Zombie Evolution

Chapter 280: The Awakening of Innate Supernatural Powers - Avatar Shaping


Because there was no external force to resist, the power of the thunder calamity did not increase this time. However, four thunder balls gradually formed in the sky, like four small suns, and their power was frightening.


Zhang Yang's blood was completely aroused, and he let out a roar.

call out!

With a flash of light, it has been ejected from the deep pit.


Both feet hit the ground heavily.

A pair of blood-red eyes stared at the thunderclouds in the sky, and his face was full of unyielding stubbornness.

"Come on! There is no external force this time! I want to see how powerful your thunder tribulation will be. Can you get me by any means?"

It seems to be in response to Zhang Yang's arrogance.


There was a sound, as if the air was about to be torn apart, and the four balls of light, like a huge sun, smashed down fiercely.

With a move of Zhang Yang's consciousness, two magic weapons were sacrificed at the same time.

At the same time, the two small shields were no pressure to Zhang Yang's powerful consciousness, but the mana in his body was under a huge burden.


boom! boom!

There were two explosions, the two small shields exploded one after another, and fragments of the magic weapon flew in the air.


The magic weapon affected his consciousness, and Zhang Yang, who was already injured, couldn't bear it any longer.

Fortunately, the resistance of the two magic weapons took most of the thunder ball's attack power, and the remaining lightning power did not cause much damage to Zhang Yang's body. The lightning flashed, and Zhang Yang's whole body seemed to be covered with silver snakes. Moving quickly.


Thunder billowed in the sky, and the power of thunder and lightning continued to condense.

The lightning bolts were incomparably thick, and the silver snakes danced wildly, condensing with each other, accumulating strength, and preparing for the next attack.

Thousands of miles away, a blue ray of light was rapidly approaching, feeling the power of the thunder calamity, Luo Fei frowned more and more.

"It's just the black zombie crossing the catastrophe. Why is the power of the thunder catastrophe so great? Even if the talent is awakened, it doesn't seem to be so powerful, right?"

Thinking about it, I was secretly anxious in my heart, and my escape speed became faster and faster.


Another four thunderballs rolled down.

Zhang Yang's spiritual power was fully mobilized, this time it was the three magic weapons.

These three magic weapons have all been used by Zhang Yang, and they were damaged when they resisted the thunder disaster just now, so they should not be taken out if they are not forced to.

However, the thunder calamity came down one after another, and even with Zhang Yang's wealth, the magic weapon began to be exhausted, and the situation was stretched.


bang bang bang!

With the explosive power of thunder and lightning, there were several explosions, and all three magic weapons exploded.


Zhang Yang spat out another mouthful of blood.

I can't remember how many times this is the first time, as long as several magic weapons are damaged at the same time, Zhang Yang will spurt out a mouthful of blood, and the weakness of his breath has dropped to the bottom line.


The thunder calamity in the sky continued to condense.

The resolute expression on Zhang Yang's face also began to waver.

Still not working

I have persisted until now, isn't it still not working

Thunderclouds billowed in the sky, with no sign of ending. But the defensive magic weapons on Zhang Yang's body have long been exhausted, even some offensive magic weapons have been sacrificed, but they still can't stop the powerful thunder and lightning.

With the mobilization of the power of consciousness, more than a dozen streamers of light flickered like meteors all over the sky, and instantly swelled up, but they were more than a dozen shields.

Looking at the aura of these shields, they turned out to be only high-level magic weapons or top-level magic weapons.

At the same time, it is still not a problem for Zhang Yang to envoy more than a dozen magic weapons.

The magic weapon is completely consumed, and there is still a magic weapon.

No matter what, Zhang Yang must grit his teeth and persevere!

persist in! persist in! Until the end of the mountain, until the last moment, never give up.

During the mana output, Zhang Yang only felt the emptiness in his body, which was extremely uncomfortable.

At this time, I can't take care of anything else, and the kung fu is activated, forcibly extracting the power of the flames from the fire of the nine flames. The current Nine Flame Fire's aura is already extremely weak, even the shape of the fire bird has collapsed, and there can only be a flame—a blazing flame, hidden in Zhang Yang's body.

Of course, because it was the flame that Zhang Yang subdued, even if it was so forcibly extracted, the fire of the nine flames did not have the slightest resistance.

As soon as the mana was extracted a little, it was immediately emptied. Due to excessive consumption, Zhang Yang felt that his body was empty, and there was a raw pain, which was very uncomfortable.


Four huge thunderballs dragged their long tails, shining brightly, piercing the entire sky.


bang bang bang...

There was a series of explosions, and a dozen or so instruments were bombarded and exploded by thunderballs just after they were handed over.


The remainder of the lightning force bombarded Zhang Yang on the ground again.

After being injured by the self-explosive force of the Bonechewing Demon King, Zhang Yang suffered another series of blows. His body was covered with scars, especially on the front chest. The wound almost penetrated from top to bottom, exposing the beating internal organs inside. A layer of film is wrapped around it, looking extremely dangerous.

Fortunately, the zombie's recovery ability is extremely strong, and the precious blood essence has not been left much, and it has stopped by itself.

Even if this kind of injury is placed on a human monk, I am afraid it will be a lifetime of death. However, Zhang Yang knew that if he could find a place to recuperate properly, he would have no problem.

The question is, can there be a place for self-cultivation now


In the sky, the power of thunder and lightning continued to condense, and countless electric snakes gathered.

Zhang Yang's complexion was completely ashen, and a cold chill grew in his heart.

Could it be that this time it is really about to fall

tried! Struggling!

But now I feel like I can't hold on anymore. It's not that he doesn't want to work hard, it's not that his desire to survive is not strong...

Rather, the power of Lei Jie has indeed exceeded the range he can bear.

If the mana is sufficient, Zhang Yang can use the Great Calamity Tribulation Technique to divide the power of the thunder ball... If the mana is not enough, but it will not be exhausted, and if there is a magic weapon, Zhang Yang can also use the magic weapon to resist...

No if. The mana was exhausted, the magic weapon was exhausted... Zhang Yang was in despair.

The four thunderballs circled and slammed down on Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was lying in the deep pit, with a movement of consciousness, his mana was exhausted, but he couldn't control even a magic weapon.


Without any obstruction, the four thunderballs hit Zhang Yang head-on. Zhang Yang lay there like a corpse, just looked at raising his arms, struggling for the last time, and was devastated again.

The huge explosive force devastated a large crater hundreds of feet deep on the ground, surrounded by thousands of feet, like a small basin.

And in the center of the basin, Zhang Yang was lying there, his arms had disappeared, and they were all destroyed by the thunder ball and turned into ashes.

The body was pierced with a big hole, and it looked extremely miserable. If it weren't for the eyes that opened and the faint vitality emanating from it, people probably wouldn't think it was a living creature.


In the sky, clouds continue to gather.

Zhang Yang knew that no matter what, he couldn't bear another blow.

it's over! it's all over!

After traveling for decades, plus more than 20 years before traveling, the time to live is almost equal to the longer life of ordinary people. However, after traveling through the decades, most of the time was either in seclusion or in the mountains... Zhang Yang is really not reconciled!

"I don't know if the next thunderbolt will allow me to continue time-traveling. If I time-travel again, I hope I can go back to modern times and become a second-generation X who is awesome! Eat, drink, have fun, have a MM... that's life!"

Zhang Yang murmured.

However, the expected thunder did not fall, and the dense atmosphere in the sky was extremely dense, forming a huge energy.

However, this time the energy is not the power of thunder and lightning, but a strange energy.


There was a soft sound, and the whole world was filled with rhythmic fluctuations.

With the fluctuation of this rhythm, Zhang Yang only felt his mind lighten up, a strange feeling, as if many things suddenly appeared in his mind.

The huge amount of information made his head swell.

At this time, Zhang Yang's powerful spiritual sense played a very crucial role, and he quickly disassembled the information.

An inexplicable feeling, like suddenly understanding many things. Zhang Yang believed that when the blood slave awakened his consciousness, he probably felt the same way.

Innate supernatural powers - shaping clones!

Zhang Yang absorbed the huge amount of information that came suddenly, and felt that there was something more in his mind and body. He knew that he had already mastered a powerful innate supernatural power—shaping avatars!

Shaping a clone, that is to say, I can reshape a clone. The relationship between this clone and the main body is like the left hand and the right hand. They are all under the command of the same soul, and there will never be any bad things Accident.

This is a powerful innate power, which is completely different from the incarnations cultivated by Nascent Soul monsters and even Incarnate monsters.

The strength of the avatar outside the body is generally at least one level weaker than the main body, and once the deity falls, the avatar will also fall with it.

However, the strength of this gifted avatar can surpass that of the deity. Moreover, as long as the soul does not perish, even if the deity dies, the avatar can consume a lot of mana to reshape a deity.

The strength of the avatar with innate supernatural powers can surpass that of the deity. The avatar and the deity practice at the same time. As long as one party breaks through the realm, the other party will lose the threshold and can break through accordingly.

All these information appeared in Zhang Yang's mind instantly.

Zhang Yang burst into ecstasy! There is no more thunder, does it mean that the thunder disaster is over, and I don't have to fall

And, a blessing in disguise!

Talented supernatural powers! I have actually awakened my innate supernatural power, and it is such a heaven-defying kind of innate supernatural power!

Create a clone!

Having a clone is equivalent to having more than one life! As long as the deity and the avatar do not fall at the same time, Zhang Yang will not fall.

As for whether someone will annihilate his soul

Zhang Yang didn't think about this question. With "Taiyin Refining Shape" suppressing the sea of consciousness, what is there to worry about