Zombie Evolution

Chapter 232: Advancement, black zombie high-level


This crazy indoctrination lasted for about half an hour before it gradually ended.

Immediately afterwards, the clouds in the sky seemed to stop suddenly.

next moment.


With a loud noise, half of the iceberg burst open, and the ice cubes flew around.



The surrounding monsters who had been watching were immediately frightened, howled and turned around and fled.

However, amidst the ice and snow all over the sky, a black shadow fell heavily to the ground.


There was a tremor all over the ice.

A black head and two feet stepped on the ground. On the ground, centered on him, there were traces of cracks like spider webs.

A head of fiery red hair, and a burly body of more than eight feet... who is not Zhang Yang

Looking at the muscular body, it was as strong as a meat tank; feeling the mana surging in his body, Zhang Yang was full of joy in his heart.

Purple Zombie Advanced!

After retreating for a year, he finally advanced to the high-level purple zombie!

This speed of promotion seems to be against the sky, but one must know that what Zhang Yang practiced was a heaven-defying technique - "Taiyin Refining Shape". Convert it into your own mana and advance to the natural speed.

A year ago, of course, after inhaling the blood essence of the iceberg giant bear, he felt that his mana had reached the peak state of black stiffness, and then he made a decisive decision and continued to practice in seclusion.

Usually, Tie Kui is not only responsible for guarding the safety of the cave, but also responsible for hunting monsters around for Zhang Yang to suck blood.

I have to say that the retreat location chosen by Zhang Yang is quite good. There are no powerful monsters around, and there are a large number of low-level monsters to hunt.

After a year of retreat and painstaking practice, he finally made a breakthrough.

Originally, based on Zhang Yang's current state, if he wanted to, as long as he swallowed the Congealing Fire Pill, his realm could be raised again immediately.

However, Zhang Yang did not choose to do so.

"One year! I never thought that this retreat will take one year. I originally planned to return to Maiji Town within a month, and I don't know how the beast horde is going?"

Zhang Yang stared at the south. He could imagine how anxious Bai Guanshi and Maiji town lord Hao Wu were.

"One hundred thousand mountains are extremely vast. If monsters want to gather into a beast horde, it will take several years or even ten years. In other words, the peak of the beast horde should be at that time. Be afraid, you will A small group of monsters came out to attack Maiji Town first, and Hao Wu and others might not be able to stop them."

"It seems that we should go back to Maiji Town first!"

Zhang Yang is not willing to break his promise if it is not his last resort. What's more, his cave is still near Maiji Town, if there is a small wave of beasts, he will suffer accordingly.

Thinking this way, he didn't dare to delay any longer, and with a wave of his sleeve, he put away Tie Kui who had completed the task.

Then, pinch a formula with your fingers and play it several times in succession.

On the ground, small ginger flags jumped up and fell into Zhang Yang's hands.

The moment the magic circle was put away, the surrounding scenery changed for a while.

When Zhang Yang's consciousness moved, there was a sound of "bang", and the golden wings burst out from behind.

With a slight wave, the person is already suspended in the air. Looking at the surrounding scenery again, he retreated here for a year, got used to this silver world of ice and snow, and was really reluctant to leave suddenly.

However, Zhang Yang didn't have too much love for his children, he just felt a little emotional, and with a vigorous wave of his wings, his whole body turned into a yellow streamer, fleeing towards the depths of the Beiming Sea.

With the familiarity with Beiminghai, Zhang Yang also knew some ways to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

And with his strength, as long as he doesn't break into the lair of very perverted monsters, he won't be in danger of falling.

Moreover, after advancing to the high-level black zombie, Zhang Yang not only became stronger physically, but also had a lot of mana in his body.

In the past, if he waved his golden wings with all his strength, he could almost escape tens of miles away. But now, with a full swing, he could escape hundreds of miles away.

Seeing the sea passing by under his feet, Zhang Yang was extremely excited.

Many powerful monsters felt Zhang Yang's breath, and by the time they emerged from the water, Zhang Yang had already escaped far away.

There are some monsters who are good at flying away and want to catch up from behind, but they are pulled away in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Yang recalled that the fastest-moving enemy he had encountered in the past few decades seemed to be the great monk Misha.

The great monk who was good at the law of space had already grasped the art of shrinking the ground into a ruler. However, Zhang Yang clearly remembered that every step the other party took seemed to only cover a distance of tens of miles.

If the other party didn't intend to retain their strength, then Zhang Yang thought that he had already surpassed that great monk Misha in terms of escaping speed. If we confront the enemy in the future, we will not suffer in this regard.

As for the universe in the opponent's sleeve, it is somewhat similar to the Xiaoqian World in the Town Demon Tower. If Zhang Yang is willing, as long as he blows up the Town Demon Tower, he can completely crack it.

Of course, blowing up the Demon Town Tower was just a matter of thought. Zhang Yang would never want to part with this semi-immortal weapon until it was a matter of life and death.

A few days later, Zhang Yang has crossed the Beiming Sea from the extreme northern iceberg to the Human Race Continent.

It is easy to find a big city and start the magic circle teleportation.

Just when Zhang Yang started teleporting in the first magic circle, in just half an hour, Deacon Sikong Dao Zuo received the news.

Sikong Island is powerful. Although it claims to be independent from the Human Race Continent and does not participate in the struggles between various factions, its radiating influence is naturally not small. At the very least, in the cities where the human races gather along the coast, there are monks bought by Sikong Island everywhere.

Given the high status of Deacon Zuo, it is natural that no one dares to neglect the things he ordered.

Deacon Zuo looked at the message on the jade slip in his hand with an incredulous expression on his face.

When he sent the letter back then, his main purpose was to draw attention to King Lai Tian. As for the black hair, he only mentioned it a little bit, and didn't take it too seriously.

Unexpectedly, a year later, Lai Tianwang disappeared, but the black zombie that he chased and killed appeared in the human city.

what does that mean

Deacon Zuo couldn't even imagine it.

Zhang Yang naturally didn't know the surprise of others. Because he was worried about the safety of Dongfu and Maiji Town, Zhang Yang hardly stopped along the way, sending messages one after another on his way.

The further south you go, the more news about the beast horde.

Now, although the peak period of the beast swarm has not yet arrived, small waves of beast swarms often attack the towns around Shiwan Dashan.

There are often news that some settlements such as villages or cities were destroyed by beast hordes.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang found out that Maiji Town was not included in these destroyed cities after some inquiries, so he felt relieved.

After all, he promised Bai Guanshi and others that he would help when the beast horde appeared, and he even said before leaving that he would return after more than a month.

However, it's been a year since I went there, and if Maiji Town is destroyed during this period, it is absolutely inevitable that I will feel guilty.

Maiji Town, teleportation circle.


A burst of blazing light flashed, and Zhang Yang's figure slowly appeared, and walked out of a small teleportation array.

Next to him, a cultivator stationed there immediately showed joy when he saw Zhang Yang, stepped forward and bowed in salute: "I've seen Senior Zhang!"

"Oh? You know the deity?" Zhang Yang asked with a glance.

"Yes, senior. The junior once met the senior from afar in Guiyun Tower. It is because the senior didn't know the junior, but the junior knew the senior." The monk explained respectfully.

"Well! You are waiting for the deity here, but what does your city lord mean?"

"Yes, senior!"

"Okay! I'm going to see him now."

As Zhang Yang said, his figure flashed and disappeared.

The monk was surprised, then immediately took out a jade slip and crushed it to report to the city lord.

After the cup of tea time, the City Lord's Mansion.

Zhang Yang, who was more than eight feet tall, sat in the main seat, while Hao Wu and Bai Guanshi each stood with excited expressions on their faces.

"Congratulations senior, you have been promoted again in a short period of time." Hao Wu and the others were first surprised and then happy when they found out that Zhang Yang had advanced.

Surprised at how fast Zhang Yang advanced. Especially Bai Guanshi, he knew that only fifty or sixty years ago, Zhang Yang was just a little purple-headed.

Now, it has become a high-level black zombie. This kind of advancement speed is extremely rare even if you look at the entire cultivation world.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's strength has increased, and the possibility of them holding Maiji Town has increased a bit.

Zhang Yang waved his hands, expressing the doubts in his heart:

"The beast tide is approaching. I think that Maiji Town is located on the edge of the 100,000 mountains. It should bear the brunt. It should be extremely depressed. Why does the flow of people on the street seem to be several times more prosperous than it was a year ago?"

This is what Zhang Yang saw along the way from the teleportation array to the City Lord's Mansion. He thought that a large number of people would flee and the whole city would be turned into a deserted city, but unexpectedly, the situation turned out to be the opposite of what he had imagined.

"Senior, I don't know that although this beast swarm is a disaster, it is also an opportunity. Usually, many monsters that can only be seen in the middle of the Shiwan Dashan or even the central mountain range have all escaped. If they can be hunted then With a few heads, even a poor casual cultivator can turn himself into a wealthy family. Therefore, many monks took the opportunity to gather in cities near the edge of the Hundred Thousand Great Gods to hunt, and many of them reaped huge rewards. Of course, this is also very risky. Inadvertently, surrounded by a small wave of beasts, no matter how powerful they are, they will only end up falling." Hao Wu Gongsheng explained.

"Oh? So, why didn't Lord Hao organize them to become an important force to defend the city?" Zhang Yang continued to ask.

"The younger generation did think so. However, most of these temporarily gathered monks are rebellious. With the strength of the younger generation, it is really difficult to restrain them. Moreover, these people have their own plans, and they all want to take advantage of this situation. It's an opportunity to make a fortune, and then leave before the beast horde breaks out. It may not be easy to organize them to defend the city." Hao Wu smiled wryly.