Zombie Evolution

Chapter 132: Mysterious Gray Iron


When we arrived in front of Guiyun Tower, we saw a big cart waiting in front of the door. Of course, the cart was not an ordinary horse, but a huge, docile half-monster, the Firescale Horse.

It is said that this fire-scaled horse is the offspring of a horse and a fire-scaled ox. It has inherited the endurance of the fire-scaled ox and the speed of the horse.

When Zhang Yang heard about the origin of the fire-scaled horse for the first time, he thought of the burly figure and violent temper of the fire-scaled armored ox he had seen before, and secretly wiped his sweat for the fire-scaled horse's mother. How did it withstand the toss of the fire-scaled ox

"Why? Isn't Fangshi in Maiji Town?" Seeing the carriage, Zhang Yang asked.

"Hehe, yes, senior! Because not only the local monks from Maiji Town, but also many monks from other places will come to participate in the square market. There are so many people in chaos. Maiji Town is full of mortals, really. It is a bit inconvenient, so it has always been held at Baiyun Mountain, more than 50 miles west of the city. This token is the identity verification for entering Fangshi." The white manager came forward to explain with a smile, and at the same time handed over a wooden On the token, Zhang Yang's name was engraved on it.

Zhang Yang took it and nodded noncommittally.

More than fifty miles, for him, is a distance that can be reached with wings.

However, firstly, I don't know the specific location of Fangshi; secondly, the characteristics of the golden wings are too obvious. He once made a big fuss in the Tianyuzong a few years ago, and now if his identity is revealed, it will be really inconvenient. Therefore, it is better to take the car honestly according to the arrangement.

Opening the door curtain and getting into the car, I found that there were already three or four people in the car. The most eye-catching one was a purple-clothed female cultivator sitting in the innermost corner. Man's body; a layer of veil covers the face, and the face is hazy, giving people unlimited imagination.

Subconsciously, Zhang Yang wanted to test his consciousness and see her beauty, but he quickly suppressed this rude thought.

Although he thinks he has an immortal body, coupled with many methods, it should be no problem to sweep the foundation building period; however, there are dangers everywhere in the cultivation world, and it is always right to be vigilant at all times.

The other two were inconspicuous, both at the seventh or eighth level of Qi refining stage, but judging by the distance between them, they should not be accomplices.

Zhang Yang didn't intend to greet these people either, so he went inside and sat in another corner.

After a while, several people got into the car one after another.

Without exception, the first thing they saw after entering was that Qingzi Yixiu. After a bald monk came in, he yelled at the female nun again and again, but under the reminder of his companion, he did not take any further rude actions.

The compartment quickly filled up, ten people in total. However, because the carriage is very spacious, it doesn't look crowded at all, but there is enough room for activities.

The white steward seemed to be the escort of this trip. When he saw all the people present and said hello, the fire-scaled horse "Herod" let out a long neigh and began to gallop wildly.

Zhang Yang looked like an old monk sitting still, without squinting. In fact, when everyone got into the car, he had already judged their strength clearly.

Among these people, apart from Zhang Yang himself, there were three other cultivators at the Foundation Establishment Stage, namely the woman in purple, the bald-headed cultivator, and his companion—a gray-haired old man.

Among them, the purple-clothed woman was at the mid-stage foundation-building stage, the bald male monk was at the late stage of the foundation-building stage, and his companion, the gray-haired old man, was at the peak foundation-building stage.

The fire-scaled horse galloped swiftly, but it was extremely smooth, and everyone was extremely quiet along the way. Only the bald-headed male monk stared at the purple-clothed woman with lecherous eyes from time to time.

After traveling for more than twenty miles, only the fire-scaled horse "Herod" neighed, and the cart jolted.

"Grandma! What's the matter with this driver? Are you going to die?"

The bald man Xiu immediately scolded.

Looking out of the car window, a group of Timberwolves ran out of nowhere, howling and running on both sides of the car.

If it were an ordinary horse, in this case, I'm afraid it would be frightening. However, the fire-scaled horse has the bloodline of the fire-scaled ox, so it is naturally not afraid of these things. On the contrary, it runs faster. Even when a forest wolf approaches, its thick hooves suddenly collapsed, immediately trampling it until its brains burst out. .

Soon, several balls of fire were sprayed from both sides of the carriage, igniting the two closest Timberwolves, and immediately lying on the ground howled miserably; there were even a few throwing knives flashing out, beheading dozens of Timberwolves in no time. But it's white management waiting to make a move.

Those Timberwolves suffered heavy losses, and seeing that they could not take advantage of it, they slowly retreated.

The worst of the people in the car also has a cultivation level in the Qi refining period, so naturally they don't feel nervous about this little episode.

After half an hour, the speed of the fire-scaled horse slowed down, but it arrived at the place.

The carriage door opened, and Manager Bai greeted everyone with a smile on his steamed bun face.

"Seniors, I'm really sorry, our firm is not doing well, and I disturbed you seniors on the way."

"Scare a bird! A few little wolf cubs, how can they still disturb the old man! But this small carriage is about to get sick from boredom, and there is no girl to wait on the old man!" The bald man stepped down first, with a rough voice rang, and when he said the last sentence, he deliberately glanced at the purple-clothed female cultivator.

The latter immediately showed an angry expression on his face, but he just frowned, but walked forward without saying a word.

"Hehe, this carriage is indeed a bit cramped. It's much more convenient for me to come here by myself when I know the location next time, Senior." Bai Guanshi looked amicable.

Zhang Yang could see clearly that when the female cultivator passed between two trees, her figure blurred and disappeared.

With a move in my heart, I knew that this was a formation restriction such as the psychedelic formation, so I didn't feel nervous. After ten years in the world of comprehension, he is no longer the tender bird he was when he just traveled.

Zhang Yang didn't talk too much nonsense, he also followed and walked in.

When passing the restriction, it was obvious that the wooden token in Du's hand was fluctuating, echoing the big formation.

The scenery in front of him changed, but he saw a huge square bustling with people, there were more than a thousand people.

This surprised Zhang Yang a little, Xiaomaiji Town, it is really rare to gather more than a thousand monks in one market.

The look of surprise disappeared in a flash, and Zhang Yang blended into the crowd.

It was the first time to communicate with so many cultivators at close range, and feel the customs of the cultivation world, and I was really in a trance.

But there are stalls on both sides of the road. The distance between the booths is relatively long, and even some goods are protected by small formations around them, showing that they are very precious.

There are so many monks, but there are no conflicts. The reason is that there are two teams of guards in armor on the outskirts of Fangshi, and all of them have the cultivation base of the foundation period.

Of course, Zhang Yang didn't think that this was all the power to guard Fangshi. I believe that if someone dares to cause trouble here, Guiyun Commercial Bank will definitely have other means.

It was the first time to participate in Fangshi, and Zhang Yang was immediately attracted by the variety of goods on the booth next to him.

After watching for a while, Zhang Yang frowned slightly.

Although there are many types of goods here, most of them are medicine pills, monster materials, etc. In terms of quality, they are indeed more precious than those displayed by Guiyun Trading Company, but it is relatively rare to actually sell mental methods. up.

Occasionally, some casual cultivators make a move, not only the asking price is extremely high, but also the quality of the exercises is very average, which cannot satisfy Zhang Yang at all.

Just when Zhang Yang thought he was going to get nothing, suddenly, his body throbbed violently as if he had been summoned by something.

"Huh? What's going on here? This time it doesn't seem to be "Taiyin Refining Shape."

Zhang Yang thought for a while, tried the direction, and found that the more he went north, the stronger the feeling of calling.

Subconsciously told Zhang Yang that this didn't seem to be a bad thing, so he followed without any hesitation.

Walking through the stalls, after a while, I saw a booth with a relatively good location in front of me. The stall owner was lying on the recliner with his legs crossed. sharp contrast.

This also led to the fact that although his position was good, there were not many customers stopping in front of the booth.

Zhang Yang found that what strongly summoned him was a gray piece of iron on the booth. The thing was irregular, rather like a fragment.

When Zhang Yang saw this piece of "grey iron", the corners of Zhang Yang's eyes twitched, feeling inexplicably excited. Although he didn't know what it was, his intuition told him that it was very important to him. Because, as he approached, Zhang Yang could clearly feel that all the cells in his body seemed to be jumping excitedly.

This is just an inner feeling. From the outside, nothing abnormal can be seen.

What made Zhang Yang even more happy was that, looking at the random arrangement of that piece of gray iron, it was obvious that the stall owner didn't pay much attention to it. If he planned it well, he might be able to get it without paying any price at all.

Out of the corner of his eye, Zhang Yang's gaze was fixed on a low-level magic weapon in the middle of the booth. It was the most invaluable simple offensive magic weapon, in the shape of an umbrella, which was said to be able to induce the power of thunder and lightning.

However, since it is positioned as a low-level magic weapon, its power is naturally quite limited.

What Zhang Yang is happy about is that this low-level magic weapon is protected by a small restraint to prevent people from touching it casually, while the piece of "grey iron" next to it does not even have basic restraints. Obviously, in the eyes of the stall owner , its importance is far below this low-level magic weapon.

Seeing that someone was interested in his stuff, the stall owner yawned and stood up.

"The Brahma Thunder Umbrella, a low-level magic weapon, if you want fifteen thousand spirit stones, no bargaining!"

Fifteen thousand spirit stones are added to a low-grade magic weapon with single performance and low power, which is a bit high.