Zither Emperor

Chapter 81: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Song, the tenth



The dean of the heavy cavalry department was a strong man in his forties. Facing Nina's sarcasm, he remained silent. His rigid face did not change at all, and he focused his eyes on the competition field.

Ferguson smiled slightly, and whispered to Nina beside him: "Your Divine Music Department's ability to enter the finals has surprised many people. Director Nina, don't be too greedy!"

In a contest of the same level, a warrior can never be an opponent of a magician, because all magicians who can go to the battlefield have their own magical beasts. As a meat shield, a monster can completely withstand fighters of the same level. As long as the magical power of the magician is truly displayed, the result of the fighters is doomed to be miserable. This situation is the only exception among warriors for heavy cavalry, because heavy cavalry also has their own mounts. If the mounts are strong enough to compete with the magician's monsters, then they have a chance to win. It is very difficult for magicians of the divine music department to have powerful monsters, and the five members of the heavy cavalry department who participated in this battle are completely dragoons. With Eric Minlong's speed and Maginot Iron Dragon's powerful offensive and defensive capabilities, Ferguson has every reason to believe that if the Shenyin Department competes in the same team battles as before, the power of music will not be fully exerted. Trampled down by dragoons. It is impossible for the Guardian of the Moon God to withstand the impact of the dragoons. Although Ye Yinzhu has a sound blade, the heavy cavalry also has their own fighting spirit. In any aspect, the heavy cavalry has already occupied an absolute advantage. The only person who can make Ferguson feel a little suspense is probably Ye Yinzhu. Regardless of victory or defeat, he hopes to see another surprise from Yinzhu.

The two sides of the competition were already facing each other in the middle of the field. The chief general of the heavy cavalry department sitting on the back of the Maginot Iron Dragon, plus his own height, was already close to five meters. In front of them, Ye Yinzhu looked so small .

"Heavy Cavalry Department, Chief, Nesta, second grade." He took off the lance from the bird's wing ring, touched the helmet in his left hand lightly, and made a standard knight's salute.

"Ye Yinzhu, the leader of the Shenyin department, first grade." Ye Yinzhu stroked his chest with his right hand, and returned the other party with a standard aristocratic etiquette.

Nesta's figure is the most magnificent among the five members of the heavy cavalry department. His bones are very broad, and there is no expression on his rigid face. Facing Ye Yinzhu's "smallness", he did not show any trace of underestimating the enemy. "Please choose the game method."

"Wolves." Ye Yinzhu's answer was only two simple words.

Nesta finally showed some surprise in his eyes, "Wolves?"

Ye Yinzhu nodded.

Wolves are one of the three methods of competition. Unlike one-on-one confrontation and team battles, the wolf pack competition method is that both sides send out one player to fight. The winning side can continue to fight until the loser. Two people, and so on. In this way, it is not the best of five rounds, but one side must defeat all the opponent's players in order to win the final victory of the game.

After confirming Ye Yinzhu's choice, the audience was in an uproar. In the eyes of everyone, the Shenyin department is already very dangerous even in team battles. But there may still be a small chance, but he actually chose the wolf pack method, that is to say, every fragile divine musician may be exposed to the fierce impact of the dragoons, and the last suspense of the game seems to be too much. has disappeared.

Only Ferguson on the rostrum showed a smile of approval on his face, slowly nodded and said: "It's a good choice. It avoids the most beneficial collective charge and mutual cooperation of the heavy cavalry. Perhaps Ye Yinzhu will really bring us It's a miracle." In fact, most people in the department don't know that the strongest part of the heavy cavalry department is team battles.

"Sister Haiyang, are we really not going to help Yinzhu?" Lan Xi asked anxiously in a low voice.

Haiyang glanced at her, "Do you think we can help him by going up?"

Looking up at the huge figure of the dragoon, Lan Xi couldn't help turning pale, and shook her head slightly. At this time, the peacock, who was still a little angry before, had already lowered his head.

Before the start of the game, Ye Yinzhu had already determined the game tactics of the wolves, but he was the only one who played in the Shenyin department. In other words, if the opponent defeats him, then it is equivalent to defeating the entire Divine Music Department, and if he wants to win, he must defeat the opponent's five talents one by one. Just as everyone thought, facing the charge of the heavy cavalry, even the simplest contact of the Shenyin master may cause fatal damage. Ye Yinzhu said that he must protect his partners, so after entering the final , he chose the wolves. This is not only a responsibility to everyone, but also a strong confidence in oneself.

The five participating students of the heavy cavalry department slowly retreated to the sidelines. Ye Yinzhu did not retreat to his own half to start playing as the others thought. With a wave of his left hand, Haiyue Qinghuiqin appeared in his arms out of thin air. in the crook of the left arm.

The competition started, and the first student from the Department of Heavy Cavalry to appear on the field was a student riding Eric Minlong, with a faint yellow fighting spirit shining on the tip of the lance. Amidst the cheers of the students from the Martial Arts Department, Chao Yeyin Bamboo rushed over.

This is Ye Yinzhu's first time facing the dragoons. Although Eric Minlong's figure is not too big, when its slender dragon legs move, the impact is like a hurricane. The acceleration of hundreds of meters only took a few blinks of an eye, and he rushed to Ye Yinzhu with a violent wind.

The sharpness of the lance exudes a faint cold light. With the speed brought by Eric Minlong and the strength of the middle-level fighting spirit of the yellow level, even if it is facing a thick wall, it will be completely pierced.

Ye Yinzhu embraced Haiyue Qinghui, stood there without even making a dodge movement, seeing Eric Minlong gradually enlarged in front of his eyes, his eyes did not change at all, many martial arts students were already slandering in their hearts , Has the master general of the divine music department been frightened out of his wits

"Om—" Ye Yinzhu finally moved, and when Erik Minlong had rushed ten meters in front of him, his right hand quickly slid across the strings, and Ye Yinzhu's popping sound sounded instantly.

Booming sound, the closer the distance, the greater its power. Ye Yinzhu chose to release it at this time, in order to give the opponent a comprehensive impact.

Heavy cavalry is much stronger than magicians in terms of physical defense, but their spiritual defense is weaker than any magicians. The sudden explosion of sound would even cause a short-term distraction for a yellow-level magician, let alone the first-year student of the heavy cavalry in front of him. His originally violent attack posture suddenly became stagnant, and his mind was completely blank.

The distance of ten meters was reached in just an instant for Erik Minlong, who had already charged up. When Ye Yinzhu's right hand slid across the sea and moon, he jumped up from the ground, the yellow light was burning all over his body, and Ye Yinzhu's posture in mid-air was still so elegant, like a cloud, covering his eyes opponent. .