Zither Emperor

Chapter 322: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the first


After Seedorf disbanded, the three hundred gods of death quietly retreated into the woods under the leadership of Ye Hongyan. No one knew what they were doing, and they didn't even make any sound.

Seedorf brought Oliveira and Ye Yinzhu to an ordinary barracks.

"Starting tomorrow, Ye Hongyan will tell you how to carry out the training. Ye Yinzhu, your task is to protect those 200 people as much as possible with Li Sha. The 300 Reapers don't need your protection. It will last a month, I hope After a month, you can see two hundred real fighters."

Oliveira asked: "Marshal, can you tell us the content of the training."

Seedorf said indifferently: "The training location is not here. That will be a mission. Surprise the Lei Shen tribe. My request is that you must bring back at least two thousand ears of the lion tribe of the royal tribe in the Thor's Hammer Fortress."

Oliveira gasped, and said in a voiceless voice, "What? A surprise attack on Thor's Hammer Fortress? And kill two thousand lion warriors?" After bringing back two thousand ears, the owners of these ears must be killed first.

Ye Yinzhu seemed much calmer than Oliveira. He had already guessed that Seedorf's training for these people would not be simple.

Seedorf said coldly: "If you can't even do this, then why bother to go to Falan to die. Since you choose to join this team, you have already disregarded life and death. Died by the orcs and died in other countries Is there any difference in the hands of the fighters. I said to Ye Yinzhu just now that it is impossible to cast a real fighter without the baptism of iron and blood. Asius will go with you, but he is the same as Li Sha. It will only cast recovery magic for you, wap circle@子@网学members will not participate in the battle. Tomorrow morning. You set off. You must return within a month, otherwise, don’t blame me for being cold-blooded and heartless. In this one In a month's time, the five hundred people will be commanded by the two of you, with Ye Yinzhu as the leader and Oliveira as the deputy. Ye Hongyan will lead the Death God and the three hundred people to obey your orders. Well, that's all, you guys Go. Yinzhu, tomorrow morning, the ocean will be brought here by Asius. Let’s set off together. Don’t forget what you promised me. If faced with extreme danger, the three hundred gods of death will protect the ocean first. An order. Even against the orders of you and Oliveira, understand?"

"Understood." Ye Yinzhu calmly agreed. After everything just now. Invisibly, he has grown a bit.

Seedorf left, leaving only Oliveira and Ye Yinzhu in the room.

Oliveira sat down on the bunk in the barracks, "Yinzhu, how can such a mission be completed? Let alone a surprise attack on Thor's Hammer Fortress, even if it is a surprise attack on an army of two thousand lionmen in the wild, the chances of our victory Not too high either. As the trump card of the Thunder God Tribe. Although the strength of lion warriors cannot be compared with Behemoth giant beasts. But as natural fighters, they are one of the few races in the orc clan that can use fighting spirit. Hunting and killing two It's easier said than done. Thor's Hammer Fortress has an army of hundreds of thousands of orcs!"

Ye Yinzhu said in a deep voice: "Grandpa Seedorf told me just now that the five qualities a real warrior should possess are courage, wisdom, fighting spirit, murderous intent, and determination. How do we know we can't do it if we haven't tried it? To accomplish this task, we must have the determination to win. Trust me, and trust yourself, we can do it."

After listening to Ye Yinzhu's words. The depression in Oliveira's heart gradually disappeared, yes! When I came to join this team this time, I already had the consciousness of sacrificing for the Milan Empire. This will be the best exercise opportunity for myself. If I can succeed, this honor will accompany me for the rest of my life.

"Okay, let's fight. Yinzhu, let's start planning now. A perfect plan is the first step to success."

A smile appeared on Ye Yinzhu's face, "This is the brother Oliveira I know. However, we should call another person to discuss together."

Oliveira suddenly said: "You mean Ye Hongyan, the leader of the three hundred gods of death?"

Ye Yinzhu nodded.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Oliveira got up to open the door, only to find that it was Ye Hongyan who came. "Brother Ye, when we were talking about you, you came here."

Ye Hongyan nodded and walked into the room. His breath felt a little cold, but among the three hundred gods of death, Ye Yinzhu could feel that he was already the most humane one. "The Marshal has already told me that my brother and I will be at your disposal for a month from tomorrow."

Oliveira said: "So, you know what the mission is this time?"

Ye Hongyan nodded again.

Oliveira said: "I want to hear what you have to say." He knew very well that the main force in the execution of this mission was the Three Hundred Reapers. And the one who is most familiar with the three hundred gods of death is undoubtedly Ye Hongyan. Only under his command can the three hundred gods of death display their strongest fighting ability.

Ye Hongyan said indifferently: "I have no objection. Since the marshal asked me to follow your orders, I will follow your orders. I have never learned any tactics. The only thing the marshal taught us is killing skills. For us, the marshal's order is everything."

Only killing skills, the title of Death God Three Hundred is different.

Oliveira sighed, "This is an impossible task! Time is the biggest problem. From here to the Thor's Hammer Fortress, it will take eight days to march at full speed on the Eric Minlong. It takes 16 days to go back and forth. Even if we can transfer 500 minlongs from the military, there is less than half a month left for us to attack Thor's Hammer Fortress. In such a short time, let alone completing the mission, we can Not being able to see two thousand lion people is a problem."

Ye Hongyan's eyes flashed, "There is no task that is impossible to complete. This is what the marshal asked me to give to you." While speaking, he handed a letter to Ye Yinzhu.

Ye Yinzhu opened the letter and read it with Oliveira. This is a piece of information from Sacred Heart City on the border. Looking at this information, the eyes of both of them could not help but light up. The opportunity lies in this intelligence.

Early the next morning, under the leadership of Ye Yinzhu, Ye Hongyan, and Oliveira, five hundred people embarked on the journey. Two silver dragons set off with them. Haiyang, who had arrived early in the morning, was sitting on the back of Asius' broad dragon.

Without Eric Minlong, Seedorf sent a message before the five hundred of them set off, and this time the task would have to be completed on foot. When receiving this news, except for the three hundred gods of death and Ye Yinzhu, everyone else couldn't help but change their expressions. This is definitely a short journey! Walking, just relying on walking, how long will it take them to reach the extreme northern wilderness? It would be better if it was only soldiers, but among the five hundred people, there are fifty magicians. .

After a brief discussion, Ye Yinzhu gave an order for the first time when he personally led the army for the first time.

Four hundred and fifty warriors took off their armor and weapons and marched lightly. Fifty magicians were carried by the warriors on their backs and replaced every hour.

In a short period of time, this is the only way Ye Yinzhu can think of. Although the armor and weapons of the four hundred and fifty warriors are quite a lot, they only take up a tiny amount of space for the Sumeru God Ring.

With the stimulation received in the First World War yesterday, although 200 people including 50 magicians were horrified by this mission, none of them raised their opinions. Five hundred people left the area of Milan city silently and headed north.

Ye Yinzhu and Haiyang have not joined the rushing camp, not because he wants to be lazy, but because he has more important things to do. So, from the beginning of the journey, he also sat on the back of Asius.

Different from Li Sha's flying speed, Asius' huge body flew smoothly in the air, and even released a wind magic to form a protective barrier, so that the wind in the air could not affect the ocean and Ye Yinzhu. Boil-Teng-Wen-Study Member Hand Type

There were three hundred gods of death, headed by Ye Hongyan. Everyone was dressed in black. They walked at the back of the team, and the other two hundred people, including the magician, ran at the front under the leadership of Oliveira. If they wanted to get to the extreme northern wilderness in a short time, they couldn't have a moment of delay and run at full speed.

The strength of the general green level enables these fighters to have extraordinary speeds, advancing rapidly like a star pill jumping between the mountain roads. For a while, the speed was no worse than Eric Minlong's. Without the burden of equipment and supplies, even a warrior with a man on his back can move forward without slowing down.

"Hang Hai, Pei Yuan's Meditation Song." Ye Yinzhu sat behind Hai Yang and took out his Great Sage's Obscure Qin.

The fighting spirit of the fighters may be strong enough, but they are human beings after all. The body and endurance of human beings are simply incomparable with the agile earth dragons like Eric Minlong. Although the speed is fast at the beginning, how long can they last? Inside. The command of the team is in charge of Oliveira, and Ye Yinzhu not only helps them carry supplies and equipment, but also maintains the endurance of these fighters more importantly. At the same time, this is also the best opportunity for him to exercise his control over Qin's magic.

Guzheng and Guqin, clear and deep, two different tones sounded at the same time, and "Peiyuan's Meditation Song" echoed in the air. The cyan magic light released from Haiyang's body immediately turned purple when Ye Yinzhu's piano sound joined. Circles of purple halos spread in the sky and spread in all directions. .