Zombie Evolution

Chapter 343: God's Monument from Heaven, Evil Ghosts Eternal Town


Ahead, a huge stone tablet fell from the sky.

God's Monument from Heaven, Eternal Town of Evil Ghosts!

The eight big characters shine brightly.

Stretching out his hand to caress the peculiar stone quality of the stele, it does not seem to be ordinary stone, nor is it metal or wood.

The look in Zhang Yang's eyes became more and more strange.

God, don't you bring such a playful person? Did I really guess right

The stone quality and style of this stone tablet looks exactly the same as the stone tablet at the entrance of the ghost cave with the word "ghost cave" engraved on it.

Even the fonts of the above words are exactly the same.

Could it be that after running for so long, I really ran underground at the entrance of the ghost cave

It would be too much of a coincidence to say that there are two stone tablets like this. Moreover, looking at this stone tablet, it just soared into the sky and disappeared into the mist.

With a movement of Zhang Yang's consciousness, the golden wings burst out from behind, waved lightly, and floated down in a whirlwind, Zhang Yang flew up and flew up along the stone tablet.

He wants to find out.

Around this stele, it is very scene, can not see the shadow of those ghosts.

Perhaps, as the stele says, it is "the God's cup from the sky, and the evil spirits will be suppressed forever"

Zhang Yang was still guessing why there were so many ghosts in the depths of the soul abyss—these are real ghosts, not ordinary living souls—but none of them ran out of the soul abyss

There is definitely something wrong with this.

Otherwise, even if the ghosts are greedy for the strong yin energy in the depths of the Soul Abyss, by coincidence, there will always be some who escape, or even escape into the Xuyun Lake.

But, no! None!

Is it really the reason for this stone tablet

While flying away, Zhang Yang explored with his spiritual sense.

Isolated from the consciousness, the internal material cannot be detected.

Qingling's eyes wandered, but the material inside could not be seen.

There wasn't a trace of fluctuation - and there was no yin force overflowing. Obviously, the strong yin energy here was not caused by this stone tablet.

Deeper, there is still a strong yin wind blowing out. Obviously, there is the source of yin energy.

While thinking and probing, Zhang Yang flew away.

After reaching a height of millions of feet, Zhang Yang finally reached the end—not the end of the stele, but the end of space. This is not the sky, but a stone wall.


Thinking of something suddenly, Zhang Yang gasped.

There is a stone wall above the head, so, is there a stone wall in front of it

And what about the left and the back

In this way, isn't it that he is now in a cave that is too huge to imagine

How did this cave form

Zhang Yang had ten thousand questions in his mind.


Zhang Yang reached out and knocked on the stone wall on the top of the cave, and made no sound.

Zhang Yang thought for a moment, then struck hard with his right arm towards the ceiling of the cave.


The imaginary shattering of rocks did not appear, but a flash of light, a huge force bounced back, Zhang Yang's body swayed, twirled in the air, and with a light wave of his wings, he returned to the original place.

Then, attacking the stele again has the same effect.

The attack failed, but there was no overly surprised look in Zhang Yang's eyes.

Everything here looks so weird, especially this strange stone tablet is even more weird. The roof of the cave is protected by a formation and cannot be destroyed. This is nothing more than a normal thing.

Zhang Yang was a little curious, but not to the point where he had to use all his strength and common sense to break through the formation.

Anyway, this formation is only to protect the roof of the cave, and it doesn't hinder him in any way. Relatively speaking, what Zhang Yang is more interested in is the deeper part of this huge cave.

Why is there an uninterrupted yin wind blowing out from the depths of the cave, bringing out such a strong yin energy

Could it be that there is an extremely thick Yin vein inside, even thicker than Yinquan

Zhang Yang's eyes became hot. If that was the case, it would not only mean a strong Yin Qi, but also a huge treasure house.

In a place with such strong Yin Qi, how could there be no treasures with Yin and Cold attributes

As for this stone tablet, seeing it go straight into the cave wall above his head, Zhang Yang is at least eighty-nine percent sure that it is probably integrated with the stone tablet at the entrance of the Ghost Cave.


A golden cloud floated above the head, exuding a blazing light, lightening the surrounding thick fog a bit.

The Master of the Soul Palace squeezed the spells repeatedly, and a huge aura spread out from his body.


The Hall Master of the Soul Palace let out a loud shout.


Thousands of golden lights shot out from the cloud above the head, like thousands of golden needles, directly piercing into the bodies of the surrounding ghosts.


There were shrill screams all around, mixed with the explosion of "Bobo", and a large number of ghosts were wiped out.

But this time, the master of the Soul Palace was obviously struggling, his face was flushed red, and sweat was protruding from his forehead.

"Damn soul abyss, so much yin energy, without a trace of spiritual energy, we can't replenish the mana we consumed. Fortunately, the spell was successfully cast, and those lingering souls were finally killed." Soul Devourer Hall The Lord let out a long breath.

"However, Your Highness, if you use the fairy weapon now and consume your strength prematurely, what will you do if you encounter that kid Zhang Yang?" Naluo frowned, but he was a little pessimistic.

"Hmph! If you don't use the fairy weapon, how will you kill the ghosts around you?" The master of the Soul Devouring Hall rolled his eyes in displeasure.

There was silence, and the atmosphere was a little dull. It seemed that everyone felt the difficulty of the trip.

"Let's go! Although the mountain in front has no aura, but the trend is more suitable for the formation of the Five Elements Concealment. Let's go there to set up the formation and rest for a while. Don't begrudge the spirit stone. Let's go after recovering the mana!"

The master of Soul Hall's eyes flickered, and he pointed to the mountain in front of him and ordered.

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeve robe and put away the golden cloud above his head.

This beautiful cloud turned out to be a fairy artifact.

Standing under the stone tablet, Zhang Yang's eyes fluctuated like a water curtain, and the picture on it flickered, and what was being played was the picture of the Lord of the Soul Palace's attack just now.

"Two deity-transformation monks, three half-step deity-transformation monks, and a nasty stone mandrill... even used the fairy weapon. Hmph! I really think highly of this deity!"

"However, since you have come in, at the right time and place, if the deity allows you to escape, then I will really feel sorry for you."

Zhang Yang was full of murderous aura.

With a flick of the finger, the two small flags disappeared in a flash, disappearing on the ground without a trace.

This kind of small flag was specially refined by Yechen for Zhang Yang. It only has two functions of monitoring and warning. It is easy to refine and consumes less materials. Although the cost is low, the effect is quite good. After they are integrated into the ground, it is difficult for even a cultivator to discover their existence.

After setting up the monitoring means, Zhang Yang stepped forward.

Stepping past the stele, Zhang Yang immediately felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped by a notch, and the difference of one step seemed to be two worlds.

This level of yin energy would kill a mortal in a short time, but Zhang Yang naturally felt extremely comfortable, his whole body opened his mouth wide and swallowed it forcefully.

Zhang Yang even thought that if there was no danger here, he might be able to build a base here in the future, and the effect of practicing here would definitely be very good.

Zhang Yang has never seen what the real Nine Yin Land is like, but he can be sure that the Yin power attribute of the Nine Yin Land is definitely not as good as here.

It is suitable for ghost life, and it is also very suitable for zombie life!

But why are there no zombies here? Zhang Yang felt a little strange.

Immediately after thinking of something, Zhang Yang's eyes lit up.

There are still several bodies stored in his storage ring. If it is safe enough here, he can use the environment here to refine them into zombie puppets... especially the ninth-level Titan giant ape!

Think about the ninth-level titan giant ape, if it is refined into a zombie puppet, what effect will it have


Zhang Yang smiled triumphantly.

Soon, however, his smile stiffened.

As I said just now, this place is so suitable for zombies to survive, how could there be no zombies

If things go wrong, there must be ghosts.

There is definitely something wrong here. It's just that I haven't found out where the problem is yet.

Put away the excitement and become extra cautious.


In the ear, gusts of wind howled, and you could see the wind blowing around like small whirlwinds.

Not far away, a small whirlwind is coming here.

Zhang Yang frowned slightly, he always felt that this little whirlwind seemed to be a little different from the others, spinning more quickly... he couldn't help but pay more attention.

Suddenly, the corner of Zhang Yang's mouth turned up, and he almost exclaimed.

I saw the small whirlwind spinning forward, and a small rock on the ground was kicked by Zhang Yang accidentally. However, the moment the small stone fell into the small whirlwind, it was immediately smashed like a strawberry in a beater, turned into powder, and blown away by the wind.

In the blink of an eye, Little Xuanfeng was in front of Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang thought that his defense was much stronger than that little rock, but he didn't have the courage to try it.

With a movement of consciousness, a teleportation disappeared in place.


The next moment, Zhang Yang's figure flashed, and he appeared tens of feet away, with lingering fear still in his heart.


The small whirlwind blew near the stele, and then gradually dissipated, looking very strange.

"Heaven-falling God Monument, Eternal Town of Evil Ghosts!"

Zhang Yang raised his eyes to look at the eight golden characters on the stele, and then thought about the huge difference between the inside and outside of the stele, and the little whirlwind that disappeared inexplicably, with a thoughtful expression on his face.


The shrill sound of the wind was like howling ghosts, and there were small whirlwinds around.

Two of them blew over strangely.

This time, Zhang Yang dodged ahead of time, and then, with a movement of his consciousness, a flying sword of a high-level magic weapon was sacrificed.

This is just an ordinary flying sword. Zhang Yang didn't recognize its owner, but he could still fly it by controlling it with his spiritual sense.