Zither Emperor

Chapter 233: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of the dead wood dragon's chant, the seventh


Sensing the danger signal from Zi, Ye Yinzhu immediately threw Haiyang's body into the air, then jumped from Diss' shoulder to Perkins' shoulder, and grabbed Chang Hao with one hand and Ma Liang with the other. The moment the power of the shock came along with the solid ice, it soared into the sky, and the Guardian of the Moon God was activated to the maximum extent, trying to jump as high as possible.

Simultaneously with Ye Yinzhu, Sura jumped up. His movements were much lighter than Ye Yinzhu's, and he even borrowed his strength from the flying ice to pounce towards the ocean thrown up in the air. This is what Ye Yinzhu specifically told her to do before going to help Ma Liang and Chang Hao.

Boom—, with a quick and timely response, the five of Ye Yinzhu finally escaped from the shock wave caused by the trampling of the war. A large amount of ice passed under their feet, and Ye Yinzhu's Luna Guardian was only smashed by two pieces of ice. In the middle, it was almost broken, and his body flew backwards due to the shock.

The Golden Behemoth and the Ice Demon Ape were not as lucky as them. Their huge stature made it impossible for them to come forward from the lightning in time, curl up their bodies together, and bear the power of the trampling of war as little as possible.

Diss is worthy of being a generation of strong Behemoth monsters. When Ye Yinzhu and Sura jumped up, he stretched out his hundred-inch sharp claws with both hands at the same time, and pulled the three extreme ice demon apes to his back. The tyrannical body blocked most of the shock waves and ice for the younger brothers. In the blink of an eye, the bodies of the five ninth-level monsters were completely engulfed and covered by the solid ice.

Slowly falling from mid-air, Ye Yinzhu finally understood why no magical beasts could get out from here, and also truly understood how terrifying the tenth-level divine beast is. If this is on the battlefield, just this trampling of war, it is unknown how many soldiers will die. The war behemoth is worthy of its title of war, this is the real killing machine! Even if his speed is slow, it will never affect his terrifying destructive power.

Right here, when Ye Yinzhu and the others were dealing with Glacis' war trampling, the amethyst giant sword had already reached above Glacis's head, and like a huge purple lightning, it went straight to the top of Glacis' head and chopped it off.

The topaz-colored eyes released a savage light, and Glacis raised his solid right arm in the face of Zi's heavy slash.

When—, a piece of sparks lit up from the collision between the amethyst giant sword and Glacis' arm, shining like the sun, and Zi's body flew back like a cannonball. What was frightening was that the purple in his hand The giant crystal sword was thrown out of his hand, flying straight for a thousand meters before falling to the ground. But on Glacis' right arm, there was only a light white mark.

The amethyst giant sword, the existence of a divine tool, was used to kill the black dragon Ye Xingling with one sword, and the amethyst giant sword that once helped the amethyst behemoths to traverse the extreme northern wilderness. Zhenfei, together with its owner, Zhenfei.

Tidao's slender figure appeared in mid-air, and the deep purple light enveloped Zi's body like a big net. After continuing to fly a hundred meters, he managed to dispel the shock, and fell to the ground with Zi in his arms.

"Hahahaha..." Glacis laughed wildly, "It turns out that it is a little thing that is not an adult, but it dares to attack me. It seems that Amethyst Behemoth is really going to be extinct from you. Great Ancestors of war behemoths! You just look at me, Glacis, to fulfill your unfulfilled last wish, and to make the name of the number one beast of Longzinus the shining halo of our war behemoths. I don’t know if I eat an amethyst Beamon, Will it make me evolve to an unprecedented strength?"

It was An Qi who hugged Zi, her face was flushed due to the violent impact, at this time Ye Yinzhu and the other five had fallen from the air, and they could clearly see that the muscles on Zi's right arm appeared a series of lines. Violet blood spurted out of the crack, staining the right half of his body and An Qi's dress red.

Ye Yinzhu is most familiar with Zi. He knows that although the previous sword Zi has not turned into the main body, he has tried his best to attack Glacis with all his might, but the result is tragic. Defensive power is by no means something that his Amethyst Behemoth, who only has the strength of level eight, can break through.

What Ziyan revealed was not pain, but stronger anger, but at this moment his emotions were very stable. Quickly said: "The body of the war behemoth is immune to artifacts and all non-mixed forbidden spells. It is said to be immortal. Leave it to me, Diss, Perkins, and Yin Zhu. You take the others and leave immediately. It seems , Even I underestimated the strength of the tenth-level beast. In other words, the Glacis in front of me has reached the peak of the tenth level, even surpassing all his ancestors."

"Brother Zi, I won't leave. I want to stay and help you. That big bald head hurt you, and I will avenge you." While talking, An Qi had already floated away before Zi stopped her. It soared into the sky like a arrow. Chang Hao and the others, who had never seen her before, really realized how powerful this young girl was.

Deep purple light erupted from the body, floating in mid-air, Angel's dark green long hair naturally fluttered, forming a strange circular arc, all the light was completely condensed at this moment, extremely strong The elemental fluctuations began to condense towards her body. Every fluctuation of the huge energy aura would be greatly increased, and circles of purple-black halos began to burst out from her body.

As a foreign silver dragon, Ye Yinzhu has the most keen sense of magic elements. He was surprised to find that what entered An Qi's body were all natural magic elements, but when they were released from her body, they turned into pure dark elements. .

"Come out, my partner." An Qi's slender right hand swiped in the air, and a huge purple hexagram appeared out of thin air. Accompanied by a loud neighing, a winged unicorn burst out of the air. Surprisingly, the unicorn, which has always been known for its purity, is a high-level ninth-level monster that is comparable to a ninth-level dragon. It should be a white unicorn, but the unicorn that An Qi summoned by virtue of the contract turned out to be black, with purple eyes, full of dark aura, only the crystal clear white unicorn on his head can make people feel There was a hint of the aura that originally belonged to the unicorn, from the back of the head to the back of the horse's mane, it was white, in stark contrast to the black body, with black wings on the back, and a black-purple halo was released all over the body, floating in the air Among them, An Qi's momentum suddenly became overwhelming. .

The dark green clear eyes were completely polluted into black at this moment, floating on the back of the black unicorn, An Qi's voice suddenly became icy, looking at the giant war beast Glacis below, said coldly: "Brother Zi, who hurt me, I want you to die. Heaven and earth aura, ending with dark demons, all destructive elements! Follow my orders. Die, you bald bastard."

The purple-black light rose instantly, and with An Qi's raised hands condensed into a huge purple-black spear, the violent elemental aura condensed into purple lightning that fluctuated around the black spear without a trace of lightning It all feels so scary. The huge energy fluctuations made people shudder, and An Qi's aura rose to the peak in an instant.

The black unicorn hissed up to the sky, and a black halo floated out, accompanied by a milky white brilliance on its head, which injected into the purple-black spear almost at the same time, causing the spear to double in size immediately .

Seeing this scene, everyone below couldn't help being moved at the same time. Sura said in surprise: "This is a dark-type single-target attack curse, the Spear of Killing God. It is also a double-amplified Spear of Killing God. It is so powerful. It is worthy of it." It's the eighth step of the purple class."

The eyes of everyone on Ye Yinzhu's side fell on the god-killing spear, and the giant war beast Glacis on the other side also noticed An Qi who was riding on the back of the black unicorn in the air, and even he felt a hint of danger Existence, I can't help being a little surprised in my heart, can human beings also achieve such intensity

The clear sound of the qin sounded at this time, and the beautiful music like a waterfall flowing at that time was the song "High Mountain and Flowing Water" played by the waterfall renjuqin. Ye Yinzhu can see the huge gap between his side and this giant war beast from Zi's injuries. Now the strongest of his side is not the two golden Behemoths, but An Qi who is in a state of rampage. If An Qi If Qi's full attack this time can't produce any effect, then I'm afraid it will be very difficult for her group to leave here. So, while Angie started to activate the forbidden spell, he also started to play his most powerful piano music. Amplification and weakening, the dual effects only affect two people, and it is extremely easy to control. Under the influence of Ye Yinzhu's precise magic power, two deep yellow halos floated out at the same time, one covered An Qi's body, and the other naturally fell on the war behemoth Glacis.

Rolling, brushing, chopping, and note, the four playing techniques are perfectly displayed between the eight fingers of Ye Yinzhu's hands. The full play of the Divine Comedy immediately made An Qi's momentum flourish, but this time the size of the God-killing Spear in the air began to shrink. However, the purple lightning around it began to increase significantly. The sharpest point of the spear tip revealed a faint milky white luster in the purple light, and the huge and tyrannical elemental aura immediately reached its peak.

"After the destruction, there will be eternal life, go, the sharp weapon of killing gods." An Qi shouted, the space was completely distorted in an instant, and no one saw the trajectory of the spear of killing gods. When the distorted space flashed, it recovered. Normally, the purple-black spear had already reached above Glacis' head.

With a low growl, Glacis still did not dodge, or in other words, he had no possibility of dodging at all, a large amount of yellow crystal light suddenly burst out from his eyes, and with a shake of his bald head, the black horn on top of his head suddenly turned milky white, directly facing On the attack of the Spear of Killing God. .