Zither Emperor

Chapter 68: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song, the tenth


Before Anya could speak, Sura rushed to say, "It's better not to bother Miss Anya, we'll find it ourselves."

Anya smiled and said: "No trouble. Yinzhu, I remember that you are a divine musician. Last time you said that you wanted to play the piano for me. I have a piano here. Why don't you play one first for me to listen to?" Although the waiters are already fully recruited, I happen to be short of a divine musician to play here." Speaking of this, she glanced at Sura with a half-smile, and said, "Of course, I won't play favoritism. If your piano skills can't meet my requirements, I won't hire you."

Ye Yinzhu said with a smile: "I don't need to hire me to play a piano for my sister. I already have a piano."

At this time, the tea has been brought up, the delicate purple sand pot and cups, the waiter has obviously done the work of washing the tea and ironing the pot, and directly poured the tea in the pot into the bowl. Immediately, a fragrance of plum blossoms came, which was refreshing and already very comfortable to smell. The tea soup is light red and looks attractive.

Anya smiled and said: "Drink some tea first. This is Hongqiao plum blossom tea, a kind of scented tea. It is a must-have tribute for the Milan court, and the output is extremely rare. It has the effects of reducing fire, reducing inflammation, detoxifying and beautifying, and delaying aging. Added a little rock sugar, it tastes very good.”

Ye Yinzhu picked up the tea bowl and took a sip. Suddenly, a stream of heat flowed down his throat. The warm feeling made the chill outside dissipate a lot. Immediately afterwards, a faint fragrance of plum blossoms was exhaled from the lungs along with the sweetness in the mouth, and the pores of the whole body seemed to be opened. It was indescribably comfortable, and he couldn't help subconsciously saying: "Good tea."

At first Sura saw that it was scented tea, and there was a hint of disdain in his eyes, but after he took a sip, his disdain was replaced by surprise, and before he knew it, he drank all of the small cup of Hongqiao plum tea.

Anya smiled slightly and said: "When it comes to tea, green tea and oolong tea are always respected, but I only love scented tea. Many people disdain to drink scented tea, and even say that scented tea is a commoner among tea leaves. But I don't think so. First of all , the scented tea here is not fried with flowers and tea leaves. It is real flowers, which are dried into tea. It is also the main business item of my Piaolanxuan. I think this kind of scented tea is tea Noble middle class. The different effects of different scented teas are much better than green tea and oolong tea."

Ye Yinzhu smiled honestly and said, "I don't know much about tea, but it's really delicious."

Anya sighed softly, and said: "The tea culture has a long history, and it was handed down from the original Donglong Empire. Unfortunately, it has been lost too much..."

"Donglong Empire?" Ye Yinzhu looked at Anya in surprise. Although this is the first time he has heard of this name, he is too familiar with the word Donglong. His grandfather and Grandpa Qin have mentioned Donglong Bazong more than once. Although they don't understand the meaning, they want to come and An Ya The so-called Eastern Dragon Empire should have some kind of connection.

Anya's face changed slightly, but she quickly returned to normal. She hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Yinzhu, don't you want to play the piano for me? How about now?"

Although Ye Yinzhu was surprised, but he was pure-hearted. As soon as Anya changed the subject, he didn't ask any more questions. The water drop on the ring flashed with blue crystal light, and the slender Haiyue Qinghui piano floated on the table. Although the table is a bit high, Ye Yinzhu is slender and can barely use the tea table as a piano table when sitting upright.

Chestnut shell lacquer, running water with broken patterns, the luster of the sea moon exudes its aloofness, the strings with faint blue light, and the thirteen qin emblems inlaid with pearls exude a touch of elegance and harmony. The dignity of the piano.

"Good piano." Anya said in surprise. She didn't expect that Ye Yinzhu could get such a good piano in such a short period of time.

Focus on the nose, the nose and the heart, and the dantian of the heart, and the breath is evenly mixed. Sit in front of the fifth emblem of the qin, put your hands on the strings and press lightly, and integrate your inner heart strings with the strings of the Guqin. At that time, Ye Yinzhu seemed to be a different person. The innocence and clarity in his eyes had completely turned into obsession and obsession. Even though he was wearing the uniform of the Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts, the elegance he exuded at this time was much stronger than that of the purest nobleman.

With light shaking of both hands, the sleeves were shaken away from the wrists, revealing the eight fingers of both hands, lightly pressing the left hand with the right hand, raising the spring warbler out of the valley and flicking lightly. Quietly sounded.

Heart and mind, mind and piano, perhaps because it was playing for Anya, since Ye Yinzhu came to Milan Magic and Martial Arts Academy, for the first time, he let go of his heart and played without any purpose among. It has won the essence of concentration and deliberation, and emotional concentration.

At this time, his mind has completely settled down, his eyes are full of leisurely and confident light, he is calm and composed, and his whole body is completely integrated into the world with the music of the piano. The sound of the piano is like the coming autumn expressing the admiration in his heart , everything is so harmonious and natural.

Without the release of the red light of the zither magic, although Ye Yinzhu's spirit was fully concentrated, he was only playing the zither. All the staff present, even the waiters on the upper two floors of Piaolanxuan, stopped their movements at this moment, and everyone stood quietly in place, listening to the lingering sounds of nature.

Maybe Anya and Sura didn't understand, but under the full attention of the playing, Ye Yinzhu's right hand has successively used the posture of the spring warbler going out of the valley, the posture of the crane dancing with the wind, the posture of the crane singing in the shadow, and the posture of Baoyan holding the reed. , the solitary bird looks at the crowd, the merchant sheep encourages the momentum, the flying dragon takes the cloud, and the mantis catches the cicada. The left hand is supplemented by the posture of the autumn osprey facing the wind, the posture of the divine bird holding the book, the posture of the fragrant forest, the posture of the blue dragon entering the sea, the posture of the resting phoenix combing the feathers, the posture of the leopard hugging the object, the posture of the ape ascending the wood, and the posture of spreading the voice in the empty valley. The hands are like dancing elves, moving in a miraculous and flowing rhythm. If this song "Qiu Hong" is only viewed from the perspective of piano music performance, even Qin Shang here has no choice but to bow down. Chizi Qinxin's concentration is unmatched by any divine musician.

The weather is cold, and autumn wakes up, wandering around like a frightened bird, the joy of harvest, and the fear of entering winter, surrounded by the sounds of the day, are deeply imprinted in everyone's heart. The ancient rhyme is curling, the sound of the piano is curling, and the common vibration of the strings and heartstrings brings this moving song "Qiu Hong".

Hum, the last tremolo went away, Ye Yinzhu raised his hands softly, then slowly put them down, and landed on the strings to make everything calm. His eyes were bright, and during the whole-hearted song just now, he had a new understanding of the mystery of the qin music. In a vague way, Ye Yinzhu felt that his qin magic seemed to have a faint breakthrough.

Silence, in the entire Piaolanxuan, the only thing left at this moment is the rustling of the leaves blown by the wind. Everyone in the hall on the first floor focused on Ye Yinzhu, showing a look of infatuation. Even if they didn't deliberately use their spiritual power to blend into the sound of the piano, the appeal of this song "Qiu Hong" made everyone deeply moved. into it.

"Qixian is a good friend, and two ears are bosom friends. A calm heart means a quiet voice. Its smell is unprecedented. Good piano, good music. I haven't heard such an appealing piano music for many years." An old voice It came from the entrance, waking everyone up from the lingering rhyme of the piano sound. .