Zither Emperor

Chapter 7: Born with eight fingers (1)



As the weakest kingdom on the entire Ryuzakinus continent, Arcadia's territory is undoubtedly the smallest. It is located at the southeast end of the entire continent. surrounded by the empire. If it weren't for the intervention of the place called Falan in the center of the mainland, a country like Arcadia would have perished long ago. And our story begins with Luna City, the capital of Arcadia.

The scorching sun is like fire, especially in the south of Longzinus Continent. The sun in the sky seems to be right in front of us, bringing scorching hot air. sweating. Although it was still morning, the streets of Luna City were full of lazy faces. No wonder some people would say that the reason why the two powerful empires, Landias and Popang, did not divide Arcadia was not only because At the same time, Fa Lan's interference was also because this place was actually the hottest furnace on the entire continent.

Of course, there were no exceptions. At this moment, a hale and hearty old man came to the gate of the Magic Guild in Luna City.

There was no wrinkle on the white magic robe, just as tall and straight as himself. The dense wrinkles showed the age of the old man, and the long silver-white hair was combed neatly behind his head. The old magician was tall, at least half a head taller than ordinary Acadians, and he was also covered with wrinkles. In his right hand, he held a slender staff. Although the staff was propped on the ground at this time, no one would think that he was relying on this pure wooden staff to support his body. That's because of the eyes, the eyes of the old magician. A pair of black eyes as clear as an abyss, but extremely clear. The old mage squinted his eyes slightly, but the faint light still inadvertently revealed between opening and closing.

"Praise Falan, hello respected mage, may I help you?" Pirlo saw the old mage just after he came out of the mage's guild. Any valuable attire or magic item, even from his magic robe and the elemental fluctuations that do not appear all over his body, it is impossible to discern his level. However, as a yellow-level mid-level magician who has been trained in the Luna City Magic Guild for more than 20 years, he believes in his own feelings. Only those who want to show off will reflect their magic level on the logo on the magic robe, and the old mage in front of him looks at least seventy years old, how can he be a low-level magician? ? What's more, there was not a drop of sweat on his wrinkled forehead.

"Praise Falan." The voice of the old magician sounded very soft and sweet, although it was a bit deep, but it sounded like bathing in the spring breeze, as if even the scorching air had become a bit cooler. "I came from Falan, please take me to meet the interim president of the guild."

Pirlo's body suddenly became stiff, and a pair of radiant eyes were full of surprise and ecstasy, coming from Falan? He is from France. On the continent of Longzinus, even the most ordinary civilians will definitely understand the meaning when they hear this sentence. The president of the Luna City Magic Guild has passed away for more than two years. As the head of the Magic Guild of the Kingdom of Arcadia, the post of president has been vacant for more than two years. He came from Falan , could it be...

What is the noblest profession in Ryuzakinus? It's a magician. Perhaps some people do not believe in the existence of gods, but there is no one who does not worship magicians. Falan is a piece of plain land on the continent of Longzinus. The area is about half the size of the Kingdom of Arcadia, and it is a fertile land, but no country dares to make a move on it, because it is a holy land for magicians. Falan is the belief of almost all countries except the extreme northern wilderness of Longzinus continent.

Falan is not only the sacred place for magicians, but also the place that magicians fear most. Except for the Falan Legion guarding Falan, only magicians can enter here. It is not too difficult to enter Falan, but , wanting to leave Falan, but almost all magicians dare not expect it. Without the strength above the blue level, they will not be allowed to leave there.

The levels of magicians, from low to high, are magicians, intermediate magicians, advanced magicians, great magicians, mages, magisters, and great magisters. No matter what kind of magic it is, it has the same color, graded in the colors of the rainbow. The lowest-level magician corresponds to the first color in the rainbow, red, which is red, and so on. Blue, on behalf of the magister. The first six colors of the rainbow are divided into three levels of junior high school and high school. A yellow-level intermediate magician like Pirlo is an intermediate-level advanced magician. And as the last color of the rainbow, purple, is divided into nine ranks. The great magisters who are also purple ranks, and there is undoubtedly a huge difference in strength between different ranks. There is another reason why Falan can become a sacred place for magicians, that is, in Falan, there are a total of seven mage towers, and in each of the mage towers, there is a powerful ninth-level purple Mage, and they are the pinnacle existence of Ryuzakinus.

Therefore, on the continent of Ryuzakinus, it is very easy to identify a person's strength. Any magic or grudge is distinguished by color. The color when released can fully show the user's own strength.

"Please, please." Pirlo stepped aside in fear.

There was a smile on the old magician's face, and he nodded slightly to Pirlo, and then followed him into the magician's guild.

In the guild hall, there are huge magic elements. The magic hexagram inlaid with mithril on the ground emits a faint silver light. The interior of the guild looks very empty. This has a lot to do with the rare number of magicians, like Ah In a small kingdom like Cadia, the number of magicians can only be described as sparse. Therefore, although the guild's status in the kingdom is very high, it is still deserted.

Pirlo didn't make the old magician wait for too long. After a while, an equally old magician had been invited out of the guild by him. The magician was wearing a cyan magic robe, and he looked similar to the old magician from outside.

"Praise Falan, hello, mage from afar. I am Diarra, the fire magician, acting president of the Magicians Guild of the Kingdom of Arcadia." Bending down to salute, at the same time, a light blue flame rose from his right hand, showing his exact rank as a junior magician, which is the most noble etiquette for a magician. You know, with Diyala's status in Arcadia, there is no need to do it even to see the king. There is only one reason why he is so respectful, because the white-robed mage in front of him is from Falan.

"Praise Falan, my name is Qin Shang, I come from Falan, this is Falan's letter." Qin Shang handed the wooden staff to his left hand, and stretched his right hand in front of Di Yala, a faint light flashed However, a sheepskin scroll has appeared in his palm.

Both Pirlo and Diarra were stunned by the scene in front of them, because they clearly saw that although the light in Qin Shang's hand was very faint, the color of the light was purple.

Diarra took the sheepskin scroll with trembling hands, and slowly unfolded it. There was nothing on the sheepskin scroll, it was just blank, but Diarra did not find it strange. He subconsciously looked at Qin Shang in front of him. .
