Zither Emperor

Chapter 195: The second episode of Milan Academy of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Yin fifth


Ye Yinzhu said: "First of all, going to the extreme northern wasteland is extremely dangerous, for everyone's safety. I hope you can listen to our unified arrangement. No matter what happens, don't act without authorization. Only in this way can I guarantee Your safety. Secondly, no matter what you encounter or who you see this time, I hope you can keep it a secret. When necessary, I may need to use special abilities to erase part of your memory. If you can agree to these two point, then we can go on the road together.”

Yue Ming looked at Ye Yinzhu kindly, and Ye Yinzhu's words made her feel a mysterious feeling. What is space that needs to be kept secret, even to erase one's own memory? Various possible predictions suddenly appeared in my mind. But she still quickly gave Ye Yinzhu the answer. After all, it is unrealistic for her to be a magician alone if she wants to go to the extreme northern wilderness. Although her strength is outstanding among her peers, it is far behind the potential dangers in the extreme northern wilderness. From what Ye Yinzhu said, it seemed that many of them were going there. If everyone could take care of them, it would be much easier to send them back to Mingxue.

Thinking of this, Yue Ming nodded and said, "Under reasonable circumstances, I can agree to your two requests."

Ye Yinzhu frowned, "Under reasonable circumstances? What are reasonable circumstances?"

Yueming said indifferently: "I don't know either. However, I will cooperate with you day and night. We dark magic wizards have never been talkative people. I can guarantee this. .If you have any secrets that I am afraid that I will know, I will send her back first, and then I will come back by myself. Naturally, I cannot interfere with what you are going to do. As long as it can be successful, I am willing to pay everyone. For example, using magic Items to pay for."

Ye Yinzhu had some headaches. Although Yue Ming looked very calm on the surface, God knows if she will cause trouble for him. But the words have already come to this point, and I promised her first at the beginning, so I can't change my words, so I just nodded and said: "Okay, that's it. You wait for my news, we will notify you before we leave Yes. Get your belongings ready, we will leave as soon as the holiday is over."

Yue Ming nodded, didn't stop much, turned around and left Ye Yinzhu and Sura's dormitory.

Sura closed the door, looked at Ye Yinzhu and said, "You seem to have something on your mind. What are you going to do in the extreme northern wilderness space this time? It's still mysterious."

Ye Yinzhu smiled bitterly and said: "It's better that you don't know some things. Anyway, it's not harming everyone. It's just doing my friend a favor. I hope this time it will be safe and sound. I have already notified Ma Liang and Chang Hao of this matter. They There is nothing to do after the holiday. It has been agreed."

Sura smiled and said, "Why didn't you tell me what you told Yueming just now. Aren't you afraid that I will leak the secret?"

Ye Yinzhu shook his head, and said: "How could it be? We are so familiar, don't I know who you are? If you leak the secret, it can only prove that my own vision is wrong. Sura, as a As an assassin, I think your mouth should be stricter than that of a dark magician."

Sura's eyes flickered a few times, "Yin Zhu, don't trust others easily. Even me is the same, otherwise it will be easy to suffer."

Ye Yinzhu smiled slightly, and said: "I believe in my own vision. Why, don't you have more confidence in yourself than I do in you?" He told Mingxue just in case. This time I went to the extreme northern wilderness. Both Zi and the two golden Behemoths will participate in the action in human form. As long as they don't reveal their bodies, who will know that they are orcs? So he's not afraid of leaking.

As soon as I said this, there was another knock on the door.

Sura laughed a little and said, "When did we get so busy?" Turning around and opening the door, the people who appeared this time became more familiar. Xiangluan is in front and the ocean is behind. The second daughter was a frequent visitor to their place, so she walked in without needing to be greeted.

"Yin Zhu, I saw Yue Ming go out from you just now, why did she come to see you? I didn't remember you had such a friend!" Xiang Luan took Hai Yang casually to the sofa and sat down. Recently, they have come to Ye Yinzhu much less than before. Xiangluan has asked Haiyang many times, since you have expressed your heart to him, why don't you spend more time with him? Haiyang said that everyone is still young, and she doesn't want to bring pressure or any bad influence to Ye Yinzhu, and she will wait for him. Just letting him know what's on his mind is enough. As for whether to accept it, she will wait.

Yinzhu said helplessly: "Do you still remember the battle between me and Yueming in the freshman competition. That time my piano sound had a certain influence on her Youyou Xuepo. She felt the sadness in Youyou Xuepo's heart, and it was in my heart. With my reminder, I feel that Youming Xue Po should be sent back." At that moment, he briefly talked about the things between himself and Yue Ming.

After hearing his words, Xiangluan's eyes lit up, "I want to go to such a fun thing."

"No." Ye Yinzhu and Sura said almost in unison. The two looked at each other, and there was a wry smile in their eyes.

Xiangluan said angrily: "Why not? Is there something shameful about you?"

Ye Yinzhu hurriedly shook his head and said: "Of course not. Senior sister Xiangluan, don't harm me. You are the princess of the empire, the only daughter of Uncle Silvio. If I take you away, it is the most dangerous place to go." The extreme northern wilderness. Uncle Silvio knows, can he forgive me? Even if it’s Fisichella’s place, I can’t explain it! Don’t make things difficult for me.”

Xiangluan stared at Ye Yinzhu but was speechless. She had to admit that Ye Yinzhu was right. As an imperial princess, she no longer had the freedom of an ordinary girl, and it was not that easy to sneak away. If outsiders know about it, it will be a major event that will damage the national system. Unless it was approved by the father, but how could the emperor let himself go to such a dangerous beastman country? If something goes wrong with him, he will immediately become a hostage for the orcs to threaten the Milan Empire.

Haiyang on the side spoke at this moment, "Sister Xiangluan, don't make things difficult for Yinzhu and the others. You are really not suitable to go. Your identity is too sensitive."

Xiangluan said a little aggrieved: "I don't have a share in such a fun thing. I'm so bored to stay in Milan every day."

Seeing her softening obviously, Ye Yinzhu couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and thought to himself, let's not talk about safety issues, if the princess of the Milan Empire is allowed to go with the old habits, once something goes wrong, it will be completely different from Yueming's nature. It's different. As for Yueming, he could erase her memory with the nine-needle Conferred God forcibly, but since he has such a good relationship with Xiangluan, how could he do that? And Xiangluan's identity is so sensitive. If she found out that she, Ma Liang, and Chang Hao were both from the Eighth School of the Eastern Dragon, the consequences would be serious. Even if she doesn't say anything, it will bring huge troubles to her and herself in the future. Haiyang is better, I am afraid that I will be embarrassed to persuade Xiangluan, it seems that Senior Xiangluan still listens to her very much. .

Thinking of this, Ye Yinzhu couldn't help looking at Haiyang gratefully. When he was around, the icy breath of Haiyang would disappear naturally. Seeing Ye Yinzhu looking at him, he returned a soft smile and nodded to him. nodded. Xiangluan said: "Okay, okay. If you don't go, you won't go. However, if you come across any interesting things, you must tell me when you come back. It's really boring. We are still friends. Don't ask for help. Ye Yinzhu, let's come Aunt Nina asked you to come here. Auntie said, let you have a vacation and practice piano magic. Next school year, the college may need you for a big event." Ye Yinzhu was already very helpless about the question of calling Nina. Nina was more than twenty years older than Emperor Silvio the Great. So even though she is Xiangluan's aunt, Ye Yinzhu wants to call her grandma because of her age. Invisibly, he was a generation shorter than Xiangluan, and because of this, he was often made fun of.

"What's the big deal?" Ye Yinzhu asked curiously.

Xiangluan said angrily: "Isn't it with Landias? Forget it, you will know about it in due time. If I tell you, my aunt will definitely not forgive me."

Ye Yinzhu said: "Okay. Then don't talk about it. Anyway, you will know sooner or later. I will work hard to practice."

Xiangluan said: "The weather is getting warmer now, and we will have a holiday soon, so we can't be together for a while. Why don't we go out and have fun? Yinzhu, are you interested? Sura will also go together."

"Play?" This word has always been far away from Ye Yinzhu. When I was a child, I lived around Qin every day. Ye Yinzhu didn't have much idea about this favorite word of ordinary children. His current achievements can be said to be obtained by giving up his childhood!

Xiangluan said: "Yeah! It's going to be a holiday. Let's go and have fun together. We don't go too far. There is a very good hot spring two hundred miles southwest of Milan City. It is like spring all the year round, and you can also soak in it." Soak in the hot springs. It's good for your health. How about we go there?"

If the male students in the college who were chasing Xiangluan heard that she offered to go to the hot spring with Ye Yinzhu and the others, they would be scared to death immediately.

Hearing the word hot spring, Ye Yinzhu couldn't help being aroused, nodded, and said, "Okay! Then go. When?"

Xiangluan smiled and said: "Tomorrow. We don't want too many people. Just the four of us. Too many people is too much trouble. I don't want others to know. If the news leaks, those annoying flies appear, think No chance to have fun...