Zither Emperor

Chapter 91: The second episode of Milan School of Magic and Martial Arts - the fifth episode of Deadwood Dragon's Yin is the second


Ye Yinzhu's heart was shocked, Huazong, one of the eight Donglong sects

Qin Shang didn't tell Ye Yinzhu too much about the Eight Eastern Dragon Sects, but he also told him that the Eight Eastern Dragon Sects are divided into two parts, namely magic and martial arts. The four sects representing magic are piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. The four sects representing martial arts are plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum. Qin Zong ranked first among the four magic sects, while Hua Zong ranked last. Although this ranking does not represent the absolute strength comparison of the four sects, it also reflects their mutual strength among the eight sects of the East Dragon to a certain extent.

Ye Yinzhu didn't ask, because he knew that now was not the time to ask, so he no longer refused, nodded and said, "That's good."

The other students on both sides gradually retreated. Amidst the shouts and cheers of the students from the Ministry of Magic, the final battle of this year's freshman contest was finally about to begin.

Ma Liang was wearing a standard summoning gray magic robe. He was a little shorter than Ye Yinzhu, and his sleeves were very wide. Although the appearance is not too handsome, it gives people a cheerful feeling, and it is easy to give people a good impression.

When Ye Yinzhu took out his own Haiyue Qinghui, Ma Liang also had something in his hand. On the surface, it seemed to be a magic wand, a very strange magic wand. The staff is about two feet long, shining with a faint red light. At the top of the staff is a white gem. The gem is in the shape of a large drop, with the tip pointing outwards, and is three inches long. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just a strange magic wand, but Ye Yinzhu knows that this is the painting brush of the Painting School.

The four sects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting represent the four kinds of magic. Qin Zong belongs to the divine music department, a branch of spiritual magic. Chess Sect belongs to the Sealing Department, a branch of Space Magic, and Book Sect is similar to Elemental Departments. It is the only one among the four that practices comprehensive magic. As for the painting sect, it is the summoning magic that they practice.

Ye Yinzhu had heard four simple introductions from Qin Shang, but this was the first time he had actually faced them.

Ma Liang smiled slightly and said: "Brother Ye, I have watched your match before, but it was the match between you and Nesta that confirmed my judgment. I know you are very strong , today, let us fight fairly." The evolution of strength that violates the rainbow level is the symbol of Donglong Bazong

While speaking, Ma Liang twirled the magic wand lightly in his palm, and his relaxed expression became dignified at this moment. He waved his right hand sharply, and seemed to be chanting some spell in his mouth, and yellow arcs of light appeared on the The tip of his magic wand gradually outlined a pattern in the air.

From the eyes of others, Ma Liang seems to be drawing a magic circle dedicated to the summoning system, while cooperating with the spells in his mouth. But only Ye Yinzhu knew that his mouth movements were just deceiving people. Except for very special circumstances, the four magic schools in the eight schools of Donglong use magic without the assistance of spells. At this time, the paintbrush in Ma Liang's hand is his real weapon.

Ma Liang's movements were quick, and the magic wand in the form of a brush was waving in the air like clouds and flowing water. In just a few blinks, a wolf-shaped picture was completed. A strange scene appeared, all the rays of light outlined by him expanded instantly when he finished his last stroke, and merged in the air. In the blink of an eye, the expanded rays of light had been completely condensed together.

"Aww—" Amidst the wolf's spit, the huge blue wolf, which had been over three meters long, had already got out of the pattern, and rushed straight at Ye Yinzhu. No% Chinese Network 6 "

Sitting on the rostrum, Ferguson couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw this scene: "It's a strange summoning circle. I don't seem to have seen it before. The young people nowadays are really surprising me one by one." Summoning magic is The weirdest and most special kind of magic. Except that the level is also divided according to the level of the rainbow, everything else is different from other types of magic. And when the magician of the summoning system summons different monsters, the methods of summoning are also various. This is also the reason why Ma Liang is not afraid of his identity as the painting sect being found out.

The three-meter-long blue wolf is a third-order magical beast, the wind wolf, which belongs to common magical beasts. Although Ma Liang appears to be at the yellow level, Ye Yinzhu, who is familiar with the eight sects of Donglong, knows that this Ma Liang is at least as good as himself. The same is the level of the elementary level of the green level. It's just that I don't know what the second stage of the painting sect is called. With his current magic level, he could at least summon Tier 4 or Tier 5 monsters. Once the number of Warcraft reached a certain level, it would be difficult for him to deal with it. He didn't forget how much trouble the dragon brought him in the previous two games.

Thinking of this, Ye Yinzhu's body has already rushed out facing the wolf. Holding Haiyue Qinghui in her left hand, and stretching her right hand forward, Bisi quietly flung it out, turning into circles of emerald green halos in the air with yellow fighting energy, and rolled directly towards Fenglang's head.

The speed of the wind wolf is very fast. When it is rushing towards Ye Yinzhu, wind blades have spewed out from its mouth. Although it is only an orange-level wind blade, as an exclusive monster of the wind system, the orange-level wind blade of the wind wolf But instant. Unfortunately, it met Ye Yinzhu today.

The second-level yellow bamboo is equivalent to the middle-level green-level bamboo grudge. It didn't give the wind wolf any chance. The moment all the wind blades met Bisi, they were immediately twisted and shattered, and they returned to their original breeze form. Bisi put it on Fenglang's head accurately, and the next moment, Ye Yinzhu had already flashed past Fenglang and rushed towards Ma Liang.

The body of the wind wolf froze there, and when Ye Yinzhu passed by it, its huge body turned into dots of light and disappeared.

The monsters summoned by summoning magicians are formed through the condensation of elemental energy, which is also the particularity of summoning magic. Once the monster dies, it will return to its original elemental form and disappear. Therefore, for summoning magicians, the two most important points are the proficient use of various summoning circles, and the other is powerful magic power. Only with more mana support can more and stronger monsters be summoned through element transformation.

Ma Liang didn't expect Ye Yinzhu to solve his wind wolf so quickly. At this time, although his brush was still waving quickly, his second painting, that is, the second magic, had not been completed.

Although Ye Yinzhu's speed could not be compared with Sura, but with a fighting spirit equivalent to the green level, he was much stronger than a magician. In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Ma Liang, raised his right hand, and Bisi It turned into a slender emerald green light, and directly pointed towards Ma Liang's right hand holding the brush.

At this moment, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Ma Liang's face. Bisi did tap his wrist, but Ye Yinzhu clearly felt that his Bisi tapped on the empty space. Ma Liang in front of him has gradually turned into an illusion and disappeared.

"Brother Ye, I'm sorry, I cast a substitute beast magic on myself just now." Ma Liang's voice came from behind. When Ye Yinzhu turned around, he found that Ma Liang was already on the other side of the field, a short distance away from him. There is a distance of five hundred meters. And his paintbrush is still flashing rapidly. This second picture of summoning magic is obviously much more complicated than the previous one. .