourself."

"Grandpa." Li Sha, who had been silent all this time, spoke suddenly.

Howard looked at his granddaughter. "Xiao Lisha. Do you have any questions?"

Li Sha seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying, "Can you let me enter Longyu with him?"

Howard has one arm. Immediately afterwards, he was furious and said: "Nonsense, you know exactly where the Dragon Realm is, and you should know under what circumstances the Dragon Race will enter the Dragon Realm. For us, it is not only a holy place, but also a forbidden place, let alone you , even I can only enter there at the last moment."

"However, with Ye Yinzhu's strength, how could he be recognized by Longyu? There is simply not a place for him to survive." Li Sha's eyes were full of despair and dissatisfaction.

Howard's look in the eyes of the dragon turned gloomy, "This is his own choice. No one can change it. Are you worried that he has your soul attached? You don't have to think about it. In the dragon domain. Yes You cannot perform any summoning. If he dies there, your soul attachment will naturally return to itself."

"No, not land, Grandpa, I want to go with him." This time. Li Sha's voice seemed to become firmer.

Ye Yinzhu looked at Li Sha with some puzzlement. Because he doesn't understand. Why would Li Sha say that. in his eyes. Li Sha is always cold, but it seems at this time. She seemed to be concerned for her own safety. It seems that this little princess of the dragon clan. It wasn't as indifferent as she was on the surface, Li Sha's words also made his cold heart a little warmer.

A cold light flashed in Howard's eyes, and a huge front paw was lifted up, in the Silver Dragon Clan. He is not only the Great Elder. He is also the absolute master, no silver dragon can disobey his orders. Not even his granddaughter, purple light flashed. Before Lisha made any resistance, the whole dragon fell to the ground, and Ye Yinzhu couldn't even see what kind of magic Howard used. But Li Sha had completely lost his resistance, and the magic fluctuations on his body also stopped instantly.

Waved a huge dragon claw. Howard said indifferently: "Since you have already chosen, let's start now. Li Sha is no longer suitable to send you, Xingcan. You send Ye Yinzhu to the Dragon Realm. Remember, you are not allowed to enter the Dragon Realm. The Dragon Clan You know the rules."

"Yes, Great Elder." Xing Can saluted respectfully. Growl. Purple light shines all over his body, and his body instantly expands. The crystal silver dragon cap covers the whole body. In the blink of an eye, he had already appeared in his real body. It is about the same size as Li Sha, and its magic power is also similar. …

"Yin Zhu, let's go." From Xing Can's voice. Can't hear any mood swings.

Ye Yinzhu nodded. Jump up. Falling behind Xing Can, Quan Zi

Howard said: "Ye Yinzhu. You remember. You only have one month, if within one month, you can't get out of Longyu. Then, you will never be recognized by Longyu. At that time. There will only be one ending for you, with this, if you can be recognized by Longyu, it will help you gain the power of our Silver Dragon Clan."

There was a flash of light. A circular scale with a diameter of about 30 centimeters fell on Ye Yinzhu's hand.

Ye Yinzhu didn't say much, because he thought there was nothing more to say between himself and these silver dragons, so he patted Xingcan's body. The dragon wings stretched out, Xing Can took Ye Yinzhu into the sky and flew away.

"Brother, do you think it is possible for this human being to be recognized by Longyu?" a tall silver dragon asked in a deep voice.

Howard said lightly: "I don't know. Although his strength is much inferior to Seedorf's back then, this young man gave me a special feeling in him. He has a temperament that ordinary humans don't have. Maybe. He can bring us miracles. If he can't do it, then he doesn't have the ability to become a partner of our Silver Dragon Clan. On the surface, he is at the yellow level. But what if his actual magic ability has reached the high-level green level? He will be ordinary, at least one thing can be proved. He will never be from Falan. Otherwise, I will not even give him a chance in Longyu."

Out of the dragon's lair. Blowing in the cold air. Ye Yinzhu suddenly felt much more comfortable. Take several deep breaths in succession. He seemed to want to completely exhale the boredom in his heart, but how could the anger from the heart disappear easily

"Yinzhu." Xingcan suddenly called out to him.


"Don't go to Longyu." Xingcan seemed to be struggling for a long time before uttering such a sentence.

"Why?" Ye Yinzhu said lightly.

Xing Can said: "You have no chance to become a foreign dragon, and without purple-level strength, it is impossible to survive there. Do you know what level Seedorf entered the dragon domain at the beginning? It was the third purple-level, even so. When he was recognized by Long Yu, there was less than half a life left, and you... "

"Are you going to let me go?" Ye Yinzhu asked suddenly.

Xingcan was silent, he didn't answer, Ye Yinzhu could even feel the fear and contradiction in his heart, for some reason, Yinzhu suddenly thought of Li Sha at this time, he suddenly felt that if Li Sha came to send him off. She will definitely find ways to let herself go. Even he himself didn't know why such an idea appeared, but in his heart, this idea was deeply rooted.

He patted the scales on Xingcan's back. "Don't worry. I won't make it difficult for you. Even if my strength is weak, maybe there will be a miracle?"

Xing Can sighed lowly, didn't say anything more, just flapped the dragon's wings. Fly rapidly in one direction.

Xingcan is the second silver dragon where Ye Yinzhu rides. Compared with Lisha. Sitting behind Xing Can is much more comfortable, I don't know if I feel a little guilty in my heart. When Xingcan was flying, he deliberately used wind magic power to create a defensive shield. Enveloping Ye Yinzhu's body inside, the wind outside cannot hit Ye Yinzhu's body. Sitting on his dragon back. It is also naturally much more stable. qz

Star Remnant flies very fast. And fly higher and higher, gradually. He actually got into the clouds. At this time, Ye Yinzhu could no longer tell the difference between east, west and north, so he could only let him fly with him.

At this time, Ye Yinzhu took the time to look at the scale that Silver Dragon King Howard gave him. The scale is round. It was obviously a silver dragon scale, however. The whole scale showed a dark purple color, under the sunlight. Silver stars reflected on the scales. What kind of scales are these? If it belongs to the silver dragon, why is it dark purple? Even if it is as strong as the silver dragon king Howard. Only two-thirds of the dragon scales are purple, not to mention the existence of those silver stars. …

A move in my heart. Ye Yinzhu suddenly remembered what Li Sha had said. When the silver dragon's scales completely turn purple, it will undergo metamorphosis. It is possible to leap to become a divine dragon. Could it be. Is this the scale of the sacred dragon? This possibility is obviously very high, but Ye Yinzhu faintly feels that the owner of this scale is not yet at the level of the sacred dragon.

Xingcan flew without stopping, this flight. It took a full three days to fly. Much longer than traveling from Milan City to Silver Dragon City.

Ye Yinzhu didn't know which direction Xing Can took him to fly. But he can feel it. The air outside seemed to be gradually warming as the star-remnant flight. From this point, he judged that Xingcan should be heading south. As for whether it is southeast or southwest. I don't know.

These three days. Ye Yinzhu and Xingcan seldom communicate. Xingcan didn't stop to rest either. Every once in a while. He will use space magic to get some food and drinking water for Ye Yinzhu.

Just when Ye Yinzhu was completely sure that Xingcan was flying south. Sudden. The air outside became colder, and it was much colder than when he was in Silver Dragon City before, just when Ye Yinzhu felt inexplicable. The scene in front of me has changed.

They were walking through the clouds and suddenly rushed out of the clouds, but two extremely majestic snow mountains appeared in front of them.

It is difficult to see the height of these two snow-capped mountains by visual inspection. But when looking down from the sky. But there are only white clouds, which shows how terrifying the height of these two snow mountains is, and at this time, the direction of Xing Can's flight is exactly the center of these two snow mountains.

When Xing Can flew to a position parallel to the two snow peaks, a strange scene appeared, which Ye Yinzhu could clearly feel. The air around his body was rippling like water waves, and immediately after, Xing Can took him through.

It was originally day outside, but when they passed through the stream-like air, everything around them suddenly darkened. Although it wasn't so dark that you couldn't see your fingers, everything around you became extremely chaotic, and there was no sun in the midair. Instead. It turned out to be a silver-purple crescent moon.

What's even more strange is that originally they were in the sky, but at this time. Ye Yinzhu saw the land, yes. It is land. in this particular world. He felt a lot of abnormal elemental fluctuations. The various magical elements here seem to be very thin. And extremely lonely. With his mental strength. Unable to attract them.

Xing Can's wings retracted, and soon landed on the ground. It seems that the distance between his previous position in the air and the ground is only about 100 meters.

The body crawled down, "Yinzhu, we are here."

Ye Yinzhu jumped off Xingcan's back. He hadn't touched the ground for three days, and his whole body felt a little uncomfortable. Now that he was moving his body, he immediately felt a lot more comfortable, while moving. He was observing the surrounding situation. Through the silver-purple crescent moon in mid-air. The surrounding situation can barely be seen clearly. What appeared in front of his eyes was a black forest, growing a kind of tree he had never seen before. but. These trees gave Ye Yinzhu a familiar feeling. Suddenly, he remembered something, and a light flashed in his hand, and the withered wood Longyin Qin with all seven strings broke appeared on his hands.

That's right, that's how it feels. The breath of these trees is very similar to that of the dead wood dragon chant itself, but it is not as obvious as the dead wood dragon chant.

Ye Yinzhu suddenly understood. Silver Dragon King Howard said when he saw the withered wood dragon chanting piano that its material came from a special place, probably here, and this holy land of the dragon clan, Longyu, is obviously not a place that ordinary people can come to. Although he doesn't know how this place was formed, he can guess that there should be a large-scale magic here based on his knowledge of magic. Or a hiding place shrouded in a large magic circle. …

No wonder Howard looked surprised and gloomy at the time. The entrance of this place is between two huge snow peaks, not to mention humans, even birds. It is also difficult to fly to that height. Only the strong body of the dragon race can fly in the cold and thin air. Even Ye Yinzhu couldn't help but wonder how the maker of the dead wood dragon's chanting piano came here.

There was a flash of light. Xing Can has re-transformed into a human form.

"Yinzhu. I'm sorry. I can't violate the rules of the Dragon Clan, let alone the orders of the Great Elder, so I can only send you here. This is the holy land of our Dragon Clan. Dragon Realm. Go through the black forest in front of you, You will enter the real scope of Longyu, and I will stay here and wait for you. If you can get the approval of Longyu, you will naturally come back here. You have a space ring. You take all of these." While talking, Xing Remnant released his own space magic, and a large number of fruits appeared in front of Ye Yinzhu. These fruits are enough to quench hunger and thirst.

Ye Yinzhu was also polite, and put all the fruits into his space ring, smiling slightly. Xiang Xingcan said: "Brother Xingcan, don't do this, I can't blame you. You are a member of the Silver Dragon Clan. You can't control your own destiny. If, I mean if. One day I will be able to fight against Howard Then, the history of the Silver Dragon Clan will change from now on." After saying this, he did not hesitate. He strode towards the direction of the Black Forest.

Looking at Ye Yinzhu's back, Xing Can murmured to himself: "Changing the history of the Silver Dragon Clan? How can it be considered changing the history of the Silver Dragon Clan? My God! What does he want to do?" For the first time, he I felt a trace of fear from this human being who was far weaker than himself.

Into the Black Forest. Ye Yinzhu didn't rush forward. Instead, he stopped, just as Silver Dragon King Howard said, from now on. He can only rely on himself for everything. If he wanted to leave here alive, he had to be cautious, Li Sha's opposition and Xing Can's expression had already told him the danger here.

looked around. The breath in the black forest is very gloomy. Except for these big black trees. There are no living things. And even these big black trees. It also made him feel dead.

Slowly release your spiritual power. Ye Yinzhu carefully looked around, he was looking. See if there are any living creatures around. soon. He was disappointed. it's here. Nothing but dead silence. After entering this black forest, he couldn't even feel the breath of the starry land outside the forest. And the magic elements here have also become thinner. Fortunately, he is a violin magician who belongs to the spiritual department. The magical power itself is spiritual power. There is no need to attract too many magic elements, so magicians from various departments of elements come here. I am afraid that even one-tenth of the strength cannot be displayed, and there is no magician with magic elements. It's like a samurai with his limbs cut off.

Smile lightly. There was a trace of peace in Ye Yinzhu's eyes, and he put his hands together in front of his chest. Bamboo Dou Qi emanates faintly from his body. A green silk thread wandered out from the right wrist. It quickly wrapped around his hands, leaving about 1.5 meters between them. This will not affect the actions of his hands, so since. Ye Yinzhu's palms suddenly turned emerald green, an emerald green full of vitality.

This is another way of using Bisi, relying on the control of bamboo fighting spirit. Bisi's effect can be brought into full play. Wraps around your hands like a glove. Since I feel a strong sense of death here, then. Bisi, who has a huge vitality, should be the nemesis of the possible danger here.

Under the action of Bisi's life breath. Ye Yinzhu's mentality suddenly became calmer. This is just one step at a time. Walk carefully into the dark forest. …

"Father, when will Yinzhu come back?" Xiangluan stood beside her father, Emperor Silvio, poking her small mouth in dissatisfaction.

Silvio took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, "I don't know either. Who can say for sure about Silver Dragon City?"

Xiangluan said anxiously: "But, isn't our Milan Empire cooperating with Silver Dragon City? Marshal Seedorf has a good relationship with them. Yinzhu didn't offend them. Why do we have to take Yinzhu away? unfair."

Silvio glanced at his only daughter and sighed. Said: "In this world, fairness only belongs to the powerful land, unless you have absolute strength. Otherwise, fairness will never appear on you. Just like the kingdoms around us, will we talk about fairness with them? Ye In the matter of Yinzhu, Silver Dragon City is extremely strong. Although our Milan Empire is not afraid of Silver Dragon City, the relationship between various forces on the mainland is delicate. Cooperation with Silver Dragon City must not be damaged in the slightest. It is impossible for me to challenge the bottom line of Silver Dragon City just for one person."

Xiangluan pursed her lips, "But father, in Konya City, Yinzhu resisted the invasion of the orc army. He is a meritorious minister of Milan. It can be said that he is our national hero. He also saved me and Fischer. La. Aren't these feats worthy of the Empire's support?"

Silvio smiled. He said: "How do you know that I didn't stand up for him? What's more. Although he has merit, but at the same time, the empire suffered huge losses because of him. Now thinking about the Falcon Dragoons, I still feel heartbroken and can't breathe. "

Xiangluan's expression changed. "I see, you don't save him. It's because he's not from Milan, right?".