Zombie Evolution

Chapter 327: war!


Sambo, can we not be so superb!

Why is it "the most respected enemy" if you don't move at any time!

Thinking about Sanbao's attitude towards him, Zhang Yang felt that this was very in line with Sanbao's character. Moreover, it is absolutely true that if there is a master, there must be a servant!

Zhang Yang's throat squirmed and he swallowed. He really wants to say now, treasure, actually I am not very familiar with that old man Fucang, it was just a coincidence that we met in the ruins of the Immortal Mansion. Must kill me

However, such words are of course hard to say.

Zhang Yang cried secretly in his heart, he could only swallow it in his stomach after knocking out his teeth!

Sanbao's attitude became obviously more serious, his eyes were full of blazing light, and the big knife in his hand shone with blazing light, which was extremely hot.


Suddenly, the Fu Cang Sword in Zhang Yang's hand trembled again. This time, without colliding with other immortal artifacts, the Fu Cang Sword flashed brightly on its own initiative.

This is not the cyan light reflected by Zhang Yang's fast dancing, but the purest sword light.

The cyan sword light is several feet long.

Zhang Yang could even feel the excitement emanating from Fu Cangjian.

As if uncontrollable, Fu Cangjian was extremely active, trembling slightly.

Fu Cangjian, alive!

Zhang Yang was pleasantly surprised, feeling the faint confrontation between Fu Cangjian and the big knife in Sanbao's hand, and immediately understood what was going on.

Existences at the level of the Fucang Sword and the big sword in the hands of the Three Treasures all have their own basic wisdom. Of course, this kind of intelligence cannot be compared with human beings, and in some respects it is even inferior to ordinary beasts.

However, they are really their own wisdom.

This can be called the spirit of the instrument - the spirit of the instrument.

It is said that in the fairy world, tool spirits are a very common phenomenon. In the world of comprehension, those who can possess weapon spirits are all magical weapons.

Since Fu Cang and Jiuying are old rivals, it is presumed that these two magical weapons have fought each other more than once. Now, seeing his old enemy showing off his power in front of him, Fu Cangjian immediately didn't dare to be lonely.

Zhang Yang's heart became hot, and he felt that this was definitely a good opportunity, a good opportunity to subdue Fu Cangjian.

While it is active, communicate with it well, if you can get the approval of this sword, maybe you can subdue it in one fell swoop.

"Once upon a time, the Fu Cang sword was the weapon of fame of Senior Fu Cang, and this sword, named the Three Treasures Sword, was the weapon of fame of my master. My master Jiuying seldom used this sword again after he had completed his skills. , So, I gave it to me, and named me the Three Treasures... None of them are disrespectful to Senior Fucang."

Sanbao holds a big knife in his hand, with a fiery expression on his face, and the fighting passion is high.

Under the tremendous pressure, Zhang Yang gradually calmed down. In the face of such a crazy enemy, if you can't go all out, but think about other things indiscriminately, I'm afraid the end will be a dead end.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang Yang, let's go fight! Make a move!"

With a loud cry, Sanbao raised the big knife above his head, and suddenly slashed down fiercely.

Zhang Yang held the long sword hilt with both hands, and the broad sword body shone with a bright light, illuminating the surroundings greenly, looking extremely strange.


Zhang Yang opened his mouth and shouted, and raised his hand.


Fu Cang Sword!

Three Treasure Swords!

The two magic weapons, after countless years, finally collided again.



Amidst the strong tremor, Zhang Yang only felt that the mana in his body seemed to burst through the embankment, pouring madly into the Fucang sword through the hilt.

Zhang Yang's face changed slightly. This Fucang sword is worthy of being a fairy weapon, and the speed at which it consumes mana is more than ten times faster than the state of the Zhenyao Tower's full-speed sacrifice.

And with the infusion of this mana, the light of the Fucang sword became more intense, flickering and jumping, like a nimble long snake.


After a flash of afterimage, Zhang Yang disappeared in place, and appeared behind Sanbao with a teleportation, and the Fucang sword quickly slashed out.


With a flash of white light, the Three Treasure Saber drew an arc and slammed against the Fucang Sword.


After a flash, Zhang Yang disappeared again.

A teleportation appeared on top of Three Treasure's head, Fu Cang sword brought a long blue sword light, extremely powerful, as if going forward indomitable, slashed at Three Treasure from top to bottom.


There was no trace of panic in Sanbao, and the Sanbao knife once again drew an arc, raised it upwards, and blocked Fucangjian's attack again.

Zhang Yang frowned.

He quickly discovered the problem. Under the traction of the celestial machine energy, his teleportation seems to have no effect at all.

No matter which direction he appears in, as soon as he appears, the aura of the immortal weapon will always lock on him, and he can quickly follow.

From this point of view, continuous use of teleportation will not only not put oneself at an advantage, but will more and more put oneself at a disadvantage.

Because using a fairy weapon to attack is extremely mana-consuming, and every attack of a fairy weapon is accompanied by the burning of a lot of mana.

And teleportation also consumes mana.

Two "big oil users", even though Zhang Yang's physique and skills are special, and the mana in his body far exceeds that of monks of the same rank, they will be too much for a long time.

You can no longer use teleport casually!

Zhang Yang made up his mind instantly.


Three Treasures, however, had nothing fancy, relying on his swift speed, he slashed again.

While Zhang Yang raised his giant sword, his eyebrows frowned, and the soul-piercing awl was activated.

A piercing piercing of soul, condensed with spiritual consciousness, pierced directly towards Sambo's forehead like a thin thread.

At the speed of lightning, but seeing Sanbao's head twisted, the soul-piercing awl directly fell red.

Zhang Yang's eyes widened in an instant—is this all right

At the same time, the blazing light of the Three Treasures Saber was already in sight.

Zhang Yang could even feel the trembling of the Three Treasures Saber. Its spirit was full of thirst for blood, which was the passion for killing.

In a hurry, Zhang Yang clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands, raised the Fucang sword, and the huge cyan light greeted him.


A heavy blow, under the huge force, Zhang Yang's body was almost thrown into the air.

Sanbao was unreasonable, seized the opportunity, stepped on the ground with both feet, and his whole body shot up like a streamer.

Zhang Yangren was in the air, knowing that in terms of strength and speed, he was inferior to the Three Treasures of the Transformation Stage, and he would only be more and more vulnerable in successive blows.

Without hesitation, continue to teleport.


The afterimage flashed, and Zhang Yang disappeared instantly.

Strangely, the sword that Sanbao slashed did not have the momentum to stop, and the long blade did not simply attack the afterimage, but surged instantly.


More than five hundred miles away, just as Zhang Yang's figure flashed, he saw a blazing white blade follow.

Zhang Yang's eyes widened instantly.

With the output of mana, the blue light of the Fucang sword in his hand is bright, and it moves outward.


Zhang Yang was ruthlessly devastated by the huge explosion and smashed towards the ground.


The blazing white blade fell, and a huge gully of thousands of kilometers was instantly formed.

It was like an earthquake, earth-shaking.

As for Zhang Yang himself, he was dressed in ragged clothes, with green fluff all over his body, visible to the naked eye, with cracked scars, looking extremely miserable.

Zhang Yang expended a lot of mana and teleported to more than 500 miles away at a time, but he didn't expect that he was still locked by the blade of the Three Treasure Saber, and he ended up in such a miserable situation in a hurry.

This is mainly due to his lack of combat experience and his luck. Knowing that he would be locked by the blade, he still did not hesitate to give it a try at the critical moment.


The figure flashed, and Sanbao followed.

His eyes were cold and firm, expressionless, and the sword was shining brightly. Obviously, Sanbao had no intention of showing mercy.

In his dictionary, the best way to respect an opponent is to kill him with the strongest strength.

call out-

A stream of fiery red light rushed up from the ground, crossed an arc, and headed towards the direction where Zhang Yang was fighting with Three Treasures.

With an anxious expression on his face, the human Zhang Yang pushed his speed to the extreme.

It was Zhang Yang's temporary decision to dispatch two clones.

After some fighting, Zhang Yang discovered that the zombie avatar alone would not be able to deal with Sanbao at all. Moreover, after fighting for a long time, after Sanbao understood many of his methods, the zombie avatar would be in an increasingly disadvantaged position. was eventually killed.

Zhang Yang couldn't afford to lose.

After the last handover, the zombie avatar now has three treasures, the Fucang Sword and the Thousand Soul Banner Solo Ring.

Once the zombie clone is beheaded, it will take a lot of time and a lot of mana to reshape the clone, and even these treasures will be lost.

Moreover, falling into the hands of the Three Treasures is equivalent to falling into the hands of Jiuying, so where is the possibility of taking it back

If the two clones are dispatched, if they are killed at the same time, there is a danger of falling. However, Zhang Yang has a certain degree of confidence. With teleportation and extremely fast escape speed, if he runs away with all his heart, the two clones will definitely be able to escape at least one.

The big deal is to sacrifice the human avatar to support the three treasures, and give the most important treasures to the zombie avatar, so that the zombie avatar can escape with teleportation and golden wings.

Zhang Yang even prepared a retreat for failure.

With a flip of the palm, a large black banner appeared in his hand.

Zhang Yang didn't dare to use the Solo Ring. The Solo Ring is mainly for defense, but it is only a quasi-celestial weapon; while the Three Treasures can unleash the power of the three-treasure saber, a fairy tool.

Zhang Yang didn't dare to take risks, if Solo couldn't guard against the power of the Three Treasure Sword, the result would be disastrous, and Zhang Yang couldn't bear it.

Wan Yao Banner vigorously waved.


A gray-black cloud suddenly swept towards the Three Treasures, the wind swayed, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and each of them was alive with ferocious faces, bared teeth, looming in the gray-black cloud, making it even more ferocious.




Holding a long knife in his hand, Sanbao slashed down against the gray-black mist.

For a moment, the killing intent was full.

The sword shadows all over the sky instantly gathered into one, and with an unstoppable momentum, they slashed directly into the mist.



There were bursts of shrill shouts, and countless living souls melted quickly like clear frost meeting the scorching sun. Even those condensed Nascent Souls ran away under the blazing light of this fairy artifact.

The blazing blade moved forward with indomitable momentum, piercing through the gray-black cloud, and slashed directly at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang's dead soul was terrified, he didn't care about Wan Yao's banner, and raised the Fu Cang sword again.

The cyan sword light was released instantly, and mana poured in crazily.


The sword light and the blade intersect, one is a hasty challenge, and the other is an indomitable momentum, and the victory and defeat will be determined.


Zhang Yang was hit hard again. Although the sword light of the Fucang Sword blocked the main force of the blade, but the countless fine blades cut down, but cut Zhang Yang's body into pieces.

These sword lights were extremely sharp, and Zhang Yang's powerful physical defense was as fragile as tofu dregs in front of them. The deep openings are deep enough to show the bone. Many more pass through the body.

The aftermath of the intersection of swords and swords instantly destroyed the surrounding ground, dust and smoke rose, the world was in chaos, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and a huge basin was formed.

The battlefield is only less than ten thousand miles away from Maiji Town.

The great momentum of the battle shocked all the monks in the city.


The ground shook for a while, and even Maiji Town shook for a while, like an earthquake.

At this moment, even mortals panicked. People took to the streets one after another, and terrified expressions could be seen everywhere.

"What's going on? Is the beast tide attacking the city?"

"It's a monster attacking the city! With such a violent fluctuation, could it be that the protective formation was blown apart?"

"It must be like this! When monsters enter the city, we will all die! We will be eaten by monsters."

"I'm going to die? No! I can't die like this, I'm not married yet! The little girl of the Liu family is nice, whoever rushes over with me will have a good time before dying."

"Let's go! The shopkeeper of Zhao's restaurant is the worst thing. The last time I went in to eat, I actually looked down on me. I thought I was dressed in shabby clothes and refused to let me in. Before I die, I want revenge!"


Soon, the whole Maiji Town went berserk, and some people started killing people on the street, venting their depression; some people saw a woman on the road, no matter how pretty she was, they were pushed down, and they didn't care Is there anyone around who stripped off their clothes and carried their guns into battle? Of course, no one bothered to watch at this time;

All of a sudden, chaos arose, as if the end was approaching, and people were venting at the last moment. The ugliness of human nature is fully exposed.

"Everyone squat down in place and don't move around! Otherwise, shoot and kill!"

"There are no monsters attacking the city, everyone, don't panic!"

The response of the guarding army was also very fast. With the blessing of mana, voices shouted one by one, as if they were directly blasting in everyone's ears.

Most people calmed down quickly when they heard the words. Seeing the monks flying in the sky and the soldiers taking to the streets on the ground, they quickly squatted on the ground as they said.

However, there are also some people with ulterior motives. Not only do they not obey the orders, they yell and shout, intending to make the situation more chaotic. They like to fish in troubled waters.

Of course, such a person will generally end up very miserable.

A flying sword shot down from the sky, the stream of light flashed, and the mortals in the chaos fell down like harvesting wheat.

Limbs and broken bodies flew, and blood flowed all over the ground.

The bloody, wanton killings and bloody examples were before them, and people quickly calmed down.