Zombie Evolution

Chapter 156: night encounter


The middle-aged lady's smile was extremely kind, and the dangerous aura seemed to be imperceptible. If you were a person who was not confident, you would think that it was just an illusion.

However, Zhang Yang didn't think so, he was very confident in his first feeling. I don't know if it's because of the "Tai Yin Refining Shape" hidden in the sea of consciousness, but he has an extremely sensitive perception of danger.

If given a choice, he would rather choose to hide in the surrounding fields than to enter this unpredictable small courtyard.

However, there is no choice. Now that you have knocked on the door and you are welcomed, but you turn around and leave, this is equivalent to putting the label "I have a problem" on your head.

Shangguan Mo'er didn't seem to notice, she thanked the middle-aged aunt with a smile, and turned her head to wink at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang immediately gave a wry smile, and had no choice but to drive the ox cart into the small courtyard.

Entering the main room, a thin middle-aged man was lying on the recliner and smoking a cigarette. When he saw Shangguan Mo'er and the two who came in, his eyes flickered and he returned to that half-dead expression.

"The head of the family, these are brothers and sisters who are going to join relatives in Daxing City. They missed the accommodation due to rush, and want to stay at our house for one night." The middle-aged aunt explained.

"Well! Then live in the Westinghouse!" The skinny man nodded, agreeing.

"Then let's go! We are poor and small, so we can only spare one room for you. Fortunately, you are brothers and sisters, so it shouldn't be a problem." The middle-aged aunt smiled and led them to a side room .

The layout of this small courtyard, in addition to the main room facing south, there is also a west room facing east.

Hearing that they were going to live in the same room, Shangguan Mo'er felt uneasy at first.

Although cultivators are more relaxed than ordinary people, it is really inappropriate to be in the same room with this ugly man.

It's just that the two of them are brothers and sisters now, so it's not easy to refuse to find anything.

forget it! In order to save my father, my aunt, I endured it!

Shangguan Mo'er secretly encouraged herself.


The wooden door of the Westinghouse opened with a screeching sound, apparently in disrepair.

The smell of blood!

Zhang Yang's face remained calm, but his heart was overwhelmed. The smell of blood was very light, obviously it had been dealt with, but, as a zombie, he was naturally extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, as long as there was a trace, he could smell it clearly.

Sure enough, there is a problem! Zhang Yang was almost certain, and he became even more vigilant.

Over there, Shangguan Mo'er was obviously out of state and didn't pay attention to these issues. This is also very normal, because she didn't notice the abnormality of this couple from the beginning, so she was naturally not wary of mortals. What she was concerned about was another question...

"Just... just one bed?"

Shangguan Mo'er looked at the not-so-spacious wooden bed in the middle of the room, and asked in surprise. She had already made plans to share the same room with this ugly man, but it would be unacceptable to share the same bed.

"Hehe, yes! For a poor family, it would be nice to have an idle wooden bed. It's because our family's San went to work in the city and didn't come back. Otherwise, it would be even more troublesome." The middle-aged aunt smiled, and started A red thread was placed in the very center of the bed.

Going to work in the city? Maybe he went to work in another world? Zhang Yang smirked inwardly.

"It's over! One half!" The middle-aged lady clapped her hands.

"Oh! Thank you, ma'am." Shangguan Mo'er could only reluctantly accept.

"Hey, okay! You guys should go to bed early! I haven't asked yet, what are your names?"

"My name is Guan Xiaolian, and his name is Zhang Aniu." Shangguan Mo'er said casually, changing her surname from "Shangguan" to "Guan".

"Guan, Zhang! Hehe, brothers and sisters! Good! Hehehe..." The middle-aged lady left with a smile.

Shangguan Mo'er immediately understood that she kept claiming to be siblings, how could there be siblings with different surnames? I couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

"Ahem! Well, there is only one bed here, we..."

As soon as Shangguan Mo'er opened her mouth, she saw Zhang Yang striding over and lying on the bed: "Sleep!"

Shangguan Mo'er choked for it. However, she is not an overly hypocritical person, and she also lies on the bed.

The moonlight is bright tonight, shining through the windows and splashing a layer of silver frost on the ground.

It was the first time for Shangguan Mo'er to lie on the same bed with a man, and it was conceivable that she felt complicated.

At the same time, he was extremely worried. This ugly man doesn't seem to be a gentleman, at least he has seen him look at him with a surprised expression many times before.

Now that the two are sleeping on the same bed, the other party won't take the opportunity to do something wrong, right

If this is the case, what should I do

Shangguan Mo'er felt that she had to think about this issue in advance. In the realm of comprehension, there are quite a few men and women who practice double cultivation, but do you want to practice double cultivation with this ugly man? Didn't all these flowers of mine stick in cow dung

It seems... It seems not at all! Think about it since we met, apart from being ugly, this ugly man is quite good in terms of ability. The strength sweeps the same level, and he is very intelligent. As a couple of dual cultivators, it seems that it is not impossible...

Shangguan Mo'er thought wildly.

Suddenly, I felt my hand tightened, and it was already being held.

Shangguan Mo'er immediately opened her mouth wide, subconsciously wanting to exclaim, but felt that another hand had come up to cover her mouth.

what to do? what to do? Can he finally bear it? Still need to use strong

With one's own strength, the chance of success in this close-range resistance is estimated to be very small. Moreover, once the two of them started fighting, the momentum would definitely be huge, and it would definitely alarm the enemies who might appear nearby at any time. At that time, their identities would be revealed, and the plan would be completely over.

Not to mention alarming the enemy, even if the ugly man became furious and refused to continue escorting him, or even took the pendant back, he would not be able to go back successfully.

If he doesn't go, his father won't be able to recover if he doesn't get the elixir, and then the whole branch...

In an instant, Shangguan Mo'er thought of so many questions.

The next moment, sadness began to appear in her eyes. forget it! Resign yourself to fate! Since he is such a despicable person who takes advantage of others, then obey him, let him have a good time, and then give the elixir to his father properly.

As for the loss I will suffer next... just treat it as... just treat it as being oppressed by a ghost!

As Shangguan Mo'er thought about it, tears were already glistening in the corners of her eyes.

Suddenly, she felt that the ugly man didn't seem to take any further action, but was just drawing and drawing in her palm.

What's wrong with this

Character! It seems to be writing!

Shangguan Moer immediately understood.

— don't bark! I let you go!

This is written by Zhang Yang.

Shangguan Mo'er nodded, and a puzzled expression began to appear on her face. Did I think wrong

-Danger! This couple has a problem!

Shangguan Mo'er calmed down instantly. After all, he is a person who has experienced the world. Although he doesn't understand what's going on, he is very cooperative and doesn't speak.

However, in retrospect, I don't seem to find any problems with this couple! Can't help being a little suspicious.

-careful! Watch out! Just wait and see! Not necessarily directed at us!

Zhang Yang reminded again. He didn't believe that his whereabouts had been exposed. In that case, the enemy must have been surrounded and killed by masters directly, instead of setting such a trap.

It's always good to be careful. Shangguan Mo'er was very cooperative and didn't say much.

After Zhang Yang finished writing this, he let go of his hands, lay down on his bed and rested quietly, as if nothing had happened.

While Shangguan Mo'er breathed a sigh of relief, she felt a little bit disappointed, and at the same time cursed angrily—you ugly boy, isn't my aunt not beautiful enough to make you sexually promiscuous

If Zhang Yang knew what the person next to him was thinking, he would probably die of depression.

In the main hall.

"Why did you take in a pair of mortals? Wouldn't it be enough to kill them casually?" The thin man's eyes opened, and a cold light flashed.

"With the cover of a pair of real mortals, our identities will not be exposed. When the transaction is completed, it will naturally be wiped out." The middle-aged lady still had a kind expression on her face.

"Well! The deal will be tonight. I hope those from Shangguan's family don't play any tricks."

The thin man said vaguely, closed his eyes and continued to rest.

Of course, Zhang Yang did not hear this conversation. With some scruples, they naturally did not dare to let go of their spiritual exploration.

Late at night, the moonlight is bright.

A ray of light came from the direction of Daxing City, and it appeared to be extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye it reached above the small courtyard where Zhang Yang and others were staying.

Zhang Yang and Shangguan Moer's eyes widened at the same time, and they looked at each other.

In the main hall, two figures greeted him.

"This junior has met the two seniors, Mr. Yan and Mrs. Yan."

Following these words, Shangguan Mo'er's eyes immediately showed a look of surprise and uncertainty.

Zhang Yang felt a softness in his hands, and a pair of catkins stretched out.

— Shangguantian! enemy!

Zhang Yang heard Shangguan Mo'er talk about the family situation on the way, and knew that Shangguan Tian was one of the people who participated in the interception and killing of her last time, and he was also an important member of her uncle's lineage.

"Well, why didn't the old lady Sun come here, and instead sent you a junior?" The thin middle-aged man asked.

They are obviously just a middle-aged couple, but they are called parents-in-law. This couple is also interesting.

"Grandma Sun should have come in person. However, her old man wants to sit in the city and monitor that trash Shangguanxiong to prevent him from playing any tricks. Besides, won't the two seniors feel more at ease when the juniors come over?" Shangguan Tian Smile lightly.

"Hehe, we must be at ease with Granny Sun. Have you brought the things?" Yan Gong asked with a haha.

"Since the younger generation dared to come, he naturally brought something. I don't know what Grandma Sun wants..." Shangguan Tian stretched out his hand and took out a Nawu ring and shook it and asked.

"Take it!" Yan Gong threw a black vial in the past, "with this thing, not to mention a golden core cultivator who was seriously injured and unhealed, even a golden core cultivator at the peak stage will undoubtedly die. Moreover, since Outwardly, it is the same as a normal death and will not arouse any suspicion."