Zombie Evolution

Chapter 213: Giant ship flying magic weapon


"Looking at these two pieces of mysterious gray iron, they are somewhat similar to the material of Bafangyin. I once fused Bafangyin in the Sanwei Dan furnace, and now this mysterious gray iron has a strong call for me... In this way, everything I can explain it clearly."

Zhang Yang pondered quietly, thinking to himself, his guess is probably close to ten.

Putting the two mysterious gray irons into the storage ring, Zhang Yang stepped out.

Half an hour later, he had already arrived in front of a grand building. This building is hundreds of meters high, and the exterior decoration is resplendent and magnificent.

Entering the hall, there are bustling crowds despite the splendor of the building. It was crowded and lively.

Zhang Yang is more than eight feet tall. Compared with ordinary humans, he is more than a head taller. In addition, he has red and unkempt hair and a hideous face. These standard characteristics of zombies are considered among this crowd. Maverick.

His burly body moved like a tank. Not to mention that people around saw a black head approaching and gave way. Even if there were people who didn't see it with long eyes, Zhang Yang could walk over with just a little shoulder.

And the person who was squeezed away originally had an angry expression on his face, but when he looked back and saw Zhang Yang's appearance clearly, he secretly said "Oh my god!" Not even daring to take a breath, let Zhang Yang leave first.

He came to a desk very smoothly, sat down on a chair, and Zhang Yang's hoarse voice sounded: "Now I have a ticket to the North Pole Iceberg Bollworm Valley."

It turned out that this building was a transportation point built by Beiming Sikong Island. Beiming, the word Ming, originally meant sea, but people used to refer to Beiming as Beiminghai.

Monsters and beasts are everywhere in the Beiming Sea. In the world of comprehension, if the land is dominated by humans, then the sea is the world of monsters.

All kinds of monsters in the sea are many times stronger than the monsters on land.

Therefore, even if ordinary monks have strong strength, it is very dangerous to fly alone on the sea surface, and they are easily attacked by sea monsters.

Therefore, there will be some big cultivation forces establishing existences similar to transportation companies.

For example, this Sikong Island was originally located in the Beiming Sea, because it was large enough and full of spiritual energy, so after two human race masters occupied this island, they would rather take some risks than leave.

What's more, although there are many dangers in the Beiming Sea, there are also many opportunities. Some of the hidden spiritual veins on the seabed are rich in a large number of spiritual stones, there are also many precious materials, and even some monster inner alchemy, etc., which are necessary for cultivators but not available on land.

Even in the bitterly cold arctic sea, there are many remains of ancient monks.

In this way, the position of Sikong Island is very important.

The two major island owners of Sikong Island have established a transportation company under their control, and they have refined a powerful flying magic weapon as a means of transportation to travel between Sikong Island and the mainland, as well as between Sikong Island and the Arctic iceberg.

Zhang Yang is confident, but not arrogant. He knew that he was not yet strong enough to ignore the monsters in the sea, so this time when he went to the Arctic iceberg, he would rather spend some spirit stones on a flying magic weapon to ensure safety.

"Hey, it's another Arctic iceberg."

As soon as Zhang Yang finished speaking, a voice rang in his ear.

"I heard that the icebergs in the North Pole have collapsed in a large area. Some people suspect that this has something to do with the riots of the 100,000 Great Mountain Beasts. Some people think that this is a fairy artifact descending into the world. Therefore, a large number of monks are going to the North Pole with different purposes. Going to explore in the iceberg, but I don’t know how many people can come back safely!”

"Yeah! Anyway, I'm not planning to go. If it's normal, it's not a problem to go on an adventure. As long as you don't go deep into the iceberg, your safety is still guaranteed. But now, it is said that some powerful monsters in the depths of the iceberg have been killed. Disturbances have come out, although the number is not large, but once you encounter them, you will definitely die! We'd better avoid them."


During Zhang Yang's entire process of going through the formalities, there were buzzing discussions all around.

This sudden news really made him dumbfounded. I just wanted to find out the news about the mysterious gray iron, but I didn't expect to encounter the most dangerous period.

However, Zhang Yang didn't mean to shrink back. The more dangerous the place, the greater the opportunity.

A cultivator must have the courage to move forward and keep looking for opportunities. People who follow the steps will never be able to achieve the Dao.

There are still 20 days before the prefecture-level exchange meeting starts, and Zhang Yang has lost interest in the small exchange meetings on Sikong Island, so he just uses this time to take a trip to the Arctic iceberg.

When we arrived at the place marked on the bed ticket, we saw a huge spaceship suspended in the air. With a pitch-black color and a metal shell, it looks like a giant ship. However, this ship is not sailing in the sea, but suspended in the air...

Zhang Yang's first impression was that this is the real aircraft carrier!

The huge hull is incomparably sturdy, the magic circle carved on the hull is clearly visible, and the gun barrels protrude.

These gun barrels are extremely thick, with black hole muzzles. Of course, these giant cannons are definitely not firing gunpowder, but are driven by magic circles and consume spirit stones to attack.

Zhang Yang believes that if such a spacecraft is transported back to Earth, it will definitely sweep all the fleets in the world. It is really unexpected that the Immortal Civilization can build such a powerful warship.

According to reports, this spaceship is just a top-level special flying magic weapon. It is said that in ancient times, there were several flying fairy weapons, and that was the real shocking thing.

After showing the ticket to the two qi refining monks who were in charge of the inspection, Zhang Yang stepped onto the huge ship.

Standing on the huge deck, Zhang Yang had an intuition that even if he used Liuyinsha, it would be impossible to sneak up on the giant sword without being noticed.

Thinking of this, the awe of the giant ship in my heart increased.

People will arrive soon.

The giant ship is huge, and it looks like it can accommodate hundreds of people.

There are hundreds of monks, mainly in the foundation building period, a small number of Jindan monks, and a very small number of Nascent Soul old monsters.

Zhang Yang even saw dozens of monks in the Qi refining period, and he really didn't know whether they were going to practice or to die.


With a sound, the flap connected to the ground rose, and the giant ship was ready to start.


There was a burst of rhythmic sound, and the giant ship only vibrated slightly before it turned into a streamer and fled forward.

Zhang Yang could clearly see the rays of light refracted around the giant ship's hull and the vortices formed by the rapid airflow rushing away and rotating.

It didn't take long for the giant ship to start, and Zhang Yang saw several waves of monster birds flying around the ship either individually or in groups.

Obviously, they knew how powerful this ship was, and began to avoid it from a distance.

Only one huge pterosaur-like existence screamed angrily after seeing the ship and chased after it. Fortunately, the speed of the ship was much faster than it, and it was quickly thrown away.

However, all the monks on the ship shouted, demanding that the ship launch an attack and kill the giant bird.

The ship's controllers, of course, ignored it.

The speed of the giant sword is too fast, and the flying altitude is so high that ordinary monks can't see the situation on the sea at all, which can be said to be a great pity.

It was the first time for Zhang Yang to come to the top of the Beiming Sea, so he naturally would not let go of this opportunity to learn about the situation in the Beiming Sea.

Then, when the Qingling eyes were activated, the blue light in the eyes flowed, and then looked down, and the situation on the sea surface clearly came into view.

Zhang Yang couldn't help feeling very satisfied, and stood by the side of the ship with his hands behind his back, watching carefully.

But seeing the deep blue sea in Beiming, with huge waves churning from time to time, it looked extremely terrifying.

Zhang Yang's clear eyes can not only see the sea surface, but can even see hundreds of meters below the sea level, which can be said to be extremely abnormal.

After just looking at it for a while, Zhang Yang's expression turned a little ugly.

In the Beiming Sea, the number of monsters is really huge, and, judging from their size, they are definitely not easy to mess with.

There were even some monsters fighting on the sea level, and the waves they stirred up hundreds of meters high, and the sound was astonishing.

Zhang Yang couldn't help secretly rejoicing that these monsters were born in water, if they could come ashore, the end of the human race might be coming.

Just when Zhang Yang's heart was surging, he heard a piercing voice next to him: "Look at that stupid zombie, it's been standing there like a log for an hour. It's really a thing with a thread in its head, I don't know A man really thinks he can see things on the surface of the sea!"


Immediately afterwards, there was a charming laugh.

Zhang Yang's expression darkened, and he turned around, only to see two monks, a man and a woman, standing side by side, looking very affectionate.

The two monks looked quite young, and the female cultivator was quite attractive, but the male cultivator was short in stature, extremely ugly, with two mustaches, extremely wretched.

Zhang Yang couldn't help curling his lips:

"A toad and a bitch make a perfect match!"

When the male cultivator saw Zhang Yang's fierce gaze, his heart trembled a little. However, when he heard Zhang Yang's words, he immediately became furious, and he forgot all the fear that had arisen just now.

"Who do you call a toad?"

The male cultivator has an ugly appearance, and since he was a child, the most taboo thing is for others to comment on his appearance. Don't openly call someone a toad this time, and immediately become angry from embarrassment.

"Of course, whoever speaks can be called. Aren't you just a complete toad?" Zhang Yang waved his hand while talking, and the mist shrouded his eyes, forming a clean mirror, reflecting Brother Toad's appearance, " Look, the huge mouth reaches to the ears, the broad nose is upturned, and the two cross-eyed... This appearance is much uglier than this zombie uncle. It would be nice to say that you are a toad. If we If there is a toad monster cultivator on this ship, it is estimated that his appearance will be a hundred times more beautiful than yours. Tsk tsk! I really don’t know how your parents were born, this is simply too creative.”

Zhang Yang was speechless again and again, looking very regretful.