Zombie Evolution

Chapter 209: The ancestor of the Liang family


The long-distance teleportation array is very important. Usually, the Yuliang and Liang families each arrange a foundation-building monk and several Qi-refining monks to garrison here, which can not only achieve the balance of forces, restrain each other, but also deal with possible situations.

The small teleportation formation was originally of quite a standard, but a conflict broke out. The Yuliang family sent two Jindan monks to sit in the town, and Zhang Yang happened to meet them.

Liang Guan felt that the atmosphere was a little different today.

The Yuliang families occupy the left and right sides of the long-distance teleportation formation, and the distance between the two groups of monks is only a few feet, but because of the feud, they have never had any communication with each other, and it is not even a small outbreak. conflict.

Of course, because everyone understands the stakes, these conflicts have always been kept within acceptable limits.

However, today, Liang Tian found that the members of the Yu family on the opposite side sneered at him from time to time, with gloating expressions on their faces, as if they wanted to see their own jokes.

To be precise, those people started doing this after receiving a letter from a jade slip.

Is something bad going to happen

Liang Guan was a little worried. As a monk in the Foundation Establishment period, he has lived for nearly 400 years. His knowledge can be said to be good, and he still has this basic perception.

After thinking about it for a while, when he was about to report to the family, the messenger jade slip on his waist suddenly sounded crisply.

Liang Guan held the jade slip in his hand, and under the investigation of his spiritual sense, his face immediately changed drastically. He finally knew why the Yu family had that expression.


A black zombie—coming out of Yu’s house—is coming towards the direction of the long-distance teleportation array, and the target is obviously the Liang family.

The order passed by the family is to let him lead his monks to resist the black zombie and prevent it from using the teleportation array, at least until the arrival of family reinforcements.

Liang Guan's expression was very bad! However, it is not yet hopeless.

The Liang family is not too far away from here, relying on their own strength, they can still do it for a while.

At this moment, there was a loud bang, and the door of the hall immediately shattered, and a black-haired man walked in with his head held high.

He is more than eight feet tall, with a burly figure, which gives people a great sense of oppression; he has long fiery red hair, black scales all over his body, extremely fine and dense, a ferocious face, sharp claws...

"Quick! Form an formation quickly and stop this black zombie!"

Liang Guan's reaction was surprisingly fast, and he immediately issued an order.

However, as soon as he said that, before the people under his command could react, they lowered the stiff figure on the opposite side a little, stopped their feet on the ground, and disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, a black shadow flashed in front of him, blood splattered, and amidst a series of screams, countless stumps and broken bodies flew all over the sky.

Liang Guan was shocked, his consciousness moved, and as soon as Feijian was sacrificed, he felt a pain in his neck, the surrounding scenery was spinning, and he quickly lost consciousness.


A head fell heavily to the ground and rolled away.

In the blink of an eye, a foundation-building cultivator and several Qi-refinement cultivators were all beheaded.

The speed of this instant kill stunned all the monks of the Yu family next to him. While shocked, a strong sense of fear rose.

This is simply a big killer!

But at this time, the killing god had already turned his blood-red eyes to everyone in the Yu family.

"Presumably you have already received a letter from the Patriarch? Immediately start the teleportation array, and this deity will use it."

"Yes... yes!" The leading cultivator who established the foundation didn't even dare to take a breath, and immediately agreed to start the operation of the formation.

However, this large long-distance teleportation array is obviously rarely opened at ordinary times. Now a series of procedures have been completed, such as installing spirit stones, adjusting accuracy, etc.

While the monks were busy, a figure flashed in front of the door, and an old man with white beard appeared in the hall. It was the ancestor of the Liang family who arrived first.

But seeing that he was wearing a Jinlan robe, his originally ruddy face immediately turned white when he saw the situation in the hall, and he smiled angrily, pointed at Zhang Yang and said, "Good! Good! Good! The younger generation is so rampant that they slaughtered my Liang one after another. My son! Even if you are a descendant of some old monster, you can never leave safely today."

"Hmph!" Zhang Yang snorted coldly, he was the least interested in such a guy who relied on the old to sell the old.

The cause of this incident was originally caused by the two Jindan monks of the Liang family who took the initiative to provoke Zhang Yangcai.

If it weren't for Zhang Yang's superior skills, I'm afraid that it would not be Liang Long Liang Hu who died in the wild, but Zhang Yang. And after death, all the treasures will be plundered, and it is not even sure whether the soul will have a chance to be dissolved.

This old guy didn't ask indiscriminately when he came, he only saw his own children hurt, but he didn't want them to do evil.

However, Zhang Yang wasn't too angry. He was no stranger to this kind of situation.

There is nothing to hesitate, Zhang Yang knows that today's battle is inevitable. The so-called strike first is the strongest, not to mention that the opponent is a Nascent Soul cultivator, so Zhang Yang naturally dare not take it too seriously.


With both feet on the ground, the long strip of bluestone immediately shattered under his feet, and at the same time, his whole body slammed into the ancestor of the Liang family like a cannonball.

"Hmph! The light of the firefly dares to compete with the sun and the moon!"

The ancestor of the Liang family snorted coldly, instead of defending and counterattacking, he raised his hand and swung out a giant sword, slashing towards Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang, however, had been prepared for a long time. Seeing the other party's flash of light, he immediately cast the Great Calamity Tribulation Technique. His figure suddenly turned into three, divided into three directions, and at the same time he rushed towards the ancestor of the Liang family.

The Great Calamity Tribulation Technique was originally a magic secret method carefully researched by Shangguanxiong by gathering several cheat books from ancient ruins. The success rate of robbery.

This kind of avatar is more important than his own aura, only by relying on his aura can he confuse Lei Jie.

Shangguanxiong suffered a disaster just after he succeeded in research, and he didn't have time to go deeper.

After Zhang Yang acquired this technique, he spent several years to master it thoroughly. The phantom that is separated now is not only very similar to the real deity in breath, but also difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Even if there are tiny loopholes, they cannot be discerned by ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators in a hurry.

Now that it was displayed suddenly, the ancestors of the Liang family immediately panicked. The three figures in front of him were almost exactly the same, and at this speed, he didn't allow him to think about it at all.

At the same time as the figure retreated, his spiritual consciousness locked on to the middlemost figure, and the giant sword immediately slashed down.


The giant sword caught the phantom in the middle, passed through the body immediately, and the phantom dissipated.

not good!

The patriarch of the Liang family thought secretly, seeing that the black head was approaching.

Yuan Ying, the ancestor of the Liang family, was unwilling to fight a black zombie. At the critical moment, his two palms waved and grew big against the wind. The two huge palms attacked the two phantoms respectively. A stance to attack in both directions at the same time.

However, the power points are weak!

The consequence of simultaneous attacks from two directions is that neither direction has any effect.

If it was an ordinary black zombie, this would be fine, but now that the enemy is Zhang Yang, this mistake is a bit fatal.

Under the bloody and cold eyes, Zhang Yang's unicorn arms were aroused, and the fiery red arms and sharp claws fiercely met the palm of his hand.


With a loud noise, the hallucinated palm of the ancestor of the Liang family hit the air one by one, the phantom dissipated, and then hit the ground heavily.

The ground paved with poor bluestone strips was originally extremely hard, but under the blow of the Nascent Soul monster, the stones immediately flew, and a huge pothole was formed in the center of the hall.


Seeing that the aftermath was about to reach the long-distance teleportation circle, there was a wave of light flowing on the circle, and the defensive cover was activated to spread the huge force.

The other palm hit Zhang Yang himself, and it dissipated instantly as if shaking on a boulder.

The soft and the hard, the huge difference between the two, was so uncomfortable that he almost vomited blood on the spot.

However, the ancestor of the Liang family didn't have any time to hesitate. Seeing Zhang Yang approaching, his fiery red arm stabbed like lightning.

The ancestor of the Liang family's eyes widened instantly. This guy who has lived for more than a thousand years has so much experience in fighting

The moment he got close, he felt a trembling breath from this arm - even if it was as strong as him, he would feel trembling, how powerful would this be

Almost subconsciously, the arm of the ancestor of the Liang family suddenly bombarded Zhang Yang's unicorn arm.

There was a sneer at the corner of Zhang Yang's mouth. Although the other party was the Nascent Soul monster, if he confronted the Qilin arm head-on, he would definitely die.

However, the next moment, something unexpected happened.

Seeing that the two fists were about to smash together, there was a sudden loud noise.


A huge cloud of blood mist suddenly erupted, and Zhang Yang felt that under the impact of the powerful airflow, his whole body was instantly lifted up and fell heavily to the ground.

The shock wave this time is obviously much bigger than the force of the palm just now.


The shock wave of the explosion exploded, and the vast hall was overturned in an instant. Those members of the Yu family who had been watching the excitement from a distance were shocked, and they were all torn to pieces and annihilated.

Even the surrounding buildings were affected, collapsing like dominoes.

The smoke has cleared...


Accompanied by the sound of the wind, a black figure jumped out of the collapsed building.


Both feet hit the ground heavily. With a height of more than eight feet and a figure as burly as an iron tower, there is no doubt that it is Zhang Yang!

Behind him, apart from the collapsed ruins, there was a long-distance teleportation circle that was shining with streamers and protected by an energy shield.

In the sky, the ancestors of the Liang family were suspended in the air. One arm has completely disappeared, and the broken wound on the shoulder is dripping with blood, looking extremely terrifying.

At this time, the ancestor of the Liang family had long since lost the prestige he had at the beginning, his clothes were incomparably tattered, and his face was pale from injury and frightened, making him look extremely complicated.