Zombie Evolution

Chapter 24: Hunting the Horrific Monitor Lizard (Part 2)



The Lihuo Talisman hit the air and fell to the ground. A rotten leaf and the big badger instantly burned to ashes; the surrounding vegetation also burned due to the heat, and it seemed that there was a momentum of fire.

The sudden counterattack of the terrifying monitor lizard, with its tail lightning like lightning, was unavoidable.


Zhang Yang's body was thrown more than ten meters away, hit a big tree, and bounced to the ground.


Zhang Yang gasped.

Nima! Isn't this big lizard too powerful? It's obvious that you are the one who took the initiative to sneak attack, but why did someone else fall to the ground

Fortunately, the zombie's body is already strong, and after more than a year of uninterrupted tempering by Zhang Yang, it is even more powerful. This time, although embarrassed, he was not injured.


As soon as Zhang Yang hit the ground, his whole body immediately stood up straight.


The terrifying monitor lizard let out a deep roar, and suddenly rushed towards Zhang Yang's position.

It can't see the enemy's figure, but it really feels that it has hit the enemy; moreover, it can clearly capture the position where the enemy hit the tree and fell to the ground.

Knowing the power of the terrifying monitor lizard, Zhang Yang naturally would not choose to confront it head-on, and jumped aside to dodge it.

At the same time, a powerful talisman was shot out, a yellow light flickered, surging power surged, and Zhang Yang felt his strength nearly double in an instant.

During this delay, the terrifying giant lizard has already followed closely. The obese body pressed straight over, the thick forelimbs, and the claws shining with cold light, all showing the terrifying power of the monitor lizard. They pressed down and slapped Zhang Yang's head.


Zhang Yang shouted loudly, and for the first time chose to confront the giant lizard head-on. Lean forward, swing your arms, and hit with all your strength.


When the two hit each other, Zhang Yang's body swayed, holding the blow firmly.

However, with this blow, Zhang Yang also knew the gap between himself and the terrifying monitor lizard.

Now both sides are ready to attack with all their strength, and the results seem to be comparable. However, the most powerful attack of the monstrous monitor lizard is not the front claws, but the tail and wide and wide mouth.

Needless to say, the strong bite force of the teeth of the big mouth, the whipping force of the tail is also several times that of the front paws.

Zhang Yang used the Dali Talisman, which almost doubled the power, which was comparable to the attack power of the front paw of the terrifying monitor lizard. If it were to attack with the tail, Zhang Yang would have no choice but to dodge.

The terrifying monitor lizard felt that his blow was blocked, twisted its body, and immediately followed with its tail.

Zhang Yang was self-aware, so he naturally refused to confront his strongest blow head-on, and jumped to the side to avoid it.

The terrifying monitor lizard pursued closely, and pounced on it again to attack.

Zhang Yang's spiritual sense controlled the situation on the battlefield, either dodging or attacking, the two sides fought together.

There was only a sound of "bang bang bang" in the air.

Zombies are creatures with powerful bodies, but the body of the monstrous monitor lizard is even stronger; in this close-to-hand confrontation, the giant lizard has the upper hand.

Perhaps it was because he was afraid that the invisible "monster" would never be found once it got out of his control. The terrifying monitor lizard looked like a stalker from the very beginning, chasing after him closely, forcing Zhang Yang to wait until he sacrificed the talisman. No.

Zhang Yang secretly groaned in his heart. The original plan was to rely on the advantage of invisibility to sneak attack, and then use a bunch of Lihuo Talismans to directly burn the opponent to death, but I didn't expect that it would lead to the current bad situation of close combat.


When Zhang Yang's body was thrown away by the tail of the terrifying monitor lizard again, and he was chased up again before he had time to dodge, he knew he couldn't go on like this.

After a fight between the two, the tea time passed in a blink of an eye, and the effectiveness of the invisibility talisman on Zhang Yang's body gradually disappeared, and his figure began to show.

The effect of the powerful talisman also gradually dissipated, and Zhang Yang's strength weakened. The disadvantage in the confrontation was even more obvious, almost in a state of dodging in a panic, and more than a dozen large and small holes were torn open by the claws of the terrifying monitor lizard.

However, Zhang Yang's attack was blocked by the thick and rough skin of the monitor lizard, leaving only a few wounds that were so small that they could be ignored.

Seeing that the enemy was that nasty zombie, although the horror monitor lizard's eyes flashed ferociously, its vigilance was lowered a bit, and its attack power was also lowered.

After all, an enemy that can be seen is more reassuring than one that cannot be seen.

Moreover, the terrifying monitor lizard is confident that this zombie is definitely not his opponent.

It was this time for slack, and Zhang Yang felt that the opportunity had come!

With a Lihuo Talisman clasped in his hand, he chanted the spell silently in his heart, and directly slammed his body towards the terrifying monitor lizard.

The terrifying monitor lizard obviously didn't expect that the enemy who had been dodging when it was invisible just now dared to attack head-on after it emerged. Could it be that he felt that he had no hope of escaping, so he wanted to fight to the death

The terrifying monitor lizard thought so, but it shot mercilessly, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed it towards Zhang Yang. This mouthful could almost swallow half of Zhang Yang's body.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang was not surprised but happy, and shouted in his heart:


A yellow light flashed through the mouth of the terrifying monitor lizard, and directly entered its belly.

Time seemed to stand still for a second.

The next moment, "Boom!"

A huge flame ignited in the belly of the terrifying monitor lizard.

Ow! Ow!

The sudden great pain made the terrifying monitor lizard almost lose its mind, its whole body twitched, its claws waved wildly, and its giant tail swept across.

Zhang Yang was ready to retreat when he threw the Lihuo Talisman. However, under the action of inertia, his body still moved towards the terrifying monitor lizard, and immediately entered the dangerous area.


The terrifying monitor lizard's claws tore a big gash in Zhang Yang's chest.

It was followed by another heavy blow from the tail.


Zhang Yang barely raised his arm to block it, and the whole person was thrown tens of meters away like a kite with a broken string, and rolled directly into the bushes in the distance.

He could even hear the sound of his bones being broken inch by inch. When he landed, he was completely limp and unable to stand up.

Under the severe pain, the potential of the terrifying monitor lizard was fully stimulated, and the attack power it released was definitely the only powerful one in its life.

And Zhang Yang was in a hurry, so naturally he couldn't resist.

Fortunately, that Lihuo Talisman is extremely deadly to the terrifying monitor lizard. At this time, there were still bursts of mournful howls coming from the battlefield, as well as the impact of trees and stones being destroyed by huge forces.

The vitality of the terrifying monitor lizard is extremely powerful. However, it was this powerful vitality that brought him even greater pain.

The third-grade Lihuo Talisman was activated in the abdomen, and all internal organs were burned. It was already doomed to die, and the only thing left was the length of struggle.

The miserable howls kept coming from his ears, and Zhang Yang couldn't bear to hear it.

However, his heart soon became firm.

The rules of survival in this comprehension world are extremely cruel—especially for zombies, almost the whole world is an enemy.

Just imagine, if you were the one who was defeated just now, the huge jaws of the terrifying monitor lizard would definitely chew up all your bones—and then spit them out! It is estimated that the giant lizard will not like the taste of zombie meat, it just destroys its own enemies.

What's more, Zhang Yang's situation is not particularly good now.

The final attack of the monstrous monitor lizard was so powerful that the bones of Zhang Yang's arms and spine were almost shattered.

Of course, this is no big deal for a zombie. As long as the terrifying monitor lizard dies, suck its blood essence, or use the Yin Condensation Orb, it can be repaired.

Zhang Yang tried his best to lower his head and took out the Yin Condensation Bead in his arms, and put it in his mouth, preparing to absorb Yin Qi and restore his body.

Beep beep beep!

There was a burst of sound of burning leaves. This was the first time the Li Huo Talisman was thrown and caused a fire, and the fire was getting stronger and stronger.

Zhang Yang gave a wry smile, knowing that the fire should be extinguished first. Otherwise, it would take less than a stick of incense to burn the fire. The yin energy of the fifth-level wandering corpse can't last long in the fire.

Divine consciousness sneaked into the storage bag, and was about to take out the sunflower water talisman, when suddenly, a voice from his ear made him stop.

"We're late!"

"Hmm! This lizard monster hasn't died yet, which means that the other party should have just left."

"Looking at the traces of the fight, the other party should have used the Lihuo Talisman, and it is a human monk. Although this place belongs to the edge of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, ordinary human monks will not come here to make trouble at night. Could it be that the other party is also aiming at that mouth From the spring?"

The word "Yinquan" came to his ears, making Zhang Yang's heart twitch suddenly.

After the battle just now, he has withdrawn his consciousness—after all, releasing his consciousness consumes a huge amount of mental power. Therefore, it was only after the voice of the voice came that they knew someone was coming.

Now the consciousness is released as gently as possible; at the same time, he raised his head slightly, adjusted the angle, and looked out through the gaps in the bushes.