Zither Emperor

Chapter 192: The second episode of Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Yin fifth


"What exactly is Heaven's Punishment?" Ye Yinzhu couldn't help asking, from Zidi's eyes. He could completely (completely) see how the Beamon family had been hurt in that heavenly punishment.

Zidi was obviously agitated, "It's a collision, a collision from the east. A huge continent, no smaller than our original continent, floated from the vast and boundless ocean, and violently collided with our current continent. "

Ye Yinzhu exclaimed: "You mean. The current Longzinus continent was actually created after two continents collided?"

Zi nodded heavily, "The sky and the earth lost their color. The sun and the moon had no light. That collision brought about an incomparably huge disaster. With the location of the collision as the center, countless creatures of various races were wiped out. Even the most powerful forbidden curse , and cannot be compared with the eruption that occurred at the moment of the collision. Under the violent collision, the sky and the earth seemed to be torn apart, and a huge crack in the sky appeared at the core of the collision between the two continents. Countless enemies of different species emerged from the crack rushed out, and started a frenzied slaughter of us original creatures."

"Xenomorph? What is that?"

Zi wryly smiled and said: "My ancestors called them necromancers. They don't seem to have life, they don't fear death, and they don't even know what pain is. Their individual strength is not very strong, but they are so large in number that they seem to be dead. Endless, the most terrifying thing is the plague they bring. No race can resist the erosion of the plague. They appear. Like the halo of death, they spread outward in circles. Wherever they go, there is no grass. They are unified The characteristic is the green eyes. There are very few records about these alien creatures. The memories left by the ancestors are only their green eyes full of death and the green mist of the plague emitted from their bodies. Soon, the scope of the plague spread has reached A quarter of the total land of the two continents, countless creatures of various races died under their erosion. At that time, all races panicked. Facing this irrational undead, the originally hostile Beamon and Dragon Clan, Form an alliance with the fastest speed. Unite all the races on the original Longzinus continent and launch a full-scale attack on them. We must not let the plague spread again and let the undead occupy our homeland."

From the narration of purple. Ye Yinzhu seemed to have seen the terrifying scene again, seeing countless alien creatures attacking the mainland, while the Behemoth and the dragon clan led all the ethnic groups on the mainland. Launched the final impact on them.

"Tens of thousands of dragons and you are in this battle..."

Zi nodded with some difficulty, "During the battle, we suddenly discovered that those lands eroded by the undead are not just our continent, but also the Eastern Continent that hit it, and the Eastern Continent is sniping at the undead. Stronger than us. Led by a huge golden creature that has no wings but can fly freely in the air. In the Eastern Continent. Countless warriors wearing golden armor. Launched wave after wave of fierce attacks on the undead .My ancestors found out later. The golden creatures that have no wings but can fly in the air are also called dragons. They belong to the dragons of the east, and those eastern humans call themselves the descendants of the dragons."

Heir to the Dragon? I don't know why. When hearing these four words. An inexplicable emotion suddenly surged deep in Ye Yinzhu's heart.

"From these orientals, we understand. It turns out that human beings can still fight like this. They have powerful grudges and incomparably gorgeous skills. I don't know how much stronger than humans who do not belong to the battle order on our side, that is, the Eastern giant dragon." The combination with the Easterners is actually much better than our cooperation. When we are still struggling with the enemy and are about to be unable to resist, they have already used desperate tactics. Checkmate The spirits are retreating steadily, and they blocked most of the enemies. With the courage of seeing death as home, they tried their best to deal with the undead, and their casualties were far above ours. The dragons of the East. Real dragons, compared to our guys like flying lizards, they don't know how much stronger they are, and they are the real main force in this war of destruction." (*** Strike)

"Does that Eastern Continent have a name? And those Eastern humans, what are their characteristics?" Ye Yinzhu almost subconsciously asked the doubts in his heart.

Zi took a deep look at him, and said: "That continent is called Donglong Continent by their aborigines. There is only one country in that continent, named Donglong Empire."

"What? What did you say? Eastern Dragon Empire." Ye Yinzhu's eyes flashed, Eastern Dragon Empire. Then this Eastern Dragon Empire. What does it have to do with the eight sects of Donglong where I am located

Purple nodded. Said: "You are right. If my guess is correct, you Donglong Bazong are probably the descendants of the Donglong Empire, because the biggest feature of the aborigines of the Donglong Empire is the uniform black hair and black eyes , and at that time, we were originally on the continent. Although human beings have various hair colors, there is no such thing as black hair and black eyes. It can be said that as long as there are people with black hair and black eyes on the mainland, they should all be Donglong Remnants of the Empire."

Ye Yinzhu suddenly took a step forward. Grab Violet's shoulders firmly. "What happened later? How about the war of destruction? Since the Eastern Dragon Empire can play a pivotal role in such a war, why are they now..."

Zidao: "Later, with the efforts of Beamon, the Dragon Clan, and the Eastern Dragon Empire, the undead were finally suppressed to the seal of the crack in the sky. However, their number still seemed to be endless, and they kept gushing out of the crack .Every day, there will be a large number of casualties among our people, and all ethnic groups have suffered heavy casualties. The remaining races like our main battle are extremely rare, and most of them are infected with the plague. If this continues. Once we stop If they rush out of the crack, then the mainland will be occupied by them again, and there will be no chance to fight back."

His eyes shone with reverence. Zi solemnly said: "My ancestors have a very deep memory of that period. At that extremely critical moment, it was the last remaining forty-seven golden dragons of the Eastern Dragon Empire that soared into the sky, using all their strength and brilliance. , transferred the cracks in the sky to the ground, and used their huge bodies to form seals that filled the cracks, at the cost of their lives. This war of destruction was completely ended, and at that time, the remaining warriors of the Eastern Dragon Empire. Only less than One hundred thousand people. That is the last remaining part of a continent! Therefore, although our Behemoths hate dragons very much, we only have the deepest respect for the Eastern dragon. They saved the continent. Saved all our races. ".

Eastern dragon, these four words are deeply imprinted in Ye Yinzhu's mind. The descendants of the dragon, is he their descendant

That's all. Zi's tone suddenly became angry. "Although the war of destruction is over, the dispute over the land of Longzinus is far from over. (***) From the moment the forty-seven dragon warriors from the east sealed the crack in the sky, our continent has entered A period of chaos that lasted thousands of years. And this period of chaos started from the sneak attack of the holy dragon Noxie, that despicable guy. Seeing that the foreign enemies no longer have any threats, he suddenly attacked me without warning The ancestor of the land, the king of Amethyst Behemoth at that time. (All of them) At that time, almost all races were exhausted. Who would have thought that the allies behind him would suddenly attack at this moment of victory? Caught off guard, our land The ancestor was wiped out by the full blow of the holy dragon Noxie, but the ancestor's counterattack when he was dying also severely injured him, and the battle that had just stopped started again. After the baptism, the number of the remaining Behemoths and dragons dropped sharply. When the chaotic war ended, there were no bones left. We returned to the extreme northern wilderness that had turned into a world of ice and snow, and the dragons also returned to the west. The era of chaos It’s officially coming, precisely because of this. On behalf of the Purple Crystal Clan, I would like to thank you for completely destroying Noxie.”

Ye Yinzhu asked: "What about the people from the Eastern Dragon Empire? How are they doing?"

Zi sighed, and said: "The war of destruction dealt a great blow to the Eastern Dragon Empire. There are only 100,000 people left. Most of them have been infected by the plague. For a long time, their number has only continued to decrease. There is no power at all to restore the destroyed homeland, but at this moment, we human beings in the west have risen from the chaotic period. I don’t know whether it is affected by the people of the Eastern Dragon Empire, or they have endured it for many years. Within a thousand years, their population has increased sharply, you know. Whether it is our Behemoth or the dragon race, their reproductive ability is very poor. Even Yalong is no exception, at least it is much worse than humans .During the war of destruction, Western humans were not even qualified to be cannon fodder, so they have been hiding in the rear and have not suffered much harm. After thousands of years of hard work, they developed rapidly and established the Xilong Empire, because we orcs Far away in the cold extreme northern wilderness. It will not have any impact on them. Therefore, they have not set foot on our territory, but they have formed an alliance with the Dragon Clan. They have begun to invade the entire continent. And their goal In addition to the original Western Continent, there is also the Eastern Dragon Continent which was merged due to the impact. At that time, the Eastern Dragon Empire had just regained some vitality, and the population had reached the level of nearly ten million. The war started again. The second is a war between thousands of human beings. The poor Eastern Dragon Empire has lost the protection of the Dragon Protector. They are not good at magic. They only rely on their gorgeous fighting spirit, even if they are powerful. They are absolutely inferior in numbers. The opponent also has the Western Dragon Clan. With the assistance, it only resisted for a hundred years. The original Donglong Empire has already fallen."

"How did this happen? How did this happen? Didn't the Eastern Dragon Empire save all the western races in the war of destruction? Why did the westerners want to invade their homes?" Furious, Ye Yinzhu grabbed the purple shoulder The hand was exerting force unconsciously, but Zi didn't break free, and let him hold on, without even showing a trace of pain on his face, he smiled wryly: "I'm also a person who has fallen into the world. I can understand your current mood, but, Facing the interests. Facing the fertile Eastern Continent. Do you think the Westerners will allow the Eastern Dragon Empire to recover and develop? No. They will not. If the Eastern Dragon Empire develops. Or the Eastern Dragon appears again. Then. What should they do? So, they launched an invasion, and the Eastern Dragon Empire was completely destroyed. Only a small number of Eastern Dragons escaped, and the many cultural heritages left by the Eastern Dragon Empire were swallowed up by the Western Dragon Empire. Transformation It has become their own thing. Without the civilization of the Eastern Dragon Empire, it is impossible for human beings to develop to the point where they are superior to any race, and even the dragon race cannot resist them."

Listen to Zi's words. The anger in Ye Yinzhu's eyes gradually calmed down, and he slowly let go of Zi's hand. But his calmness published in Zi Zi's eyes could not help but be a little worried. he knows. Because of Yinzhu's own narration, some changes have taken place in her originally pure heart.

"Zi. I'm fine, you continue to talk, I want to know everything." Ye Yinzhu's heart was very cold. Even colder than the air in this extreme northern wasteland.

Zidao: "Although the Xilong Empire is very despicable in destroying the East Dragon Empire, they are not confused. Do you know what the West Dragon Empire used to finally defeat the East Dragon Empire? It was magic, (*** Hit) The magician has become the most noble existence among human beings since then. At that time, although the Xilong Empire became an empire, it did not have an emperor, but was managed by the Senate. Every member of the Senate The four members are all powerful magicians. It is precisely for this reason that the Xilong Empire was later split, and the Senate. It is the predecessor of Falan, the predecessor of Falan Seven Towers. When the Xilong Empire was unified After the mainland, the Senate immediately announced the establishment of the so-called sacred land of Falan. In fact, the territory of Falan was the place where the forty-seven golden dragons sealed the crack in the sky, and the seven towers of Falan were to better suppress The crack in the sky. Make the seal more stable. The Senate selected seven of the most powerful magicians of the seven departments and became the first generation of tower owners. Although there are now eight countries in the Ryuzakinus continent. But in a sense The Xilong Empire has not been destroyed. The real power is still in the hands of Falan, that is, in the hands of the original Senate. No matter which country, even the most powerful Milan, will not dare to violate the order of Falan's Seven Towers."

This is the first time Ye Yinzhu has heard of the history of various countries in the mainland. He also tried to find books about history when he was in the Royal Library. But those books were all written from the countries of the current continent. It seems that Falan has existed since the birth of the Longzinus continent. At this time, from Zi's mouth, he knew all the causes and consequences, but why didn't grandpa and the others tell him? Is it because he is not strong enough

"Zi, thank you for telling me this, what about you? Why did you appear in the sea of blue sky?".

Zidao: "After our orcs withdrew to the extreme northern wasteland, we also started to develop on our own and regain our vitality. It is a bit similar to humans and dragons. Although our Behemoths reproduce slowly, other ordinary orcs reproduce very fast. , with the passage of time. Gradually occupied the entire territory of the extreme northern wilderness, and developed into three major races based on bears, lions, and tigers. Due to the overall superiority in numbers, our Beamons no longer dominate status, but because of our powerful strength, we still have a pivotal position among the orcs. The three major races of the orcs still respect us very much. The sacred dragon of the dragon clan can be achieved by ordinary dragon cultivation. But it is extremely Difficult. But they have a long lifespan. For so many years, the reason why there are no sacred dragons in the dragon clan is probably because Noxie has not died completely. Perhaps, in the near future, there will be another sacred giant The dragon appears. But our Bimon is different. We neither cultivate through ordinary Bimon, nor reproduce through mating. The lifespan of Amethyst Bimon is about a thousand years. , there will be a mutation in the offspring of the golden Beamon. There will be a new Amethyst Beamon, just like the sacred dragon, there is only one Amethyst Beamon, and there is such a thing in the three major races of orcs, that is, their so-called royal ancestors One. Once Amethyst Behemoth appears, he will be the master of all orcs, and the three orcs must obey his orders unconditionally. When the three orcs first started to rise, this ancestral motto can still be executed well, However, with the passage of time and the continuous development of their own strength, this ancestral motto has gradually become unacceptable. These three major races are in charge of one-third of the extreme northern wilderness. Each has a large fortress It is a natural barrier. Who is willing to obey the orders of others? Therefore, Amethyst Behemoth no longer became the co-owner of the orcs, but became the object of resistance from the three tribes of orcs. Not long after he was born, he was secretly killed by the three tribes of orcs. Therefore, no sacred dragon appeared in the dragon tribe, and the orcs did not have Amethyst Behemoth again."

Speaking of this, the purple eyes once again showed a painful look, "It is selfishness that restricts the orcs the most. Amethyst Bimon is not only the strongest among Bimons, but also the wise one among them. Those short-sighted people The orcs don't understand at all. Without the leadership of Amethyst Bimon, they would never be able to walk out of the extreme northern wilderness, and they would never be able to fight against the dragons. It takes time for our Amethyst family to grow. It takes a hundred years to have the real Amethyst family. Strength. Become a tenth-level monster. But after a hundred years of growth, it has become our nightmare. After I was born, there is no difference from ordinary Behemoths, but as they grow older, the bodies of other Behemoth children grow rapidly. Grow. But I (***) became more and more like a human. Not only did my body not grow. Even my hair and eyes began to turn purple. When my whole body was purple, I was immediately killed by the Thor tribe The chief found out, and he immediately sent someone to arrest me. He tried to destroy me. Fortunately, an uncle who had been greatly favored by my family got the news. While my parents were resisting the people sent by Chief Thor to arrest me, they quietly sent I was rescued. He used his two-year-old son, who was about the same size as me, to die instead of me. He originally wanted to raise me up and help me become the king of beastmen. In order to protect me , also in order not to implicate other people. He did not tell anyone the secret of my return. Later. He died in a battle with humans. Without the protection of my uncle, I am fifteen years old and dare not stay any longer In the territory of the orcs. I didn’t even dare to contact my relatives in the Beamon tribe, because I didn’t want to hurt anyone, so I had to secretly leave the Thor tribe and enter the human world.”

A touch of sadness and anger flickered in Zidi's eyes. "At that time, I thought, the farther away from Thor's Hammer Fortress, the safer I will be. I will come back when I am fully grown up, and I will get everything I deserve, so I went to Arkadi in the south Ya. When I arrived at the Blue Sky Sea, I just heard the sound of your piano. So, I stayed. When I was a child, my body grew very slowly, so when you saw me, on the surface, I was the same age as you It looks similar. Our Amethyst Behemoth was born in a human form, and only after becoming an adult can we transform into the main body and use our powerful power. What I didn't expect is that there are still more than 80 years of growth time. The blue sky and the sea are greatly shortened. Your miraculous piano music has an excellent promotion effect on my growth. Ten years, with the help of your piano music, my growth is equivalent to more than fifty years of hard work. So , Now I already have the strength equivalent to a seventh-level monster, as long as I am given a certain amount of time to really grow up, then Amethyst Bimon is unstoppable."

Ye Yinzhu suddenly said: "It turned out to be like this. No wonder you came to listen to me play the piano every day at that time. Then I will play the piano for you when I have time. Help you grow up faster."

There was a smile on Zi Gang's resolute face. "Before signing the same life contract. In fact, to a certain extent, I just wanted to use you. However, I didn't expect that you would give me the only chance to sign a contract in your life without hesitation. At that time I just realized that you will become the best brother in my life, Yinzhu, forgive me for hiding from you, I have no choice but to protect myself as a target of orcs. I can’t let anyone know my existence .Whether it is a dragon or an orc. Once they find me, they will destroy me as soon as possible.”

Ye Yinzhu said solemnly: "We are brothers, and I can understand your difficulties. Zi, you must have suffered a lot (by the beating)."

Zi shook his head vigorously, and said blatantly: "Those have already passed. Yinzhu. After we have the same natal contract, even if you are not by my side. When you play the piano, my strength will be affected, let alone you The same natal contract is of great benefit to the growth of my spiritual power, and the growth speed will be further accelerated. In less than ten years, I will be able to reach the adult state of Amethyst Bimont, Yin Zhu, now I have told you everything about me .I need your help."

Ye Yinzhu nodded and said: "You tell me. As long as I can do it, there is no need to be polite between us brothers."

Zidao: "The three tribes of orcs are already extremely powerful now. Although I climbed up and shouted, I may be able to get the support of all the Bimon people, but the number of our Bimons is still too small. There are too many ants and they can kill the big ones." The elephants, not to mention the strength of the orcs are already very strong. Once a civil war breaks out, the cheap ones can only be those humans and dragons. Therefore, although I must become the co-lord of the orcs and get what I deserve, I don’t want to be in the future. To start a large-scale war, so, my Behemoth family alone is not enough. I need more support."

Ye Yinzhu thought for a while. Said: "Zi, you have about one-tenth of the behemoth Behemoth among your subordinates now. Although I am definitely helping you, our strength is still too weak. If you want to get it without starting a war The allegiance of all orcs. Then, you must have enough power. Reaching the tenth level of monsters is a must. I suggest you not to act too hastily. Otherwise, you will bring yourself huge troubles. The three clans have already ruled The orcs have been in power for so many years, and they want to overthrow their rule. We have to think long-term."

After listening to Yinzhu's words. Not only did Zi not feel that he was trying to shirk. Instead, he nodded in agreement, "Yinzhu. You have really grown up. You are right. You want to become the co-lord of the orcs. I need time. Moreover. Our Beamon clan alone is not enough. I not only need your Support. I also need the support of orcs. So. This time, I would like to ask you to go to the depths of the extreme northern wilderness with me. Find some partners of my ancestors. If they are willing to show up and support me. When I become an adult No matter how powerful the chiefs of the three orc tribes are, they will never dare to fight against us."

Ye Yinzhu said: "Just tell me what you want me to do. However, I am still teaching at the academy. You can't just leave. Can you wait for my school year to end before you act? The school system of Milan Magic and Martial Arts Academy is five years .Classes start in autumn every year. It lasts until the end of spring, and the hottest summer is the rest time. There will be a holiday in about a month. After that, I have four months to accompany you. "

Purple nodded. Said: "Of course, I'm just discussing with you now. Frankly speaking. I don't have much hope for finding them this time."

Ye Yinzhu asked curiously, "What kind of beastman are you looking for?"

Zidao: "Even in the most powerful period of our Bimon, the number was only more than 20,000. The reason why we were able to fight against 100,000 giant dragons is because we still have powerful allies, and we only have a tenth-level sacred dragon with the dragon clan." The giant dragons are different. Our orcs were in the era of the destruction war. There are four tenth-level monster races, headed by Amethyst Beamon, which are called the Four Great Beasts. The place I want to find is the descendants of the other three types of beasts. The Four Great Beasts The gods and beasts came forward together, so how can the current orcs dare to violate the land?"

"Three Great Beasts? Are they as powerful as Amethyst Behemoth? I heard Noxie mention it. He seemed to say that although the Orcs have other tenth-level monsters, they all have flaws. They cannot compete with Amethyst Behemoth." compared to."

Purple nodded. Said: "Noxie is right about this. But despite their flaws, they are still at level ten. Level ten is the dividing line between monsters and beasts. Reaching level ten is a completely different concept, except Apart from our Amethyst clan, the remaining three great beasts are the second-ranked giant war beast, the third-ranked mountain giant and the golden beetle forbidden insect. Its defensive power. Even the adult Amethyst Behemoth and the sacred dragon are far incomparable. The body is so huge that it is like walking on a mountain. In short, although the three strongholds of the orcs are solid, if there is one The war behemoth is here, without the cooperation of any arms, he can easily break through the walls of the fortress. Therefore, the war behemoth is also called the fortress destroyer, but their flaws are as obvious as their strength. The first is the slow speed .The second is the singleness of the attack method. The only attack power possessed by the war behemoth is collision, and it is only a frontal collision."

Ye Yinzhu was surprised: "Just a single collision, can you have the level of a tenth-level beast?"

Zi smiled slightly, and said: "If you see a real giant war beast, you won't have such doubts. His defensive power will even scare me. It's the undead God of War. If Meng wants to kill a war beast, he needs to attack it continuously for a month. Only then can he be destroyed. For the war beast, the forbidden spell is no different from scratching an itch. It is an absolutely solid defense. And nothing The impact that can be resisted is the reason why they became tenth-level beasts. Think about it, the army may be flexible and can avoid the charge of the war beast, but any city is dead, as long as there is a war beast. Then, all defense facilities will be completely ineffective."

After listening to Zi's introduction to the war behemoth. Ye Yinzhu couldn't help being aroused, "What about the other two tenth-level monsters? What kind of abilities do they have?"

Zidao: "Mountain giants. Also known as stone giants or cyclops. Their resistant skin and diamond skin are called magic killers, and they are completely immune to any kind of magic. Including spiritual spells. For example, your piano music. Even No matter how powerful they are, it will not have any effect on them. Although their physical defense is not as terrifying as the war behemoths, it is still very amazing. Each mountain giant is more than fifty meters tall, and their shortcomings and war Behemoths are somewhat similar. But they are faster than war behemoths. If we talk about the continent of Longzinus, who is the ultimate hoplite. It is undoubtedly the mountain giants. Their strength is extremely terrifying. One Mountain giants. They can easily knock down four golden Behemoths to siege. Moreover, they also have a special attack method called the Eye of Thunder, which can instantly send out a thunderbolt from the single eye, making the enemies in the air have nowhere to hide. Shape. The weakness of mountain giants lies in their one-eyed eyes. To defeat them, one needs to have a strong physical attack ability. Just attack their one-eyed eyes directly. However, with their strength, the protection of their own one-eyed eyes is naturally very careful , the totem that the current Thor's Hammer Fortress believes in is actually the ancestor of the mountain giant. They directly call the mountain giant the Thor, so if I can get the support of the mountain giant, I can first solve the problem of the Thor tribe, and just now I The so-called giant war beasts are the totems of the God of War Tribe, and now you understand why I want the support of these two beasts."

Ye Yinzhu nodded. Said: "What about the golden beetle forbidden insect that ranks last? What powerful strength does it have?"

Zidao: "The golden armored worm is the totem of Solomon's tribe. It is the opposite of the war giant and the mountain giant. Its main ability is not defensive. Although the body is ten meters long and covered with a layer of dazzling golden armor, but In fact, their defensive power is very poor, and their moving speed is even slower than that of war behemoths. Once a powerful attack is launched against them, it is easy to destroy them, but, don't underestimate the golden armored forbidden insects. If his ability can be used reasonably in the war, the lethality is even more terrifying than war behemoths and mountain giants. There is only one ability of the golden armor and forbidden insects, and that is to launch elemental bombs, which is a mixture of grudge and magic. The special offensive power of elements. Possesses the purest elemental explosive power. It does not belong to any type of magic, and even the defense of mountain giants cannot be completely immune. A golden armor forbidden insect absorbs external elements after ten days. Can Fire three elemental bombs, which are instant. And they can track the target according to their powerful strength, covering a range of more than 30 kilometers. Accurately strike the opponent. The power of each elemental bomb is equivalent to half a forbidden spell. And Coverage. It is equivalent to the level of two forbidden spells. Remember the coverage of the collision between the silver dragon and the black dragon forbidden spell last time? The coverage of the elemental bomb of the golden armor forbidden insect is similar to that, but the power is not as good. Because it It possesses the particularity of fighting spirit and magic fusion, and any anti-magic and anti-physical attack defensive items have no resistance effect on it. It is a pity that my ancestors did not dare to let the golden-armored forbidden insects go out easily in the battle with the dragon clan. Because once it appears, it will immediately become the target of the Dragon Clan's all-out sniping at any cost."

After listening to Zi's words. Ye Yinzhu couldn't help taking a deep breath. Thirty kilometers long attack radius. More than ten miles of coverage. The impact on the top-level powerhouses may be limited. But if it is facing the army, it will definitely be a bloodbath! And it still sends three instantly. It is worthy of a tenth-level monster, although its defense is low. But the attack strength is indeed abnormal, at this time. Even Ye Yinzhu couldn't help but look forward to finding these three kinds of beasts, their strength is beyond description in terms of horror.

"Zi. Do you know where they live now?"

Zi sighed and said with a wry smile: "If I knew, I wouldn't be bothered. I don't even know if they have survived since ancient times, you know. Back then they suffered even more severe damage in the war of destruction, and although the number was not Like our Amethyst Behemoth is the only one. But it has never exceeded the number of a palm. God knows if they are still alive, the memory left by my ancestors. There are only introductions of their appearance and abilities. But there is no place where they live In the depths of the extreme northern wilderness, there are many powerful monsters, and the orcs dare not go there easily. Now we can only hope that we can find some clues there, but the search for their totems by the three tribes has never been easier. It hasn’t stopped. There is no news for so many years, and I am not optimistic about my search. It is just a matter of luck. If I can find one of them, it will be of great help to me in the future.”