Zither Emperor

Chapter 274: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Yin and the eighth episode


Hearing the words Goblin Laboratory, Zi's eyes suddenly burst into two groups of dazzling lights, "You mean the Goblin Laboratory? How long has the Goblin Laboratory existed?"

Anya smiled slightly, "According to them, their tribe has survived in the Brenner Mountains for more than three thousand years. The goblin laboratory has also been established for three thousand years."

"Ah!" Zi, who had always remained unchanged even though Mount Tai collapsed in front of her, exclaimed, looking at Anya with an expression of disbelief on her face.

Ye Yinzhu looked at the two wonderingly, "What charades are you playing? Goblins are so weak, but their laboratory is amazing?"

Zi nodded solemnly, "Creatures like goblins appeared almost at the same time as you humans. Their reproductive ability is low, and their combat effectiveness is even less pitiful. However, every life created by the creator has its meaning of existence. The goblin’s fragile body and inability to practice any magic and weak talent in combat are exchanged for mechanical intelligence. Someone said in ancient times that the most intelligent race is not humans, nor elves, dragons, or us Amethyst Behemoth, but Goblins are the weakest creatures. Goblins specialize in brewing, cooking and various mechanical technologies. It’s just because they are too weak. In ancient times, goblins were inadvertently massacred by major races and almost exterminated. It is a miracle among miracles that there is a goblin tribe. The goblin laboratory is the place where goblins conduct various research. For a tribe Generally speaking, the longer the goblin laboratory is built, the more terrifying their research results are. It is even terrifying to an unimaginable level. It is just because the goblin itself is too weak. Although they can carry out a lot of research, they are the best Designer, but unable to make it a reality. I heard that in ancient times, goblins, elves, and dwarves have always been friends." Having said that, his eyes turned to Anya.

Anya nodded, and said: "Yes, the relationship between the goblins and our elves has always been very good. Therefore, when the ancient tree released the purest breath of the elves, it attracted these goblin guests. The envoys they sent found me, hoping to cooperate with us to make some weird things. Frankly speaking, I was really scared by their things. If it can be successfully manufactured, then. Our Dither City can definitely become a truly terrifying Existence. It is comparable to the existence of the ice forest in the extreme northern wasteland."

Hearing the word Bingsen, Ye Yinzhu couldn't help thinking of those powerful monsters there. "Sister Anya, what exactly are these goblin researches?"

Zidao: "As far as I know, goblins specialize in brewing, cooking and machinery. But they are more obsessed with all kinds of complicated machinery. Brewing and cooking are just their subsidiary hobbies. What Anya said should be It's a machine."

Anya nodded, and said: "I can't describe it in words. Over thousands of years, they have researched too many things. But very few things can really become reality. That's why they hope to be able to work with us. Cooperation. If you want to know what they are researching, why don't you go and see for yourself. Only by seeing with your own eyes can you understand the horror of these goblins. In research. They are absolutely fanatical. Like a lover seeing fine wine, dragons It's like seeing a gem."

Ye Yinzhu smiled and said: "Then what are we waiting for, let's go now."

Anya took Ye Yinzhu and Zi out of the ancient tree. Under Anya's special emphasis, Ye Yinzhu didn't inform other people, only the three top leaders of Zither City. Go to the depths of the Brenner Mountains together.

Anya's strength is unquestionable, and Zi and Ye Yinzhu's martial arts abilities are also good. The three of them jumped straight into the Brunner Mountains like star pills. Fast forward.

While walking, Anya flew beside Ye Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, your strength seems to have improved a lot!"

Ye Yinzhu smiled and said, "It's still far behind my sister."

Anya glanced at Zi on the other side, and said: "Don't say that, you can even shock my sister with amnesia, what difference can there be between me and me? After climbing two more mountains, our destination will be here. Don’t be too surprised at that time. Oh, by the way, Yinzhu, the lord of Zither City, has never really met your people. Show your people when you go back.”

Ye Yinzhu smiled wryly and said: "It's not necessary. Anyway, I don't come here often, as long as they know you. Sister Anya, I suddenly thought of a problem. We are so big and special in the Brenner Mountains, what will happen?" Will it cause dissatisfaction from the Milan Empire? Although I am the lord of Zither City, it is impossible for such a large-scale construction not to attract the attention of the Milan Empire officials." Anya froze for a moment, "I didn't think much about this issue Yes. Ever since I came here, I have been thinking about how to build Zither City better and have stronger defenses. Frankly speaking, both the Milan Empire and the orcs in the extreme northern wilderness are my imaginary enemies."

Zidao: "Yinzhu's worry is not unreasonable. He has already attracted the attention of the royal family in the Milan Empire. If he builds in Zither City, I'm afraid it will cause some unnecessary troubles."

Anya pondered: "Why don't we block Zither City and not allow any people from Zither City to leave the Brenner Mountains. I will send elves to purchase all daily necessities, so that we can hide it for a while."

Ye Yinzhu shook his head and said: "Not good. The common people are also from Qincheng, and they can work better only if they are replaced by sincerity. If you just block it, it will be more likely to cause problems."

Anya frowned and said, "Then what should we do? Isn't Zither City going to be built? With the current situation of Zither City, if the orcs launch another large-scale attack like last time, it will probably bring a fatal blow Although Zither City is very close to Thor's Hammer Fortress, the Brenner Mountains cover a vast area, not only bordering the Milan Empire, but also bordering the Kingdom of Ascoli on the other side. Simply put, we are likely to face Thor's Hammer Fortress, the Milan Empire, the Orc Solomon Fortress, and the Kingdom of Ascoli are threatened. If we don't build enough defenses early, how will we defend against the enemy?"

Ye Yinzhu smiled slightly, "Sister Anya, it's too early for you to worry. After all, in the eyes of everyone, Qincheng is just a tiny place, a barren land, who cares about it? Of course, construction is necessary But I think that instead of building a city, we should train our army first. According to the regulations of the Milan Empire on nobles, the title of Viscount, who owns a territory, can have 3,000 private soldiers to guard the territory. There will be too big a problem. Don’t we have four thousand young adults in Zither City? Let them become our soldiers, the first group of soldiers in Zither City. At the same time, since we have demolished the city wall of Zither City, first remove the granite Stacked to the foot of the surrounding mountains and accumulated at the same time, as long as we need to build, there will be enough granite to use. The construction of the Brenner Mountains itself is not as practical as we have powerful soldiers. Just like seven Dragon City, do those dragons have any defensive facilities? No. But why is the Seven Dragon City impenetrable? It’s because the dragons are strong enough! A strong city is not as good as a strong soldier.”.

After hearing Ye Yinzhu's words, Anya fell into deep thought, and Zi nodded beside her, "I agree with Yinzhu's opinion. Without enough troops, no matter how thick the city wall is, it won't work. The Brenner Mountains are too big. Well, even if we build enough fortifications, it will be of no use if there are no qualified soldiers to guard them."

Anya tilted her head and looked at Ye Yinzhu. She found that he seemed to have grown up a lot in her eyes as a child, and she had to admit that Ye Yinzhu's statement was very reasonable.

"Yinzhu, have you ever thought about it. The cost of building an army is huge. The equipment of the soldiers alone is a big problem. Although I still have a lot of savings, if I arm an army of 4,000 people , including training and various expenses, I am afraid it can only be supported for one year. Moreover, what kind of army do you want to build?"

Ye Yinzhu thought for a while, and said: "I think cavalry is the best. Cavalry has the strongest mobility, and you can become infantry when you get off the mount. If we can have an elite cavalry, we can catch up in the fastest time. to where it is needed."

"Cavalry?" Anya was stunned for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "Cavalry needs to invest even more money. Mounts alone are a huge problem."

Ye Yinzhu smiled slightly and said: "Perhaps, this is not a big problem. The cavalry I am referring to is not ordinary cavalry, but special cavalry suitable for fighting in our Brenner Mountains. It was already there when the lord of Zither City. It’s just that special mounts are hard to find, and I didn’t think much about it at the time. But it’s different now. Maybe there are no monsters in other places, but there are mounts in the extreme northern wilderness! It doesn't have to cost our money. We can even use these mounts to recruit a group of fighters with considerable strength. As for money, Sister Anya, leave it to me. I think I will find a way."

If it was said that when Ye Yinzhu had just left the extreme northern wilderness, he had put money into the magic core of selling high-level monsters, so now he has already set his mind on metal. Zi said that the metal deposits in the extreme northern wasteland are what the human world needs most, and they are used to exchange various foods with humans. That's just ordinary metal. But now he owns Chi Jing, that is to say, he has the opportunity to mine more precious metals to sell, and the income that can be brought to support a Zither City should not be a problem. It's really not possible, he still has such a large piece of krypton gold in his hand! That is priceless. .