Zither Emperor

Chapter 327: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song is the first


A sneer bloomed from the corner of Ye Yinzhu's mouth, and he raised his finger to the mountain in front of him, "Climbing the mountain." "Without stopping, the five hundred people approached the top of the mountain as quickly as possible. At this time, the orcs on the top of the mountain seemed to be well prepared. The scene of Ye Yinzhu cutting down trees to block the enemy appeared in front of him. Every plant was killed The felled tree turned into a rolling log and rumbled down, trying to stop the advance of the five hundred troops. Unfortunately, after all, there were only a hundred orcs on the top of the mountain. Years of comfort made them not prepared to attack the mountain at all. There are too few trees cut down temporarily. And they don't have fire magicians to light these thick trunks.

"I'll do it." Oliveira growled, holding his azure blue epee with both hands, and jumped out in a blink of an eye. The lightness of the star blue armor was at its best at this time As a result, streaks of azure blue grudges were released through the heavy sword. He did not deploy the log recklessly, but took advantage of the momentum of the log's downward thrust, and used the heavy sword to lift it up, causing the log to fly over the heads of his companions. However, continue to go down the mountain.

Oliveira's movements were fast, and his grudge was strong enough. The strength of the blue-level fighters was undoubtedly demonstrated at this time. Although the logs slowed down the progress of the Milan fighters, they did not cause any damage. Some logs that slipped through the net also They were all resolved by Ye Yinzhu and Ye Hongyan.

There were no more rolling logs falling from the top of the mountain, and at this time, the poor one hundred defenders had already entered the magician's attack range.

The fireball technique landed on the top of the mountain without any suspense. In that sea of flames, the way forward was already clear.

"Li Sha, help put out the fire." Through soul attachment, Ye Yinzhu sent a signal to Li Sha for help. I don't know if her mentality changed after defeating Li Sha last time, a faint blue light flashed. A heavy rain poured down, and before the five hundred people like Ye Yinzhu stepped up to the top of the mountain, they had already extinguished the flames caused by the fireball technique on the top of the mountain.

"Yinzhu, what are you doing to put out the fire? Let's just charge over there with fighting spirit." Oliveira looked at Ye Yinzhu in confusion.

Ye Yinzhu pointed to the thousands of orcs who were in a state of embarrassment because of being picked off by Oliveira, "There are more than ten mission objectives here, don't you want to finish them?"

Oliveira was surprised, "Are you going to kill all these orcs?" With their five hundred elites, it is not a problem to kill the thousand orcs who are chasing up, but it will definitely delay time. For them who go deep into the tiger's den, time is life. Once surrounded by the orc army-level combat system, it is a situation of life and death.

Ye Yinzhu smiled lightly. "I know what big brother is worried about, but big brother just needs to cut off the ears of those ten or so lion men, and we can move on." While talking, he sat down on the ground without explaining, and the light flash. Mingfengqin was already lying on her knees.

Ye Yinzhu gently caressed the inscription on both sides of "Mingfeng", "The morning sun is rising. The nesting phoenix makes a sound. Zhusi plays, and the world is civilized." The wind and frost on his face seemed to disappear. Under the sunshine in the morning, his sunny face was a bit elegant and lazy.

Lightly flicking the eight fingers, the faint voiceless sound flowed with the strings, as if afraid of waking up the soul in the Mingfeng Qin, and the notes were as clear and clear as Fengming. Although the pitch is slightly higher, the notes played by Mingfengqin are more rounding and rounding than other guqins. Every clear note seems to hover in the air until it loses the last tremor before disappearing quietly.

Each note is very light, hovering in lightness, it should be a high-pitched piano sound, but under the action of Ye Yinxiu's hands and eight fingers, the notes interspersed and hovered, giving people a soft and soothing feeling. The soft rhythm hovers in the bedroom, dispelling not only tension, but also all negative emotions. Soothe the tension brought about by the soldiers because of this mission and battle killing.

Circles of dark yellow halos drifted down from the Mingfeng Qin, and the targets were those orcs who were quickly approaching the top of the mountain. Although Ye Yinzhu can't control it as accurately as Shenyin Halo when using piano magic in a large area, there is still no problem with the control of the general direction. The warriors and magicians behind them just released their inner tension in the music, but those orcs who climbed the mountain in the music had another feeling.

The mood of anger and killing was soothed by the music, and the orc warrior didn't think too much except for the strange sound of the music. However, in the dark yellow piano rhyme, the movements slowed down one by one, completely relaxing the body and mind in the harmonious and gentle music, and relaxing in the piano music with less thinking, less reading, less desire, less talking, less laughing and less worrying. Slowly enter the most relaxing sleep in the true meaning. .

Who could have known that the soft melody could have such a powerful ability? Seeing the orcs fall one by one while climbing the mountain, not only Oliveira and the earth warriors, but even the three hundred gods of death couldn't help being moved. What kind of magical ability is this? Divine Musician, is it really so scary

A piece of "Wangji" ended in a voiceless tone. Ye Yinzhu put away the piano and got up, not looking at the orc chasing soldiers who had fallen asleep, pointing to the direction of the extreme northern wilderness, "Let's go." Killing doesn't do any good to build a team, just getting the Sphinx ears needed for that quest is enough. The most important thing is to hurry up and enter the extreme northern wilderness.

Ye Yinzhu never told anyone how powerful he was, nor did he explain anything. He told the soldiers and magicians under his command with actions that he was a magician who was trustworthy and capable of protecting everyone.

Climb over this mountain and finally enter the extreme northern wilderness. Entering from this most unlikely natural moat does not mean that overcoming this mountain range is more honorable than attacking Thor's Hammer Fortress. Ye Yinzhu's goal of 500 people couldn't be compared with the big army. If the Milan Empire army came, they would have been discovered by the orcs long ago. Of course, there is a more important point that human countries have never taken the initiative to attack orcs in the past few hundred years. The reason is very simple. The barrenness of the extreme northern wasteland is not the territory that humans hope to obtain at all, and the tyranny of the orcs will cause great resistance to the human army. Who would do such a thankless thing? For the three countries bordering the extreme northern wilderness, it was enough to keep the enemies out of the country as much as possible when the orcs were plundering in autumn.

Of course, it's not that the human country didn't think about completely eradicating the orcs from the world. There have also been large-scale attacks in history. But there are too many orcs, and the extreme northern wilderness is so vast, coupled with the harsh climate. The large-scale attacks of humans will only increase the hatred between humans and orcs. They really want to destroy the orcs, but they can't do it. Of course, it is not impossible to wipe out the orcs in the extreme northern wilderness if all the eight kingdoms of the mainland put all their efforts into it. However, in the situation where the north and the south are separated, and under the constraints of Falan, the eight human kingdoms will only restrict each other, so how can they work together

The appearance of more than ten beacon fires rising from the top of the mountain is absolutely spectacular, and the early warning effect they bring is also produced immediately.

Before the team went down to the bottom of the mountain, Ye Yinzhu and the others saw the orc army galloping from the extreme northern wasteland.

Ye Yinzhu ordered the team to stop, looked far away, and carefully observed the orc army that was rapidly approaching here. The flames were lit and the reinforcements arrived, which he had long thought of. At the border, the orcs will definitely have an army stationed.

Oliveira is also observing. When it comes to military capabilities, at least the current Ye Yinzhu can't compare with him. He let out a sigh, "Why are there so few?"

Ye Hongyan frowned and said, "Is it small? I think there is at least one legion's strength, which is not small?"

Oliveira nodded, and said: "Of course it's a small number. It's not that our army didn't want to pass through the mountains before, but the arrangement of the orcs here has at least three mixed legions. But it seems that there is only one legion, which is equivalent to one-third of the original. And seeing the beacon, the orc defenders will definitely attack with all their strength, which should be all the orc troops guarding the border."

Listening to the conversation between Oliveira and Ye Hongyan, Ye Yinzhu suddenly said decisively: "Go back to the top of the mountain. Ye Hongyan, please lead the 100 spear warriors among the 300 members of the Reaper, and sing the words that were played before in my piano music. Kill half of the sleeping orcs, then press the other half to the top of the mountain, and let them go down the mountain." There are tens of thousands of orcs in the front, if the thousand orcs behind wake up from their sleep and attack, the five hundred orcs of Ye Yinzhu and the others will be defeated. It is undoubtedly extremely disadvantageous for people. Facing the crisis of survival, Ye Yinzhu had no choice but to order the massacre of the orc soldiers who could not resist.

Ye Hongyan didn't say much. As a qualified fighter, the first thing is to obey orders. This is also the most basic and most important thing that Seedorf taught them at the beginning. With one hundred Reapers and three hundred soldiers, Ye Hongyan retreated immediately.

Ye Yinzhu continued to order calmly: "All the epee fighters and magicians stay here, and the fighters who use spears temporarily retreat to the top of the mountain to wait for orders. Brother Oliveira, you take them to the top of the mountain to build fortifications, here temporarily give it to me."-

Pray again that more people will survive in the disaster area. At the same time, I also appeal to the book lovers of Xiaosan to please contribute to the disaster area if possible. The recent content is the accumulation of strength before the war, everyone read slowly. By the way, pull down the monthly pass. .