Zombie Evolution

Chapter 133: Soul stabbing cone, Tanshan twin wolves


Zhang Yang frowned:

"Fellow Daoist is very dishonest! Thunder attribute offensive magic weapon is the worst in terms of durability. And its performance is single, how can it be worth 15,000 spirit stones? How about 10,000 spirit stones?"

"Although my Brahma Thunder Umbrella has a single function and poor durability, it is powerful because of its great power! The power of a lightning-attribute magic weapon is resounding. If you sincerely want it, fellow Taoists, at least 14,000 Lingshi." Seeing that Zhang Yang sincerely wanted it, the stall owner also became enthusiastic.

"Fourteen thousand? No! No! Fourteen thousand spirit stones are enough for me to buy a poor defensive magic weapon. Wouldn't the chance of saving my life be much higher." Zhang Yang shook his head repeatedly.

"You can't say that! Offense is the best defense, and besides, this gossip purple clothes, fellow daoist, should already be a defensive magic weapon, right? With this Brahma Thunder Umbrella, one attack and one attack Defense, complement each other." When the stall owner got serious, he was eloquent.

Zhang Yang once ransacked the Nawu ring of Wu Ya, the head of Tianyuzong, and a dozen elite disciples. He said that he was an upstart, and he didn't care about a few thousand spirit stones. The reason why he bargained here was entirely for that piece of gray iron.

In order to prevent Ye Chang from dreaming too much, he stopped talking and muttered: "Hey! What kind of lightning-attribute kung fu practiced by my evil son, this kind of magic weapon is rare, and it's hard to come across one..."

While muttering, his eyes seemed to glance aimlessly, and he casually took the gray iron, a few pieces of fine iron and low-grade spiritual grass around him, and put it back into the cage, saying: "Fourteen thousand Lingshi is really expensive, so it's better to count these small objects as extras."

There was hesitation on the stall owner's face:

"It's nothing more than other things. This piece of gray iron has a lot of background. It was passed down by my ancestors. It is said that it is a damaged part of a certain artifact, and its value is not low. If you add it, At least fifteen thousand spirit stones."

In fact, the stall owner really regarded the gray iron as a treasure at first. It's just that, with his foundation-building cultivation base, he fiddled with it for a long time, but he didn't see why, so he put it up for sale.

Moreover, when I came to participate in the square market for the first two times, I always regarded this gray iron as an extremely important object, and the asking price was even higher than that of the low-level magic weapon.

It's a pity that every time not only no one bought it, but also was ridiculed for being poor and crazy. After several times, even the stall owner lost confidence. Xin said, it is possible for me to have no vision, but it is impossible for everyone to have no vision, right

Anyway, I can't see the origin of this thing, and it doesn't have any peculiar performance, so gradually, I don't care about it.

Zhang Yang wanted to take it away casually today, that's all he said, but he didn't take it seriously.

"Hmph! Fellow Daoist, these spirit grasses, refined iron, etc. are all low-end things, and they can't even enter the Guiyun Tower. I'm afraid they won't even be worth two or three hundred spirit stones? I'll buy this one." I have already spent 140,000 on the magical artifacts. Is it too much to let them be an addition? Since Taoist friends are so harsh, there is nothing to say. I don’t want this Brahma Thunder Umbrella. I would rather find another one for Gouzi magic weapon."

With an angry look on his face, Zhang Yang turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Fellow Daoist, please stop! Fellow Daoist, calm down! Talk about business, that's it! Since Fellow Daoist insists, it's okay to give these things to Fellow Daoist. That's it, 14,000 spirit stones, This Brahma Thunder Umbrella, plus these extra heads."

The stall owner quickly stopped Zhang Yang with a smile.

People who are willing to spend 14,000 spirit stones to buy a low-level lightning-attribute magic weapon, such a person who is taken advantage of, is really hard to come across again.

Only then did Zhang Yang turn around, took the Brahma Thunder Umbrella, checked it a bit, stretched out his hand, put away the Brahma Thunder Umbrella, gray iron, low-grade spiritual grass, etc., and finally showed his face. smile.

After getting the things, he threw a bag of spirit stones and turned to leave.

The stall owner held the bag of spirit stones in his hand, and after a moment of sensing, he knew that the number was accurate. However, looking at Zhang Yang's smile, he was a little depressed: "Why do I feel that this deal is a loss? It seems that the ugly man was happier when he got the gray iron than when he got the Brahma Thunder Umbrella?"

"Whatever! Anyway, the more than 10,000 spirit stones are enough for me to buy the red spirit fruit. Haha, I can advance to the late stage of foundation establishment fifty years in advance! Another step forward on the road of Jindan Dao. Regardless of the gray iron For anything, your own strength is the most important thing!"

The stall owner quickly put the matter behind him. The most valuable thing was sold, so he didn't delay here anymore, packed up and left, and went to buy his red spirit fruit.

Since he successfully bought that piece of gray iron, Zhang Yang's good luck seems to have come.

After walking a few steps, I saw an offensive mentality method called "Soul Piercing Cone" in front of the booth set up by an old man of Jindan stage. This mentality method is a very rare soul-attacking mentality method.

Among all attack methods, soul attack is the most difficult to cultivate and also the most dangerous method. Because once the enemy you attack is stronger than your soul, there is a high chance of being backlashed, and hurting the enemy is not enough to hurt yourself.

Therefore, the soul-type attacking mind method is considered relatively unpopular among all the skills.

Zhang Yang thought that his soul was relatively powerful, and thought to himself that it should be more suitable for practicing soul attack spells. As for backlash

With "Taiyin Refining Shape" suppressed in the depths of the sea of consciousness, the chance of being backlashed is extremely small.

Xu is the owner of the stall relying on the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage. Although this mentality is precious, he has not put any restrictions on it with great fanfare.

Just as Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to pick it up, he saw another hand stretched out beside him, but it was a step too late.

Looking up, I saw that it was the bald male monk who came in the same car.

"Boy, I want this exercise, bring it here!"

The bald male monk stretched out his hand a step too late, and couldn't help being a little angry.

Zhang Yang didn't have a good impression of the bald man, and his face darkened at this moment: "I think I got it first, right?"

"Boy, don't be ignorant of flattery! Do you dare to fight for something that I, Tanshan Shuanglang, have taken a fancy to?" The bald man showed a serious look on his face.

"Hmph!" Zhang Yang snorted coldly, but he ignored him, and asked the stall owner next to him, "I don't know how many spirit stones Senior intends to sell with this method?"

The stall owner gave Zhang Yang a playful look, and said with a smile:

"Although the cultivation conditions of my mental method are a bit harsh, once the cultivation is successful, the power is really not small. Moreover, the potential for promotion is also great. Even in the Nascent Soul stage, with the strengthening of the soul power and spiritual consciousness, The power of this technique will also increase, so I will not make a move if it is less than 20,000 spirit stones."

Generally speaking, magic tools can exert great power with a little sacrifice, but magic spells need a lot of time and energy to cultivate. Although the lifespan of the practitioners is longer, the time for them to advance is also very tight , if too much time is spent on cultivating spells instead of enhancing mana, the gains will outweigh the losses, and it is something most people are unwilling to do.

In this case, the value of the general magic weapon is much higher than that of the mind. But now this method needs to add 20,000 spirit stones, which is not too low.

"Okay! That's 20,000 spirit stones!"

20,000 spirit stones sound like a huge amount, but in fact they are only two high-grade spirit stones, which is nothing compared to Zhang Yang's gains in the Tusita Palace.


A small bag of spirit stones was still on the table, Zhang Yang reached out and wiped it, and the mental method had been stored in the Nawu ring, and he turned and left.

The bald man didn't speak except for the first time he spoke, and just stared at the transaction process with cold eyes.

Obviously, in this market, no matter how domineering they are, they don't have the guts to make trouble.

Zhang Yang naturally knew that they would definitely not let it go. Nine times out of ten, they had the idea of killing people and stealing goods after going out, but he didn't take it to heart.

What "Tanshan Twin Wolves" sounds like is an organization with only two people, one in the late stage of foundation establishment and one in the peak of foundation establishment. This is an existence that can be wiped out at will.

That piece of gray iron, and this "soul-piercing awl" mentality, just these two gains, this trip to Fangshi is already very worthwhile.

Zhang Yang went shopping for a long time, and only bought some trivial things, but he didn't see anything worthy of his heart.

On the way, I ran into the female cultivator in purple, she seemed to be looking for something but failed.

At the end of the square market, the monks all left on their own, unless there was a special request, they would be sent off by vehicles arranged by Guiyun Trading Company.

Of course Zhang Yang would not ask for a vehicle. Compared to him, the speed of the carriage was like a snail crawling. It was a waste of life.

I wanted to find a hiding place, so I flew away with golden wings.

I never thought that after turning a few corners, there was a feeling of being stared at.

There was a sneer in his heart, knowing that nine times out of ten it was the consciousness of the "Tanshan Twin Wolves" staring at him. He didn't panic at the moment, and walked towards the depths of the mountain forest without any trace.

A few hundred meters behind, "Tanshan Twin Wolves" followed behind Zhang Yang while keeping a certain distance.

"I think something is wrong! Even if the person in front didn't notice that we were following us, he should have been vigilant after experiencing the incident in the market. Why didn't he run away in a hurry, but instead came to this remote place? It’s like trying to lure us on purpose.” The gray-haired old man hesitated.

"Brother, don't worry! There won't be any accidents! Which one of us doesn't know this famous monk near Maiji Town? He doesn't have the symbol of the sect and family on him, and besides, how can the disciples of ordinary sects and big families be so satisfied?" Fangshi’s method of finding offensive spells? The sect family’s offer is better than the one in this Fangshi, right? I think he is a casual cultivator who popped up somewhere in all likelihood. Let’s kill him. God doesn't know, we don't know, we have done such things!"

The bald-headed monk may seem reckless, but he is actually very analytical. How can someone who is able to kill and rob all day long to survive until now have no brains