Zither Emperor

Chapter 284: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Yin and the ninth episode


Power, the orcs finally saw the terrible power of the dwarves. Their short bodies are only more than one meter high, but they have broad shoulders and strong strength. Whether it's a warhammer or a battleaxe, the astonishing power that erupts every time it is swung is no less than that of a bear soldier. Countless roars continued to sound. As soon as the battle was fought, the superiority of the dwarf warriors in weapons was immediately revealed.

When the dwarf warrior gave the bear warrior a hammer, the armor on the bear man would be damaged first, and even the tower shield would have amazing cracks. However, when the warhammer in the bear man's hand fell on the dwarf's armor, it could only bring about a dent, knocking the dwarf warrior into the air, and could not harm the opponent at all. Those dwarven warriors with axes were even more terrifying. Every time the ax fell, as long as it didn't hit the tower shield, it would definitely take a piece of flesh and blood from the bear heavy infantry. Blood was scattered and splashed, and the battle completely entered a tragic state. Of course, this is unilateral to the bear heavy infantry. At least under the effect of vigor, the dwarves took advantage of the terrain, and the temporary loss was very small.

The most brave ones are the eight dwarves with double weapons headed by Lutz. They are all strong men of the hill dwarves who have won the title of dwarf warriors, and their strength is much greater than that of ordinary dwarves. No Ursen hoplites can stand in their way. It wasn't until the Behemoth Behemoth arrived that this situation stopped temporarily.

Observing the battle in the field coldly, Monto's heart is bleeding! These bear heavy infantry were all trained by him, but at this time they can only be described as heavy damage. From the perspective of physical strength, bear warriors are obviously stronger than dwarves, even though these dwarf warriors are very powerful. But after all, it can't be compared with the bear man. But one's own losses are due to the huge gap between weapons and armor. No matter how small your enemy is, he is a piece of steel, but you are flesh, how can you not suffer from such a battle? Monto secretly admired the decision of the chieftain King Solomon. If all the orc soldiers under him could be equipped with weapons and equipment made by dwarves, then what enemy could resist the advance of the orc army? He was even fantasizing about Golden Beamon wearing armor.

The war is cruel. When the golden Behemoth Oliver led his Behemoth Behemoths to join the battle, the situation in the field changed suddenly. Headed by Oliver, eight Behemoth Behemoths met Eight hill dwarves. Stopped their killing of bear people. But the other two violent Behemoths have become killing machines.

The hundred-inch claw stretched out from the tip of the arm. The equipment of the dwarves is indeed good, but they are more than ten meters tall in the face. When the extremely powerful Behemoth Behemoth, the gap in weapons can no longer produce enough effect. The skin and hair of Behemoths are even harder than their armor, and their claws are so sharp. When these two behemoths became the arrows of the Bearmen's heavy infantry, the dwarves' defense finally collapsed. The advantages of quantity and strength are also displayed at this time.

When the bearman heavy infantry successfully landed on the five hills, the battle suddenly became chaotic, although the casualties were heavy before. But at this time, the bear army still has 8,000 combat power, compared with 3,000 dwarves, the number occupies an absolute advantage, not to mention the addition of behemoths.

Lutezi, the number one dwarf warrior, is indeed very strong. He deserves to be the only strong man of the dwarves known as a genius for thousands of years, but. What he was facing was the Golden Behemoth! At this time, they could only barely draw with Aldover. He didn't dare to give up the fight with Aldover and attack those bearmen at all. As for the damage of ordinary fighters, Aldover was obviously much stronger than him. At this time, with the place where the two of them fought as the center, the surrounding area of 100 meters was already deserted.

The battle between them is the most direct collision of forces. With every impact, there will be a powerful shock wave. Even the bear man's body can't stop it, let alone the dwarves.

"Okay, it's fun, it's fun." Aldover punched Lutezi away, and roared excitedly. This kind of direct power confrontation has always been the Behemoth's favorite.

Sorrow appeared in the depths of Lutezi's eyes, and his attacks became more violent. At this time, he clearly saw that many tribesmen had lost their ability to resist under the attack of the bear heavy infantry, and were directly attacked. Caught up. An average of two or three bears against one dwarf, how to fight such a battle? The dwarves live in caves in this hill. At this time, except for the old, the young, the sick and the disabled, all the dwarf warriors are here. If it continues, Lutezi knows that the dwarves may be in danger of genocide in today's battle.

A stern roar came from Lutezi's mouth, and the double hammers blasted out with all its strength, even Oliver was shocked by him and flew back a few steps, a silver light burst out from his body, instantly permeating the whole body.

Oliver shook his numb arms and said in surprise, "Is it grudge? It seems a little different from the one just now."

Amidst the rendering of the silver light, suddenly, the ground began to tremble, and the violent shock seemed to plunge this hilly area into an earthquake. Both sides who were fighting couldn't help being taken aback by the sudden situation, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the dwarf Lutz.

"A powerful partner! I, the dwarf Rootzi, ask for your help. Protect the safety of the dwarves." Rootzi raised his double hammers at the same time, and the silver light released from his body instantly surged, shooting towards the front of him go.

Oliver didn't know what the silver light from Roots was, but he was surprised to find that it wasn't an attack on himself, but covered a nearby hill. A bare hill without any vegetation growing.

Shrouded in silver light, the hill moved, yes, it moved. And the vibrations in this hilly area seem to be caused by it.

The huge hills were slowly unfolded under the silver light of Lutezi, forming a huge body that even Oliver, who was 17 meters tall, needed to look up at. A gentle and deep voice sounded, "Lutz, my partner. Are you in trouble?"

Giant, yes, that was an unspeakable giant. He was fifty meters tall, and his whole body was covered with rocks, showing a perfect muscular outline. As he stood up, the gravel on his body was completely scattered. When he turned his eyes, he had already fallen in the direction where Lutezi was.

The appearance of the giant is very simple, except that the stone is a stone, as if he is made of stone himself. The only strange thing is that he has only one huge single eye on his head. His eyes were soft, even a little hazy, as if he had just woken up. .

"Yes, powerful partner, I need your help, and the dwarves also need your help." Lutz's eyes burst out with two excited lights, and he waved the eight-edged plum blossom bright silver hammer to greet the giant. .

The giant lowered his head and looked at the surrounding Zhan Luan, with a somewhat displeased expression on his face, "Is it an orc? Roar~~" He opened his arms, his huge body stretched out, and his height seemed to grow a bit. With the sound of the roar, the ground trembled violently, no matter whether it was the bear man or the dwarf, they all fell to the ground because of his roar. Only Behemoth, the eight hill dwarves, and Monto in the distance could stand still.

There was a bright light in the giant's eyes, and he calmly said in his deep voice that spread throughout the audience: "The orcs belong, please leave here immediately, and don't affect the survival of the dwarves."

Oliver snorted angrily, "Why?" The giant's huge body didn't make him afraid. As a powerful golden Behemoth, he had never been afraid. A tall body does not mean that the ability is equally powerful. While asking angrily, he stretched his arms to both sides of his body at the same time, where the golden light flashed, the hundred-inch golden claws popped out instantly, and the golden light burned like a dazzling golden flame. As the strongest of the orc army on this trip, facing a powerful enemy, he challenged him without hesitation. At this time, the dwarf warrior Lutezi knew that the extremely powerful Golden Behemoth in front of him did not use his full strength in the previous battle with him. I couldn't help being secretly surprised in my heart, it really deserves to be an invincible race in land warfare!

The orc legion, whose morale had been hit hard by the appearance of the giant, suddenly burst into roars, and the golden flames of the golden Behemoth rekindled their fighting spirit.

There was a hint of surprise in the giant's one-eyed eyes, "Oh, it turned out to be the people of Amethyst. No wonder you dare to disturb my peace. I can tell you, no reason. It's because this is my territory. I will give you half an hour Withdraw. I don't want to fight the orcs. Immediately."

Monto stood in the distance without saying a word, but he had a question in his heart, who is this giant over fifty meters tall? In my impression, it seems that the dwarves don't have such mutant powerhouses! Suddenly, a thought appeared deep in his mind, and his strong heart contracted violently. it won't be him...

Just when Monto had doubts and thought of something, Oliver over there had already made a move.

No one can offend Beamon's dignity, facing the contempt of his opponent, Oliver has fallen into extreme anger. The golden flames burned even more violently, his huge body over seventeen meters suddenly jumped up, and charged straight at the giant, swung his right foot, and kicked heavily at the relatively smallest head in the giant's body.

The giant didn't move, just stood there and looked at Oliver calmly, letting his huge golden foot kick his head.

Boom  ̄ ̄, the right foot full of the savage power of the golden Behemoth hit the giant's head so literally. Oliver is confident that even if it is a diamond, not to mention a stone, he can kick the opponent into powder with this kick. But when his right foot actually hit the giant's head, he knew he was wrong. At the same time, there was a strange feeling in my heart, which was the dragonfly's inability to shake the stone pillar. .